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Blog Comments posted by ALVIS

  1. Since Shadix has no Story Section, I'll post this here. Since Talos hasn't been around for a while, I took the liberty of continuing the Pohatu-Onua subplot, entering the Desert of Sorrows (no, not the Voya Nui one).


    Chapter 9: Desert of Sorrows


    Cutscene: Atero


    Onua squinted his eyes against the sun.


    “I don't know how your Po-Matoran stand it,” he grunted. “It's so hot out here in the light!”


    “Maybe that's because we're in a desert,” Pohatu chuckled. “Still, it's not Po-Wahi... that's for sure.”


    “Hmm. Certainly not Po-Wahi,” Onua nodded, “for Po-Wahi was never strewn with ruins.”


    “What?” Pohatu asked, following Onua's gaze. Indeed, at the Toa of Earth's feet rested a cracked stone structure, with writing engraved in it.


    “That's no language that I know of, but I seem to be able to read it,” Onua continued. “It says, 'A'...'T'... 'E', 'R', 'O'. What's 'ATERO'?”


    “Dunno,” Pohatu shrugged. “Let's look around... see if there are any clues.”


    They searched for a few minutes, burning in the red-hot sun. Suddenly, Onua gave a cry of shock.


    “What is it, brother?” Pohatu asked, running to Onua's side. The Toa of Earth was staring down at something thin and bleached-white. With a surge of nausea, Pohatu recognized it as a skeleton.


    “What kind of a skeleton is this?” he asked. “The proportions are all wrong... it's not a Matoran, it's definitely shaped more like a Toa. Well, Lewa or Tahu, that is. But it's the wrong size... and it's got nostrils, like some sort of Rahi...”


    “It's an alien,” Onua grunted. “That's the only solution. We're on another world, and we're in the middle of a dead desert.”


    Pohatu looked around. Indeed, the air was stale, the sand too scratchy, and the sun too ferocious. The rocks were sinister... ruins were scattered everywhere, the ruins of a city... and so were the alien skeletons.


    “What happened here?” Pohatu asked.


    “How should I know?” Onua frowned. “But if I catch up with the alien monster that did this...”


    “Good for you,” a gruff voice said from behind them, “you just did.”


    Cutscene: Lord of the Skrall


    Both Toa whirled, to see a tall, black-armored being, wielding a broadsword and shield. Some crude launcher was strapped to his belt, and there were flashes of green in his scratched, rusted armor.


    “Makuta?!” Pohatu bellowed. “What are you doing here?”


    The being laughed – a horrible, rasping sound. “I am not the Lord of Shadows, Toa fools. I am only his servant... but one to be feared. For I am the mighty Tuma, , last of the Skrall Lords, and leader of the Rock Tribe!”


    “Well, I am Pohatu, Kolhii Champion of Po-Koro, Toa guardian of Mata Nui, and wielder of Stone!” the brown Toa bellowed.


    “And I am Onua, Wisest of the Toa, wielder of Earth,” the black Toa said. “You would be wise not to challenge us. We have bested your master, and we shall again!”


    “The Makuta has not met you,” Tuma frowned. “He knows of you, for sure – your are two of the Toa Mata, a fabled Toa Team sworn to protect his weakling brother, Mata Nui. But he has never fought you. You have not woken, for you are not needed.”


    Onua was confused – a happening unheard of until now. “How do you know of the Makuta, anyway?” he asked. “And why are we unneeded? Even now, Mata Nui lies in slumber, struck down by the Makuta himself. It is our sworn destiny to awaken him, the Great Spirit, and you stand in our way. Prepare to be cast aside.”


    “Good luck with that,” Tuma sneered, tensing for battle.


    *insert standard brawl: Pohatu and Onua versus Tuma in a two-stock battle.*


    Cutscene: Tuma's Escape


    The Skrall Lord staggered back, wounded from Onua's savage attack. Pohatu charged forth to strike at him, but the ebon-armored titan simply sneered and raised a curious device in his hand. With the press of a button, he had disappeared from the scene, leaving Pohatu to smash headlong into a boulder.


    “Oof,” the Toa of Stone grunted, collapsing into the sand. “Now where's he gotten to? Is this some trick of Makuta's?”


    “I think not,” Onua frowned, “more like alien technology. But let us continue onwards; it is vital to right the wrongs here and return to the island of Mata Nui.”


    *insert level: The Desert. New enemies: Vorox, Zesk, Sand Bat (miniboss). Oh, and how's this for music?*


    *no ending cutscene*


    *STAGE CLEAR reward: none*

  2. Tikiturbo, Silver the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedghog, Tylerax Toa of Awesome, NovekOfTheRebellion, ~Aero~, Kopaka Thorn if my memory serves, and a host of other people were beta testers. Honestly, Shadix, would it kill you to look through the original topic? :uhuh: Now we'll have to PM them all in order to notify them of this place's existence.

  3. No, no, I have to finish The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood (EDIT: AND Vincent and the Doctor, The Lodger, and all those other episodes I appear to have missed) first! Don't tell me anything! :begging:


    But, erm, in the meantime, theory commencing:


    Err, the Pandorica probably contains the end of the universe or something, and a bunch of The Doctor's greatest friends and foes will reappear, and he'll somehow save the day when it's all over... right?

  4. Nicely said, ~~Zarkan~~. :)


    Anyways, Greg, I heartily agree. A book would be nothing without a satisfying conclusion and explanation behind all the events. I love it when everything falls into place after or during the climax, and while that wasn't exactly the format BIONICLE used, it was still a great moment when Mata Nui's location was revealed. I don't know why people would complain about the story team actually explaining the world of BIONICLE - I can see why they might gripe about a few details like Makuta's true name, but not the Big Picture. So, thanks for revealing the mystery bit by bit in a really great way. :)

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