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Everything posted by JMSOG

  1. a techno band called Dark Materia made a song called "the picard song", and posted it on the internet somewhere. what's cool is that the only talking is from clips on TNG. "captain...jean-luc-pi-card of-the uss...ent-er-prise..." "captain...jean-luc-pi-card of-the uss...ent-er-prise..."
  2. 1:scotty's middle finger is missing on his right hand. this can be best seen when he pics up the food bag in star trek 5. 2:"Just Dance" apparently has the sound of a romulan torpedo somewhere in it.
  3. anyway, i just got myself some chips.
  4. this apparently doesn't merit a topic, but a lot of people on BZP eat snacks while they post. so, consider this a topic: what are you eating right now? me, right now, i'm drinking water
  5. ...alright. this, i really like alright. set in stone, this is what we're doing.
  6. alright.i was watching some AFV. there was a commercial...are you ready for this?...i saw a commercial for a weird, lever grip thingy to make turning a doorknob easier. alright, think about that. people have gotten so lazy that they think TURNING A DOORKNOB is dificult. wow.
  7. now, i need on opinion with this. if the general agreemen"yes", i'll proobably handle most of it. now, going to have a colony return home requires a lot of space. one starship, carrying all those colonists? unrealistic. now, there ARE, however, evacuation ships (or something along those lines) in existance. What if, the Nova-class ship is just the head of a small fleet? what if, we make it like DS9, in the sense where we have a load of characters that aren't main characters, but reacur a lot? each ship would have, like, 4 characters: a captain, a first officer, a navigater, and a helmsman. whenever more crew is needed, they would be called from the nova-class ship. now, my idea is to have maybe an extra 5-6 ships. What does everyone think?
  8. JMSOG

    Weird Al Live

    i think it's gonna be called "weird". but i don't know for sure.
  9. I just remembered this: last year, i ordered the Kaxium, Baranus, Thornatus, and Skopio all at once, online. Once i ordered, i waited a few days, then i camped out on the front porch, reading comic books. 3 days later, when they came, i ran accross the yard, letting off war yells, and hugged the UPS guy. wooooow, that must have been an odd day for him
  10. well, reading the ticket, i don't believe i am aloud to say exactly what i saw, or have legal problems against me. but, i believe i am aloud to say these things: 1:I have weird al's hair when he was in the 80s, so i punched out the lenses in some sunglasses and made a fake moustache to look like him 2: He made a video during the concert, so there is currently a video somewhere on the internet called "weird al shreds". i saw it, you can't see me, but still... 3: there might be a weird al movie this summer pay attention to the last one, it's the biggy
  11. JMSOG

    Starship Name

    I can't, for the following reason: both ships already exist. i must admit, both ideas have come to mind
  12. i'm gonna see weird al live tonight B)
  13. JMSOG

    Starship Name

    ...USS Borealis is from Half-Life?
  14. NO! don't disilusion me, i'm happy
  15. i bought the Rickroll video off of itunes. now i can rickroll whoever i want. yah B)
  16. Well, we gotta have a name for the starship no current endate for the entries, just post ideas you have for starship names. CURRENT IDEAS: USS Italy USS Cameron USS Borealis USS Bujold USS Liberus USS Squishy (not sure about this one ) USS Aristrole USS Celsius USS Atlantis USS Hemingway USS Stilwater USS Mont Blanc USS Lincoln USS Savior USS New Jersey USS Ahl USS Mauchly-Eckert USS Solstice USS Pulsar
  17. hmmm...well, cause of conflicting data, i prefer not make the comics or books canon. but, maybe we can make up a class of ships that was charting wherever colony 5 is located... Why not say "some things from the books and comics are canon, but only if I say they are?" I think it would be easier to recycle the Luna class deep space explorer and say "while this particular starship is canon, it does not mean that any events from the Star Trek: Titan book series are canon", rather than invent a new class of deep space explorer that would basically be the same as the Luna, but without any of the events that happened in ST: Titan. In other words, the ship would be pretty much the same, it would just be the name that's different. that makes sense about having the classes from them and it stops the issue of canon. Alright...from this point out, the series Star Trek Titan is non-canon, but the luna class is.
  18. This Guy bought premier membership. apparently, a lifetime subscription. but, this guy has NOT POSTED ONCE. i'm kinda lost for words on this one
  19. This is always how it is whenever i post ypu know you're jealous of my multitasking abilities.
  20. i just got rickrolled
  21. i don't know the band, but has anyone heard the song "love story"? i swear, it's following me. first, i here it on the radio over and over on my dad's radio. next, i hear it over and over here on the radio. next, i hear it at a barbershop. next, i hear it at cedar point. next, i hear it at a camping supply store. next, i hear it at a horse riding supply store (i don't ride horses, but my mom does.) and, through all of this i hear it in 20-30 other places, that i can't remember right now. i mean, really. it's !@#$%^& following me.
  22. there are monthy fees!?!?! alright, i'm out
  23. i know what's happening. i apparently got a PM that i never saw, so yah but, i'm not putting the settings there. reason: i'm on here about 50% of the day.if something happens, i'm gonna be able to get rid of it relatively quickly. also, if someone posts in an earlier entry, i won't know to check for it. should someone comment, it'll show up in the "last comments" thing so, there are my reasons.
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