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BZPRPG - Ko-Wahi

Nuju Metru

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IC: The Forgotten

"Hey hey none of that. Come on now. I only want to help you. Well actually I want to get out of here but still. I have a proposal. Let me stay and I will help you out. As long as you help me get out of Ko-Wahi." He said, backing away a bit from Essie. He just saw her take down a Toa twice his size.


IC Essie:

In the echoing, ghastly drone she always had, Essie strode towards the Matoran, slinging the downed Toa of Air over her shoulder with her good arm. "What assistance could you provide? We posses both rudimentary knowledge of the terrain and the capacity to defend ourselves."

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


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Aurorin wasn't sure to trust the forgotten or not. He seemed like an honest man, but he nearly kidnapped Aurorin because he wanted supplies. But even if he betrayed them all, at least Essie would teach him a lesson. "You know, that's not a bad idea..."




(I'll do this eventually, I swear...)


My BZPRPG Characters

Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Kol Arsenal Swarm Amalgamation

Skyrise Characters: Zavon


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IC: Skulk


Skulk was now enraged and without thinking said "I mean you no disrespect sir but, WHO THE DO THINK I AM! If you are trying to scare me, I only fear one thing and that's not being remembered for anything. And how dare you call me vermin, yes I've murdered, but I've never destroyed the lives of everyone in a city." he raised his hand and created a row of large sharp iron spikes between him and vortixx and began to walk away. He stopped and looked back "You all can die in a hole, you s." And continued on his way out. He may be considered evil but he still had morals.

Edited by toa grimlock

"When life gives you lemons.... Make orange soda!"


"You're immature for age..."


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IC: The Forgotten

"Well I'm good at sniping. I can pick off enemies with my fire pistol in much larger range than all of you. I'm also good at stealing things. And sneaking at that. Besides if I misbehave one of you can shoot me. Probably the Vortixx." He said. He was being truthful. He literally just wanted to get out of Ko-Wahi.




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IC: (Mortem)


The insolence of this scum. 

As he is dragged back, I say: "You obviously do not understand. What we did was pest control, an offering to our god. The only god you pray to is Money."

Beat him, stab him, slice him, flay him, smash him, splinter him, lacerate him, brake him.

"Do not fear, little one, for I shall remember you. I shall remember the sound of your screams."

I I raise my hand, my fingertips pulsating with the power Makuta has gifted me with.

Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. Destroy. 

"I cannot bring judgement on you, only Makuta can. But I am His weapon."


OOC: By the way, Morty's voice sounds like The Beast in Dr who

Edited by Silo



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IC: Skulk


Skulk tried to make iron weights on feet but quickly decided to make an arrow instead and shot it at the Skidaki's chest and then he gave in and let himself be dragged back. "You see I have one problem with that, I won't be the one screaming."

Edited by toa grimlock

"When life gives you lemons.... Make orange soda!"


"You're immature for age..."


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IC: Razsk


"Essie has a targeting system built into her brain.  I am positive she is a better shot than you.  We don't steal, and I can make sure no one hears a thing I don't want them to, perfect for sneaking.  Now answer this; how many guards did you kill when you escaped?"




No one had heard him.  However, he could hear voices not too far away.  He tried again, calling out a little louder.


OOC: Daronus, that's you, with the doc.

Edited by Vestak
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OOC: Grimlock: how exactly did Skulk fire the arrow?


IC: (Mortem)


I turn to the turaga near me.

"You too do not understand." Maybe I shall have to kill this one too. "It is not just those of His Brother that must be killed, but any who are not faithful. This world must be cleansed and pure. Order must reign."

I turn back to the Fe-Toa, hearing his words.

"So brave, little one. So noble." I casually bring out the large knife from the hospital all those weeks ago, and hurl it at the toa. It heads straight towards him, but I don't want him to die instantly. I must get some enjoyment out of this nuisance.

Edited by Silo



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OOC: Skulk has a Stolen crossbow, or so I've heard.




As he was cleaning his instruments, The doctor heard some screaming from nearby, Worried that he might be in danger, He ran out of the hut, carrying a lightstone torch, and went looking for him.




(I'll do this eventually, I swear...)


My BZPRPG Characters

Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Kol Arsenal Swarm Amalgamation

Skyrise Characters: Zavon


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OoC: with his crossbow. His arms are free arent they?


IC: Skulk


"Oh bravery has nothing to do with it, you cultist swine." Skulk felt knife embed itself in his back. Good. Sure he was in agonizing pain but now he could fight them in hand to hand combat

Edited by toa grimlock

"When life gives you lemons.... Make orange soda!"


"You're immature for age..."


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OOC: *facepalms* Sorry 'bout that, thought you were just saying he was making an arrow and then throwing it :P 


IC: (Mortem)


This makes me simultaneously enraged and happy. I am angry at the ignorance and stupidity of this being, yet I am joyful that I will cause him the most pain he has ever endured.

I grab a rock on the ground, hurling it at the heathen. As it leaves my fingertips, I use my power to shatter it into a swarm of razor-sharp shards of stone, heading at high speed at the toa.

I giggle with joy as I imagine his bloodied, cut body. I won't have to imagine for long.



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Ooc: woops was thinking of them as actual graphing guns. Changed it to make more sense.




He heard the arrow fall to the ground. The look on his immeditly changed, he knew now this was a fight he wouldn't win. "I- I'm sorry, I failed you," he muttered as he accepted that he was probably going to die. He screamed as the razor shrap stones slice him all over

Edited by toa grimlock

"When life gives you lemons.... Make orange soda!"


"You're immature for age..."


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Ervios simply grinned. How satisfying it was to see a battle-hardened Mercenary reduced to tears when trying to fight Authority. This Toa of Iron who thought he could take on the world was nothing more than an insolent little fool, trying to Impress his Peers. He though about wrecking the Toa's Morale even more by Insulting him, but he had had enough hardship as it is. Besides, he'd rather have Echelon do the punishing.




(I'll do this eventually, I swear...)


My BZPRPG Characters

Corpus Rahkshi Characters: Kol Arsenal Swarm Amalgamation

Skyrise Characters: Zavon


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OOC: And this is where things get interesting...

IC: "ENOUGH!" Dravennica bellowed, forming a coating of ice on the floor that soon shot upwards as giant spikes, stopping just short of piercing the throats of everyone around her, excluding the Turaga. "I grow tired of listening to all three of you bicker like immature children!"

She directed her ire at the Skakdi first.

"You," she growled, her stare cutting him deeper than any dagger ever could, "claim to be a part of Legacy, yet you don't even wait for your master's approval to act, even when you stand in his own house! You must be very useful to him if he has let you keep your insubordinate life for this long, because if I were in his shoes, I would've killed you already!"

She then turned to the Vortixx, sizing him up and preparing herself to combat him if necessary.

"You, who presume to speak for Echelon, are even worse! The mercenary may not believe in Makuta, and I may only value his power, but that does not give you the right to pass judgement on us when we came here with only the intent of offering him our services! If I am to die for that, then it I will gladly let it happen, but hear me now Vortixx; my death will be at his hands, not yours!"

Finally, she turned towards the Fe-Toa.

"And as for you, you need to learn how to shut your mouth and focus on your job! Now is the time to work, not the time to drink! If you used some common sense once in a while, who knows? You might just end up living a bit longer!"

She paused, catching her breath as Shredder growled, ready to attack on her command.

"Now, if you all want to continue breathing, I suggest that we all go see Echelon, and you show him the respect that he deserves."


Septima watched as the Ta-Matoran got up and ran over towards the other two, who clearly stated that they weren't thieves before they began interrogating him on how many guards he killed while escaping his cell. The thought of him killing innocent people disgusted her, and she quickly realised that it was best not to engage in conversation with them, lest they discover that she was a thief as well. She slowly returned to her feet, trying her best not to draw their attention as she tried to sneak away, attempting to resume her search for supplies while they continued to squabble.


Hero Factory: Contagion

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RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC: (Mortem)


I seethe with hatred as I turn my gaze on this...excuse. 

"Oh, you are SORRY NOW!" A part of me is silently pleased that this fool has been reduced to tears, but most of me was filled with rage. However, I have a better idea: perhaps I can brake this wretch and re-make him as a servant of Makuta. I walk up to him, showing him my hand, pulsating with power.

"See this?" I whisper. "Makuta gave me this, and- "

At that moment, ice covers my throat, and another being starts shouting incoherently at us. I calmly shatter the ice.

"I have met Echelon before, and I do respect him. However all His servants are equal. All his enemies are below us."

I smile with my pointed teeth.

"Whom do you serve, little one?"

destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy destroy 

Edited by Silo



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IC: Skulk


"How dare you belive its you who I'm appolgizing to-" Skulk fell silent as an ice spike came near his throat. He could hear Dravennica yelling something about this not being the time for drinks. He was no longer willing fight.

"When life gives you lemons.... Make orange soda!"


"You're immature for age..."


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IC: "As I said," she explained, using her mask to levitate herself up to his height. "I serve only myself, though I have come to offer my services to Echelon, should he choose to make use of them. If you wish to attack me, then do so. Stay back, Shredder; I've got this."

She readied her shield, positioning her body behind it and raising her sword, tip pointed towards the Vortixx as the Kavinika backed off.

"You're move," she scowled.


Hero Factory: Contagion

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RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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IC: Zero


"The Zealot has proven himself as a warrior. I say we let him join, for his faith gives him confidence and strength. What do you think?"


The Su-Skakdi's hands clapped together exuberantly, a genuine applause.


"I think I speak for everyone when I say that I agree. Congratulations, Toa, you pass. Splendid performance, both of you. I am impressed."


She approached the Toa of Ice, offering a hand to help him to his feet. Both warriors were panting heavily.


"I have to say, Champion's nickname for you seems more than suitable." She smiled, her voice rising louder for all to hear. "Rise, Zealot, tenth member of the Outsiders!"

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IC (Cael)


The team looked at each other in silent agreement. They would help escort the refugees out of the Koro and to safety.


* * *


IC (Oreius, Inu)


The Toa of Fire led the way through the icy village, followed by a dozen or so Ko-Matoran, some carrying spears and swords, others carrying whatever vaguely threatening household items they'd managed to grab on their way out the door. The snow fell faster and thicker as the unseen sun sank towards the horizon; Oreius exhaled, and felt the fire in his blood rise as he watched his breath turn to vapour in the air. He let the energy flow through his fingertips and burn its way up the length of his sword; it turned the metal cherry-red and bathed his face in warm light, turning to rain any snowflakes that drifted too close.


IC (Korero)


Korero gave a nod of accord.


"I'll be back in a couple of minutes with Oreius and the refugees," he said. "Keep the gate clear for us."


The Toa Maru disappeared, Hiko-jumping back to where he'd been with Oreius last. After a quick examination of the many footprints in the snow, it only took a matter of moments to catch up to his Toa-Brother.


"Good news," he said. "Cael, Agni and Merror are at the gate, with others. They can get these people to safety and give us more time to find out what's going on in the Sanctum."





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IC: (Mortem)


It would be three against one, with this Ko-Toa being the one. However, although I would love to DESTROY her worthless life, it is not for me to decide.

I kick the Fe-Toa in the head as I leave as an afterthought. Heading for the Sanctum's impressive doors, I say "Come with me." to the group.


IC: (Rekhyt)


"I'll go next, if I may" the Fa-toa said. Best to get it over and done with and, after all, he had been recruited before any of the others.



OOC: Last post of tonight.

Edited by Silo
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IC The Zealot, Tenth Member of the Outsiders


Veneras lay on the floor. He did not know where the Champion had mustered the speed to avoid his blow, but it did not matter now. The Su-Skakdi Zero was applauding. Applauding for him

"I think I speak for everyone when I say that I agree. Congratulations, Toa, you pass. Splendid performance, both of you. I am impressed."


Veneras slowly began to catch his breath as their leader extened her hand


"Rise, Zealot, tenth member of the Outsiders!"


The Toa of Ice accepted her hand and rose. 
The entire camp seemed surprised at his resilience to the great Champion warrior.

"I am thankful" the toa bowed, still panting from his outpour of energy "I will not dissapoint"
The toa looked up to see his new family: the outsiders. Veneras smiled-- no, not Veneras.
Veneras was the one who was powerless to stop the murder of his wife.

Veneras was the one who was too weak to save his burning home.
Veneras was gone.
The Toa had been given a new idenity.

He would not fail this time.
He had been given the power to avenge Veneras.
Now he was the Zealot.

Edited by Rorschach the Absolute


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She turned towards Echelon. "What do we do once the word is spread? I am sure the Toa will have some sort of response. Perhaps even a plan to try and take back their village, knowing how they operate."


IC (Echelon)


Echelon turned away from the retreating Vortixx and Matoran, examining the Nightfall's 'prophecy' once more as he answered Kohra's question.


"First, we consolidate our control over the Koro," he said. "We contain the remaining population. I do not expect the other cities to have any qualms over retaking Ko...which means we must create such qualms ourselves."





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IC: Skulk


Skulk reeled from the kick to head. He looked over to the Vortixx "You are the only one who's ever made me fear for my life. I still consider you a piece of trash. But a respectable piece of trash." he said staggering to his feet to fallow.

"When life gives you lemons.... Make orange soda!"


"You're immature for age..."


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IC: Razsk


"Essie has a targeting system built into her brain. I am positive she is a better shot than you."


IC Essie:

Quietly, in the background, Essie confirmed this. "I have a .073 percent accuracy error margin. .04 of that error is allocated to weapon limitations."



IC: The Forgotten

"Come on. Please let me come with you." He said, begging.

"You seem to be expressing the emotion of desperation. Why?" At this point, she seemed totally unconcerned about the dead guard.

Edited by Funkydude527

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


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IC: Scholar (Obsidian Outpost)

Part 1, Book 3, Chapter 3

Scholar cheered, shouting "Yay! Go Champion!" And then added as an afterthought "Oh yeah, well done to you too, Zealot!"
IC: Khil'rayu (Ko-Koro Sanctum)
Part 1, Book 1, Chapter 1
"How," I hiss, "Am I supposed to wait for the Dark Lord's commands to act, when he is beyond this realm? Everything here," I gesture at the interior of the Citadel, "Was done not by the commands of Makuta, but were done autonomously. We are not craven dogs, who run and turn on each other as their master falls; We are faithful, and we shall live to see a new darkness fall. This is the true Legacy of Makuta; Not the army of Echelon, but the shadows." I turn my back on the Ko-Toa, smashing the icicle as I do so, and follow the Vortixx beyond the doors.


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IC: Dravennica sighed as her feet once again touched the floor, taking a glance at the Skakdi and the Fe-Toa before following the Vortixx towards the inside of the Sanctum. She was not going to harm either of them with her powers, and only used them as a display of might to get them to stop fighting as they may still have proved useful to her later on; whether they knew of her bluff towards them or not, she did not know or care. The real threat in the room was the Vortixx, who she fully intended on fighting if it came down to it, but would not be able to kill as it would've made a bad first impression.

"Khil'rayu," she said, stopping so Shredder could catch up. "Let's just assume that our "friend" Skulk here slipped up in mentioning... well, you know who. He has obviously not felt your god's embrace as of yet, and the fact that he has had to take jobs from our enemies has had an impact on his manner of speech, a mistake that I'm sure he has learned not to repeat again, given his defeat at the hands of you two. I'm sure that given enough time, he will become quite an asset to Legacy, and if not, then I'll let you reserve the right to cut out his tongue. For now, however, let's just dismiss what was said, as the heat of battle was clearly affecting his thought process."

The Ko-Toa continued on her way, reabsorbing the ice that she had expended as she walked.


Septima eventually found the grocer's hut, brushing the snow off the sign beside the locked door impeding her progress; it seemed that the owner was away from home at the moment. Using her body to block what she was doing, she created two picks and quickly began to work on getting it open, looking over her shoulder to make sure no one was watching. She could have just used her powers to undo the lock, but she made it a habit of hers to practice doing it manually just in case she was ever locked up and didn't have access to her elemental abilities.

The Fe-Toa walked in, activating her Huna as the door closed again behind her.

OOC: Dravennica was talking about Echelon, Miras; she could care less about Makuta at the moment.

Edited by timageness411


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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"I'm cold, hungry and slowly going insane from being alone too long." He said, still backing away from Essie

IC Essie:

"I cannot become cold. I cannot become hungry. My mental stability is irrelevant. Even if I could experience cold, hunger, and gradual mental degradation, I cannot feel empathy." She looked over to the Toa who was not currently blacked out and the Matoran who did not exhibit hostility. "You may be able to convince my companions. They are weak biologicals. You are a weak biological. Perhaps you may find some sort of comradere in that."

Edited by Funkydude527

Essie: "Small talk subroutine complete. Were my useless vocalizations inane enough to bring you a sense of comfort?"


Profiles: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/9733-bzprpg-profile-pages/?p=763471

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IC: Skulk


"Do not speak for me Dravennica. You know nothing of my past. You know nothing about what I believe. I will however apologize to this Echelon fellow." He whipped his head towards the Vortixx and Skidaki, "As for you two, do not fool yourselves into thinking I was apologizing to you two. THAT was for my deceased friends, whom I promised I would live on for all of us."

"When life gives you lemons.... Make orange soda!"


"You're immature for age..."


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IC: Zero


The Outsider's newest member seemed appreciative, his emblazoned armor gleaming in response to the sun's rays. A smirk remained upon the She-Skakdi's features. She had a feeling the Ko-Toa wouldn't disappoint.


"I'll go next, if I may."


Zero turned slightly to regard the Fa-Toa who had confronted her earlier. She hadn't caught his name, but it didn't matter. If he proved himself worthy, he'd have a new one shortly.


"Very well," she replied. "Who would like to take on our next recruit?"

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IC: Enforcer and Veteran.


"Best go check how your buddy's doing." I suggest to Veteran. I look to the next volunteer. Rekhyt, a Fe-Toa. I remain silent. A Toa of Iron would have a massive advantage over me in a battle, being able to control my weapons and my armour. This shall not be my fight. I wait to see which of our number decides to fight him. 


"You okay, mate," I hear Veteran ask as he helps Veneras  Zealot, "You did a god job." 


IC: Dayeth. 


Dayeth had heard the commotion outside the Sanctum's inner door, but ignored it for now. She'd heard Mortem doing a whole lot of shouting, so she assumed he had it under control. But perhaps not. She stepped through and took in the situation. "What in the name of Makuta is happening out here?" she snarled. 

Embers - A Bionicle Saga - Chapters/Review

Class Is Out - A Farewell To Corpus Rahkshi - Chapters/Review

BZPRPG Characters - Minnorak, Kain, T'harrak, Savis, Vazaria, Lash

BZPRPG Mercenary Group - The Outsiders - Description - History - Base

Ghosts Of Bara Magna - Ash Tribe - Precipere - Kehla, Somok, Skrall, Gayle, Avinus, Zha'ar

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IC: Dravennica was about to respond when she noticed the Ta-Matoran approach them. She sheathed her sword slowly, resisting the urge to attack her as she gritted her teeth in hatred. Why Echelon would employ such a weaker creature was beyond her, but she knew that he must have his reasons for doing so. Her eyes momentarily diverted towards her mutated hand, looking it over in curiosity before turned back to Skulk to continue their conversation.

"I may not know anything of your past, Fe-Toa, but you should show me some gratitude nonetheless," she whispered to him. "I'm the only one here convincing everyone else not to slay you where you stand."


The first thing Septima saw was a pile of smoked meats. She hastily started shoving them into her satchel, pausing only to grab a couple canteens of water. Sampling some of the cheeses beforehand, she loaded her bag with them too before strolling over to the register and opening the tray. Business had been going well for the owner of this shop, it seemed, her hand pulling out a bag of widgets and counting fifty before pocketing them as well. The Fe-Toa closed it back up and was just about to make her way out when she saw the doorknob start turning, causing her to quickly press herself up against the wall.


The wizened Ko-Turaga opened the door, leaving it open long enough for her to quietly step around him and exit the hut before quickly making her way outside of the village, knowing full well that the guards would soon be scouring the area for a thief as she headed in the direction of the cable car.


Hero Factory: Contagion

RPG Characters:

BZPRPG Characters

RPG History:

The Asylum, Bionifight Infinite, Year 60,000, Matoran und Panzer, HF RPG 2.0, Wasteland, Corpus Rahkshi, Skyrise

GM Résumé:

Matoran und Panzer (Formerly Appointed Co-GM), Corpus Rahkshi (Former Substitute Co-GM)



Feel free to shoot a PM my way if you're waiting for me to respond to something and I've been taking a while to do so.

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