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If You Created A Movie...


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Picture you in a perfect world: Where all the actors show up on time, the camera crew is friendly and you have unlimited resources and an infinite budget. You are the director and creator, maybe even the script writer. No producers are trying to change your movie, you are totally in control. What would your movie be about, where would it take place, would you take advantage of your unlimited budget, or would you make a simpler movie? Feel free to list as much as you'd like about your movie, even who would play in it and how long it would be if you want. THERE'S ONE CATCH: Your movie can't be a remake, sequel or fan-fiction. It has to be your idea.

Edited by Gorag




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It would be a psychological thriller about an octopus named Sam who is tormented by a rock he keeps tripping over no matter where he goes. As he becomes more and more desperate to escape, he is eventually driven to illegal activities starting with stealing and eventually culminating in murdering a glasses-wearing staff member at Wal-Mart. Throughout the movie, there would be shots of the rock with more blood on it each time. The last shot of the movie is the rock, completely clean, wearing the glasses that the Wal-Mart worker was wearing.



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I'm not going to post my grand ideas on the internet for anybody to steal :P. But assuming unlimited resources, time traveling powers, and the ability to raise people from the dead, I would create an ensamble film starring Matt Damon, Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer, Natale Portman, Billy Mays, Marlon Brando, Billy Dee Williams, and whoever did the voice for Admiral Ackbar. Along with camoes from Adam Levine, Brett Favre, and the reanimated corpse of Ronald Reagan. Not Ronald Reagan brought from back in time, but his reanimated corpse. Yeah, that would be something.... -don't touch my pocket protector

Three great comedies at one low, low price....NOTHING!


Three late-middle age matoran think of something they want to do before they kick the bucket.


Choose Your Own Bionicle Adventure (archived)

Navigate your way through a myriad of meaningless choices as you try to not make a fool of yourself in perhaps the only comedy ever written almost entirely in spoiler tags.


Useless BZP Junk that you Must Have!!!

Get to your phone, whip out your credit card, and prepare to buy some useless BZPower related junk that has no benefit on society except that you want it!!!



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I was about to say HetaOni, but that's fanfiction AND a remake. I'm gonna be serious. An anime set in an alternate universe where mechas are intergrated with human society, and two scientists who are married to each other decide to turn their child into a mecha-human. However, this backfires, and the child ends up trapped inside the mecha, with no way of escape. However, her body is still outside the body and the mecha's mind is inside it. It ignores the body's needs and soon passes away. Nobody knows that the child is in the mecha and she grows up in that body. Since she's been ignored by her parents and used as a slave all her life, the child, now a mentally grown adult, goes yandere. That is a normal story for me.



i wanna be the very best

like no one ever was

to catch them is my real test

to train them is my cause

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THERE'S ONE CATCH: Your movie can't be a remake, sequel or fan-fiction. It has to be your idea.

So no book adaptions? Because I've always thought about how cool it would be to do an adaption of either The Giver or Dinotopia. For original works, I think a movie about John Muir could be pretty decent. He led an interesting enough life and had a large influence in California park history. Ideally it would be shot on location in relevant areas, but I'm not sure that would be allowed. Edited by Vorahk1Panrahk2
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The movie opens with Bruce Willis fighting a dragon with another dragon built out of a stolen truck. The dragon will of course be voiced by Samuel L Jackson. And then a nuclear explosion happens but they survive because they are in outer space. And then aliens arrive and they try to take over the world, but president Morgan Freeman convinces them that this is a bad idea. And the plot twist is that Bruce Willis turn out to be a dragon.

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Mine is about a virus that spreads through certain contact that's innapropriate, and it's taking over africa.What do you mean, that virus is real? Mine turns people into zombies.Then the zombies leave africa by boats made of their decaying bodies, and take over the world. Then 8 years later, all the zombies go away and the animals take over. END.


Steam name: Ehksidian

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It's more of a storyline I "work" on with my little brother while playing with Lego as a 14 year old art student, but a story set in the 80's about two men who deliver to Miami'smany gangs and criminals only at night...in a military helicopter wearing giant diver suits with heavily futuristic weaponary. In other words, a grindhouse flick.

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