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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

Nuju Metru

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IC: Amaki


Amaki took one last look at the sleeping Dashi, before moving to dry herself off with a towel. It would be pretty uncomfortable sleeping while still wet from the puddle she had fallen into, after all.


Soon, she had moved into her own bunk, falling asleep while snuggled into the blankets.

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Herupa Jiyu had seen better days. Upon recovering from his mysterious attacker, he had clung to shadows. Perhaps out of fear for himself, or any of his other more personal virtues, Jiyu had been absent from the eyes of many for a good deal of time.


Which was why seeing the ragged giant stoop to enter the gates of the Herupa clan's compound was such a surprise to the Herupa who saw him. He wore a ragged cloak about him, a dark almost black thing. His armor had bandages wrapped around his chest, and a good deal of it was worse for the wear. The most differing feature of him however, was his mask. Several days ago he had made the effort to obtain it in some of the more... Shady corners of Dasaka society. It was silver, and seemingly missing a left eye-hole. Fitting, as said eye no longer existed inside his skull. Above all, it was shaped off a design he had once found in the books of old. What was called an "Olmak". However, it truly was no such creation. It was actually a Kanohi Matatu, a mask he had desired to obtain after his near-murder. He had spent a good deal of time practicing on it's nuances while he had been "hiding"... But he had yet to fully master the power of Telekinesis.


"I am First Son Herupa Jiyu. Tell me, are the Elders awake?" Jiyu asked the nearest guard. The Guard started to stammer out at explanation of where they were during the daylight hours before Jiyu made a gesture to be silent.


"It matters not. Just have someone tell them that I desire to speak to them. After I have made myself presentable, that is."


Jiyu continued onwards, returning to his bare quarters. After a few minutes of getting re-adjusted to having a roof hit his head, he found a bath suitable to his size, and drew water for himself. He bathed. He checked the bandages. There would be a scar. He was certainly lucky that the healers were in possession of a Mask of Healing. If that was not the case, the wound would have certainly been mortal. He removed the same armor he had been wearing for who-knows-how-long now, and decided to put on suitably-sized robes. The world looked different in his eyes eye now. It irritated him to turn.


He was able to return to his room without hitting his head on the low ceilings.


It didn't take too long to be summoned in front of the clan elders.


He had never bothered to learn their names. He barely ever saw them, and they thought too much like Eshiwa and her sister. So he just gave them the names of "right", "left", and "middle".


"Herupa Jiyu, you finally came crawling back," The left crowed.


"It wasn't so much crawling back, as it was coming back for a brief respite. Did you not hear? I was attacked. I don't recall you leaving me flowers on what could've been on my deathbed."


"Until recently, we had... Little knowledge of this," Right replied.


Totally believable excuse. "Well, in case you haven't being paying attention to everything else outside of this compound, you'll know that people are at each others throats. Again. Civil war is coming."


The elders looks more than mildly uncomfortable.


"Who is Toroshu? I seem to recall that the wasn't one for this clan," Jiyu stated, staring the elders in their eyes. He wished he force them to see out of only one eye.


"Those who perform this clan's mandate know what will be required of them. What has always been required of them. Since the creation of the clan-" Middle started.


"No they don't. If you were to ask them, you could see that they're scared. Remember what happened during the last war? We fought ourselves, because we were pledged to help those we call master. I know who you want to become Toroshu. She's not here. So, I propose an alternative..."


"We're listening," The trio spoke in unison, obviously discomforted by what he might say.


"Make me Steward. Until my sister returns home, you have no Toroshu. Right now we are weak, all can see this, and can try to take advantage of us. Our clan is everywhere, if those who want the empire to crumble decide that we could be controlled... Well, you wouldn't want that, would you?"


As the Elders huddled together, Jiyu couldn't help but smile inwardly. He was right, they knew he was right. So, what they said next was anything but surprise to Jiyu...


"Rise then, Steward of Clan Herupa."

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[sado, Arohi School of the Mind, Two Days Ago]


“Too many emotions are clouding your mind, concentrate.”


“You inane ‘advice’ is clouding my mind.”


It was probably due to mother’s money that none of the teachers had decided to physically discipline me yet.  Well, I certainly wasn’t above taking advantage of.  It was quite amusing to watch them fume.


“The key to extending your mind on the physical plain-”


I concentrated alright then.  I concentrated on how painfully annoying the instructor’s voice was.  She squawked in surprise as she was flung a bio in the air to land smack on her bottom.


“Oh wow--it worked.  Thank you teacher!”


IC (Tapui / Ihi): "Yeah, that" I gulped. "I'm ready to fight, but I hope we won't have to".


The clock struck nine, and Toroshu Ihi blew into the room. She was dressed in full battle gear She bore her sword on her hip, and a grim expression on her pakari.

"Students" she addressed them. "First of all, thankyou for coming. I realise that this isn't easy for a lot of you. Still, we have a job to do, and a school full of young Menti to protect. We will not let the future of the Kentoku Archipelago come to harm."


From there, she launched into an explanation of how we were going to go about guarding the school, the points they were going to cover and what their responses should be in a multitude of scenarios. Most of them involved discharging the air horns that each of them had been given to summon more help from Daikura not on the current watch and imperials guards from outside the school. It was fully dark outside the windows by the time she rose from her seat and finished her speech.


"If any one of you turns against her fellow students, I will consider that person to have committed an act of war against this school and Clan Daikura, and respond accordingly. I do not expect to have to do that with any of you, but I say it nonetheless as a word of warning. Finally, remember why you are doing this. You are what stands between your friends, classmates and clanspeople and the knives of their enemies. They are relying on you tonight. Remember, stay together, and do not let them down."


Waving for the students to follow her, she led them through the school's now empty passageways and up a staircase that opened onto the roof of the building. From their small, flat vantage point at the building's peak, the crystal roof sloped gently downwards towards the four corners of the compound, interrupted here and there by crystal spires and extra floors poking up. The school was a complex construction, added onto over many centuries, but their position still afforded them a good view over much of the yards and the streets around the school, leading away towards the coliseum district. "Take up watch positions and keep your eyes open" Ihi instructed. "Especially you, Hona" she added, addressing the akaku-wearing Herupa.


Around them, all was silent.




“See ya, rahufaces,” I said under my breath as I took off to circle the roof for the night watch.  There was another dasaka there with a kadin, I was grateful at least that it was me and not her surveying.  There’s nothing like flying to change my bad mood into a good one.  It was a bit different that on Oki, with the shimmering crystal buildings instead of the jungle in all directions, but the feel of the wind rushing past my face still felt exhilarating.


I laughed and it nearly knocked the wind out of me.  But it didn’t matter.  I was free.


I did a loop-d-loop and waved smugly to the people on the roof.

OOC: Plangori Shuuan open for interaction.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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I stood there quiet, listening to Arsix. Listening as every wrong she had suffered come out and crash over me. Perhaps it wasn't in so many words or spoken directly, but the hatred was there. Hatred of how they and other like them were treated, the way innocents were ostracized, of the system itself. I needn't use my mask; the emotion in her voice was evidence enough despite her controlled and cool demeanor. Even as her feelings came crashing through as she verbally berated me the truth in her statements was not so easily dispelled. So this was the real view of those on the outside.


"The blood of the past.... is on our ancestors."


The silence in the room was startled slightly by my sudden change in subject as everyone blinked an then looked at me. Slowly I turned, stepping forward to retrieve my blade which still lying on the chair. "The system... and injustice they created... has bloodied their hands. The past... is on them."


There was a whoosh as I swung the sword around, sliding it onto its sheath that was slung on my back. "The blood... on the streets today... is rightfully mine. I waited... too long, did... too little. You... are right, this is something I must... accept."


Adjusting the straps and my armor I turned, my face a little more stern than usual. "But please hear and heed me Toroshu Arsix... the blood of the future will be yours."


I closed my eyes and sigh, head drooping to the floor. "You represent... the animosity that has built up over the years, and instead of... trying to help solve it you will... break it completely. For good... or for ill. I understand the Empire... is not your responsibility. But you right now... have the high ground. You can choose... to try to change, prove... the caste system wrong. But instead... you will let it all burn. You will  bear... the blame when this society is destroyed by... the hatred for each other when the... damage could have been lessened by... intervention now that eyes... have been opened. That is... if there is anyone left to... ponder it."


I turned to face Jasik. "Thank you, yes... you may walk me out." I paused for just a moment. "I doubt anyone... in this room will survive the coming... firestorm. Thank you for at least... opening my eyes, to see this... conflict clearly. Though you needn't be so... pointed about it."


I wasn't one to smile much, though to say a ghost of a sad grin wasn't there would be a lie.

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Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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Jasik, Rayuke, and a healthy smattering of guards pledged to both families advanced through the hallways of the Dastana's complex on Sado; the heavy bassline of footsteps and Ideatalk jibes strummed on. 


Rayuke himself was bold, but measured; he took every step carefully and shut the noise both physical and mental as befit a man of his stature and experience. Jasik Dastana was different - he had shed the shapeless robe utilized for the twins' trickery and bore a jacket in the fine goldens and oranges of his family, with a high black collar to differentiate him as First Son. Jasik was all smiles and jests himself. As they'd left the twins' apartment, he had played the jester, joking back and forth with the Dastana guards mentally and throwing shade where he could on the rigid walk of the royalists or the loose cannon attitude of their Rora. But as they had come closer, even slouching, panther-like Jasik Dastana had begun to quiet. He was brazen even in his silences and sulks, though - from hand to hand, he tossed a Soulsword sphere out of boredom, and knew that the Umbralines were watching.


The roar of the crowd grew louder, thirstier for blood, with every turn and new corridor. When they'd arrived at the gates again, Jasik spun his Soulsword around his hand like a top and then tossed it into the air, catching it with his left hand while he held out his right for Rayuke to shake. The Executioner, surprised at the display, held out his own and took it. Umbraline and Dastana communicated their respect for each other one last time before the storm. A more reverent man would have been wowed by the history a simple handshake could make, but Jasik Dastana was young and handsome and a little idealistic, with the callowness of those born young and handsome and a little idealistic; his hand was still hot from Yusanora Umbraline's murder weapon, and to most of the Dasaka who would ever live that was all the history it would ever make. 


"You're a good man," Jasik said simply. "It's a shame that we ended up on different sides of this coin. It's a shame this coin has sides at all."


The crowd outside roared Jasik's name, but that, too, was two-sided - some cheered him as a hero, a martyr of flawed Umbraline justice, but he knew that Umbraline justice stood before him, and would have taken his head off with a single swing of Rayuke's bulging muscles as simply as not. Dastana never even spared them a glance. The Soulsword burned in his left hand, hot as any heart.


"In a just world, Executioner, my sister would be Rora, the commons would be with their families, and we would be entering a golden age unrivaled since the days of the first Umbralines. We don't live in a just world. Not yet." Jasik watched Rayuke start to formulate a response, low baritone beginning to rumble deep in his chest, and moved his hand forward to stop the Umbraline First Son cold.

"Wait. Wait. I worry what you just heard was 'We plan on doing anything we can to help the Umbralines stay the course.' That is not what I said." Jasik stood on his tiptoes and leaned closer to Rayuke, disguising his mouth from the guards. "What I said was, 'My sister is my queen. If you ever threaten my sister, or send so much as one Menti to come between us, ever again, I will have your queen's heart fed to her own mount.'"
Rayuke's mouth opened wider to retort, but the Twin had pulled his hand away and conjured another Soulsword sphere - and then, to the low mental cheers of the Dastana and the shocked silence of the Umbralines, a third. Jasik spared the royalists not another glance as he juggled the spheres for a second, and then, when he was about to round the corner, he threw them all up in the air; Jasik raised his hand once, twice, thrice, like a conductor with a baton; the spheres jolted together, swallowing each other like nesting dolls, and then with a wave of Jasik's hand he had snuffed them out like the wick of a candle.



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Jasik, his taunting juggling display finished and his business with Rayuke similarly concluded, spun jauntily away from the entrance of the Dastana's Sado residence and, as a pair of guard Menti shut the gates on the half cheering, half jeering crowd outside, he started to head back up the staircase to return to his sister. The sound of something hitting the outside of the closed doors - probably a rock thrown by an Umbraline - stayed him for half a moment, and hoisted an impish grin on his down-turned face. The Menti guards, preparing the brace the inside of the double door, didn't see their First Son's leer, but from behind my illusory invisibility, I did.


After the tail of Jasik's foppish golden coat left my sight, I relinquished my Sighteye disguises and followed him up the stairs as silently as I could. The Menti guards just a few meters away didn't hear my soft footfalls - the commotion outside occupied their ears too fully - and had no reason to turn around and see me as I moved and, in so doing, broke my illusions. Jasik made his way back to the solar with the efficient comfort of a Dasaka at home; he cut all his corners the same way, his hand trailed the same way along the banister as it probably had since he'd been large enough to touch it. The Dastana First Son wasn't on his guard anymore, which made tracing his steps several seconds after he'd disappeared again from view even safer. After I saw Jasik open the door of the solar, reenter, and closed it behind himself again, I strode briskly to the door and pressed my ear up against it. I'd only arrived a few moments late.


"--to see you two, really, a pleasure," drawled Jasik from behind the door. "Next time you must inform me in advance, so I can have my servants prepare you finger food."


"A kind offer, Dastana Jasik," Toroshu Nera's high, sharp voice answered. "But my son and I have not come, as I can imagine you've guessed, to be entertained."


"Then why have you come?" Arsix growled aggressively. She, it seemed, did not respond as well as her brother to the realization that the Fursic Toroshu and First Son had overheard their meeting with the Imperial Executioner; indeed, I could imagine, the knowledge that the Fursics and I (but she didn't know I was here, yet) had been able to enter her inner sanctum without being detected had to grate on her already frayed nerves.


"We are here to talk, Arsix my dear," Nera replied, her voice a knife of cold wind. "We are here to talk about your strategy going forward."


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.:I will murder you.:.


.:You should have heard the speech I just gave Rayuke. It was sweet. Real heartwarming. An affirmation of my love, always and forever.:.


.:They will never find your body.:.


.:Keeping me for yourself?:.


Arsix Willhammered a picture of her right arm transforming into a giant mallet and pummeling Jasik into a semi-solid puddle on the floor. The Dastana First Son wrapped an arm around his twin sister's shoulder and looked lazily at Kuno. His golden eyes betrayed no hint of any visible emotion, but the smile was still on his face - a hungry smile, wary, playing to win in the long-term by not losing in the interim. It would have been an insight into his character had it reached his eyes, but the glib, ambitious slant of Jasik's mouth was as much a charade as anything else about him, leaving what should have been intention stripped bare only more shrouded in mystery. 


The Twins were at an impasse; only Arsix knew Jasik, but only Jasik knew the situation. 


"Where's Sheika?" he asked - a simple tell, deliberately heavy-handed, to draw truth to the matter that had plagued the Twins all day and to give Arsix a straw to grasp. He knew the Fursics would interpret this particular motivation with relative ease; otherwise, he would not have done it. "I've heard she's become quite the drifter. I would be, too, if I were the Battlemaster who taught me how to use a sphere for a Soulsword."





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I sat in sullen silence the entire way home.


Why are the males in this generation such children?


Granted, Jasik was on the top of the list in terms immaturity, cheekiness, and obstinate behavior, but he was the perfect post child for the trend I had been seeing for decades, even a century or two: impunity and complacent coupled with entitlement. The males in this society were always separated from birth, treated as something special and given every opportunity... and whim. Coupled with the current wealth of the Empire and the yes-woman mentality if the upper castes it was very easy for young people to get everything they ever wanted, the word "No" rarely entering the conversation. This was the perfect storm to spoil the sheltered child, breeding a sense of entitlement and therefore immaturity since they did not have to deal with what the real world provided. Now add the sense of family and clan unity into the mix, the indoctrination of protecting your own and honor...


And let's not forget how the caste system has been handled, I thought glumly, replaying what I had heard and the memories I had gleaned from the twins. The system had been used and abused, and now resentment and complacency was chipping away at that foundation.


I touched my temple and shook my head, deep in thought. This was turning out not to be the average uprising. Like clockwork every generation there was an outbreak, a confrontation between clans as the new leaders jostled for power and pecking order, using old gripes and slights as convenient scapegoats for their actions. I myself had done this centuries ago, killing the former Fursic First Son in single honorable combat, effectively ending that round of violence. This however... this was different. This wasn't just the rattling of sabers. This wasn't the jockeying for position. This was much deeper, a corruption and virus eating away at the very foundation of our society that was finally showing the signs of its presence. If what the twins were saying was true, and if they were serious about their actions, then this was not just another rebellion.


This was the opening moves of a full-blown revolution.


Clan Dastana may be spearheading it, but it wasn't only them. The growing discontent could be felt all over the Empire, and now I could tell the simmer was rapidly reaching a boiling point. Sooner rather than later it would explode, all I could see was a full-blown civil war erupting out of this. Not a war over territory, or power, or even honor - but over the very fabric of society. About the wrongs. About the mistreatment and unfairness of the system that has governed our way of life since the formation of the Empire. This was going to strike at the very core of our society and at every level; no-one would be safe.


At best the Dastana Twins would be the heralds of it. At worst, they would be leading the charge.


Even as I thought through the scenarios I could see little chance of this being solved diplomatically. 


And in the end how this played out depending as always on one person and how she handled it: the Rora. The Imperial Empress herself. As I sat in the coach I found myself straighten up and square my shoulders. It was time I had a little talk with...


... my niece.

Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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Nera took Jasik's inquiry in stride, and answered him like a predator whose belly was full today. "I couldn't say where she's gone off to," the Fursic matriarch pondered. "I would assume that Sheika is wherever she wants to be. That is her wont, isn't it? She doesn't know how to stop moving; she's relentless, hungry; she yearns to bring honor and recognition to her family... or, at least, to fatten their purses. Sheika's never quite gotten over her native obscurity, but I'm sure you already know that; you are her employers, aren't you? Which reminds me: Ikori."


I took my cue, and opened the door of the solar, drawing the attentions of Arsix and Jasik, who sat side by side. After closing the door behind me, I bowed respectfully to the assembled company of nobles, meeting eyes briefly with Kuno as I straightened again. Though his mother hadn't been phased by Jasik's insinuation, Sheika's implied involvement in the Rora's death was news to Kuno and me, and it was the critical piece we'd been missing. For the briefest moment - in an exchange so quick that Jasik and Arsix, processing my entrance on the physical plane, wouldn't have thought to feel for it on the mental one - Kuno extended himself into my mind; with the reflex borne of repetition, I accepted his deep ocean coolness, now roiling with the frustration of a delayed epiphany, behind my forehead.


:Didn't see; mistake--:


:I didn't either, don't blame--:




:Relax, shoulders--:




:--Listen to them.:


Kuno and I had, by necessity, become very good at this sort of thing, and in the space of a thought or two, he was again behind his own walls, and I faced Nera. "You called for me, madam Toroshu?" I asked levelly.


"Prepare me a cup of the Dastana's tea," she ordered, gesturing vaguely. "The set is by the window."


"Right away, madam." I strode over to the window, and found on a shelf below it a heatstone boiler, a kettle full of water, ceramic cups, and a bag of dried leaves. With practiced hands, I set to work preparing tea for my master's mother. The Dastana had good leaves; I folded and broke them expertly as the conversation continued behind my back.


"Ask Ikori for tea, if you'd like," Nera told her hosts.


"We'll be alright," Arsix informed her. Poisoned tea wasn't a new trick on the Kentoku Archipelago, and Arsix was careful. She couldn't assume that I hadn't gotten orders to poison it (though I hadn't).


"So," Nera went on, interlacing her fingers as she sat up a little bit straighter. "Unimportant matters - social trifles, really - and beverages aside, we can get to business. Kuno and I know as well as you do that Jasik did not kill Yusanora, may she sing with Zuto Nui. Accepting that this fact is soon to become common knowledge - Rayuke knows, now, and he'll tell anyone who will listen, intent as he is on preventing further bloodshed - I am curious to know how the two of you plan to proceed."


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IC: Dastana Arsix


Arsix gave her brother a quick glance. Sheika? It made sense. But it would've been nice to hear about really important details before they were important. This is not how Arsix or her brother usually operated. The simple notion that her brother would keep conjecture away from her despite their new-found responsibility as the Dastana Toroshu and first son was enough to set Arsix over the edge.


Jasik knew this. Arsix was feeling it. Behind unchanged expression, Arsix communicated one single thing to her brother with a simple look.


"Ask Ikori for tea, if you'd like."


Arsix turned back to Nera, putting up a palm, "We'll be alright."


"So," Their guest went on, adjusting her posture. "Unimportant matters - social trifles, really - and beverages aside, we can get to business. Kuno and I know as well as you do that Jasik did not kill Yusanora, may she sing with Zuto Nui. Accepting that this fact is soon to become common knowledge - Rayuke knows, now, and he'll tell anyone who will listen, intent as he is on preventing further bloodshed - I am curious to know how the two of you plan to proceed."

The eldest twin spared Jasik no second glance, "I'm sure you're curious, especially considering all the unrest in the streets," Arsix began, "Being the matriarch of a clan notorious for failed usurpation it seems only natural that you'd come ask us about a plan," she gestured innocently to Nera who sipped quietly on the Dastana's tea, "But before we come close to discussing plans - whether we have them or not - we have a few questions of our own to ask."


Arsix turned to Kuno, speaking hurriedly as if to test pressure, "What does the Fursic's first son think about his mother's involvement in the current political playing field?" She eyed him hard, waiting expectantly for an answer, "I'm sure that amidst the sea of shifting conditions, you've developed a few ideas about the whole situation haven't you Kuno?"

Edited by Palm

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From a reserved corner of the room, my hands clasped demurely before me, I watched Kuno struggle not to fidget - successfully, of course, but I could discern the small things - as he directly met Arsix's eyes. She could surely sense, as could anyone who looked at Kuno this way, his prodigious strength as a Willhammer through the surreal connection. The eyes see, but they also exist to be seen, that's what Rejnai taught me so long ago. But a Herupa's eyes exist to remain unseen by all but her master.


Forgive me; I have lapsed in my duty.


"We are... young, Arsix," Kuno replied with a certain practiced aloofness. "Meanwhile, my mother has played the political field since long before our births, and she has never stopped playing. What do I think of my mother's current involvement? I think it's a given, as inexorable as the tides. We all stand on shifting ground. I believe that in the face of impending instability, it's wise to take hold of any givens - and the constancy they afford - that one can."


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"Your son's as heavy-handed as I remember him to be," Jasik told Nera. "And as my sister's pointed out, he's still not much of a historian."


Arsix's mental gaze tightened on Jas, though her head never so much as tilted towards him and he did not look at her; it was as though the very mention of Sheika's name had given her new cool, and the sound of new information and whirring of old protocols click-click-clicking in her head echoed in Jasik's. It was Kuno that Jasik's boyish, sharp smile turned to, and his thumb traced the spot on his forehead where the circlet crown had kissed his brow at the gala. The two were of an age, and had trained together in the Yards; Kuno's rigid response, reading like a press release under pressure, had sparked something in the shark-like First Son.


"What I don't remember is that he doesn't like give full answers," he continued. "Arsix asked you two things, Kuno, and you answered the softball question. You're a First Son of an important clan, betrothed to Rora Yumiwa - congratulations, by the way, I hope your marriage makes the right spouse miserable - and you will become a face of this Empire in due time. There's baggage that comes with that distinction. My sister asked you if you had ideas, and what they were."





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"My ideas about the current situation..." Kuno mused. "For one: the Umbralines underestimate you. If they saw the Dastana insurgence as a real threat, they would've taken concentrated offensive action by now, crushed this building on your heads while you've remained in Sado. But they haven't; they don't want to destroy the Imperial Palace, they don't want the damages that come with a real war. They still believe that they can quell your rebellion at little cost to their own assets. It'd be easy to use their caution against them, at least for a time."


Nera took a sip of her tea and replaced the hot cup on a nearby table, the clinking sound interrupting Kuno before he could rattle off more of his points. "Jasik, you're a clever boy," the Fursic Toroshu said, her voice sharply discrete from Kuno's. "But I've grown weary of watching you pluck fantastic things out from under your coat to postpone my first question. Clan Fursic's thoughts and plans regarding the state of play are far less relevant to its development than those of the Clan that has killed a Rora, incited violence and rioting in the streets of Sado, and has now made an enemy of the Imperial Executioner."


Another sip. "This tea came from your mother," Nera digressed, pursing her lips as she stared down her nose at her cup. "The young never cultivate such subtle leaves. Jasik, Arsix, I don't feel like asking you my question a third time. While I could discover the answers I seek without your cooperation, such an expenditure of my energies would only put me into a bad mood."

Edited by Nuju Metru


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IC: Dastana Arsix

Jasik remained umoved by Nera, he only smiled and turned to face his sister who said, "Don't speak of those things as if my brother and I are responsible for them."

Arsix wondered for the shortest moment what it would mean to collaborate with Nera. She was shrewd. But she also exemplified much that Arsix found upsetting about Dasaka society in the first place.

Arsix lifted up her chin, "What our plans are might change depending on how the Fursic clan is looking to contribute."

Edited by Palm

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"Clan Fursic is not yet involved," Nera replied, her eyes flicking once between both twins'. I imagined from Jasik's widening smile - his defense mechanism - that he felt unnervingly seen by Nera, while, like most everyone else, he probably found Nera's gaze inscrutable but for its interrogative edge. Kuno adjusted in his seat, his subtle shift betraying to me his irritation with Jasik's persistent leering. Jasik, also catching a whiff of blood, scrunched his face into an exaggerated wink.


"We have no resources invested on one side or the other," the Fursic Matriarch went on, her spine a structural marvel given its prodigious age and enduring erectness. "And as of yet, I've not been presented with a compelling reason to break our neutrality. I find the Umbralines distasteful; I find Clan Dastana's situation, new leadership, and potential intriguing; these are the reasons why I have come. But these are not reasons enough for me and my Clan to take action."


Nera turned to my master, and addressed him much as a teacher would one of her pupils. "Thus far, Kuno, Yomiken's issue have demonstrated none of their mother's 'hoko caginess. I'm not being sold to, which disappoints me as a shopper."


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.:Oh, I'm plenty cagey.:.


.:Jasik please--:.


Jasik held back a dramatic yawn and slipped out of his coat with the lithe, measured movements of a cobra, balling up the vibrant orange fabric into a ball and cushioning the back of his head with it. While Kuno almost visibly chafed at this show of blatant disrespect, Nera Fursic's eyes settled on one twin for the first time since the conclave had begun; he had, in fact, telegraphed his first display of solid interest, and she humored him.


"Well, you're gonna side with us," Dastana said, putting his hands on his knees and casually stretching his arms out. "We're going to win."


.:oh my god jasik:.


Kuno didn't look at his mother, though it was plain he wanted to. Jasik did not cede the advantage his brazen proclamation had given the twins, and Arsix had temporarily lost control of her brother...her brother, content to sit back and make small talk, experiment with new flavors of tea, let accusations fly...Jasik, who had let his mother die without giving an inch to Yumiwa Umbraline...Jasik, hungrier for freedom than even his beloved sister realized...


"What? It's true. You know very well what you left on our plate - Sheika tells us both what we want to hear about each other, the Umbralines have invested too much time in hating us to just stop, and by now the people are starting to realize that 'hoko and Rora are just little words. We all know that the Umbralines have worn out their welcome...and now, thanks to one little Kanohi, Rayuke does too. He will come to fiery, pretty little Yumi, with his slow sentences and his lifetime of wisdom, and he will do his best to overhaul her. Yumi can't rule. You've seen her, knocking down shots at her own parties and puking on handmaidens at the dais. I sat right next to her and watch her roundly embarrass the First Son of a notable clan, steeped in honor...whose own mother so tragically passed from this world not long before Yusanora." Jasik's smile slanted, wolfish. "May she sing with Zuto Nui."


Kuno made no move to interrupt, and beheld Jasik with no interest. He could feel the tightness in her sister's chest.


"Yumiwa is a stooge. Used to be, you slap a pretty face and a perky ###### on a throne, and you.had yourself a couple generations of solid rule. But she's made a mess of things the likes of which no one anticipated, so now she's not allowed to rule. It's her inner circle that keeps things in check...and I think we both know they're only Menti, too. Who is it that you own? Not Rayuke, he would never, and not Hanako...but what of her other handmaidens? Who do you have your claws in, Toroshu? The noble Battlemaster? The plucky little sister? You're right - we didn't have to sell you, because someone else already did. And they know, as you know and as I know, that this entire Palace is built on eggshells. When the people rise up - and they will - some of the more progressive Toroshus...well, they have consciences. Hearts and minds. If they see clever Yumi brushing off the will of the people, who do you think they will turn to? Ageru, Eiyu, Roku, Vilda, they will turn their allegiances to the people we presume to rule, and to the underdog Dastana twins at their front. And when that day comes, and the world realizes darling Yumi can't rule herself, let alone our noble Empire...where is it you'll stand, Toroshu? With the devils you know..."


"Or the diva you don't?" Arsix finished, sidling into her own role. The twins fell into mental lockstep together.


.:Oh my god. You might not be a raging #####heel with a deathwish.:.


.:You flatter me.:.


This time, Jasik did yawn. 


"See what you did? You made me monologue. I get thirsty when I monologue. Ikori, if you're still up and there's still tea, would it trouble you to prepare me a cup?"



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Servants and soldiers alike scattered before me like a brisk evening wind off the Endless Ocean, doing everything they could to get out of my way. My severe demeanor, my projected presence, even my pace were the not-so-subtle clues of my current disposition and I strode meaningfully through the shimmering crystal palace. My entourage of bodyguards found it hard to keep up with my massive strides, nearly at a run, even though I myself was merely moving at a brisk pace. With a final turn I found myself in the hall that led directly to the throne room, one of the most sacred and procedural-guarded room in all of Sado. I breezed past the Honor Guards, ignored the door sentries, and with complete disdain for protocol I willed the door open.


Opened by the sheer weight of my mind with a bang without a summons, without being properly presented, without even a single knock.


Good thing I ENFORCE the rules... I thought dryly.


Whatever humor I had left in me evaporated as I witnessed the scene before my eyes. There sat my niece upon the throne - no, sitting wasn't the proper word. She was lounging on it, stretched out sideways so that she was leaning over one armrest while her right leg swung daintily over the other, dressed in something better reserved for more private affairs. She was surrounded by her handmaidens who seemed just as jocular, girly, and carefree as her at this very moment, with Inokio standing a little too closely by her side... and a glazed crumbcake between her fingers.


A treat she practically dropped at my loud and quite sudden appearance.


I don't have time for this.


"We... need to talk."


Her shocked face blinked once, then twice, as if to comprehend this simple demand, her body frozen in time. In fact, every body in the throne room was, from the handmaidens to the assorted nobles present. I wouldn't exactly call the scene before me a circus, but it wasn't the somber chamber of leadership it was designed to be either. With stern eyes I gazed around, sensing the confusion and apprehension of every mind in the room.


"Leave. NOW." I commanded with a single wave of my hand, gesturing to pretty much everyone minus Yumiwa. Those last words must have broken the spell as time began to move again, including my niece.


"Rayuke!" Her reply was a sharp as it was reprimanding as she stood, glaring at me as if she was insulted. "What is the meaning of this-"


:This is important- :


:Important enough to barge into my throne room unannounced and otherwise order my entourage and nobles around like they were children!?:


:I have been dealing with children all day and considering the spectacle I see before me- :


:Are you judging me in my own palace?: Her face turned into a slight snarl as our silent conversation progressed.


:I will judge whoever, whenever I want Yumiwa, as is my position and honor: came my sharp retort, my own eyes narrowing :And will you stop interrupting m- :


:And I will interrupt whomever whenever I want!: her thoughts became more livid :And you will use my proper title when I am holding session, Uncle:


:And you will use mine as well, Niece. And I hardly call this 'session'; more like debauchery:




It was at this point Inokio stepped forward, sensing the mental argument and reading his charge's face "Not to interrupt, but it hardly seems like the place or time to- "


"NO!" we both shouted simultaneously, staring at the bodyguard before returning our glaring faces towards one another. Yumiwa took several steps towards me, stomping angrily down the small flight of stairs from the platform that held her throne to the floor below, crumbcake magically still in one piece in her hand. It had become deathly quiet in the chamber, this type of confrontation virtually unheard of here as the nobles watched in morbid fascination and her handmaidens in mild terror.


"It is one thing to waltz in unannounced and demand a conference," she said with not a little bit of venom, "but to at the same time degrade me and my position in front of the upper castes-"


"Perhaps... if your Ideatalk wasn't so... shouty, we... wouldn't have this problem."


"How dare you interrupt me when I am speaking!" she shouted, her voice beginning to edge into a shriek, her finger pointing accusingly at me; clearly her agitation was reaching a boiling point. "Imperial Executioner or not I've had it up to here with your actions. You WILL give me the the respect I deserve or you WILL leave my presence. I will not tolerate this disrespect in my own domain!... even from someone like you."


The room was ever so still as her last words echoed across the chamber. The silence was so heavy I could see out of the corner of my eye one of the handmaidens nearly faint from it as our stalemate reached a climaxed. Taking in a long breath I lifted my chin.


"You demand... the respect you... deserve?"




"And will... take nothing... less?"


"Yes." it was her turn to raise her chin as she eyed me warily. I myself took a full turn around the room, sizing up everyone who stood within it.


"Very well."


She smirked in victory, air escaping from her nostrils in a type of snort as she began to turn around and walk back to her throne in apparent victory. That is, until I reached out and not-to-nicely grabbed her ear, gripping it vice-like between my forefinger and thumb, stopping her cold in her tracks.


As well as producing a scream that made everyone jump more than my sudden entrance.


"UNHAND ME!" she shrieked even as I lifted her to her full height and held her there, her arms flailing a bit.


"No," I said quietly, my deep rumbling voice resuming its normal octave. "You requested... the respect... you deserve. You know... how my parent dealt with... spoiled, bratty, and otherwise... unruly children?"


For an instant she froze, a mixture of apprehension and seething anger on her face, not knowing what I was going to say next. There was no way she could either, for as much as I loved and respected her mother, my sister perhaps loved her a bit too much, proving the old adage "Spare the rod, spoil the child".


"For starters... we sent them... to their room."


The entire Wards could have exploded and fallen into the sea and not a soul in here would have noticed. Yumiwa's eyes were as wide as saucers as she stared up at me, head to one side as I still gripped her ear.


"You... wouldn't." she breathed.


:Watch me:


Without another word I began dragging her across the chamber to the complete and utter astonishment of those present, literally kicking and screaming as her arms flailed uselessly at my impervious frame and a string of obscenities spilling from her mouth.


I didn't teach her those words...


"This... has gone on long enough."


I paused, Inokio standing before me. He stood in a combat-ready stance, his right hand sparking as Soulsword energy pulsed through it, ready to summon his weapon at a moment's notice... or attempt to separate myself from my niece with his impressive control of the Mindarm discipline. He was as much as a legend in the combat arena, a Battlemaster of the top degree, a natural choice for the then-heir's personal bodyguard, someone few would stupid enough to tangle with. His voice had an unusual amount of force in it, his demeanor threatening but not explicit. He was at least giving me the honor of standing down...


"Release the Rora and perhaps he can return to some civility in this conversation otherwise I will be forced to- "


Inokio blinked, only his training keeping him from flinching. In the time it took him to subconsciously summon his nodachi I had with one hand pulled out my greatsword from it's sheath on my back and leveled it at him, the very tip of it so close to his nose he had to cross his eyes to get a decent look at it. And this was no ordinary sword. This was THE sword. The sword of my station. A greatsword that truly was great, the only weapon in the entire Empire forged out of solid metal, and impossibly perfectly so. It's length was a solid two bios, taller than most Dasaka, and its monetary value more than several Menti could hope to earn in a lifetime. Crafted at the beginning of the Empire it had been handed down from one Executioner to the next, the amount of lives lost to this single blade immeasurable, the blood spilled over it unfathomable. With indasaka ease I held it level at his mask, more than five bios separating us between the length of my blade and arm combined... farther than his blade could ever hope to reach. I leveled my gaze as much as I did my blade.


"Forced to... what?" I asked quietly, already knowing the answer. "This is... family business, and none... of yours. If you wish... to argue... the point, feel... free." With that I twitched my arm, my blade coming precariously close to his mask. His glare was unmistakable, but he wisely said nothing. Unlike most Menti this warrior knew what I was capable of and at this moment didn't have the stomach to continue this spectacle. I merely nodded.


"Then please... stand aside."


Without a word he did so. In fact no more words were spoken as I pulled Yumiwa out of the throne room and into the passages that led into the private chambers of Umbraline Royalty. And straight to her room.


Because even a Rora could be sent to her room.

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Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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This can't be happening. Oh god. Oh god. Retreat retreat retreat.


Desdemona hadn't meant to spy, honest. As was her station, the younger princess - Chojo, she thought, repressing a panicked dry heave at the thought - sat in her tower in the royal apartments, focusing the sparse energy in her frail frame into her prodigious Willhammer abilities and keeping the area clean and clear of potential threats. When she felt the deep, warm tremor of her uncle's presence - like the strumming on a harp on the mental plane Desdemona ruled - she had not stopped to question it...until Yumiwa visibly spiked, and their Ideatalk argument began its steady barrage on Desde's concentration. Tensing hard with the prowess of a natural Menti, gifted beyond her years - maybe beyond any years - the upstart freak monster  princess focused harder on discerning the cause of the argument, on what she could do to help, on--


"Then please... stand aside."


Desde retreated from the mental plane on impulse and ran over to her bed; the adolescent Chojo began spinning her three crystal spheres around in a Mindarm triangle innocently.



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I see the world in a unique way. I don’t see it at all.


Not the way you do, at least. I don’t see Rayuke storm into the throne room, or the Rora’s shocked expression. I don’t see the color of the desert held between her fingers, or the color of the outrage on her face as he orders her court out of the room. I hear it instead. I can hear their tones as clear as day, and my mask paints for me a picture woven of sound, a picture both more comprehensive and less detailed than yours will ever be. I sense the nobles, looking back indignantly as they are forced to leave. The glory seekers, the high class girls, the crown kissers all, to the woman, forced out of the room as confrontation looms. I hear that, too.


The argument, awash with color and emotion, washes over my mind, conveying more detail than I could ever have hoped to witness with my ears. The Rora does not notice me, as I stand a few brief steps behind the Executioner, slightly offset to his right. The picture is painted in my mind as the Rora advances angrily, demanding her respect, demanding that Rayuke acknowledge her standing.


I smile.


Why? Because it’s funny. It’s absolutely hysterical, watching this spoiled princess try and demand the sway of a ruler. Hear her sit with her crumb cake (I cannot see it, but the Rora’s preference is infamous) and her pretty dresses, consorting with her Umbraline cohorts like she’s at an ice cream social. I’m lucky she can’t see me, but Inokio does. The Battlemaster is aware of me, but he sees my charge as the greatest point of interest. He’s right. I know what’s coming even before he does, and certainly before the Empress does. My grin widens when, as expected, the Rora Yumiwa Umbraline herself is grabbed by the ear and dragged from her position towards her quarters.


Inokio elects to bar Rayuke’s way, his shimmering Soulsword registering vibrantly on the mental plane. My Arthron, as well, tells me that my charge has drawn his own weapon. That blade, legendary in the empire, reverberates with a very specific sound when my Arthron pings it, a metallic sound reflecting its metal nature. Even without factoring in skill, the Executioner has the advantage simply because of reach.


Nevertheless, I do my duty. He has threatened my charge. As Inokio stands aside to allow Rayuke passage, he finds that I have already been there. My stance, just to the Battlemaster’s right, is not threatening; my hands rest on my cane, the point of it planted solidly before my feet. I can feel the waves of displeasure radiating off of him throughout the mental plane, emotions that he has made no attempt to hide. My unseen, sightless eyes are fixed upon him, my grin now replaced by a look of warning. I am smaller than him, and I am comparably unarmed. He has no reason to find any threat in me, the charity case, given a job deemed by most to be unecessary.


I hold his gaze, or rather where I know it to be, until a few moments after Rayuke has already left. Neither of us move from our position, but I allow my disapproval to emanate from my very being. Satisfied, I turn to follow the Executioner; my smile has already returned before I have finished rotating.


Catching up to him is not hard, but I follow three paces (mine, to be clear. Three of his would put me several miles away.) behind him and the struggling Rora, making no attempt to disguise my mirth. The Rora, leader of the Dasakan Empire, Zuto Nui’s agent on our earth, pulled along by her ear while being brought to her own room. Like a little girl.


I wonder if he’ll make her have supper without dessert.


At any other time, the thought would make me giggle like a little girl myself. It’s so outlandish, ridiculous even, that I cannot help but want to laugh. Nevertheless, I suppress my amusement. It would not be respectful to laugh so loudly while on duty. I would have to do so later, in the privacy of my own home. As we near the royal chambers, I know that Rayuke will want at least a degree of privacy with the Rora once they arrived (and I’d need to give him it, if I wanted to avoid laughing at her profanity); so I stop a short distance from the entrance to Yumiwa’s room (she got sent to her room!), and turn to face the hall behind me, placing the tip of my cane in front of me. They shall not be followed on my watch.


Nevertheless, I am aware of another presence; though undoubtedly she has been aware of me long before I was aware of her. .:My apologies, Chojo,:. I broadcast, managing to keep my amusement out of my ‘voice’, if only barely. .:I’m sure the noise must have been… Unpleasant. Lord Rayuke’s audience with the Rora should be done soon.:.

I don’t really expect a reply; the Chojo has her own duties, and I doubted her interest in my civility. Nevertheless, such niceties are important; the nobles and royals might think themselves leagues above us (and certainly leagues above the cripple), but that doesn’t mean they’re not people too.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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.:It's alright. I happen to be totally doing important Chojo things like not listening to this in rapt fascination.:.


Desde spun her finger in a circle and watched her spheres roll around on the bed, totally not listening in rapt fascination.



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.:You and half the palace, milady.:. I responded, this time unable to keep a touch of amusement out of her tone. I blame the surprise at receiving a response to begin with. Nobles may be people, but they're people that are usually selectively deaf to people that aren't nobles. I watched the Rora be sent to her room, and her sister talked to me. And I saw the Dastana twins.


Big day indeed.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"Of course not, sir," I bowed, returning to the kettle. "It will be my pleasure."


As I ground another few leaves, the ruby insets of Nera's robe clinked together as she bent over her own tea, daintily raising her cup to her mouth for another sip. A wan half-smile creased her creased face. "At last, the temperature is perfect," she informed nobody in particular. A deeper gulp of the liquid; the sound of a fountain as I filled Jasik's cup; withered lips being licked. Nera set her tea down just as I placed a second cup on the table before Jasik. He smiled insouciantly at me, and I didn't smile back.


"Your words have assured me of your self-confidence, Jasik," Nera told the Dastana First Son, sparing Arsix a glance too. "And that confidence does assuage some of my tepidness. But you have, perhaps, gone too far in your conjectures. Yumiwa is a child - even more so than you two - and an Umbraline. I appreciate her on the throne in the same way that I appreciate a cockroach in my tea. Everyone knows this. The accuracy of your assumption that I detest her, while unremarkable, is sound. You are also correct in assuming that Clan Fursic is between two courses of action, and that one course is supporting the efforts of Clan Dastana. The other, though, does not involve siding with the Umbralines.


"I am here because I believe that in tandem, Clan Fursic and Clan Dastana can more quickly and painlessly dispose of the cockroaches in our tea. But do not make the mistake of considering me unable to stomp down on the bugs - and, perhaps, the dock rats too - without holding someone's hand."


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IC: Dastana Arsix


Arsix could barely keep from rolling her eyes. It wasn't about cockroaches in somebody's tea. Nera wanted power and Yumi was just in her way.


"If this was about taking power in the court when it began, it certainly isn't any more. You wouldn't be here now. You'd be accelerating the process of marrying of your son to Yumi, use her for children with your family's blood before killing her off and impressing Fursic-favored views onto the poor young impressionable girl that then takes the throne. It isn't much different then the current situation in the kingdom." Arsix said casually, "Yet you're here. Which means either you hadn't considered any of what I just said before and you have no idea what you're doing, or you want my brother and I to define where it is we stand in relation to you," the twins looked to one another and Jasik continued.


"We stand apart from the Dasaka Empire."


"Why go to all this trouble when you can just walk away?"




Arsix's gaze darkened, "We'll offer you collaboration. But in the form of solidarity against the child Rora."


"We'll declare independence from the Dasaka Empire," Jasik said quietly.


Arsix watched Nera process things cooly, placing her handsome face into her thin hand, "We'll make Yumi be forced to make the first move on her own. A move with great implications. She either lets us all go and we become queens in our own right, or more foolishly she'll strike our clans back - making the Rora into a villain," Arsix let out a little smile, "It's much easier to avoid prosecution from the people when the know who struck first."

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"Our forebears swore oaths to a different Rora," Jasik continued, but more coolly than before; he watched Kuno with eyes that flirted, then cooled, then burned with fervor; what did Jasik think; what did Jasik know? "In a different epoch. Some of us never swore oaths at all."





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"Spineless- "


Still dragging her by the ear I made the last corner...


"Traitorous- "


We were crossing the hall the led directly to her quarters-


"Savage honorless hoko ape!"




With my free hand I pushed her door open, and not-to-nicely but still gently as to not rip her hear off tossed her into her room. She skitted several paces before falling to one knee, gingerly holding on to her assaulted ear as she turned to look at me with a glare that would have evaporated the Endless Sea. "I... have had enough... of attitudes for... one day. You... will remain here... until I call for you."


She snarled at me, spewing yet another burst of obscenities, this time including my mother into the mix (does she not realize that is her own grandmother... ?), yet the only visible response I gave her was the tightening of my eyebrows. "Dinner... will be brought... presently. I suggest you... take this time to... think about your actions."


She stood to her full height, outwardly looking more calm but I could tell on the inside she was seething. "Will I at least get my handmaidens and the crumbcake you so despicably crushed underfoot?"


"No... on both accounts."


Her eyes went wide for a moment before she made a sprint for the door, but for all her spry quickness she was no match for the speed of thought as I willed her door shut and locked it with my own mental combination. Turning I gave a relieving sigh even as she pounded fruitlessly on the heavy wooden door, her screams and protests now finally muted... except, that is, for her mental ones that went screaming across my mind.


At least with that I could tune her out. Turning to Masayoshi I gave my bodyguard a look.


:You enjoyed that a little TOO much methinks:


That garnered a half-smile, even as her stance was that of an alert guard. The moment I had her attached to my entourage the rumors started flying, rumors that I cared little about. Yes, she was blind and "crippled"... I use that word loosely. That weakness of hers has become of my greatest assets, a greater boon than most people realize. If anything it gives her a more pure and distinctly unique view of the world around her, one that has over time significantly opened my eye and given me a new perspective, if not her ability to reveal things that eyes would tend to overlook. It also made her more resistant to Sighteye illusions, given that visual illusions had no effect on her, and the Arthron tended to slice through all but the most carefully-constructed deceptions. Couple that with her skill with several types of arms and a distinct sense justice, and you have a very talented and multi-purposed individual. Her bodyguard position is just a mere formality; to me, she was more than that and in fact extremely and indispensably useful. Before either one of us could comment however, I felt another mind nearby... and it was on the warpath.


:Looks like I will need to confront Inokio after all: I thought sourly :Come, Masa, and don't worry about the Rora; my personal guards will keep an eye on her:


Even as my Ideatalk was underway several Dasaka and Dashi warrior appeared and took postions around the Rora's residence. Technically policemen and Officers of the Law under the Head of Justice, the Lord Executioner, they were far more capable combatants than their name and title let on. Yes, they were more suited for civil matters and detective work, but they were picked from the finest in the yards, chosen not only for their combat ability but also for their mental prowess in terms of problem-solving, meaning they were much more rounded and capable then their strict militaristic sisters.


Giving a simple nod to acknowledge their presence I began to walk back towards the public sectors of the residential area, knowing that Yumiwa's personal bodyguard would have a few words for me.


This... is going to be an interesting conversation.

Living large... like clown-shoe size large. Complete with nose, rainbow-colored hair, and a bottle of seltzer water.


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OOC: #eavesdropping


IC: Minami

Idens were wonderful things.


They let you fly in the sky, swim through the ocean, look in people's secret places, and all that wonderful stuff, all without having to leave your room.


For this reason, they were not only just fancy toys, but also extremely useful weapons of espionage and data collection.


As well as simply attending meetings without having to spread all of your germs to everyone else.


As Nera and the Twins discussed politics, Minami's spirit watched, contemplating the proceedings. She observed with curiosity, wondering what her distant cousins were planning to do.

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