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Bzprpg - Ko-Wahi

Friar Tuck

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IC: Kahuwa"Frosty, I come here every so often just to climb a mountain for fun. Heck, I was climbing before I was walking and before you could say 'ma-ma'!"Accepting Kraeyn's form of challenge, Kahuwa began to climb at full throttle, using his clawed hands, feet and well-fit body to climb. Soon, he caught up to the Ko-Toa and began to surpass him slowly."On a side note, I never threw up in my life."

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IC: Kraeyn"Something tells me, I did the same, plus you know what they say. There's a first time for everything." Now it was Kraeyn's turn to show his skill. He may not have known it right now, but climbing was the thing he did best. He easily increased his pace, he wasn't even at full throttle yet and climbed up to where Kahuwa was, before surpassing him. Then Kraeyn threw one of his swords so that its hook gripped the side of the mountain. Then he let himself pivot on the other sword to gain momentum needed to jump up to the sword he had thrown. As he did so he pulled out the other sword, then he reached the thrown sword, and slammed the the sword in his hand above the one he was holding on to.


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IC: KahuwaKahuwa was impressed with Kraeyn's climbing skills. The Ta-Toa reckoned that there was the possibility that he could easily outmatch him when it came down to climbing. However, Kahuwa wasn't so eager to admit defeat yet. Now greatly straining his muscles, he began to throw his arms up and himself up higher, climbing much faster than he had before.A few seconds in, the Ta-Toa caught up with the 'cool dude' and surpassed him. His muscles were burning with strain but nothing too serious; Kahuwa thought of it as a workout. It seemed victory was near since the edge of a cliff came into view, stretching forwards and past their heads. Climbing it would be dangerous but it could be done.OOC: Tie :P?

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ooC: Fine, although my last climbing race also ended in a tie.IC: KraeynThat's when Kraeyn pulled out a move that, while it felt like second nature to him, would have been suicide for any body else. Pushing his feet off an obtrusion of rock, Kraeyn used the swords as a pivot, and just before his feet hit the the side of the mountain above the swords, he ripped them out, grabbed onto the edge of the mountain and flipped over to the top. Except he didn't, once vertical with the mountain, he stopped, now in a handstand using his swords at the top of the mountain. Kraeyn removed one hand from his sword handle and gestured to Kahuwa. "Go ahead, impress the lady by making it on top first." Kraeyn teased.


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IC: Kahuwa"Gladly." replied Kahuwa. Feeling daring like Kraeyn, Kahuwa pulled off his own suicidal trick. Once the Toa of fire reached the roof of the cliff, he pushed himself off the mountain wall with his feet and arms and in mid-air, he pulled out both his blades off his back very quickly and used the momentum from swinging his arms backwards to swing them forwards with even more force.His square hook-like blades caught the surface off the edge, barely hooking on as the katanas began to slide off a little. For a second, Kahuwa was afraid he'd fall off but his doubts dissipated as his sliding stopped. With a grin, he pulled himself up and was soon standing on the floor of the cliff. His breaths were quick and short, his body exhausted but he persisted on standing up."Let's call it a tie, Frosty." he said, kneeling down to the edge and offering a helping hand to the Ko-Toa.

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IC: KraeynKraeyn tapped his finger on Kahuwa's shoulder, "Uh dude I above you remember." and indeed he was, after all he had been doing a handstand with his swords on the edge of the cliff and was thus above Kahuwa, even though Kahuwa had made it to the top first. He flipped down to his feet and landed next to Kahuwa. "Nah, no need to call it a tie, you can tell everyone you won, I don't really care. Just climbing was enough for me."


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OOC: Missed that handstand part. Silly me :PIC: Kahuwa"Oh yeah, right, I knew that..." said Kahuwa little embarrassed, letting out a slight cough as he looked away. He contemplated whether he wanted to claim the title of making it first to the mountain or not: for once, winning didn't matter so much."Nah, we'll just call it a tie..." he declared, still looking over the edge for the right moment to help Lema or Savina up. To most, the act would be out of kindness but to the Ta-Toa, it simply was an excuse to hold Savina's hand briefly.

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IC: Kahuwa"Well, I've been climbing for as long as I can remember: from birth to now. Started climbing before walking or so I'm told and that kind of carried on for the rest of my life. Like I said, I would usually come here simply to climb; guess I got better from doing that."Like the Ta-Toa predicted, the soreness he dreaded began to creep into his arms and legs and all he really wanted to do was lay down on the soft snow."Even though we don't know anything about your past, I'm pretty sure you're a natural like me. Truth be told, I'll admit, I think you could beat me no problem if we went at it one hundred percent."

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IC: SavinaSavina shivered as she watched the two Toa raced, it wasn't too cold yet, but the closer she got to the mountain, the colder it felt.Grecko began to climb the mountain side, being an ash bear, climbing it wasn't too difficult for the rahi. Savina wasn't so sure if she could do it, then a voice inside her head, or from her mask, seemed to be saying Kirikori Nui...Kirikori Nui...that's a bug like rahi, they can leap long distances. Savina then realized what she had to do, without another thought, she activated her mask, summoning the ability of the Kirikori Nui, she bent her knees, and sprung up, getting half way up too the others in a single bound, she landed on a small perch, she leaped again, leaping high up and just over the two Toa waiting for her, landing right behind them. She brushed the snow off herself and grinned sheepishly at the two Toa. "Huh, I didn't know I could that...till now..."

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: [Rannin]Rannin took a cup of the heavenly beverage, relaxing in its exquisite taste. He rather liked the tea, which was one of the few foods he liked on the island, with the others being roast muaka and brakas drumsticks. He paused for a moment, realising that he had finished the cup, before getting another one to drink.

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IC: KraeynKraeyn shook his head, "Not true, you're just out of practice." That's when Savina arrived, a look of concern passed over Kraeyn's face. "Savina are you sure you're acclimatized to the high altitude. Up this high, you could suffer from altitude sickness or worse, perhaps you know of a Rahi which could help with that?"


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IC: KahuwaLooking at Snelly as if sizing her up, Kahuwa returned the sheepish grin and said "Not bad, Savina. Looks like all of us will have to race for real some other time." Seeing as how his opportunity to hold Savina's hand was gone and how he was so tired, the Ta-Toa wasn't feeling generous enough to lend his hand to Lema as he plopped onto the snowy surface of the cliff.

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IC: Savina"Altitude sickness?" She said, never having heard of such a thing, then her ears started to really, hurt... "Ow..." She moaned, pressing her hands on her ears. And now that she was standing still, she noticed it was even colder up here, she started shivering. Grecko made it up the cliff, and promptly sat down, panting.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: KraeynKraeyn sighed "This ain't good. Kahuwa, you said yourself that your too tired to go down so I'll take Savina down, 'K?" and with that he said, Kraeyn scooped up Savina, he then jumped on the ice on the side of the mountain. Using his elemental powers he boarded down to the body of the mountain, Savina in his arms.


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IC: SavinaSavina's ear were still hurting a lot...and it was still pretty cold, especially with the wind on the way down. It was making her body...agitated."Wh-Why do my e-ear's hurt so b-bad?" She said...shivering. Her mask began to glow, as it activated by itself. Using the ability of a lava eel, her skin began to rise in temperature quickly. Her temperature was now at an uncomfortable level for Kraeyn, and it kept rising.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: KraeynThe increase in temperature nearly cause Kraeyn drop Savina, nearly being the key word, he didn't want hurt Savina. Thus he stood through the pain of the increased heat as he lowered Savina to the ground, gently. "Your ears are hurting due to something called altitude sickness, it's the danger of climbing without acclimatizing first." Kraeyn explained


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IC [sou - Ko-Wahi Caves]: Even as she consumed the flesh of the dead Muaka, Sou couldn't help but feel empty. Her belly was full and she'd have food which would last for days due to the size of a Muaka, but still, something was missing. A fire burned in the center of her cave, even though she didn't require heat, but simply so she could see in the darkness. Nothing was there though for this was her home. These caves connected to other caves, but Sou had never wandered farther. Sometimes in her mind, when not hunting or sleeping, she'd imagine walking through those caves. It was always something that interested her, but she'd never worked up the nerve. Maybe today was the day? But that wasn't it... What Sou really felt was anger. She deserved better then this. Years ago, she was beautiful, with the curves of the finest Vortixx. Now she was... well, this. A hunter who lived in a cave talking to herself half the time.Although many years had passed, Sou still held a grudge. She couldn't forgive the person who done this to her, made her very life into the crapsack it was now. Standing up, Sou's eyes darted to the other side of the cave. There was a slight crack in the wall, which she could squeeze through and enter other tunnels. Sou would do this. She had no idea why she would, but for some reason, she felt empty and she needed to fill it. Perhaps there was something in those tunnels? As she squeezed through the crack with her lithe body, Sou whispers, "Time to find out."


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IC: SavinaSavina's temperature stayed at that level, now that she was warmer and the pain in her ear's was slowly fading. "Acclimatizing? What's that?" Who knew a guy with memory loss could know so much?IC: Bruntoa"I dunno, any meat will do really." He began to devour the steak.

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: SavinaGrecko hadn't wasted much time climbing back down, when he reached the bottom, he went up to Savina and licked her face. Thankfully she'd stopped using the lava eel's ability and wasn't too hot to touch. "Hey, stop it Grecko...I'm fine..." She said giggling a little. The bear lay down with it's head in her lap. She began to pet him. "I'll try again...getting up there, in a minute...I'll do it more slowly this time..." IC: Bruntoa"A good choice." He commented, now finished with his meal. "Well, whenever your ready we can go."

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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OOC: Say, Cool-Aid, want too interact with our characters? http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.pngIC: SavinaGrecko suddenly got up, he began sniffing the air, and dashed off a couple yards, before coming to a cave entrance on the side of the cliff. No one else could have seen it from where they were, but Grecko smelled a scent coming from the cave. Savina got up and walked over to Grecko, "What is it boy?" Grecko grunted toward the cave and charged in. "Grecko! Wait! Come back!" She ran in after him. It was rather dark inside, her mask yet again activated, her body began to glow like a Lightfish. IC: BruntoaThe two Toa walked out of the inn, "Alright, I think it's time we head back to are hut and get everything in order there."

Edited by Snelly

My Bzprpg ProfilesGhosts of Bara Magna

Skyra | Hakari | Oceanna | Taleen | Arisaka | Zanakra | Kaminari | Drakkar

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IC: KahuwaLeaning over the edge, Kahuwa noticed Grecko running off. What was going on to him was a mystery which he didn't have time to worry about; he fell off the cliff while looking over it."HOLY KARZ!" yelled Kahuwa, eyes wide with fear, free-falling to what may be his death as he yells. In mid-air he flipped himself to face the mountain wall and held onto it furiously with his clawed hands and feet, which skidded as gravity took its toll. Managing to slow down his fall, Kahuwa landed into the snow which silenced the impact, not having caused an serious damage.Kahuwa moaned in pain and as he opened his eyes, he noticed he had fallen directly in front of Kraeyn. "Hey Frosty, don't mind me. Ow...just falling from the sky like anyone would do. (Karz that hurt!) Mind giving me a hand?"

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IC: ZaukHe slapped Phavion on the back, "Come Phavion, lighten up!" Smilling broadly he said, "Good, 'ol fight is always fun! Right Naru?"OOC: I'm way to excited... XDSo what do you say, infected Mauka(s)?

OOC: I just want something I can stab and melt. Doesn't matter what. :D Go ahead and choose, I've been eading people around with Madrihk. Time for me to just follow a "plot thread".IC (Naru):"Well, it's fun until until someone gets hurt. Then it's hil-ar-i-ous!" Naru laughed. "Unless it's me, of course," she quickly added.
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OOC: Say, Cool-Aid, want too interact with our characters? http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.pngIC: SavinaGrecko suddenly got up, he began sniffing the air, and dashed off a couple yards, before coming to a cave entrance on the side of the cliff. No one else could have seen it from where they were, but Grecko smelled a scent coming from the cave. Savina got up and walked over to Grecko, "What is it boy?" Grecko grunted toward the cave and charged in. "Grecko! Wait! Come back!" She ran in after him. It was rather dark inside, her mask yet again activated, her body began to glow like a Lightfish.

OOC: I have no problem with this. :)IC [sou - Ko-Wahi Caves]: Sou was just about to enter the other caves, but suddenly stopped. Someone had entered her home, a Rahi since her Kanohi glowed slightly. She grunted and slid behind the crack once more. As Grecko and Savina got deeper in the cave, they realized that no one was there, seemingly missing the crack in the back cave wall. That was until something whipped out from the darkness and struck Savina, knocking her back. It didn't particularly hurt, but it was an alarming attack. Sou then revealed herself, emerging from the crack in the wall. "What are you doing in my cave!" She growled, holding the mace in her hand threateningly.


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