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Bzprpg - Ko-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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OOC: Hold on, when you say robot bear. do you mean it's not alive or what? Is it a Rahi or not? Cause if it's not a rahi, then it having a baby wouldn't make any sense. And just so I still have an IC....IC: BruntoaBruntoa was now fast asleep, snoring loudly, unfortunately for Rannin.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OOC: No I made up an completely mechanical bear because Raze was originally going to die. But now I am not so sure. The bear was never alive and it is not a Rahi. I really don't know why there is a cub here now. Maybe Savina's bear can adopt it.IC:Raze:He held the head in his hands and gazed onto it as if it were a treasure. And if it were a treasure he would not be sharing it.

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OOC: But why would the bear be completely mechanical? Besides the fact that it sounds like it's probably not allowed anyway, let's just say it was a normal bear rahi of sorts, cause it's more dramatic and interesting that way anyway.IC: SavinaSavina's sobbing slowed, though she was still sniffling. "A machine? What...are you saying...it was a living, breathing creature!" It didn't matter how much of the bear was mechanical to Savina, part of it was organic somewhere, the blood from the bear dripped from the head. The poor bear cub looked confused, while this Raze character held it's mothers head like a trophy.Savina couldn't take it, "You're...all....heartless..." She said gritting her teeth. She ran into the cave, huddled into the corner, and cried.

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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Amalod nods her head before turning around to face the being--but he was gone.Now that's something I hope he will teach at the academy.-Mef Man

IC: "I presume you're a teacher," conjectured a lazy drawl.Naara stepped out before Amalod. The water in the warrior's tank sloshed with the movement as her eyes took in the other Ga-Toa."I also presume you'll be teaching something utterly useless," deadpanned Naara. She picked Ebb from her belt and slowly began to move it along her arms. Edited by Pein



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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OOC: But I send Terminator animals after my characters to kill them. :censored: rules ruining my creativity.IC:Raze:Raze saw the cub and thought it was so very... cute! He ran over with its parents head in his hands and gave it a hug. The bear cub oddly enough started to purr like a kitten."This is MINE! I call it." He said now feeling guilty for attacking its parent.

Edited by infinitus
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OOC: Um...dude. It's the mother; only mothers are that protective of their cubs.IC: Kahuwa"You call it? Was is this, some sweepstakes for a bear cub which mother's I just killed? No, there is no way we're bringing that thing along. It'll just be a reminder to Savina to make her cry more often and to hate me even more."

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IC: KahuwaKahuwa threw his hands up in the air with an air of disbelief present on both his body language and face. Now some guy was telling him he was jealous for not calling a cub of some bear he just killed. Calling it would have been a serious blow to his conscience."Whatever, you know what, just keep it, I don't care. If you need me, I'll be in the cave." he said, making his way inside. Once he entered, he immediately regretted his decision upon seeing a sobbing Savina. Not quite sure what to do, he stood a few feet away from her, staring awkwardly, thinking what he should do.

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IC:Raze:"Thanks for saving me..." He said but he guessed that would be not heard.He placed the head near the body of the bear. Using fine crystals he attached them back together. He then used his mask and his powers to make the bear stand on its hind legs in a noble stance and then covered it in diamond."Little cub," he said to the bear cub, "Your mother will not be forgotten."He then picked up the bear cub that was only the size of a small dog and walked into the cave.OOC: And before you ask I already asked and yes diamonds and other precious gems along with glass fall under the power of Toa of crystal in this rpg.

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IC: "Naara I'Rohu," tossed out the toa carelessly. She leaned back against the wall of one hut casually."Oh, it's pretty obvious. Your dress is pathetically unfit for anything worthwhile," Naara continued. "You carry yourself only as a person who has never seen hardship."



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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[iC: Rannin]Rannin stormed out of his hut, muttering something about how Bruntoa snored much too loudly. Even his attempts at stopping his room mate from snoring had failed, so he had decided to exit the hut and go find others to do. Then he caught sight of Naara leaning against his and Bruntoa's hut."Hello there," he said.

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ooC: Lol everyone seems to have forgotten about Kraeyn.

OOC: Ya well, at least Savina has an excuse, she's too distraught to notice he's missing. :PIC: SavinaSavina was huddled in the corner, hugging her legs with her arms. Grecko was laying down next to her, whining a little bit at Savina like he was worried about her.She looked up at Kahuwa briefly, then quickly lowered her head till it touched her knees. "I...I don't understand...why you killed her...we...we could have...saved that guy without killing...it was...it was...senseless slaughter..."She continued to sniffing in between words, and her voice was very squeaky and pathetic sounding. "I though as Toa..were not suppose....to kill...it's...it's in the code!" She said that last bit rather harshly, then she started to sob again.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: Kahuwa"Unfortunately, the code isn't worth squat nowadays." replied Kahuwa, never being very fond of the golden rule to never kill; it was pointless and very detrimental to someone's health, especially when you're going off fighting, making enemies. Kahuwa was on the verge of saying somethign he simply loathed saying, the very thought about it making him want to throw up. Very slowly and with difficulty, the Ta-Toa pronounced the phrase."I...I'm sobuhbuh" In truth, he meant to say 'I'm sorry' but he just couldn;t bring himself to saying it.

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Amalod looked over the grey being for a split second, noticing he appeared to be missing a limb or two.Better not mess with this guy."Um, I am a bit, yes," she replies. "I've been hired, but I still don't know any of the other teachers. Well, now I know Naara," adds the Ga-Toa in a lower voice.-Mef Man

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IC: "I agree, I always hated this Koro's temperature." Tahuva decided they would take a walk. "Let's look for trouble.""Erhm, what?""Trouble always seems to find us. It will be wiser if we find it first. Slowly make the island a better place.""That actually makes sense...if not Vaarn, we should take out some other lowlife." They all started walking through the streets.

Edited by Tahu Nuva Golden


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