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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

Nuju Metru

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Ic: What role did Kulrik play in the revolution? Inokio wondered. Was he a full-on accomplice or something less? Or was he even unaffiliated? Inokio wished he'd been able to spend more attention to Kulrik's face while Jasik was in the room, but between wrestling personal demons to the side or observing Kulrik the former was by far the more important to him. 


"'This Plangori'  has a name, Kulrik, and it is Shuuan," he said, unexpectedly choosing to defend the ugly ducking's dignity and surprising both her and Kulrik. "Regardless of your feelings, she is a daughter to a toroshu and holds noble stature, she deserves more than enough respect to use her name. It is not your place to scold or demonize her." Typically mild-mannered and gracious, his sudden lambast seemed out of the blue and weighty. But almost as soon as his voice rose to the occasion he reverted to the traditional type and almost lamented. 


He exhaled deeply before continuing in his normal tone, "My official duties will keep me on Sado, unfortunately, otherwise I'd eagerly go with you," he admitted. He did have a taste for adventure, despite what people assumed based on his observed personality in and around the Palace. It was largely rooted in the generally boring life of an imperial retainer who didn't get the chance to run and fond what was over the next hill. He wanted to do it so much but, as fate would have it, even in retirement his presence was still required at court.


"If there's anything you need from me, however—as a person, not the empress' trustee—I will gladly oblige. I, also, want to keep this empire strong." 

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IC: (Senavysh Angavur)


This day had gone from strange to completely bizarre. The appearance of the Dastana cemented its status as such. Sena listened to the exchange between the First Son and Retainer with intrigue, but a bit of naivety. This Imperial backhandedness, diplomacy, it was fascinating, but also somewhat confusing. She felt somehow grateful to be raised far from such spite and web-weaving, it might just have provided her a far happier upbringing after all.


"...Can we return to business?"

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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"Thank you for providing myself with Shaun's name Inokio, I did not know what it was. And thank you for your offer to help - I understand that your duties to the Empress require you stay on Sado, but if there is anything you can help us with to ensure the security of the Empire and it's citizens, I'll be sure to let you know" Kulrik said with a respectful nod. Truth be told the Vilda didn't entirely trust the other First Son; he was too close to the Umbralines, too likely to simply hand over whatever power or weapon they might find.


"Now, as you said, back to business" Kulrik replied to Senavysh. "Who'll be coming with me to secure the rest of these Keys?"



Relisai looked out the window with longing. With each day she grew more and more detached from the Empire, gleaning only some very basic details from what she could see and hear going on in the city below. There was little for her to do, other than lie down on the bed in the small room and remember...


The young Menti flung herself into the treetops using her newly trained Mindarm skills, scrambling before finally finding purchase amongst some branches. To the south and to the east were clan lands, Vilda's and other's so small they barely warranted a name. To the west was the coast - if she strained her eyes, Relisai could see hints of blue and green, the ocean's endless face. To the north was jungle, and that was where she'd find her prey, she as sure of it.


Relisai hunted her sister.


She jumped forward, lightening her fall with her powers and broke into a run. She was barefoot here, like most Vilda on Oki - this was they're home, there was nothing on the ground here that could harm them. Relisai rushed past trees and patches of thorn bushes, surprising a small family of Rahi as she dashed ahead. "Sorry" she whispered to her animal friends, but there was no time for any further apologies, she was too busy. Finally she stopped to catch her breath, leaning on her knees as she looked down at a set of tracks. They split here; one continued north, the other veered to the right. Her sister must have doubled back and change directions, leaving one false pair. Now Relisai had to figure out which was which.  


The northward track was again the obvious choice, as it would continue to provide Robalta with plenty of room to run. A good huntswoman would have then immediately discarded the idea, because that's just what smart prey would do, and taken the other path. Relisai though was great, daughter of the Toroshu, and knew her sister was cunning - Relisai would head north.


Or maybe not? I should actually go right, that's where my sister would go. She'll be able to seek refuge with the smaller clans, hide there and....


NOOO. Relisai shook her head. Those were not her thoughts, she realized. Robalta was putting them in her head, and that meant she was close. Very close. And definitely not east. 


Relisai bolted in the direction of the northbound footprints and quickly saw it. The glint of crystal in the sun, pouring through the treetops even here on Oki. Relisai fashioned the psychic energies around into a vague lasso and hooked it around her sister's angle. With a mental yank, she pulled her sister down to the ground. The younger sister leapt atop the older, pulling a dagger to her throat.


"Got you"  she said with a sweet smile.


Relisai put the blade away and helped up the sister she loved so dearly.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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IC: Dastana Arsix - Obaida


Arsix's feet gracefully carried her along the path. She appeared to almost glide in contrast to the small royal guard that accompanied her, giving the Toroshu an elegant almost ethereal appearance. Rarely seen without her twin brother next to her, Arsix was given a number of looks from varying Taajar along the road while she traveled to a more secluded land.


Upon cresting the hill, Arsix stopped and turned her alien eyes upon Greywood Longhouse; the only piece of official presence the Taajar clans had - and all the way in the middle of nowhere no less. Arsix mused silently about this as she descended once more, down to the village.


OOC: Hello Greywood village!

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It was a Toroshu's duty to be able to read her environment, and as Nihonei read the room, what she found was... Intriguing. The complex backhanded compliments and implications of political life bored her, but reading people was much more her forte. Jasik's quiet assuredness as he left spoke of a hidden victory, and the Battlemaster's reaction spoke of defeat. The Korae First Son tried to pass it off as distress over the revelation of his hidden poetry, but such a thing did not cover the extent of his reaction. Either his poems contained some very specific information he did not wish known... Or something else was afoot.


She quietly filed the behavior of both First Sons away for later use.


"Today has been... Interesting."




A deep inhale brought fresh, aromatic air into lungs long lacking. An exhale banished it once more.


As much as Hanabe appreciated her home's quiet and pensive atmosphere, she wished it were more natural. The chateau lacked the flora and fauna to such a degree, though given that it was cared for by the Vilda, she shouldn't be surprised. Nevertheless she never failed to visit the Imperial Gardens when she visited Sado. The Menti sat cross-legged in a small clearing, eyes shut meditatively as she continued her measured breathing.


Admittedly, it was... Questionable, as to whether or not she was allowed to be there. The Gardens were closed to the lower classes, and whether or not that extended to the average Menti varied depending on the attitude of whatever Hogo happened to be safeguarding them at the time. Hanabe simply chose to bypass that step altogether. With two Sighteyes, infiltrating the wonderful peace of the massive gardens was easy. Slipping away into the vegetation, away from prying eyes, was even easier.


She breathed once more. She would have to leave soon, but for now, she was at peace.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



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OOC: All Taajar clans have villages and land mind you (Albeit in isolated, and often marginal locations). But Greywood is simply one of the largest, and the seat of Taajar authority.


IC: (Iolatra/Greywood)


Greywood was one of the grandest Taajar villages. And that was saying something. Along its edge stone walls stood, covered in moss, and weathered by age. Two Zrupgar, bows in hand, looked upon the new arrivals from their wicker chairs atop. One shouted down to her fellow below, to alert the Regent of guests. Arsix and her entourage found the gate open, as it usually was. Entering into the settlement, they saw to their right a large number of longhouses lined along the walls, with great forges in between them. Around the area, Angavur crystalsmiths labored in much the same way their ancestors did, chipping and carving crystal of dozens upon dozens of colors into cutlery and arms. To their left, a smaller collection of longhouses stood quiet, aside from some Saihoko loading a Mukau with over a dozen Naginata.


The seat of the village was due ahead. A great structure, two stories tall, with an east and west wing. It was a longhouse in name only, built of ancient, and meticulously preserved wood, painted grey-green. The Taajar around her seemed more focused upon working then upon the Imperials coming into their village. Though many a curious child (Far more then one would find in an Imperial settlement of similar size) looked on in curiosity at upper-caste Imperials. 



Iolatra came out of the library in a dash. Putting upon her checkerboard red-white sash, she put down a book on Sokoai breeds, and went into the main hall. Talking to her guards, the Regent discovered it was a group of Dastana coming into her village. It wasn't particularly odd, as Dastana Saihoko came to Greywood upon occasion to buy weaponry, but from the sound of it, they were upper-caste. Or else seemingly so. Iola quietly sent orders to her handmaidens, to take positions to greet the dignitaries (They were assumed to be such). She had her cousin Zelagu take the rice-cakes and salt to the entrance. Taking a seat in the yellow-cushioned chair right of the throne, she sat and waited for the Dastana to enter.  

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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"Toroshu's Nihonei, Senavysh? Lorekeeper? Your knowledge of history and how to research it would be invaluable on this journey. It's why I asked for your help in the first place."


Kulrik hoped that by ignoring Shuuan, she would just leave them alone. Nothing else had worked so far.





"How did you find me sister? I've used that Willhammer trick a dozen times back on Sado during training, and no one ever caught on!" 


"Oh well, you know" Relisai said slowly, wrapping an arm around Roberta's shoulder as they began the trek home, "those Umbralines and other's they've got there are too tame, they don't know how to hunt. They just parade around all day with fancy spears and can hardly tell which end is the pointy one. Us Vilda, we're proper wild." As if to prove her point Relisai started to growl and howled, and Robalta quickly joined in.


The pair laughed, happy to be reunited. 


Relisai had just come home for a short vacation, a break from the long and tedious Menti training in the Yards. Robalta on the other hand had already finished her training a few years ago and ever since had been on Oki with their mother, learning the finer aspects of statescraft. Release couldn't be happier, of course - Robalta would make a great Toroshu she really and truly cared for the Vilda and the island. Plus, that left Relisai free to roam Oki and run free with nature, away from all those fancy dresses and pomp in the capital. 


"Stop" Robalta said suddenly, her voice turning serious. "Do you hear that?"


Relisai froze, straining to hear. "....What is it?"


"A race! Last one home must sit with mother while she reads Vilda: A History to the children!" With that and a giggle, Robalta was running again.


Relisai groaned. She started after her sister, yelling "But I've only just come home, can't I relax for one day?!"


"And I've been home for years. Only fair for you to take an honest share!" Robalta yelled back without turning around. She was already disappearing from view. Mother's stories were interesting the first few times a Dasaka heard it; less so the hundredth.


The younger sister was just beginning to catch up with the Vilda heir when something caught her eye, a glimmer in the periphery. Sunlight off crystal.She paused. There wasn't supposed to be anyone else out here, not now at midday. They were too far away from any Oki clans' home for a stray farmer to be walking around. And it certainly wasn't a guest, the Vilda made it their business to know who came and went from the island. Accepting that she would lose the race anyways, Relisai decided to indulge her curiosity and have a look at who or what was poking around.

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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[sado, Imperial Palace]


“They have indeed,” Morie said, keeping her voice soft and yet not without emotion.  “If I may not trouble you highness, may I take a seat?  My stamina is not what it used to be."


[sado, Imperial Library]


I looked intensely Inokio.  What had that been?  Anyone could have seen that he and Jasik were sneering at each other behind masks of politeness--but there was something, something deeper than some sort of black leaking swirl of thoughts.  Inokio was too disciplined to give forth much though, and as soon as I tried to probe the blip it vanished.  I kept looking at him though, at least until Kurik opened his mouth again.


“Perhaps the lorekeeper could better assist if you were willing to share a bit more, Kulrikky dear,” I said, grinning lazily at him, then very deliberately concentrating my gaze on the sword he was still clutching.  I also took the opportunity to take a small step closer toward him.

Normally, I would be reveling in how I was making him sweat, but there was something about what had just happened between Inokio and Jasik that had me distracted.  Still, no use not having a little fun on the way to the truth.

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

AU8R4.gif BkY1n.gif 5r6gI.gif MWEwd.gif ZMVSN.gif ODscu.gif FICZv.gif HZtia.gif XDvOI.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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IC: (Senavysh Angavur)


"...I will help to the best of my ability," Sena said. "Though considering the climate of these times, my people might soon need me."

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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Kulrik swallowed hard and his heart began to race again as Shuuan came forward, using that horrible nickname. She was trying to goad the First Son, Kulrik was sure, but he had to admit she doing a good job. Something about her attitude and voice tended to make it very difficult to keep a clear mind. Resting the tip of the blade on the floor, Kulrik gripped the handle a little tighter, as much to make sure Shuuan didn't make a lunge forward as to keep himself focused.

He continued to ignore the Plangori in an effort to show he was nonplussed by her maddening behaviour.


"Of course Senavysh, I understand that your duty to the Taajar is your priority." Still waiting for the other's answers, Kulrik acknowledged that Shuuan had a point - it would help if he stated his plans a little more clearly. He just didn't like it that she'd suggested it. 


"That's why I propose we leave as soon as possible. According to Zunostra's Blade the next Key was found by a Dastana; it would make sense to assume that it is hidden somewhere on Iki. Once we arrive there, we should be able to use the rest of the Blade's clues and some local knowledge to pinpoint a approximate location."

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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"I will give what aid I can." Nihonei's answer was decisive, given after only a few moments of thought. She casually straightened the blade sheathed at her hip, unaccustomed to the return of its weight. Her eyes passed briefly over the group, before she nodded faintly to herself.


"The Eiyu are my first priority. But until such a time as those priorities conflict, I will give my aid."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"Happy to hear it!" Kulrik exclaimed. "If we all hurry, we should be able get our things in order in time to catch the last ferry of the day to Iki. And I'm sure the Dastana wouldn't mind hosting us while we're there, so there's no need to worry about supplies or lodging. There's just one last thing to wrap up before we leave."


Kulrik raised a finger accusingly at Shuuan, who was standing too close for comfort. 


"If you'll be joining us, do you mind explaining why you charged for the blade earlier? And why you still have a a gambler's eye on it now?" 

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You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

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Simple boredom. 


That was what drove her to this annoying place. 


And that was what plagued her now in this boring place. 


For the Dasaka known as Vinyani, the gardens were nothing more than boring. Sure peace and quiet could be nice, but if she wanted to relax she preferred the rippling the ocean, the rolling tides that accompanied the beautiful white crescent. That fluidity, that immersion, was far more calming and pleasing to the bored Sighteye. She had come here at the insistence of her partner, another large source of boredom, always quiet and subdued, it was hard to do anything enjoyable with other Sighteye. Even a simple prank was beyond her tolerance. Honestly she sometimes wondered why that darn Toroshu had paired her with Hanabe in the first place. 


However boredom was not her only reason for disliking the gardens, there was another far more justified and deeper rooted reason. The simple fact was that it felt like another flaunting of the nobility's arrogance. The way the shut out all of the lower classes, just felt wrong to her, a monopoly on beauty so to speak. The lower castes were the ones out there that were working hard every day, making sure that things didn't go astray. To banish them from a place of beauty, that was filled with extinct species that most of the lower castes would never see in their life, it was almost as if they were trying to flaunt their austerity. 


And that gave the trickster a fun little idea causing her mischievous grin to grow even larger. Time for some fun. First she sat down in a meditative position, a normal sight for anyone walking through the gardens. The next step was activating her powers, anyone walking near her would suddenly smell smoke, if they glanced around a bit they'd notice a small flame underneath one of the bushes. A flame that was rapidly spreading....


This should be interesting. 

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IC: (Iolatra/Greywood Longhouse)


Zelagu passed the food to another handmaiden, and gave a quick bow. In rough Imperial, she told Arsix, "Audience you shall receive. Come forward with me, to meet with Regent Iolatra."


She and her sister led the group of Dastana forward. They passed down a small flight of stairs, around the high table to a raised dais. The throne of the Angavur, an large throne, but undecorated. It was made of solid wood, painted in blood-red, with yellow cushions. It was empty. To its right sat a modest, far less cushioned chair. In it was a wiry Taajar, with strangely sand-blue armor, looking upon the Dastana with barely suppressed curiosity.


She rose, and gave a quick bow. "I am Iolatra Angavur, Regent of Greywood," she said curtly. "I stand here representing my cousin, Toroshu Senavysh, in her unfortunate absence. Now, may I ask for name, traveler?"


Iolatra knew they were Dastana, but nonetheless, she had to keep polite discourse. From the sound of heavy-booted footsteps behind her, she silently realized Mahane had stepped into the room, to view the proceedings.


IC: (Senavysh)


Sena nodded quietly. This was going to be an odd experience, for sure. But it was certainly something to be apart of.

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC: (Iolatra Angavur)


It was the Toroshu of the Dastana. That single word made her mind buzz with curiosity. What in the name of Mother Zuto was a Dastana Toroshu doing all the way out in Odaiba? Iolatra wanted to know, and would find out. She knew that there was trouble in Sado, assassination and intrigue. She was aware of the general facts, but news traveled slow to Greywood. Could it be somehow related to that?


"My clan is having a better year than before, thank Mother Zuto. But in regards to my cousin, I will state that she is in the capital at the moment, trying to establish better relations with the Toroshu of the Court. It is ill-timing that you came too late to meet her." Mahane came slightly closer, probably trying to find a moment to blast the Imperials, a hobby she relished in.


"Let me give my condolences to your family. Toroshu Arsix. It is such a sad fate to befall such a noblewoman. And may you please pardon my lack of news, but what has happened to your brother? I have heard all sorts of talk of him and his fate. But may you please inform me of what happened to him?"

I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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IC: Dastana Arsix


Arsix gave a nod, "Grand Executioner Rayuke tested us and found that Jasik - and myself - had nothing to do with the late Rora's demise," her voice slowed, "Unfortunately, Rayuke did not perform his interrogation until after our mother was killed in response to Jasik's alleged crime," Arsix smiled sadly before continuing, "But yes, Jasik is well."

She straightened up, "I'm pleased to hear of improvements amongst your clan this year. Many women in the capital don't tend to notice, but being the Toroshu of a clan known for our economics, I try to keep an eye out for business opportunities outside of the capital," Arsix's famous eyes moved about others in the room, "In fact that is part of the reason I wished to speak with your cousin - I come with a proposed trading agreement."

Edited by Palm

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IC: Noshima


Even as Hanabe enjoyed the sanctity of the gardens, she would notice the presence of another being near her. The sounds of fabric shifting were evident as somebody sat upon the grass, the blades rustling as that certain someone settled into a meditative position of her own. And then there was quiet.




"It is my hope that your peace has not been disturbed."

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Even in her introspection, Hanabe had not surrendered her senses. Though her eyes were closed, her ears discerned the arrival of another. She did not open them, nor turn to look, but she slowly began to pay more attention. Though she, nor her partner, were precisely forbidden from the Gardens they hadn't exactly entered through the most reputable means.


"Nothing has been disturbed, madam." The Eiyu Menti said, breaking her own silence. "A peace broken by a single intrusion is fated to be broken regardless."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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"Not inherently. Disruption, in its own way, is important." There was a pause, Hanabe's eyes slowly opening as she turned her head to look at the newcomer.


"How may I help you, madam...?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Hanabe's eyebrows arched upwards, giving a bow at the waist without leaving her cross-legged position. "I apologize for my disrespect, Toroshu. I am Eiyu Hanabe. The pleasure is mine."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: (Iolatra)


"Does this affect my clan personally, or the Taajar as a collective people?" Iolatra asked. "I speak for both, and will be able to act for both- however in varying degrees and difficulties Political, and otherwise."

Edited by Mr. House
I occasionally return to BZP for a nostalgic trip back. Hit me up on discord if you need anything. 
BZPRPG Characters that I will possibly revive, Mons-Shajs-Tarotrix-Aryll Vudigg-Jorruk Yokin-Senavysh Angavur






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Hanabe nodded slightly, almost more to herself than to Noshima. The Menti took another deep breath, allowing her eyes to roam the world around her. Trees and bushes, vibrant plant-life not to be found anywhere else. The faint mental signatures of wild animals, species impossible to find anywhere else in the archipelago. After a moment, her eyes returned to the Hogo.


"I come here when I find myself on Sado. Meditation on my clan's lands is more familiar, but there is a certain peace here. My people have a few small oases, carefully created and cared for by Eiyu long gone, but nothing like this." She paused, placing her hands on her knees. "It's an environment I wish I visited more often."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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