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~Sol de Medianoche~

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Status Updates posted by ~Sol de Medianoche~

  1. Also, ASDFGHJKL;

    Your birthday. I missed it. D=

  2. Hmmm? Oh, you mean that line of ninjutsu behind me here? Yes, I notified my fellow villains of your role as a spy, so they've come to take you away now. They're quite prompt.

  3. Can I just say that your banner looks really flippin' cool?

  4. ...I think I did that wrong, but whatever. XD

  5. Happy birthday! 8D 8D

  6. Also, I didn't know that anybody still bothered to read all the way through my interests. XD

  7. Interesting. Ah, what is it exactly?

  8. Heya Zar, where you been? Haven't seen you around much lately.

  9. Eh, bored, but well. As usual. :P

  10. Yeah, I just randomly chose an age there. XD

    At last, someone who understands! :P

  11. I'm... Heliomancer. Just Heliomancer. *Can't think of a cool introduction* =P

  12. What Midnight Sun were you thinking of? =P

  13. Well, that's still pretty cool. ^^ Have you ever posted any art on BZP?

  14. Hey, welcome to BZPower. =D

  15. I think you used the wrong link. :P

    Anyhow, according to Alex, this is set in yet another reality. We can use the same characters, but at the same time they'll be different people from the ones in the previous RPGs. I was planning to start off with Catlin and maybe a new character too.


    Grah. Guess we're even. Happy even more belated birthday to you. =P

  17. Your avatar (avatars?) fascninates me. =P

  18. ...I don't think I'm allowed to say. XD

  19. Eh, I thought it was s'posed to be four lines and a banner... But I know nothing. =P

  20. Alex disapeared, so we're doing a side-story with an alternate Steven trying to take over our universe.

    At most, you'd only have to read 1 1/2 pages to be all caught up.

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