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Posts posted by Tattorack


    Actually you'd need an entire suit!

    Us Humans wont be able to use them Kanohi directly, but we could build some high-tech (Stark? XD) suit that can transfer/utilize Kanohi power.

    I see what you did there... ;) then you'd use the mask of illusions to make it appear that you're a normal dude on a normal day when actually... you're more or less a living weapon xD


    Makuta beware! omething totally unexpected will be politely knocking on your door!


    Matatu, Jedi Powers for me! I'd be the best Football, Soccer, Baseball Player ever, not to mention not having to get out of bed to turn off the light switch.

    A golden Kanohi fusion of the Matatu, the Komau, the Elda, the Suletu, the Rode and the Kanohi of Psychometry would come closer to true and proper force powers.



    I always thought that if I had an Olmak I could find a universe that BIONICLE was real, then I'd collect all the different masks of power and then take them back home with me, and use them here lol literally making myself a superhero haha ;)

    Yeah, that would be great!

    You'd first need to swap out your head for one that is Kanohi compatible though XD


    Haha funny... it shouldn't be too hard to use them, all you'd have to do is alter them to make sure they stay on your face, you don't necessarily need the magnetic part of it all lol


    Actually you'd need an entire suit!

    Us Humans wont be able to use them Kanohi directly, but we could build some high-tech (Stark? XD) suit that can transfer/utilize Kanohi power.

  3. I like the head sculpt, especially how the back end of the head was made. It's reminiscent of many alien designs :) The neck joint, however, seems kind of awkward as I assume there is a slight lack of motion (looking down). Why not stick with gold armour for the back? That'd flow with the front armour (though I believe there isn't a gold rakshi back piece, is there?).


    How naming it after your Display name? (I want a cookie!)

    Nope, no golden Rahkshi parts unfortunately. Plus, those are the only Takanuva generation gold parts I have.

    The neck joint was the best I could do without making an ugly lump from the upper body (with the Rahkshi body and all).


    Hah, I wish. Something sounding a lot like "Tattorack" already exsists in the Bionicle universe, I believe it has a "H" in place of one of the "T"'s (a complete coincedence so accurate I'm wondering where the story team got their name from XD )

  4. Ok, this is now the bazillionth character I make from this species out of Bionicle, and they still don't have a name (a free, uh.... a free E-Cookie for anybody who can think of a name ^^ ).

    As per usual, this character isn't stricty meant to be associated in any way with Bionicle. It is just made from Bionicle bits (the plastic ones, that is).

    Enjoy ^^




    Additional images (ones with differant lighting too):





    • Upvote 1
  5. Wow, Makuta station posts aside, this puts in perspective the amount of places never visited before by Lego! (outside serials of course).


    I agree with JAG18 here, while there are some obvious land masses, it would be handy to have included the names.

  6. Quite a few people were close fans of Bionicle, actually, and since Hero Factory was it's direct replacement, it makes a lot of sense that some people (myself included) wish that it could be discontinued in order to allow the start of a new constraction line similar to Bionicle.


    Well, I was open and willing to give Hero Factory a good chance. Hey, all stories end right? I was hoping they'd used some advice/examples from Bionicle to improve even further.

    • Upvote 1

    Actually the big reason that guys don't like hero factory is because it replaced Bionicle plus hero factory for mi it has a dumb plot its all about heroes like hey theirs a villain out then go and get him. and it has for me a dumb cartoon.

    As a fair warning, you might want to consider rephrasing your criticisms of Hero Factory; though I don't doubt that you meant well, you might offend a few fans of the series who are on these forums.



    Apparently we already have by commenting on its lack of creativity...


    A Kanohi? As in, a single Kanohi? I want a Suva, dangit!


    Really, the travel-based ones would probably be the most practical to have in reality...so I'd probably want either a Kadin or an Olmak, or possibly a Kakama or Kualsi.

    Though I wouldn't say no to a Calix or Sanok, either.

    I'm honestly a little surprised most people are picking travel powers over telekinesis. Sure, you can get from point A to point B but I'd rather have telekinesis to do things at point A. You could also use it to build and control vehicles too. :P


    Hey! I said I wanted telekinesis! Gimme! :evilbiggrin:

  9. I have built w/ HF sets and found they follow a basic design. First a skeleton which is identical in almost every set except the xl ones. Next, appallingly simple armor pieces which vary in size a little bit and in color depending on the set. Finally individual weapons that are not creative, but they do give the sets a uniqueness. It is virtually impossible to build a unique moc with HF parts. With bionicle, we were given the ability to make custom limbs relatively easily as demonstrated with many of the Dark Hunter MOCs from the Dark Hunters book. HF parts are incredibly uniform and lack the uniqueness that bionicle parts give MOCers. You can make MOCs with HF parts, but they never are very unique. Me and my friends have tinkered with HF sets from every year except this one and have failed to produce a decent MOC that doesn't look like a rearranged hero. We have produced unique MOCs using the villain sets from rise of the rookies and trial by fire however, but most of those sets used many bionicle parts.


    Thank you! Its what I've been trying to say the whole time.

    Good to see I'm not the only one who has experianced it.


    I'm not quite sure why you are so defensive about the HF theme, when it clearly is failing. Back when bionicle ended I didn't set a very high personal standard to compare the next theme to. I did this because I knew bionicle would be a tough act to follow. It was after all legos 2nd most popular theme, and legos most popular non-liscensed theme. My expectation for hero factory was not that high, but what lego gave us was just pathetic. Lego essentially created the haters of HF. First they end an incredibly popular theme, next they follow it up with a theme that isn't even half as good. I didn't expect another theme as popular as bionicle, but lego could have at least tried to produce a good theme. Instead we get sloppy sets, sloppy story, and a corny tv show. That just about sums up the frustration most bionicle fans have. I'm not mad a lego for replacing bionicle (all good things must come to an end after all), I'm mad at lego for replacing it with garbage. I used to try and see the good in hero factory, but I've given up on trying since the theme has just gotten progressively worse.


    Me too. After all, all good things come to an end. And there I was hoping they'd have taken the best elements from Bionicle as example to set the standards for quality and story for the next technic figure set.

    Well bummer to that....

    • Upvote 1

    Can I just say, kudos to those silver Bohrok-Kal hand pieces. They're my oldest pieces yet they're also the least broken and suffered the least from loss of friction. I've found though that not only do the ball joint thingies break, but the top of the cross socket thing also has a nasty habit of snapping off. About 70% of all my hand parts have suffered from this, greatly reducing my MOC skills.

    I don't know if it's just that particular silver plastic, but mine have survived as well and are still doing a great job. If it proves anything, it's that years and years down the line the Bohrok-Kal are still tough to beat :P


    I got blacl, white, dark green, and blue parts from 2002 and 2003 that work as stiff as ever and don't have a scratch on them ^^

  11. There are actually lots of ways to integrate Technic with Hero Factory. Pretty much all of the larger torso and limb beams have Technic pin holes, and Y-joints with Technic axle holes are still around as an easy way to attach axles to a part with any sort of ball joint. Many of the most recent Hero Factory sets use Technic quite well, like Dragon Bolt with its flapping-wings function or Evo XL Machine with its gear-driven waist articulation.


    Compaire to Bionicle? Not impressed.

    Slyzers didn't have good costumizability, then they too a step forward and we had Bionicle. Now they took a step back again.


    You can still make tons of things with LEGO Hero Factory parts. Here's a walker and container handler I built with the pieces of a single $15 Hero Factory set, here's a walking tank my brother built with a single $25 Hero Factory set (note the heavy use of Technic), and here's a crab-shaped mech we created by combining the pieces of both sets. Venturing into sillier territory, here's Unikitty's Chicken Walker.


    Not seeing any costum limbs...


    Creatures? You can make those, too, like my Geiger Tiger, dog, or Mantis Drone. In fact, I have lots of fun trying to build creatures from Hero Factory parts — perhaps even more fun than I've ever had trying to do the same with BIONICLE, though that's not to say I was never successful building a BIONICLE creature MOC.


    Again, beside the point.

    I cannot make a costum body with technic bits when I buy a bunch of HF because they hardly come along with any. Only titans come around with a few more than usual.

    Yet in Bionicle I buy a Titan set and its largely made out of all sorts of technics. A Toa had its own fair share of technics.


    Totally unique warriors? I've made several. One of my first was 4-ward 4-ce, which I created for a raffle on Eurobricks forums. Totally unique, but not terribly complex and ambitious. Last year I really buckled down when it came to creating Hero Factory MOCs. Check out Caitlyn Gauss XL, my largest model, Kit Martello and Joey Falcione, female and male heroes with coordinated designs, and Koboldon, a monstrous mutant with a giant radioactive claw. On a smaller scale, there's Poison Dart, a female villain with a unique armor design, Triceratoid, a creature with an elaborate leg structure, and this hero my twin brother and I built (here mislabeled as Breez — I assumed it was a Breez revamp due to the color scheme, but he later told me that was not the case).


    Nope, none of them (with the exception of Gauss XL) are unique.

    They don't have costum legs (legs made from parts put together in a unique designe that doesn't come prefabricated out of the box) just use the HF heads and helmets as the heads and generally all use the same skeleton as a normal HF would (not like a body made from technics to make a body shape that already exsists prefabricated).


    6 year olds cannot easily make something out of a whole bunch of technics without making a mess off things, so Lego has toned it down so much that everything just basically clicks together without the need of any real figuring out, and thus also limiting the amount of possible outcomes (example, the upper legs of the Giant Warrior from Cph look almost the same as the ones from you giant). For me that's bringing it down to the stupid level, for my 7 year old brother that is bringing it down to the boring level.

  12. Of course I hate HeroFactory first (but not foremost) because it replaced Bionicle.

    But I was open to and willing to give it a chance... then I saw the first episode... I thought "ok, this has potential".

    I didn't come near episodes for a while, then I decided "well alright, lets look at one again" and it wasn't better... actually more of the same with cheesier bad guys.

    Now I decided to look at it for one last time and I saw it had gone even worse and even more shallow. The Creeps from the Deep (oops <_< ) episode felt litteraly like an extended commercial.

    So it didn't contain any cheesy bad guys, or bad guys at all actually, but the episode celebrated the genocide of an entire hostile-when-in-danger species!


    The building mechanic of HeroFactory is in my opinion lazy. Very lazy.

    I was in Denmark in a Lego shop and they had these "build your own hero" bins next to the "build a costum minifig" bins.

    So I decided to try some... and got frustrated that after 20 minutes the only thing I'd managed to build with the HeroFactory parts was only... more HeroFactory!

    The whole bloody thing basically is sticking armour in differant combos to a skeleton, and without actually using any Bionicle parts (not even other technic parts because there was nowhere to put those) I would not be able to.. say for instance, make a mechanical looking tiger, or a walkertank-like thing, or just a totally unique warrior.


    Fishers, I think he was suggesting that each of the Toa had different powers in their golden Kanohi. For example, one could have a Crast, Zatth, Faxon, Rode, Mohtrek, and Calix, while another could have a Hau, Kakama, Miru, etc.

    Yes, but given that the Toa Nuva's Golden Kanohi merged together to make an entirely different mask, wouldn't "different powered Golden Kanohi" do as well? Granted, it wouldn't the Masks of Wisdom or Valor, but it would still be a single-powered mask. Albeit ridiculously OP.


    Ooooh, this leaves room open for imagination!

    Come on guys! Lets think of all sorts of Kaita mask powers!

    • Upvote 2


    As for the second style of ball cup, it is only more reinforced in that it does not flex as much due to the lack of slots on the side. This is by most accounts a bad thing, since while it made unbroken joints slightly firmer, the slots relieved stress and the lack of them meant that the new versions tended to break more through ordinary use. The new style from Hero Factory (and the earlier style from Ben 10 limbs) also lacks slots but Lego had the good sense to significantly thicken the ends of the cup so that they would no longer crack.

    Here's wishing they'd done that a little sooner <_<


    Well, you know what they say — hindsight is 20/20. I imagine part of the reason the LEGO Group held off on thickening the ends of the ball cup is that they wanted the holes on the sides of the ball cup to fit a Technic pin or axle. That's not possible with the new Hero Factory Y-joints or other parts with the current style of ball cup. Nor is it possible with the ball cups in the Ben 10 sets, which were similarly reinforced but still had flat ends like the BIONICLE and Hero Factory ball cups between 2008 and 2010.


    But.. what was the problem keeping the older type sockets?? I wouldn't dare putting an axel through 2008 type parts; tried it once on a perfectly good piece and the part litteraly burst appart there!


    I know your pain. This has kept me from MOCing with any of the newer parts from 2008+. Its a shame.,..

    Those are unfortunately the majority of the socket parts I have...

  15. As for the second style of ball cup, it is only more reinforced in that it does not flex as much due to the lack of slots on the side. This is by most accounts a bad thing, since while it made unbroken joints slightly firmer, the slots relieved stress and the lack of them meant that the new versions tended to break more through ordinary use. The new style from Hero Factory (and the earlier style from Ben 10 limbs) also lacks slots but Lego had the good sense to significantly thicken the ends of the cup so that they would no longer crack.


    Here's wishing they'd done that a little sooner <_<

    • Upvote 1
  16. Well, now we know where Strakk gets it from...

    I considered there would've been a whole bunch of years of political wrangling before the lords started throwing threats at eachother.

    But I suppose the Lords are also very eager to try their powers out on... somebody.


    Where did you get the image of the EP Entity?? I never knew there was an official description of it.

    Gosh... been missing out some...


    Pre-2006 are made of a kind of more oily plastic.

    I have the sense that the older parts are softer or more "pasty" somehow in my fingers.

    The newer Bionicle parts felt "dead", they are very unmoving and quite brittle. "Stronger" parts is complete nonsense, they're thinner at the parts where the ball goes in.

    The plastic formulation never changed in the way you described or to the degree you described.


    Not true, both plastics burn differantly.

    (Tested with a candle and a part that broke off a black newer piece, and one older part that had a pretty solid impact during an accident).


    I noticed it more once they switched over to the smoothed-over concave parts, instead of the ones with visible grooves.

    Meaning, a change from this style:



    To this style:


    And it was a change for the worse.

    I really do not understand how the new piece can be considered more reenforced...

  18. Pre-2006 are made of a kind of more oily plastic.

    I have the sense that the older parts are softer or more "pasty" somehow in my fingers.

    The newer Bionicle parts felt "dead", they are very unmoving and quite brittle. "Stronger" parts is complete nonsense, they're thinner at the parts where the ball goes in.

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