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Blog Comments posted by ALVIS

  1. I would say I agree with you Omega, except for the fact that I haven't decided whether I want a second developer character. You know cause of Smiley. Then again, I believe we agreed that Smiley would be available in the original game (not DLC). Cause if he isn't I will know who to blame. :burnmad:




    Although, are we going to start trying to gather voices soon? With 2Tie gone we really don't have much orginization. We have a lot of things we need to work on. Like, where is my Lego City concept art! :burnmad:


    Also, someone should find out what happened to Leskows and Celu Krom (formerly benlinus).


    1. What are you glaring at ME for? I'm totally innocent. ^_^


    2. You want organization? I'll give you organization. :evilgrin: Omega, you redo your LEGO City concept art and see if you can recruit more concept artists. Inferno, you try and contact Leskows and Celu. Use your powers of charisma and big puppy eyes to convince them to return to work, and I'll give you a lollipop.


    Now get working.

  2. I would argue that I deserve it, being second-in-command and all, but I don't feel like lording my position over everyone. I just got finished with cross-country and then homework; I don't need a thorough verbal flogging like Omega sometimes gives me.


    (That was a joke.)


    But yeah, I would say that's fair. Anyone who wants two characters can have 'em. Really, it's not our concern; it's just more work for Leskows and 2Tie. XD

  3. Sentimental... I like.


    Big guns... I like.


    Prose format... I like.


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    Chapter 22: Desolate City


    Cutscene: Escaping this Hole


    The last ten seconds felt like an eternity to Smiley. After the implosion of the portal, mutated beasts had swarmed him and Gresh, and they were fierce. Ferocious, indeed, but with all the wit and strategy of trained killers.


    He didn't have the energy to take them all on, and he wasn't sure he could trust Gresh to survive a teleport. The Glatorian was taking quite a beating, and an unsettling trip through inter-dimensional space might push him over the edge. What to do, what to do...


    Suddenly, Smiley came up with an idea. From the fighting habits of these mutants, he could guess that they were Dark Hunters… and if that was true, he could use their former nature against them.


    Without warning, he latched one hand onto a mutant's neck, the other on its gun's trigger, and turned the fighter to face the others. Then he squeezed. When the survivors whirled to see who was attacking, they saw only one of their own with a smoking weapon, and converged on him. After a few moments, it turned into an all-out brawl between two factions of the mutants.


    Smiley, having teleported to Gresh's side after firing the weapon, smiled more broadly as they tore each other apart. It bought him time to steady Gresh's digestive system, create a portal, and escape the pit.


    *insert level: inter-dimensional space. Playable characters: Smiley, Gresh. New enemies: assorted Mutant Rahi. Notes: ends at a portal, all enemies are mutants.*


    Cutscene: Bad Neighborhood


    Smiley and Gresh arrived on the other side of the portal, fully expecting enemies to leap at them. But they were mistaken - a look at the surroundings revealed only a picturesque cityscape.


    But not quite so picturesque as all that, Smiley realized. For a closer look (and listen) revealed two disturbing things:


    One. There were signs of a battle here - scrapes on the buildings, blue blood smeared across the asphalt, and a few broken weapons here and there.


    Two. It was quiet. Deathly quiet.


    As they walked into the center of the city, it got worse. There were no buildings any more - just burning shacks, littered with bodies. A few were still alive, groaning and pleading for help, but Smiley knew from a glance they were beyond help.


    Something came over Gresh's face. After a few minutes, he turned to Smiley and asked:


    "Do you think death hurts?"


    "It depends. Do you mean a death like those poor souls back there?" Smiley replied.


    "Yes. No. I don't know," Gresh said. "Any kind."


    "Well, I'd say it depends on how you died. A natural death is much less painful than a spear being driven into your heart," Smiley said cheerfully. "But if for the right cause… it doesn't matter. That's the most you can ask for in war - to die for something you believe in."


    Gresh considered this, nodding.


    "Of course, you don't have to worry about dying. Not while I'm around," Smiley quickly added.


    "Of course not," Gresh chuckled. "Do you think -"


    The Glatorian stopped speaking. Stopped walking. Smiley had gone a few meters when he turned back to see the green-armored warrior peering around nervously, as if waiting for an attack.


    "What's that for?" Smiley asked.


    "Can't you hear it?" Gresh said, starting to sweat.




    "The clicking," Gresh murmured, "the never-ending clicking…"


    Smiley listened - and indeed, there was a clicking noise, growing ever louder. Mixed with loud buzzing. Ever louder. Ever closer.


    "It's -" Gresh started to say, panic on his face, but he needn't continue. For just then, something blotted out the sky, black masses filling the air. And the clicking was intolerable.


    They were Nui-Rama. Dozens of them. Hundreds. And standing in the middle was one very evil-looking Toa Kualus.


    *insert multiman brawl: Smiley and Gresh vs. 30 Nui-Rama.*


    *insert single-stock brawl: Smiley and Gresh vs. Dark Rahi Trainer (all Rahi).*


    Cutscene: Bigger Guns Nearby


    Kualus screeched with pain - not the sound a Toa would make, but an animalistic utterance. Then he slammed the wormhole device on his belt and disappeared.


    Smiley looked away, trying to rub the image out of his retinas. He was amazed at how confident the Makuta were in their mind control - and how absolute it was.


    Smiley and Gresh set off for one particular building, neither saying much for the rest of the trip. But eventually, Gresh's curiosity got the better of him:


    "Why are we heading for that building, anyway?"


    "I recognize its type," Smiley grunted. "It's a weapons research center. We're going to need much bigger firepower if we'll be breaking into the Makuta's master lab."


    Gresh grinned. "I like the sound of that plan!"


    Smiley grinned, too. It was kind of funny, after all.


    The two ran for the research center with higher spirits than before.


    *STAGE CLEAR reward: None.*


    Oh, by the way - I finally got back to posting stories in the Library. If anyone's interested in checking them out, my library is here.

  4. @ Omega: Mavrah = awesomeness. You're my new best friend.


    Well I have one for the DLC packet with our characters. You play as 2tie's, Inferno's, Talos', and my characters have to fight Angel Bob.


    ...and now you're not. XD


    Oh, and my character's name should be Clockwork Angel. ;)


    Yes that move will appear at first to be an awesome K.O. move, but upon completing it, you will be taken out of the match, automatically losing, and at the score screen you see your character getting pummeled by every other character.


    Actually, maybe that should be the button combo to exit a match. You execute it and "TOPIC CLOSED" flashes across the screen.


    No, seriously, that would be awesome.

  5. Ooookaaaayy....


    Well then, resort to your "random slightly useless ideas" title. You seem to be good at it. XD


    EDIT: Cameo redone.


    Cutscene: Clockwork Angel


    Talos and Pohatu raced through Odina, Talos's built-in fans clearing the smoke and ash before them. All around, Dark Hunters lay dead. Those who weren't were even more pitiful: ripped to shreds and blackened, immobile and trapped in fits of coughing. But not just the air from their lungs came out… so did the interior lining, their lifeblood wires, and assorted sparks. It was horror like Pohatu had never before seen.


    Talos paused, and Pohatu nearly smashed into him. The Toa whirled his gaze around, but saw nothing.


    And then a faint flicker in the air, then a quick flash of a face… and suddenly, a new being stood before them.


    It was like a Toa, but radiated more power. Two huge, birdlike wings extended from its back, and its eyes glowed a pure crimson. Pohatu suppressed a shudder, though; it had no skin. No exterior layer of protodermis to conceal its intricate machinery, the clockwork that made it tick.


    Clockwork?! That system was outdated when the Great Spirit first awakened! Just how old was this creature?!


    "I'm glad to see you survived, Clockwork Angel," Talos said, but there was no joy in his voice - rather disappointment that this wonder was not lying in a twisted pile of steel rods and rusted gears.


    "I walked this universe in the days of Tren Krom, and another world before that," Clockwork Angel whispered. Its voice was harsh and raspy. There was some malice in it, but the overall aura was of tiredness. "It would take more than all the energized protodermis in the universe to defeat me, even temporarily."


    "But the others are not so powerful as yourself," Talos pointed out. "Did they…?"


    Clockwork Angel grinned. "There were no survivors, young one. But the energy… so much energy. Enough energy for me to feast, and I shall not feed again for many centuries."


    "What do you…" Talos began, but the Clockwork Angel flapped its wings and dove into the sky. But rather than take flight, its form shimmered and disappeared… and it was gone.


    "Well, that was a nutcase of a Hunter," Pohatu finally said. "What did he mean, 'in the days of Tren Krom'?"


    "No clue. The angel's language is indecipherable to many," Talos replied. "But he speaks only the truth. Still, we'd better check out the bomb site. The shell might still be there; I could trace it to its source."


    "Let's go, then," Pohatu said.

  6. Actually, I think I'm going to redo my cameo, so as not to be directly copy-pasting a Weeping Angel in here.


    Direct copy and paste? In the rough chapter I did I just made up some crazy humanoid made of stone with wings and then made references with your name, if that is what you think is a direct copy and paste then I just got super lucky.


    Well, technically you didn't, as the Weeping Angels are psychopaths older than time who would never ally with the Dark Hunters in any case... but still. XD


    Chapter rewritten.


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    Chapter 21: Recovery


    Cutscene: The Hunter Awakes


    Pohatu sighed. It seemed like an eternity to him since Talos had collapsed. It didn't help that the Hunters seemed to be in a Toa-hunting mood. He had to duck out of sight every time one strolled by. Eventually, he snapped.


    "For Mata Nui's sake, wake up already!" he yelled. "Onua is still trapped on that alien planet and so far all you've done is sleep!"


    Suddenly, Talos's eyes flickered open and he leapt up, causing Pohatu to yelp in fright.


    "Mata Nui! You could have given me a warning," the Toa wheezed.


    Ignoring him, Talos plucked the strange device he'd given Onua from Pohatu's belt.


    "Hey-!" the Toa began, but stopped as Talos began to fiddle with the dials.


    "With a slight recalibration…" the Dark Hunter muttered, turning the knob until the small screen flashed "LAST LOCATION", "we can open a portal right back to…"


    There was a thunderous boom, and the two were unceremoniously thrown onto a prison cell floor.


    "What in the--?!" Onua yelled, but quickly recognized Pohatu.


    "Brother… is it truly you? Not some mockery of Makuta's?" the Toa of Earth whispered.


    "It is I," Pohatu grinned. "So far, our rescue mission seems to be going pretty smoothly."


    "Break these shackles," Onua grimaced. "They're blocking my elemental powers."


    Talos obliged. He then proceeded to kick down the heavy door, crushing a Skrall platoon on the other side.


    "Let's get out of here," Talos said. "The wormhole device needs time to charge, so we've got to get to a calm place and wait."


    "That's what my cell was until a few minutes ago when you broke the door," Onua said.


    "I don't need your commentary," the Dark Hunter snarled. "Let's go."


    *insert level: Prison. Playable characters: Onua, Pohatu, Talos. New enemies: Skrall warden.*


    Cutscene: Escape from Atero


    The three hurtled out of the ruined city, a newly-made wall of rubble keeping the enemies at bay.


    "I think we lost them," Talos panted once they'd covered an enormous amount of ground. He began to examine the mutation bomb and the wormhole device.


    "If I can wire these together…" he muttered.


    "Why? What will that do?" Pohatu asked.


    "Nuke all the bad guys and make a pretty pony for us all to play with," Talos replied sarcastically. "No, it'll just figure out where these bombs come from and open a portal to that location. Give it time, though…. arrgh, stupid system's not compatible! Looks like I'll have to do it the hard way…"


    A portal snapped open, and a squadron of guards fell out. "There they are!" one cried.


    "Ugh…" Pohatu grimaced.


    "You're telling me?" Onua said.


    "Hold them off!" Talos commanded.


    "Yeah, we were thinking about doing that," Pohatu snapped back.


    *insert multilane brawl. Playable characters: Onua, Pohatu.*


    Cutscene: Escape


    "That's it!" Talos cried, and a portal split the air in front of the heroes.


    "Don't let them escape!" a maddened Skrall shrieked, but they had already disappeared and the portal closed behind them.


    *STAGE CLEARED reward: None.*

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