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Posts posted by Tattorack

  1. I will drain my energy directly from food, I never really intended to suck the life out of people. I'm an artist, not a mathematician :P I think the police would be more concerned to see me walking around wearing a big freaky mask, pressing my face up against store windows, to be honest. It's not a perfect plan but I'd love to try


    I'd preffer to eat the food, so wouldn't the mask of teleportation or somekind of mask of duplication fit theintended job better?

  2. That was...a........ sad chapter.

    The interaction between Koronga and Voskoa was done really well.


    There's one thing I don't quite understand; didn't the Great Beings start building giant robots after the core war? (to fly around and find a solution).


    Art note: I'm currently concentrating on my comic, so I wont be doing the Karzahni until needed. If you need anything before that, feel free to ask ;)

  3. Great, thanks. :)


    I was thinking that the effects would be applied only to the bar itself, as a sort of texture. It's therefore not necessary to freeze the entire HUD over, and it does not need to be animated. I can just move the texture a bit with code if needed.

    Ok, so thats one healthbar, one elemantalbar, one maskbar, one weaponbar and one armourbar?

    I also need to know the ideal dimensions.


    Obviously too big, and things need changing should anyone be intrested, but like I said; concept.

    The zig-zag hexagon patterns may be a bit too much, but I like the style of that third one. Would it be possible to do something similar with the bars in a few different layouts?


    Sure, no problem! I can also make a frozen version of it (for when the guy is frozen) but I'm not so sure about fire, do you need it animated?

    Also, I need dimensions, how many pixels long and wide would be ideal for each bar? Should I make one empty version of the life bar along with a full version or is just an empty one good enough? How many pixels between the small dividers? (the ones that measure 20hp).

  5. I'm guessing and hoping it's an April fools joke. I can't eve makes out what mine is

    I think it's part of April Fools. It's also insanely hilarous and I wish this would remain optional in the future. Oh well. ;-;



    Come to think of it, it could be that yeah.

    My spinny changed again XD

  6. So, I logged on today and noticed a radical change to all the spinnies around BZPower.

    Instead of Kanohi and helmets there are Lego bricks, minifig-head or small construction thingummies.

    Except for me.

    Apparently I somehow got infected by a Krata or something XD

    (edit: scratch that, my infected Hau now turned into a kind of black... thingy).


    So whats thechangeover for? I didn't see anything about it on the fron page, so why?

  7. The shiny effect might be a bit out of place, but it'll be optional. Apart from that I tried making a slanted rectangle bar, but while it looked more "technical" it also looked kinda meh. I honestly just kinda threw together an updated version of the current bars (rounded rectangle tool, lol) and that's it. If anyone have suggestions for a better interface, I'm open for suggestions.

    Hmmmm.... I'll think of something and post it up.

    Not like the HUD is a big problem, don't get the wrong drift ^^

  8. To be honest, the destruction of the Bohrok-Kal scared me silly. I had recently joined the Lego Club magazine that year, so I officially "started" paying attention to BIONICLE during the time of the Kal. To see all of them just literally being torn apart or crushed completely and so suddenly, it freaked me out lol though I was a lot younger then haha...


    And the defeat of the Bohrok-Kal seemed really reasonable to me, I don't remember anything about them being defeated with Unity. Weren't they defeated by overloading each Cube with every bit of that Toa's power? And I'm with Iron-Man5 on how scary it was, some of those deaths were just... *shudders*. Nuhvok-Kal folded in on itself and became a tiny black hole, Pahrak-Kal was melted by its own power, Gahlok-Kal got crushed by flying Exo-Toa debris, Tahnok-Kal was just frozen in place by lightning and I assume electrocuted, and Kohrak-Kal went mad from the sheer noise inside its head and then crumbled to dust. Those are some hardcore ways to go, CA Hapka had quite the imagination. Lehvak-Kal flying into orbit was just funny, though :P


    "They did not live as we understand life so they cannot die"

    -Toa Kopaka Nuva


    And I've considered the kal "deaths" possably the most awesome in Bionicle ever :P


    I'm trying to think of something I was dissappointed in about the Bohrok, but the only thing that comes to mind is that the Kal didn't get the same amount of face-time as the regular bohrok...

  9. Gays do have a particular speech pattern, and this often consists of their pitch aswell. There is an entire field called Lavendar Linguistics, which deals with research into it.

    I was wrong to say Takanuva sounded gay just because of his pitch, the tone in his voice sounded gay to me. He was flamboyant. The pitch is probably less important than his general speech.


    Well, sort off.But you must REEEEAAAAALLLYYYYY pay attention to recognise the speach patterns.

    George Cloony, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Leonardo DiCaprio are all either homosexual or bisexual (despite they've taken wives) and I cannot really see anysolid speach pattern differances...


    I have no problem or intolerance with gays at all, I'm trying to explain why I made the connection with Takanuva in the film, and I simply said this damaged my ability to connect with the film, because he was different in the film to how I had imagined him based on the rest of the Bionicle media.


    Noted. I was also thrown off by the childlike voices ofthe Matorans (in particularly Takua and Jaller), but calling it gay because of the pitch is considered stereotyping and doesn't sit well with most people.


    They didn't have to be inert, Greg could have made it so they could reproduce. They don't need extra resources if they can live off the land.

    I know the matoran are workers inside Mata Nui's body which are replenished when they die, I understand how it works, I just think Bionicle could have still been interesting based on biological beings on a natural island. As I understood it, matoran were biological at creation, most simply chose to have mechanical parts added. I might be mistaking them for Agori, however.

    I would have preferred the tribal beings with mechanical implants storyline to the massive robot machine in space storyline, but we all like Bionicle as a whole, so everyone wins. :)


    Greg isn't the original inventor of Bionicle. In fact, there was an entire team set upand that team came up with the idea together :P

    Also, the whole working idea behind Bionicle was the unexpected thing of having biomechanical things in a totally orgnic setting. It was unexpected and the main reason why Bionicle was succesful to begin with.

    About reproduction, it would only be logical that if you create something to be the drone within a bigger thing with limited amounts of spaceyou'd not give them the ability to reproduce to avoid overpopulation. On top of that, a Matoran could live well over 100,000 years and its only goal in life, its Destiny is to be that drone working inside a giant space fairing robot, so there is no time for them to raise children.

  10. Wow, I've been here for about 2 days, and I've gotten band-waggoned against because I said I find it difficult to connect with a gay in a film.


    Has everything. High pitches sound gay. Takanuva sounded gay. Gays often have high pitched voices, which is why Takanuva sounded gay; high pitched voice. This is a simple observation.


    It's dumb that I don't like high pitched, gay voices? Why, going by your logic, you are discriminating against those of a lower intellect by suggesting that my opinion which you found negative was comparable to "dumb". Also, that was blatant flaming.





    Good sir please do show what statistic explains high pitch = gay.


    Well, my own voice is fairly high-pitched, so I guess that makes me gay.


    Yep, apparently now it does :D


    This legit bothered me. If you lot are so attached to your nostalgia you want to find ways to justify it then that's fine, but this is an obvious weak point in the story. If the robot is as tall as earth, Spherus Magnus must be ridiculously big.



    Nothing to do with nostalgia of Bionicle.

    Sci-Fi has been having things like thatfor ages.

    And like I said before, fold-space and pocket dimesnion are mathametical possabilities in Quantum physics.


    I get that now based on how other people have explained it, or atleast a bit more, but I still think it's unneccessary. Regardless of how early Greg planned the GSU, I would have preferred Mata Nui be a completely natural island in a natural world... that would have been so cool. The Red Star itself though seems like a cheat out of characters dying as they would in real life.. I know the story behind it, of it not working and stuff.


    So, then explain to us how else you sustain a biomechanical species of lifeforms that have no reproductive capabilities and without having to add any resources?

    Recycling sounds like the best option any day.


    The way the Bohrok were defeated was like magic, the message seems to have been "teamwork".

    It reminds me of the old pokemon film where Ash dies and all the pokemon cry and bring him back. It's that cheesy.


    "Unity, Duty, Destiny", notice the "Unity" part of the main Bionicle theme? (I don't believe they were talking about a web player).

    Also, if you don't want a story with "magic" in it you've come to the wrong place. There are characters that can do load of things with just willpower alone.

    The very act of summoning an element can be considered magic. (And to quote one of Arthur C. Clarke's laws, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.").

    Besides, it was their power on those stones, an extension of themselves. No, it is them now. Its like have a third arm not directly attached to your body. It would be rather... lame... that you would be able to control that third arm.

  11. Aww I liked Zaria personally. I was so into the new Toa they introduced, which was why I wasn't too happy when they left the story hanging like that. So much potential...


    Me too. More the "left hanging" part than the "Zaria" part though.


    The Bionicle Stars sets.




    Tahu is kinda cool...

    Everyone else though...

  12. When I download the zip, it unzips into a new zip file which then unzips into the original zip file, and so on and so forth. Is it because I am using a mac?

    You'll only find a windows executable in there.

    Yes, sometimes Mac treats it like a compressed file (depending what unzipprogram you use).

    If you want to play this game I suggest you get WineHelper from Darwine. Or get an app that can make bottles for windows programs.

    Or even better; Parallels Desktop.

  13. Bah, I think he's just so insecure about his own masculinity (though probably not his sexuality) that if someone's voice isn't "manly" enough, he can't see them being straight... now we're getting into a different topic altogether, but in any case, it is a pretty dumb thing to say.


    Agreed. And lets leave it at that before the subject runs off in three differant directions.


    Actually, Zaria did, but who really cares about Zaria? He was barely a character by the time the story ended. :P


    And who gives half a Tarakava toenail about him!?

    ....... I do, thanks for mentioning because I forgot that part about Zaria :D

  14. Mata Nui was my favorite storyline arc, as I believe it was for most people, and destroying it was downright offensive. In fact, I refuse to accept it as canon.


    Why shouldn't it be? It wasn't Mata Nui anymore, it was Teridax. And besides, its not like the inhabitants didn't have anywhere to got to afterwards.

    And with Bara Magna back to Spherus Magna the whole robot thing would've been absolute. Either way, destroyed or not, I'd like to think the Matorans would use the robot(s) to rebuild their lives on Spherus Magna.


    The Bohrok Kal were defeated badly I think, it seemed cheesy and.... Disney. It all built up to that point, then the Toa just focus their energy? How about no.


    I really do not see how you can compair an ending of Disney with the defeat of th Kal.

    The Bohrok are very alien in nature and anatomy compaired to anything else from Spherus or the MU, so they had to be defeated in a very differant way.

    I thought that the whole "powerless Toa that are supposed to be more powerful than a regular Toa reduced to helplessly bystand while doom works its hand" scenario pretty enticing.


    Bionicle: The Legend Reborn was horrible too. It didn't follow the same design as the first three films, the sounds were cheesy, it was cheesy in it's physics and alleged humour, and they all had Americanised voices. The film and story was too quick, and it barely made sense, despite how simple it was in essence.


    It was... differant, yeah. More akin to what Hero Factory is now.

    The opinion on that is extremely varied.


    The whole ending of Bionicle was ridiculously quick for such an epic storyline.


    The first thing I fully agree on.

    Bionicle should've left with a bang so great that anybody who knew a slightest smidgen about it would be going back for seconds.

    Instead, we got a sort-of whimper...


    The idea of all the different islands being housed inside a robot was pretty bad. It doesn't make sense according to the laws of physics, and it also means the planet the robot stands on must be absolutely massive.


    Tell that to whoever owns a TARDIS :P

    For all we know the inside of a giant robot could be a pocket dimension in its own or a fold-space. (both things mathematical possabilities in Quantum physics ;) ).


    Takanuva's voice in The Mask of Light also bothered me, it was too high, and while I don't mean to hate on gay people, it made it much harder for me to connect with the character.


    Myeah, all Matoran voices were immature and childlike in the movies. Made it hard to believe that Jaller was a gaurd captain and basically the millitary chief on Mata Nui Island and that Takua was an adventure veteran...

    But what does it have to do with homosexuality?


    The Red Star seems silly to me, if someone is dead, they're dead, also it never seemed properly explained to me. The fact that Toa such as Nikila were supposedly "revived on the red star never to come back" seems disrespectful to me, just a cop out of saying they're actually dead. I mean, what sort of existence is it, shooting lightning bolts every now and then? I don't understrand the red star at all, it can't literally be a star, because if the Toa Nuva teleported there once, they couldn't teleport into the middle of a blazing ball of gases. So is it mechanical, like a death star? They never expained it properly, and for that, I think the Red Star was rubbish.


    That was the Red Star's purpos, the regeneration of lost units inside the MU. Wich is the solution to a later expendable worker race without any methode or capabilities of reproduction or procreation (unlike Agori and Glatorians).

    But, like with most things the Great Beings came up with, it went wrong/defective.

    The only reason why it was called the Red Star was that it looked like one in the night sky for the Matorans on the Mata Nui Island. It doesn't imply that its an actual ball of spinning plasma,in fact, its extremely smaller than one. Its not like stuff like this has never been used before, look at the Photon Torpeodo in Star Trek.


    On topic, other people have mentioned "The Legend of Mata Nui". Is the beta available for download anywhere, as I hear it was distributed in the Toa Mata canisters in limited amounts?


    As this thread points out, there are a lot of issues and problemssurrounding that.

    Basically the answer is "no".


    All the different Makuta, over one hundred of them, what? ONE Makuta took several Toa teams and several story arcs to defeat, but the other 99 are defeated by a few Toa in the space between Voya Nui and Spherus Magnus? How can 99 Makuta be so much weaker than Teridax?


    If I remember correctly, the remainder of Makuta where ultimatly destroyed when Teridax rose to power.

    All the other Makuta deaths were either because of conflicts amongst the ranks or back-stabbing.

    No Toa ever killed a Makuta.

  15. They probably do. But remember, Spherus Magna is a ginormous planet, and the account makes it sound like they were traveling on foot.


    What I was thinking... well... besides riding some animals.


    Theory: Since this being could very well be on a time loop, and thereby timeless - this could be a "we have met the enemy and he is us!" moment - our main character is the enemy.

    Also interesting is the "vision overlay" thing going on with the maze, etc. It's more than memory - something is up with this Matoran.


    Star Trek: The Next Generation, All Good Things... (final episode of the series) :P

  16. One of my friends showed me this a while ago and it got me super stoked. I'm really excited to finally have the opportunity to really explore Mata Nui. I just hope the project doesn't run out of steam before they finish!

    Well, if I remember correctly they've been busy for over a year (or two?) and still running quite strong.

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