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Year 14

About Legolover-361

  • Birthday 11/27/1995

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    TOP SECRET, New Jersey
  • Interests
    A lot. Music. Writing. Art. Programming. Gaming. Et cetera.

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    Legolover-361 (inactive on LEGO.com)

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  1. I'm currently listening to Drake Bell's debut album. It's better than I expected -- not pop, but more rock / alternative rock with some bluesy undertones. "Found a Way", the theme song to Drake & Josh, is actually one of my least favorite songs on the album despite its nostalgia factor. =P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laughing Man

      Laughing Man

      Er, what? I've heard that album, and it's definitely pop. Maybe pop-rock, but not "rock/alternative rock".

    3. Legolover-361


      Well, Taylor Swift is pop; The Goo Goo Dolls and OneRepublic are pop rock; U2 and Weezer are alternative rock. Going by that spectrum, considering the rock 'n' roll and blues influences evident in Telegraph and considering that alternative rock can come close to pop rock, I would say Drake Bell's music is rock / alternative rock / pop rock (more of a pop tendency than I expressed in the update, I admit, but not entirely pop).

    4. Padishah Mehmet II

      Padishah Mehmet II

      Hey. Guys. You are arguing about subgenres of rock. That's like arguing whether fire is red or gold.

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