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Friar Tuck

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OOC: Okay, see you then.

IC(Sagom and Vagdom)

"You're right, there," replies the Turaga, chuckling. "Anyway, I'm going to finish my meal and I'll be back soon. I'll need you two to help me load up for the journey." With that, the being walks back into the room and begins to eat.Sagoms smiles at her adopted father before turning back to Nost. "Well, I guess we still have some time alone."-Mef Man

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IC: Krayzikk. Talking, Academy"Got my shoulder stitched up at the hospital by an insane toa of fire, while imprisoned in crystal by a crazy martial artist named Tarex, tried to stop a drunk harassing a man, watched the drunk be killed in front of me, flirted with a pretty doctor and had a few at a bar."Krayzikk paused for air. "Weird stuff, man. Weird stuff."

IC: ...At the mention of his longtime friend's name, the formerly zoned out Toa of Magnetism snapped to attention, as if slapped in the face."Wait a minute," he interjected, "you met Tarex?" he asked, pointing a finger at the Titan."I wondered when you'd notice that." Cyrunei said, with an amused smirk."Lemme guess, he's been working himself half to death, hasn't he?" the martial artist groaned, bringing his palm to his forehead in a gesture of annoyance. "I'll not have a chance if I let him get more practice in than me...""I thought you said that you were a little better than him?" the toa of Ice stated inquistively, turning to face the frantic fighter."Yeah, I know I did, but really, if you've fought with him, you'll know why I need to catch up. The guy's a heart-stoppingly good fighter, he's fast as all karz, and judging from the power behind his hits, you'd say that he should be exploding from keeping it all bottled up! Sometimes it feels like he hits harder than I do!" he ranted, now pacing as the full weight of the consequences for his lack of dedicated training came to bear on his shoulders."Karz karz karz"Cyrunei watched, baffled and more than a little amused as the seemingly unflappable pugilist was nearly reduced to a nervous wreck.Oh man, I am gonna need to catch up fast. I may have a few weeks to do so, but there's no doubt he'll be usin' them too...

helo frens

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OOC: I return, after having to deal with real life. :PIC: ZaukHe smiled back. "Sure, here," He said as he handed Naru the coat."Its always good to learn something new about your mask. I recently learned from BioSector01 that I can use my mask and elemental powers at the same time. Wanna see?"



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IC: Krayzikk, Amusement, AcademyKrayzikk stared at Jolek for a moment. Then he turned to Cyrunei. "Is he aware he just inferred most of that from me saying the name Tarex? Does he usually do things like that?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Krayzikk, Sighing, AcademyKrayzikk sighed. "I am going to assume he is the buddy Tarex mentioned. He fits the brief description I got." Refocusing on Jolek, he said "Yo. Magnet Head. Friend of Tarex, whatever your name is, he is being the errand boy for a major hospital. He probably has less time than you think."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: "I don't know, he seemed busy doing parkour, trapping titans in crystal so their shoulder can can be healed, and being ordered around by a pretty doctor. Believe me, he may have time, but he has less time than you think." Krayzikk paused. "Also, will you tell me your flurgin' name? Other wise, I will have to keep calling you Magnet Head."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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OOC: I've started reading The Scarlet Letter for an American Literature class I'm taking, so if my writing seems more formal than usual, that's why.IC (CRANE Academy, obstacle course):...Ten.Nova had ceased counting his laps aloud by his fifth time round. He needed the air in his lungs. Breathe in, breathe out. A pressure mounted beneath his chest, climaxing with each forced breath he took.Fifteen.How had he survived thus far? Maybe he was stronger than he realized. Maybe he actually stood a chance of completing the one hundred laps, of having enough energy to meet the obstacle course head-on--What was he saying? Was he trying to drive himself to death? His muscles burned, his bones ached, and his mind was stressed to its breaking point. All that he needed to fall was one little distraction.Not the rain; his face had grown numb to the falling droplets that spashed randomly across his face. Not the mud; cleanliness was the least of his worries. Not the onlookers; they stood out of his way, outside Nova's tunnel of vision, though he could feel their wondering gazes on him as he passed. Maybe he looked insane. Maybe that meant he was one step closer to being a real Toa.Thirty.Now the pain set in, torrents of agony flooding his nervous system. He gritted his teeth and willed his limbs to obey. His limbs refused to listen, nearly giving way twice before Nova resumed control.If this wasn't Karzahni, Nova would have to pay the island of Karzahni a visit to see what it was really like.Forty.The number had flitted through his mind like a burst of sunshine in the middle of a hurricane before he realized its meaning: He was almost halfway done.Forty-five.He could do this.Forty-eight.Pushing himself even harder, he increased his speed. Mud was kicked up like dust in his wake. He could do this!Forty-nine...He could--He stepped over the starting line for his fiftieth lap and promptly fell flat on his face. He didn't move, save his legs, which twitched spasmatically.

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IC Vaarn and Henchmen - Vaarn's Mansion - Conversing: Vaarn sat in his large chair, a throne of sorts, staring out at his minions who stood before him. "You have failed to bring me the Bounty Hunter, and you let a Kanohi mask of unimaginable power escape from our grasp?" he asked the being nearest him, a tall brown Skakdi. Though he wasn't so tall at the moment, he was on his knees, just trying to breath. "You have failed me for the last time, Jerro. Now you will pay the price of failure, and make known to others what happens to those who do not please me," he said, snapping the Skakdi's neck with his mask power, killing the being instantly. He slumped to the ground, lifeless, and Vaarn called over two slaves to drag the body away with a gesture of his hand. Vaarn stared at his other men, conveying his anger to each of them as they avoided his eyesight. "The rest of you will return to your posts, fail me, and that is what will become of you," he said, glancing at the dead body of Jerro as it was dragged out of the room. The five goons within Vaarn's chambers disbanded, each heading for their assigned Koro. -Vaarn

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OOC: I return, after having to deal with real life. :PIC: ZaukHe smiled back. "Sure, here," He said as he handed Naru the coat."Its always good to learn something new about your mask. I recently learned from BioSector01 that I can use my mask and elemental powers at the same time. Wanna see?"

IC (Naru):"Thank you," Naru said a bit bashfully as she recieved the coat, embarrassed both because she had to cave and accept the help after all and because her knife belts made her feel kind of like a criminal full of hidden blades. The Toa of Plasma smiled. "It's very nice. Again, thank you."She heard his comment about masks and got a curious look on her face."Why, I've used both powers at the same time myself, yes. But I feel it takes so much concentration that each of them becomes much less accurate. Then again, my mask sort of requires full attention, while yours is a bit more lenient."
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IC: Zauk"Yeah, I guess your right. It is fun to throw electrified spheres of water using telekinesis, at your opponents, though""Only in Ga-Koro," He added.A bit bored he unknowingly levetated clumps of snow.He laced his fingers together and cracked them, alarmingly loud. "So, now what?"

Edited by Gravity



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IC(Gezdom, Ledzel, and Vagdom)

"Steak, bacon, tea, whatever you want," replies the Turaga, gesturing to the food on the table."And all of it's good," adds the Toa through a full mouth.Ledzel chuckles as he takes a seat at the table and begins to eat.Karz does he make good tea...-Mef Man

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IC: Hau had stopped feeling dizzy. But the droplet remained poised on the 'o'...The conversation wasn't finished yet."I'm going training," the toa declared with a false confidence and slight grin to mask the fact that he was still blushing beneath his Miru. He turned and prepared to swagger off.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: VernadonVernadon walked over to Nova, slowly but surely. Everyone's eyes were on him. He picked up Nova, and gave him his mask. "Good enough kid, but next time you need to make 100 laps. So train hard, so that the next time you bring me here, you can make it. Understand?" Without waiting for an answer Vernadon carried Nova over to the hut he was bunking with Red in, and carefully set him down on the bed.


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IC: Krayzikk, Academy"I'll join you in a while." Krayzikk said to the departing Hau. "I just have to finish my conversation here. Namely, Finding out what these people's names are."



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC(Gezdom, Ledzel, and Vagdom)

Vagdom looks from one being to the other while leaning back in his chair."Boys, I need you all to listen closely. We're about to leave for Onu-Wahi to take out the clan Gavan. I appreciate all of you coming to help me and you will be rewarded greatly. As for our plan of attack, I first need Gezdom to leave for Onu-Wahi to see what the clan is up to; then we'll meet Gez at a rendezvous point. The next phase of our plan will be told once we get there."Gezdoms nods his head and stands up. He makes a low pitched noise in the back of his throat while stretching before releasing a loud belch."You got it, father," he replies. "I'll find a way to get to the clan and meet up with you where ever you want."Ledzel leaned forward in his chair and slowly ate his food. The plan sounded okay so far, but he knew this was suicide.All this for simple revenge on my part? But, it's worth it.-Mef Man

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IC(Gezdom and Vagdom)

After a quick spreading out of the map, Vagdom created a rendezvous point for the Toa and let him leave the store."See you later today," he says, nodding his head toward his "son.""You too, father," replies Gezdom before walking out of the store and onto the streets. He found a quick going ussul cart leaving and jumps on the back of it.OOC: Gezdom to Onu-Wahi.-Mef Man

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IC: Isfel watched as Nova fell on the fiftieth lap. He had known the toa never would have fully run the course, but he had hoped for it anyway. His smile faded somewhat, he walked over to the hut Nova lay in. "You feeling okay, man?"

Progenitus Worldsoul

Marquis of making RPG profiles, but never actually posting.

"Strength through honor. Virtue through flames."

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IC(Agira): The mystix sat in a bar. "Barkeep, another Skakdi Blood Wine." The barkeep handed him another of the blood-red drinks, and he began drinking it. He put it in a slowly growing pile of glass bottles.--------"You...you're ma...ma best friend...a song for the barkeep! I'm a mystix warrior yeah, you're a barkeep guy man yeah, can I have some more wine? If you don't I'll cut your throat and steal it all, yeah."It was quite catchy and well sung for a drunk bat.

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IC: RedRed watched as Vernandon laid Nova on the bed. He would have had no complaints if not for the fact that his....weapons....were underneath!.....Oh well. Nova isn't too weak right now. He's just very tired, very hungry, and the cold weather didn't help. But most of all, he was thirsty. Meh. Turning around, he looked at the Obstacle course, and then at Rannin, for approval.Red: May I try?

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


BZPRPG Profiles 2013

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