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Posts posted by Tattorack

  1. I like this style. It's extremely stylized and exaggerated, but it's also got character to it. Something about it reminds me of Samurai Jack.


    Samurai Jack always reminded me of Bionicle XD

    In particular, MNOG and the Online Animations.



    Why are you all (sans Lucina, since she's supporting the new style) hating on the art style? Would you rather have nothing? It looks awesome, too!

    I like it, but the overview of Okoto is meh. No Slizer-borders, please



    Yeah, its basically Mata Nui with borders... hope its just for the preview...


    Well, there goes 10 years of story down the drain :/


    I know >.<



    Just in case anybody missed it, here is a picture from NYCC showing how the new mask-heads/faces look like:



    Clip on, like many guessed, wich I find very interesting.

    Aso, it appears to be using the same eye piece that came in 2004.

    Totally not backwards compatible though, wich I find a major bummer...


    is it ok for me to post this?




    A guy on flickr is at NYCC for preview night and took a few pictures of upcoming promo displays, and Bionicle was one of them.


    Remember that joke about the repeated exposure of the Mask of Creation I made a while back? (I can't find the post). I said that I had inside information on the BIONICLE booth and that we would, long story short, just see more and more mask of Creation material. I predicted it, and I was right! :P



    I did too! No fair taking all the glory for yourself!


    Yeah, but did you predict that it would have glorious molten protodermis lava?


    Uh.... yes..... yes I totally did...

    Like... I so totally predicted that...



    Something nice people may not yet be aware of,



  3. Figured it out:  it was because I didn't give the game permissions to run; my system makes sure I won't run any unknown, conspicuous files unless I edit their properties.  But it works, and I'll try to get some critique up later.  But, is there any way I could possibly get more involved in the development?


    Great you solved it ^^

    yeah, its mostly those little things lurking in corners that sometimes get you stomped.


    As for involvement, do you happen to know anything about scripting in Java?

    We could really need help with that because so far Specs is the only one doing all the Java Script XD

  4. Oh. For some reason, the game gave me the option of using joystick controls. I just went along and tried it out. Keyboard controls seem to work, considering that they're simple (as pointed out by NickonAquaMagna). Overall, I'd say the default controls are alright. I'll just have to just myself to them. :P




    Yeah, thats default Unity.

    If I'm correct, Unity has by default the ability to change settings pre-game, like the resolution and such.

    Choosing joystick/controller option also belongs to that, but that doesn't mean the game was made with those in mind.


    Glad you're liking it so far :D

    • Upvote 1
  5. So far, so good. There is a bit of concern on the joystick controls, however. While I had decent time with the keyboard controls (first time I've ever used it for gaming, to be honest), I have had a bit of trouble with configuring the controllers for my Xbox 360 controller. Specifically, the horizontal and vertical movement. I've been having trouble assigning them to the control/analog sticks, and they're kinda... wonky. I had no problem with configuring the jump and fire buttons, but the movement is the real problem. I'm not sure if it's because of the type of controller I have, or if it's something in the program, or if it's just me being stupid.  :???:


    Part of me also wants to note the lack of camera control and a sprint button (which turned out to be "Shift" for the keyboard) for controller too, but I'm pretty those would be difficult to implement into the system, so I'll ignore that for now. Overall, for my first time using the keyboard, I haven't had much trouble surprisingly. Hopefully, other controller-users won't have a hard time adapting to the keyboard. Still, I suppose part of me is a tad-bit nervous on using it in combat. O_o


    PS: I know it might be a bit too late to say this, but if you need any (story) writers, I might be able to join the bandwagon. I'm a bit more knowledgeable about the Matoran Universe than Mata Nui, but I have the BIONICLE Chronicle books, reprints of the Mata Nui-ear comics, and ye olde internet.


    Technically the game isn't made with controllers in mind.

    I don't believe any of us developing the game actually have computer attachable controllers.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Bootleggers have poor plastic quality? impossible!


    after all, their robots are INVINCIBLE. :U



    but anyway, yeah. pretty sure they reverse-mold lego bits and, like, alter some slightly if they choose to. then they fill the molds with terrible terrible plastics of varying colors.


    Expect that to get better once 3D printing becomes more affordable for mass production.


    Guys... Guys. Please... Less quote boxes. My iPod hates them.


    I was going to say something similar, but in place of "iPod" I would've placed "eyes". XD

  7. uuughh... so caught up with modelling MNOG3D that I missed out a lot here!

    Well, to answer a few posts a page or two back...


    I am really confused as to how people think the MNOG was inspired/similar to anime. Sure, the characters blushed and the backgrounds changed sometimes to represent quick movement but generally that is visible in almost all the cartoons I've seen. It has a fun aspect among its character while still retaining a serious plot, but again that's not what makes it similar to an anime.


    I don't watch/read anime or manga usually but for me what tells them apart for me is Japanese influence and art style. The only one of these we have gotten is Japanese influence in the form of one word (Okotu), which isn't even really influenced by Japan but simply sounds somewhat Japanese.


    And I don't see why Lego would specifically go out of their way to make a line they're bringing back manga/anime inspired for literally no reason. It won't be significantly more appealing and will just randomly change the theme to be something completely different (something people are already complaining about). The only line that got the "anime" treatment was Exo Force and that was because the whole idea of it was based around it being manga/anime inspired.


    Wait, what? Besides a few borrowed expression thingies there isn't the slightest relation with MNOG, MNOGII and the webisodes to Anime or Manga.

    I really don't see why people think its Anime o_o


    and even the snot nose bubble to denote sleeping,


    So THAT is what those things are.

    I always wondered...

    Now I'm wondering what the logic is behind growing a snot bubble when sleeping.

    I'll throw it on the same pile where wondering about the logic of tap-bleeding noses when seeing something arousing is thrown on.


    What if the Bionicle TV show was done entirely in the exact same style as MNOG? Would anybody be able to complain?


    Heck yeah I certainly would!

    All it needs is voice acting and smoother animation and waazah! Awesome!


    would the voice actors from the mask of light come back for a T.V. show?


    Oh gods please no!

    Onua sounded stupid.

    And the Matorans... particularly Jaller (I mean... he was a guy that saw three wars and is captain of the Ta Koro guard and can call up the entire island as an army under his command when needed... and he sounds like an 8 year old... )

  8. So this is looking marvelous so far. Simply fantastic as far as an early WIP goes. I tested it on Fantastic, screen res: 1366x768(my monitor resolution) and it seemed to work fairly well, some slight lagging, mostly while falling or being in the water, but otherwise pretty good.


    Just a few things I noticed as I was playing through earlier:

    • Hahli's Kaukau is mostly invisible from behind.
    • Jumping on a moving lift/elevator/thing causes you to fall through the elevator, landing in the water
    • Water movement seems, off. Trying to swim up can result in your character hitting what seems to be an invisible barrier at seemingly random spots in the water, making movement(not to mention the act of getting out of the water) difficult and potentially frustrating(though now that I think on it, it may somehow be due to lag... may investigate further)
    • Some of the lily-pads seem to be floating on top of each other, no really laying on top of each other

    Of course, all these things are to be expected with a first release, so no real worries and I will let you program at your own pace. 'Cause this is your game and you certainly do seem to know what you're doing.


    Also, I love how the Ussal crabs and the fish look, and the dialogue with Hahli and Jaller made my evening. The fact that there are several things set up that look like they will become the start of several quests has me practically shaking with anticipation.


    Long story short, some minor issues so far, but overall it looks like a very solid start!


    1- Yes, the Kaukau is invisible from the back because it has no backface shading. Some other things in the game still require that too (ie: the roof of the Kolhii field gate).

    2- I have that too. It has nothing to do with hitting up on something. I have lag too when playing the game and have the exact same problem. Its simply caused by lag. Hopefully that will change once we get some LODS set up. Also, Specs is looking into generally improving swimming.

    3- Even I didn't notice that XD

    • Upvote 1
  9. Is there going to be like a quest thing, like the Crystals from MNOG 2 ? Also there are going to be any method of transportation ? Walking and seeing stuff is cool, but one of the biggest problems with MNOG 2 was travelling to places on foot. Hahli was really slow.


    Btw I assume you guys are already developing a MNOG 4 that takes places in Metru Nui ?


    If you noticed, there's an Ussalry and a Gukkory, on top of that, boats. Those will be your modes of transportation in-game. ;)


    Metru Nui? Isn't that going a little quick right now? ^^;

    We aren't even halfway this one


    You know, this would be awesome as an Oculus Rift project...now if I only had one. :P


    -Gata signoff.png


    I can't believe I hadn't thought of that. You are right, that would be amazing!




    Sure thing!

    Anybody mind borrowing their Oculus Rift to us? Along with dev kit?

    We'll get one ready in no time, I'm sure XD


    I was enjoying this priceless moment in the game, reminiscing over my childhood an' all that, and then... whoops!

    At one point, I almost swore, but... I didn't finish, and it's so muffled I think we can let it slide. Still... just felt like sharing something funny.


    Full preview video coming tomorrow.


    Ah yeah that, heh heh heh XD

    There's actually a reason for that wich will be implemented later, or so Specs told me.

    Wont say what it is though, don't want to spoil anything.

    • Upvote 1

    You kept falling in the water!?! XD

    Not funny! Basically any movement in a straight line plunges the character into the water, so I have to auto-correct the movement with the --> key to stay on the surface. If not done perfectly, I fall into the water again, get disoriented, and have to work my way out of it. Fun, that not be.


    (It doesn't help that I start facing a solid wall and have to back out of it using down and SPLASH! :lol:)


    I turned the sensitivity way down, which helped a little bit, but I'm still having annoyances.


    Its not a shooter game you know, there aren't enemies lurking in every corner (yet).


    Holding down spacebar just makes you go up.

    When you reach out of the water, the spacebar acts as jump, hence the bouncing.

    I know this. I played MNOGs 1 and 2. I also read the controls menu for this one. :P


    As for weird window sizes, tried playing it out of fullscreen mode?

    Change up the resolution, 1600x900 may not work well for you.

    If you tried it in windowed mode before fullscreen, try it now in full.

    I can try this, yes, but I much prefer windowed mode, for reasons. For one thing, it makes printscreens easier.


    No,seriously, you have to be playing it like Call of Duty to keep falling in the water :lol-sign:

    Relax man. Walk like... like you're walking to your friends at the bar on a Jamaican beach.


    Also, am I right in assuming that Kuki happened to spot a Time Lord?


    I think you're the first one to catch the reference ;)

  12. I just tried it. It was really annoying because my character kept falling into the water, which really put a dent in my enjoyment - I wanted to talk to the Matoran. :(


    Once I got in the water, it was really hard to get out of it - I hit the space bar, etc, and I floated up, but I got this weird glitch where my character was bouncing on the "water" area and I had to find a lily pad to stabilize me. (Otherwise I sink down again.)


    The window sizes are also funky - right now playing in a window is a real pain. I have a 1280 X 720 screen, and the top buttons (min, max, close) get cut off.


    Aside from that...nice work. I like the Matoran dialogues and the huts - reminded me of the original MNOG, and I liked the mysterious hut below the waves...I want to explore that further. Your elevators are really cool - like the elevator music. I see what you did with Hahli and Jaller. :P I also like the cool platforms underwater, but can't help but wish they led somewhere. :)


    It's a pretty good art piece, but I can't help but feel the lack of a solid gameplay at this stage. That's ok - this is a ridiculous amount of work you've put in already - if the gameplay is as good as your models, you'll have a winner. 




    You kept falling in the water!?! XD

    Its not a shooter game you know, there aren't enemies lurking in every corner (yet).


    Holding down spacebar just makes you go up.

    When you reach out of the water, the spacebar acts as jump, hence the bouncing.


    As for weird window sizes, tried playing it out of fullscreen mode?

    Change up the resolution, 1600x900 may not work well for you.

    If you tried it in windowed mode before fullscreen, try it now in full.

    • Upvote 1

    Ok it's in the first post. Let me know if it works!



    Unfortunately, it doesn't.


    Do you know what the problem seems to be?


    Unfortunately the answer is simple.

    Linux and Unity don't go well together.

    I suggest getting Wine installed and trying the windows version.




    Well, you haven't destroyed your Mac yet, so there's one problem.


    No, but seriously though, I have no idea.


    Hey! Macs are great machines!


    I know, I'd say they're better than Windows. The only problem is that nothing works on them.



    Really? Since when? XD






    Thanks for the Mac download - this is amazing!

    I'm glad that it works!



    Well, it sure doesn't work for my Mac. It just sits there, bouncing on my "dock" until I force quit the program.


    Am I doing something wrong?



    What do the logs say? (you can access logs in the utilities folder in the apps folder).

    Also, it could be helpful to know what version of OSX you're using.



    You're gonna have to be more specific than that. I see nothing labeled "logs" in that folder... do you mean Disk Utility logs or something?


    I'm running on OSX Lion 10.7.5.






    Thanks for the Mac download - this is amazing!

    I'm glad that it works!



    Well, it sure doesn't work for my Mac. It just sits there, bouncing on my "dock" until I force quit the program.


    Am I doing something wrong?



    What do the logs say? (you can access logs in the utilities folder in the apps folder).

    Also, it could be helpful to know what version of OSX you're using.



    Well, you haven't destroyed your Mac yet, so there's one problem.


    No, but seriously though, I have no idea.


    Hey! Macs are great machines!

  16. I love it. I just spent the last half hour or so squeeing and snickering at everything like a little kid.


    I went over every nook and crazy of the village I could, talked to everyone I saw. I love that you meet Matoran from ALL of the villages in the opening area of the game, and the dialog is great. Just reading it aloud to myself was part of the fun, just like back in the day when playing the first MNOG for the first time. The little nods to all of the "crazy" things to come in later years only made it better.


    I got stuck at Nokama's hut, though. There's no door. I assume that's just something we'll have to wait for, right?


    Well, for this first part of the package, it's everything I could've hoped for. Ga Koro is HUGE and surprisingly complex. There's just so much to do here, so many places to go. It's all very well designed.


    Of course, I couldn't resist the urge to climb to the highest part of the village I could, and cannonball into the water. I love that the Matoran's arms flail around as he's falling.


    Wow. pretty intense!

    If it brings back memories from the original MNOG series then I guess we're well on the right track!


    Like climbing the tallest of Ga Koro hey?

    Ok, well here's a challenge for you; get to the top of the telescope behind Nixie's hut!

  17. With NYCC just a few days away what do you think we're gonna find out there, I believe we'll see at least one set image and also some story details, I'm also guessing it will be announced as a reboot. 


    I'm sure its everything we're not allowed to talk about right now.

    In particular that thing I'm not mentioning.



    I don't have a Facebook.




    What? Blasphemy?


    I actually managed to get a free ticket to Comic Con for Friday. Anyone know if the panel will still be there?


    H-how.... how did you....... I mean... you.... how.........


  18. I seriously do not understand this "head canon" business at all.

    Why follow a story, just to ignore it and make your own thing from it.

    Whats the point in that at all?


    I follow Bionicle because I love Bionicle. That means I love it for what it is.

    I can understand fans make "head canon" to explain things to make better sense of loop holes or things that are generally left unexplained.

    I cannot consider somebody a true fan of something if that person is just changing the story to suite him/her better.

    • Upvote 2
  19. I have no idea why so many people are announcing they're going to look at the leaked images. Good for you I guess? You're kinda like the people who were telling Greg their plans to pirate The Legend Reborn. Why do you feel the need to announce your questionable activities?


    Because the world needs to know!! Don't you understand!?!?!?!??


    This is where I've always felt BZP has shot itself in the foot with it's support of LEGO and evidently control over it as well...

    It's unfortunate that a place for fans of the series can not find or discuss these things here, since it is the biggest Bionicle community after all. 


    And people will continue to seek these things out especially when posts like this are made to make everyone aware that leaked images are among the interwebs. And they're really really easy to find too... Which ironically does the opposite for LEGO when they enforce things like this. Maybe invest in some better security LEGO? Then you don't look like a bad guy and end up creating a win-win out of the situation. ;)


    Well... there's always Reddit... or Imgur... or Facebook... or twitter... or anyplace really.

    Its the very reason that BZPower is the official forum for Lego Bionicle (now including things like Hero Factory and Chima and such) that it needs a no leak policy.

    No matter how grating and itchy it might become XD


    By the way, am I the only one that gets reminded of Death from Discworld every time Hapori Tohu posts?

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