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Blog Comments posted by ~kh

  1. The mods are understandably busy with their own lives, jobs, schools and hobbies. That's why they depend on us to report stuff to them. Pohuaks isn't monitoring every single topic for something that breaks the rules, he just acts on big notices such as large flame wars while leaving stuff like this to be reported.



  2. Reason for edit: we are not a cult. -S

    Oh, I think what Philbert meant was a "cult following". In that context, it means a small group of people devoted to something, like how Earthbound or Galidor have "cults". It's not like you're a religion or anything like that, it just means that you have a very small but devoted fanbase, which describes you guys to the tee. Of course, you're much smaller than the Earthbound cult, but the definition still works.



  3. alitor_vergande_resized.jpg

    I tried to draw his body, but this was as far as I got. If I complete it further, I'll just update the image.


    Anyhow, I tried doing something very atypical to the normal sci-fi style of characters like you suggested. I've made several edits from the original bio from the BZPRPG, but I think it should work. I've forgotten what type of government Jiahk has, but it still should make sense, I think...


    I know I used too many subject-starting sentences (gah Pudewa training), especially ones starting with "he", but since this is a bio it doesn't matter much I guess...


    If you have any problems with this, just tell me.


    Name: Alitor Vergande (AH-lit-tohr ver-GAHN-dayh), the Gentleman's Assassin.


    History: Alitor was a ambitious yet rather weak young Toa with a sharp mind, quick wits and a thirst for challenge. From a young age he grew weary of the corruption the current political administration had and wanted to overthrow it, though he didn't have the means to at the time.


    Looking for challenges to pass the time until then, he sought out different masters of different arts, slowly learning each one and challenging himself to grasp a good amount of knowledge from them and even tried to master a few of them. He was trained for many years (make this as long as you'd like, I'd prefer a very long amount of time for realism's sake) in the arts of strategy, marksmanship, fencing, observance, architecture, memorization, psychology, analyzation, forgery, acting, disguising, cryptology, forensics, security, and computers, among others. While he had no elemental powers to speak of, over time his mind became much faster until it exceeded what most other beings could ever hope to do.


    After overcoming all those obstacles, he decided to hire himself out to whoever could give him the best challenge, no matter if it was a assassination attempt, a robbery, kidnapping, battle, or anything else, just as long as it gave him good competition, all the while training himself for the time when his greatest plan and desire would be accomplished and the government overthrown with the people again in charge.


    Personality: Alitor is a very distinguished individual and takes on the characteristics of a perfect English gentleman. He speaks eloquently with a slight accent, has exquisite manners, and cannot go without his daily brew of tea. He will study individuals that either his targets or inconsequential beings that could benefit his plan for weeks on end. He has several backup and contingency plans for each mission he takes, and although he knows he cannot plan for every hitch to go smoothly, he has made good use of working every unexpected situation for the better, even if it takes years for his "escape" plan to reach completion.


    He's patient enough to wait no matter how long as needed and knows that great plans cannot be rushed for anything. He is a true grandmaster, often thinking several steps ahead of his opponents. He is also true showman and a rather big showoff. He believes that appearance is everything, and that a grand entrance is absolutely necessary, often going through great pains to make them. He's unfailingly polite to all he meets, including his victims if he has any, more often not apologizing to them as he prepares to kill them as it is "just purely business, nothing personal". Sometimes, if a victim gives him enough of a challenge, he will thank them for giving him such pleasure and even at special occasions let them go just so he can try to track them down again.


    He's not invincible by any means, but he does give off an air that he is. While it is the farthest from the truth, as he can be bested in actual combat without too much trouble, what makes people fear is that defeating him may just be part of his plan. His mind is his greatest weapon and he doesn't hesitate to use it.


    He views all his endeavors, and life as a whole, as "a giant game, one that is adeptly challenging, unfailingly unpredictable, and threatens to at any moment overcome and swallow you whole, but it, like all others, can yet be overcome if one makes the right moves at the right time."


    Appearance: Alitor has a green Miru, the top half from the tip of the "nose" up to the "ears" is white, with large, circular "eyeholes" covered by black screen designed others not get a good look at his eyes. He wears a full, stylish black suit made out of a durable, flame-resistant type of cloth, very hard to tear or stain. He has a layered white cravat (similar to Miles Edgeworth of Ace Attorney fame) and wears a tricorn-like hat topped off with a red feather. He sometimes disguises himself as a "normal" Toa for surveillance, in which he completely disguises his voice, armor, and clothes.


    Powers: Alitor has no elemental powers and rarely uses Kanohi. His hand-to-hand combat skills are of a medium skill level, though he does have quite a grasp on fencing. However, he uses much more of his brain and his mind thinks faster that normal Matoran or Toa (sort of similar to Slade Wilson's aka Deathstroke's power).


    Weapons: He does utilize several types of explosives ranging from small micro ones hidden on his suit buttons and belt buckle to larger ones that could make a sizable explosion which he usually plants ahead of time in strategic places. He doesn't use firearms regularly save for a emergency kinetic blaster hidden in his right sleeve. If he does resort to them, he keeps several long range snipers for such purposes. His main weapon is a beautifully carved rapier that is carried on a strap on his back, however, by arching his back and twisting a certain way he can make the scabbard slide down to his side, where he can pull it out more traditionally (as appearance is everything, such a entrance is necessary). He dislikes using the snipers or blaster, however, believing that it hinders the challenge. He does like unsheathing his rapier quite a lot, but that's just for intimidation's sake.


    Weaknesses: As said above, he's both a showman and a showoff and will go to great pains to make sure a impressive performance is given. His fighting skills aren't anywhere near a master's and he lacks elemental powers, making him very vulnerable. He's also a compulsive perfectionist. He will also take it upon himself as his duty to clear his employer of all suspicion if he is suspected of hiring him for his services, no matter what it will take.


    Best of luck,



  4. Talk via PM you guys. I will lock this topic before I let you guys fight on my blog.



    I'll PM Kahi.


    And I know what I'm getting into, Kahi. =P

    I sincerely hope you do ;)


    Anyhow, my recoloring offer still stands, Shadix.


    Also, yes, I did blow the whistle on this. You wouldn't reply, so I played my Wild Card. As a lawyer, it's not over until it's over and I couldn't very well still hold up my reputation as an Ace Attorney if I didn't see this through, could I?



  5. By that logic, 6-Shade and 3-Shade Chimoru should be taken down.

    Nope, they were just additions to the kit.


    Wait wait wait, lord Ace Attorney, if I go and edit XRM to change it notably, would that then pass?



    You're just editing further an original edited piece of another kit, so it's still breaking the rules.


    Oh, and by the way Kahi, if you're going to be the prosecutor in this case-


    Bring it on. >=)

    I don't believe that you know what you're getting into, but I accept your challenge.


    Anyhow, only rule with debating with me is that you can't just back out without surrendering. I've had an...experience with that in the past. You're gonna have to see it through, alright? Oh, and do it in PM and not here.


    Also, I already alerted Pohuaks to all this, he's presumably going to ask Jakiro about it.



  6. XRM is breaking a rule


    Do not "steal" kit parts. You may not use pieces from other people's kits in your own kit without their permission. This includes pieces that you have edited. When making your own kit parts, please do not use other people's parts as a reference; if the parts look too similar, yours may be mistaken as stolen, and your kit removed from BZP.

    Indeed, as I pointed out to Shadix before.


    It also breaks the "hybrid kit" rules as well, but yeah...



  7. Might as well do this for Javan...


    What's in a name?


    0 Points.


    -A leader of highly trained mercs that kill people for money? (2 Points)


    2 Points, though I don't know if this counts, as he's not trained at all.


    What is your character?

    -A Matoran? (0 Points. If he has Toa powers count him as a Toa)


    0 Points


    What's your character's origin? (Choose all that apply.)

    -The usual, I guess; nothing to write home about (0 Points)


    0 Points


    Does your character undergo any physical or metaphysical transformation in the story or back-story? (i.e., was he something else before?)


    0 Points


    Tell me, what is your day job?

    -A pirate? (2 Points)

    -Kill people for money? (3 Points) (If your character is a bounty hunter, assassin, Dark Hunter, or mercenary, answer "yes.")


    He'll do anything on the illegal side, so I guess they both count...


    5 Points


    Does your character use some kind of weapon to fight? (Multiple weapons are cumulative.)

    -A firearm(3 Points)

    -A knife(1 Point)

    -A spear, mace, flail, morning star, or some other kind of medieval weapon that is not a sword (3 points)


    One of them doubles as a gun/prod, but I guess I should count them for both.


    7 Points


    The right stuff


    0 Points


    Because there's nothing cooler than shooting fire from your fingers.


    0 Points


    What's your mask power?


    0 Points


    From here to there. How does your character move about?

    -Takes a Boat/Airship? (1 Point)

    ____That He/She owns? (1 more Point)


    2 Points


    If your transportation is mechanical, how customized is this thing?

    -I bought a regular thing and then tooled it to fit my own style. (2 Points)


    Technically, his friend tweaked his ship, not him, but I think it still counts...


    2 Points


    All in a day's work


    0 Points, since he hasn't really done anything yet.




    0 Points, again, as he hasn't done anything


    Why do you do it?


    Tell me about your parents.


    0 Points, he's just unnoticed


    Why would you do something like that?

    -Because I need more power/wealth/personal goods/whatever (2 Points)


    2 Points. Money is his motive.


    Where did you learn to do that?


    0 Points, he doesn't really know much and isn't an expert on any subject


    What other kinds of relationships does your character have with established characters, if any? Add the Points up for each character who qualifies.


    0 Points


    I fought my rival, and:


    0 Points, no rival.


    All in all, 20 points. Seemed a little less when I wrote him...perhaps I should retool him a bit later on.



  8. When you use Elements, you do have a picture in which the cup and the bricks are not there, correct? And then you put the picture with the bricks and the cup over the original no-cup-no-brick layer and erase, right? Next time, see if you can measure the distance of the shadow by creating a new layer and using the pencil tool at 1px size to trace the length of the cup-shadow. Then, in the ones with the bricks, measure the shadow from the left. Any part of the shadow that exceeds the original pencil length, erase. Load the next picture, then repeat. Make sure, however, that you hide the pencil guideline when you are done.


    (I know you're doing an "underwater movie" next, but if you ever do anything on land, it's a good tip :))


    Do you use MonkeyJam for animation, or just Microsoft GIF Animator?



  9. Hey, Shadix, here's a little tip:


    When you erase the bricks that hold up the cup via the overlapping the layers, make sure you also erase their bricks too. I can the see the shadow "growing" for no apparent reason, which looks pretty weird and unnatural.


    Otherwise, it looks pretty good. What kind of FPS do you have?



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