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Posted (edited)

I'm glad to see somebody taking the initiative too start this one. :) (Since I'm too lazybusy to haha.)


Like you said, it will be a fair bit of work. However, I always found resources like this to be incredibly helpful.



That gallery is indeed an excellent resource; I have always appreciated the work put into it. It is missing 2010's Gaardus, but otherwise does cover everything else I can think of right now aside from the aforementioned Kirikori Nui and Ranama. As they are constructible and instructions were provided on the old website, I feel like they should count.


Good luck on it to whoever contributes. If I can, I may too.



Edited by Electric Turahk

E-T... Phone home.


"He walks among us, but he is not one of us."


I'm interested in this, something I've always wanted just for informative reasoning is the piece count on combo and alternate sets. I have built all of them before and they go from being weird to awesome to just hilarious. But I would love to somehow obtain piece counts for all of them. One possible alternate model I've been wanting to try to build is this:http://s565.photobucket.com/user/toyworldusa/media/Lego/Bionicle/LegoBionicleBattleofMetruNui8759B.jpg.html

Were you a member of the Protosquad? if so please PM me! I'm looking for Grey Plastic Krana Kal, Or GPKK. I only need the 8 Variations of the GPKK to have The only complete collection of BIONICLE in the world! Please contact me if you, or someone you know has any GPKK!



Mask Collector



This is an interesting project! Some other things that might be interesting to list:

  • The piece count of each combi model (since generally they don't use all the pieces of the sets they're built from).
  • The height of each combi model (at least in the case of slightly humanoid models like Toa and Matoran Kaita). This is another good way of comparing them with each other or the sets they're built from.
  • The original source of the instructions. Some, like the Toa Kaita, were published in the instruction manuals of their respective sets. Others, like the Pit War Tortoise and Zyglak, were published in magazines. Still others were published online on either the BIONICLE website or the LEGO Club website. And some, like the Turaga Nui, were never officially published at all — fans had to reverse-engineer them from pictures, as Mask of Destiny did for the Turaga Nui back in the day.

Ooh, parts list for each would be good (but probably in an external link or something).


Yeah, we should totally include the alternate playset builds as well (some of which are on BS01's Combiners/Alternate Models gallery), even if there's practically no instructions of them that exist.


I'm kind of gleefully surprised people are all taking the Korean Piraka Combiners as legitimate now, when in the past I think there was (skeptical?) discussion over whether they were real or not.


The set list linked in the Japanese Bohrok Combiner topic mentioned that... 

  • All sets, save the manas, could be combined into a Rahi Nui, though instruction were never shown.

...Shouldn't count, right? There was only a descriptive of what it looked like (part of this Rahi, part of that Rahi, etc.) and no actual official image of it besides of its stinger (???), though its description may be enough to make a very simple model out of the sets alone, though you could perhaps also say the same thing for the Metru-Nui Matoran Nui.


Another thing, there were other combiners made in the same place as what the Japanese LEGO Magazine Rahkshi combiner allegedly originated from, but they weren't used in the magazine. Probably don't count, but here they are anyway.


Pre-forums purge sig kept for historical purposes:

Some cool Bionicles are the combiners. Example: Toa Jovan

I've built a Krahka with 5 Toa Metru & Toa Norik, adding parts I needed to Norik. It needs 11 blue pieces (the ones that have +&O ends) but there's only 10 in all the Toa Metru sets. Do I have to attach her launcher to her arm? Please PM me if you can help me.



I think it would be cool to see the play set alternate models made, but I don't think they should count. Mostly because there were never instructions, just a picture.

Were you a member of the Protosquad? if so please PM me! I'm looking for Grey Plastic Krana Kal, Or GPKK. I only need the 8 Variations of the GPKK to have The only complete collection of BIONICLE in the world! Please contact me if you, or someone you know has any GPKK!



Mask Collector



Yeah, but you can also say that about the Turaga Nui, alternate Kabaya combiners, Piraka Korean Irnakk-like combiner, Rahkshi Japanese LEGO Magazine combiner, Matoran '03 Combiners...


One thought, what about how Krahka has black & white instructions, but a picture with the "correct" colours? Should there be a photoshopped "colourised" version? Does the picture have all the right colours?

Pre-forums purge sig kept for historical purposes:

Some cool Bionicles are the combiners. Example: Toa Jovan

I've built a Krahka with 5 Toa Metru & Toa Norik, adding parts I needed to Norik. It needs 11 blue pieces (the ones that have +&O ends) but there's only 10 in all the Toa Metru sets. Do I have to attach her launcher to her arm? Please PM me if you can help me.



Like count for what? This is a database, it's goal is to provide information on all the subjects it can. It's not like we are arguing about canonicity or something. Heck i would even add a separate category for all the contest winning models, with instructions and piece counts!


Like count for what? This is a database, it's goal is to provide information on all the subjects it can. It's not like we are arguing about canonicity or something. Heck i would even add a separate category for all the contest winning models, with instructions and piece counts!

Good point. Though canonicity clearly wasn't the point; it was the lack of instructions, which is already present on so many models in the database. So... the alternate Manga Inspired combiners also count then?


Having said all of this, I'd like to know what the (presumably very) fine line for what "counts" or not is. I mean we first have the officially LEGO designer-designed models present in any direct source that is instruction manual, stand-alone set, online or LEGO magazine, be it canonical or not. Everything from the Kardas Dragon to those three non-canon Piraka combiners. But we also have those that came with the Kabaya sweets which still came on official LEGO packages, if only there. And then we have this Japanese Bohrok combiner which only appeared on a Japanese website, but in the same spot as other directly official and Kabaya combiners. Then we have a Rahkshi combiner which appeared in one of the comics but originally came from the Japanese LEGO Magazine... in whatever fashion it was (and there were some others that didn't make the cut). And finally we have these Piraka Korean combiners which at least one of has instructions.


Also, I've heard they removed the alternate models off of such sets because children complained that there were no instructions on how to build them.


I don't know if the contest models belong in this kind of database (though we do have the two "inspired by BIONICLE" builds which I'm fine with keeping), but even if it would be a separate thing, I'd love to see someone take up the task. As far as I know, we have some attempted recreation instructions for Tahtorak, and official (BS01 lists them) instructions for the following (check their pages on BS01 for them):


Piraka Fusion
Toa Krakua
Aqua Blaster Blade
I'd love to see a recreation of Miserix :3

Pre-forums purge sig kept for historical purposes:

Some cool Bionicles are the combiners. Example: Toa Jovan

I've built a Krahka with 5 Toa Metru & Toa Norik, adding parts I needed to Norik. It needs 11 blue pieces (the ones that have +&O ends) but there's only 10 in all the Toa Metru sets. Do I have to attach her launcher to her arm? Please PM me if you can help me.



Wow!  It's nice to see that there's an interest in this project.  I've made a few updates to the Google Doc.  I added set numbers, an image, and a link to an instructions PDF to the entries for the first two combiners, Akamai and Wairuha.  I think that those can serve as templates, or model entries, at least for the time being.  Also, I added in the Caravan Crawler, which was a Brickmaster combiner built from two 2006 playsets.  I added a section describing short- and long-term goals at the top, and I addressed most of the comments people left, such as including the extra parts included with retail combiners, like Irnakk.


In response to what others have posted here:


-Piece counts and inventories for each model would be a useful feature; however, I think it would take a lot of effort to complete.  I think we should focus on gathering images and instructions first, just so we don't bite off more than we can chew.


-Listing the source of the original instructions would be fairly simple, so we could probably do that.


-TomRoid, I looked at the gallery you posted with the various Japanese combiners.  I would be inclined to say that those other models probably shouldn't be included in the database unless we can find official documentation that they were Lego-sanctioned, such as a scan from a Japanese magazine.  Otherwise, those are indistinguishable from MOCs.  The Rahkshi one is fine because it was definitely featured in a magazine (one of the American comics.)  If the Japanese magazine that introduced the Rahkshi combiner also showed those other models, I don't see why we should exclude them.  It's all a matter of finding documentation, I think.


-Playset Alternate Models:  In theory, I think we should include those, however, it might be pretty hard to generate instructions for those models from a single picture.  I think these models can be a low-priority future goal.


-Krahka instructions:  I think that the black-and-white Krahka instructions, even if colorized, might still be a bit annoying to use.  What I imagine, is for sets like Krahka, we develop "reverse-engineered" instructions, either with photos or in LDD, like the MoD Turaga Nui instructions Aanchir linked to.  (By the way, I'm not very familiar with LDD. How many old Bionicle parts are available?  Could it be useful for instruction generation, or would most models have too many specialized parts (armor, masks, etc.) that aren't in LDD?)


-Rahi Nui:  I don't think there are any official Rahi Nui images, so any model would just be a MOC. 


-Contest-Winning Models (Krakua, Dark Hunters, etc.):  It would be neat to include these, but that would be a considerable increase in work.  I think this is a good goal to aim for farther down the road, if we finish work on all the combiner entries.


A final note:  It seems like for models like the Kaita, where instructions are split up between instruction booklets, there aren't any online PDFs of just the combiner instructions.  However, BS01 has good PDFs of the entire instruction books for the composite sets.  By using software like Adobe Acrobat Pro, we can perform a bit of PDF surgery and create dedicated combiner instruction PDFs.  If anyone has easy access to Adobe Acrobat Pro or a similar program and wants to help out, combining the relevant parts from the different instruction manuals could be a big help.


Once we discuss plans a bit more (what "counts", etc.),  I'll open up the document for the community to edit so we can start fleshing the document out.  I'm always open to more feedback, so if you have any comments, just let me know.


 ^               Often lurking, occasionally writing about sets on BS01.                     

L     This link is a bit old, but there's still some good info about combiners there.



Great project! ^_^ I gotta say that I am happy you are dedicating your time to doing this. I had a spontaneous thought a while back thinking "Wow, there were a lot of combiners depicting Rahi, that was cool" and decided to look all of em up but I'm pretty sure I missed some. It's nice knowing what combiners I can build and maybe try them out in the future. :)


Thanks again!




Hey again Boxor! Great to see you get this going, I was just doing up a very similar list in excel. Mine didn't have pictures though :dunce: . Just wanted to point out Bionicle Master Builder set 10023 (year 2002) has 15 more "alternate models" to add to your list. Instructions should be a breeze to find ;)

Looking for VMKK, GPKK, SSKK, and a gold Kanoka. PM if you have / know of any for sale!

Posted (edited)

As far as the Master Builder set goes, I didn't really think that any of those were alternate models.  It was just a kit that could be built into 15 models, so I didn't think it really fit into this list.  It's definitely worth considering, though.  Anybody else have an opinion on what to do with the Master Builder set?


Edit: And the 2009 and 2010 sections are done!  At least, until we start working on inventories. 

Edited by Volitak_Boxor


 ^               Often lurking, occasionally writing about sets on BS01.                     

L     This link is a bit old, but there's still some good info about combiners there.



As far as the Master Builder set goes, I didn't really think that any of those were alternate models.  It was just a kit that could be built into 15 models, so I didn't think it really fit into this list.  It's definitely worth considering, though.  Anybody else have an opinion on what to do with the Master Builder set?

I can definitely see two sides of the argument. But overall the set itself is just a parts package with instructions to build one of 15 models so I'd say it doesn't count. There is no real main model to it. 





So, what can we work on at the moment that isn't already being covered by you?


I think BS01 has a lot (but not all) of the combiners' instructions: http://biomediaproject.com/bmp/building-instructions/


Here are the famous Tahtorak recreation instructions: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=407397&n=0


And here are the (as far as BS01 says) official instructions for some of the contest models:


Aqua Blaster Blade - http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Toa-Terakk/Bionicle/AquaBlasterBlade/instructions.png

Minion - http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=194094

Piraka Fusion - http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=220923

Toa Krakua - http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=138577

Tobduk - http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=465699

Darkness - http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=203707

Pre-forums purge sig kept for historical purposes:

Some cool Bionicles are the combiners. Example: Toa Jovan

I've built a Krahka with 5 Toa Metru & Toa Norik, adding parts I needed to Norik. It needs 11 blue pieces (the ones that have +&O ends) but there's only 10 in all the Toa Metru sets. Do I have to attach her launcher to her arm? Please PM me if you can help me.



And 2001 is pretty much done!  All that's left is the creation and uploading of three sets of instructions that don't exist -- yet.  2001 can act as a general template for formatting.  I'm going to open up the document for community editing soon, so anyone who wants to chip in can.


Here are the tasks that I think need to be done in the short-to-medium-term:


Filling In the Database:  This is the easy but tedious stuff, like linking to instructions on BS01, copying in stock images, and adding set numbers to the composite set listings (which can be found on Brickset).  This is mostly what I'll be working on personally, for the time being, but if anyone else wants to lend a hand, that's great.


PDF Synthesis:  For models with instructions that are split up between different instruction manuals, it would be best to create a single PDF that contains only the combiner's instructions.  For example, the posted instructions for Akamai came from BS01's PDF manuals for Tahu, Pohatu, and Onua.  I found a good free PDF tool online for reordering and deleting pages called PDFill Tools.  If anyone has access to Adobe Acrobat Pro, that works great, too.


Instruction Generation:  For some sets, like the Matoran Nui, no instructions even exist.  If you can build the model and then take a series of photos depicting its creation, that would be wonderful.  Then, you can compile the images into a PDF to link to, or you could just link to your images and let someone else convert them into a PDF.  It would probably be a good idea to post your instructions in this topic before uploading them, so they can be peer-reviewed for accuracy.  A good template for these user-generated instructions would be Mask of Destiny's instructions for Turaga Nui, which I linked to in the document.


Instruction Generation (digital):  If anyone is proficient in LDD, and there are combiners that consist solely of parts available in LDD, we could probably make some pretty spiffy-looking instructions.  Is anyone here (Aanchir, maybe?) familiar enough with the LDD part catalog to know if this is even feasible?



Any comments or suggestions for improvement on the formatting?  This is really starting to look more like a database than a list!


 ^               Often lurking, occasionally writing about sets on BS01.                     

L     This link is a bit old, but there's still some good info about combiners there.



So, what can we work on at the moment that isn't already being covered by you?


I think BS01 has a lot (but not all) of the combiners' instructions: http://biomediaproject.com/bmp/building-instructions/


Here are the famous Tahtorak recreation instructions: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=407397&n=0


And here are the (as far as BS01 says) official instructions for some of the contest models:


Aqua Blaster Blade - http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Toa-Terakk/Bionicle/AquaBlasterBlade/instructions.png

Minion - http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=194094

Piraka Fusion - http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=220923

Toa Krakua - http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=138577

Tobduk - http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=465699

Darkness - http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=203707


This is a good idea to archive some of the more exclusive fan-made creations but I don't think these fall under the "alternate model" namesake. Maybe we can start a new topic for that?





Here's a thought: did the Fikou start out as a combiner? What would that make every proceeding Fikou model?

Pre-forums purge sig kept for historical purposes:

Some cool Bionicles are the combiners. Example: Toa Jovan

I've built a Krahka with 5 Toa Metru & Toa Norik, adding parts I needed to Norik. It needs 11 blue pieces (the ones that have +&O ends) but there's only 10 in all the Toa Metru sets. Do I have to attach her launcher to her arm? Please PM me if you can help me.



Here's a thought: did the Fikou start out as a combiner? What would that make every proceeding Fikou model?

The Fikou is an odd case. It was advertised in one of the LEGO Mania Magazines as a combi model of Onua and Pohatu, but it actually can't be built from their parts alone — it needs three ball joints, but Pohatu only has two, and Onua has none.


BS01's set database is in what I like to call prenatal stages, but we're working on it. A document like this would be super helpful, and personally I think that any and all non-mainline set releases should count. Even the playsets, even the fan models, etc.


Also, while you're going through these, you might want to save the instructions as you come across them. LEGO has taken a few odd ones down (Spiriah, most notably) so as a straight PDF file that one might be lost.



Here's a thought: did the Fikou start out as a combiner? What would that make every proceeding Fikou model?

The Fikou is an odd case. It was advertised in one of the LEGO Mania Magazines as a combi model of Onua and Pohatu, but it actually can't be built from their parts alone — it needs three ball joints, but Pohatu only has two, and Onua has none.


BS01 makes mention of a spare ball joint included in the Pohatu set, but I was never able to verify that; was this the case? I definitely remember not being able to make it which was hilariously annoying, but I also misplaced those ball joints like crazy.


Regardless, the Fikou is a combiner, alternate set, and promotional set in 2001, 2002, and 2003 respectively.




Here's a thought: did the Fikou start out as a combiner? What would that make every proceeding Fikou model?

The Fikou is an odd case. It was advertised in one of the LEGO Mania Magazines as a combi model of Onua and Pohatu, but it actually can't be built from their parts alone — it needs three ball joints, but Pohatu only has two, and Onua has none.


BS01 makes mention of a spare ball joint included in the Pohatu set, but I was never able to verify that; was this the case? I definitely remember not being able to make it which was hilariously annoying, but I also misplaced those ball joints like crazy.


The Bricklink inventory makes no mention of a spare ball joint, and most of the time those inventories are pretty much spot-on when it comes to extra pieces. So I don't think that was the case.


BS01's set database is in what I like to call prenatal stages, but we're working on it. A document like this would be super helpful, and personally I think that any and all non-mainline set releases should count. Even the playsets, even the fan models, etc.


What, so even the ones that don't exist as models but with images that have LEGO construction (2001 Makuta, 2001-2004 Matoran, Fikou Nui, Bionicle Heroes things, etc.)?

Pre-forums purge sig kept for historical purposes:

Some cool Bionicles are the combiners. Example: Toa Jovan

I've built a Krahka with 5 Toa Metru & Toa Norik, adding parts I needed to Norik. It needs 11 blue pieces (the ones that have +&O ends) but there's only 10 in all the Toa Metru sets. Do I have to attach her launcher to her arm? Please PM me if you can help me.




BS01's set database is in what I like to call prenatal stages, but we're working on it. A document like this would be super helpful, and personally I think that any and all non-mainline set releases should count. Even the playsets, even the fan models, etc.


What, so even the ones that don't exist as models but with images that have LEGO construction (2001 Makuta, 2001-2004 Matoran, Fikou Nui, Bionicle Heroes things, etc.)?


No, he meant physical set releases. Those were never released so they don't count.




Posted (edited)



BS01's set database is in what I like to call prenatal stages, but we're working on it. A document like this would be super helpful, and personally I think that any and all non-mainline set releases should count. Even the playsets, even the fan models, etc.


What, so even the ones that don't exist as models but with images that have LEGO construction (2001 Makuta, 2001-2004 Matoran, Fikou Nui, Bionicle Heroes things, etc.)?


No, he meant physical set releases. Those were never released so they don't count.





I think Dorek was also referring to the fan-created contest-winning models (Krakua, Dark Hunters, etc.).  Nidhiki of the Shadows, I liked your suggestion that if we do anything with those models, we do so in a separate document.  The combiner database will take effort, but it's something with a feasible endpoint.  Documenting instructions for all fan-created models seems nearly impossible, though (Anybody want to try writing instructions for the Kanohi Dragon?).  As such, the contest-winning model document would be a perpetual work-in-progress.  I'm going to focus on the combiners, for the time being, but if someone else wants to start compiling records and instructions for the fan created models, be my guest.



Edit:  Huh, I guess the quote function doesn't work on my version of Internet Explorer.   It does on Chrome, though.

Edited by Volitak_Boxor


 ^               Often lurking, occasionally writing about sets on BS01.                     

L     This link is a bit old, but there's still some good info about combiners there.





BS01's set database is in what I like to call prenatal stages, but we're working on it. A document like this would be super helpful, and personally I think that any and all non-mainline set releases should count. Even the playsets, even the fan models, etc.


What, so even the ones that don't exist as models but with images that have LEGO construction (2001 Makuta, 2001-2004 Matoran, Fikou Nui, Bionicle Heroes things, etc.)?


No, he meant physical set releases. Those were never released so they don't count.




Neither were the fan models, which he already mentioned.

Pre-forums purge sig kept for historical purposes:

Some cool Bionicles are the combiners. Example: Toa Jovan

I've built a Krahka with 5 Toa Metru & Toa Norik, adding parts I needed to Norik. It needs 11 blue pieces (the ones that have +&O ends) but there's only 10 in all the Toa Metru sets. Do I have to attach her launcher to her arm? Please PM me if you can help me.



I think Dorek was also referring to the fan-created contest-winning models (Krakua, Dark Hunters, etc.).  Nidhiki of the Shadows, I liked your suggestion that if we do anything with those models, we do so in a separate document.  The combiner database will take effort, but it's something with a feasible endpoint.  Documenting instructions for all fan-created models seems nearly impossible, though (Anybody want to try writing instructions for the Kanohi Dragon?).  As such, the contest-winning model document would be a perpetual work-in-progress.  I'm going to focus on the combiners, for the time being, but if someone else wants to start compiling records and instructions for the fan created models, be my guest.



Edit:  Huh, I guess the quote function doesn't work on my version of Internet Explorer.   It does on Chrome, though.

Indeed. I agree. Alternate set database should be something documenting official LEGO-built combiners after all. 


Neither were the fan models, which he already mentioned.

Yes, but those are buildable from existing pieces and many of them have instructions out there if people want to actually construct them. A lot of the models seen in video games and other media are actually physically impossible to build. ;) 





In theory I could go for SOME CGI-only models, like the non-set released 2001 Tohunga, but I was primarily referring to things that are possible to build, yes (Fikou notwithstanding =P).


In regards to the fan models, I don't mind having certain ones that will always be "unknown"; it could be that much sweeter when some of them are actually found.




Neither were the fan models, which he already mentioned.

Yes, but those are buildable from existing pieces and many of them have instructions out there if people want to actually construct them. A lot of the models seen in video games and other media are actually physically impossible to build. ;)




Well like Dorek said, there are still ones that are possible to build (like at the very least, 01-04 Matoran) physically. And I wouldn't really call 5 or 6 or so instructions as many for fan models.

Pre-forums purge sig kept for historical purposes:

Some cool Bionicles are the combiners. Example: Toa Jovan

I've built a Krahka with 5 Toa Metru & Toa Norik, adding parts I needed to Norik. It needs 11 blue pieces (the ones that have +&O ends) but there's only 10 in all the Toa Metru sets. Do I have to attach her launcher to her arm? Please PM me if you can help me.





Neither were the fan models, which he already mentioned.

Yes, but those are buildable from existing pieces and many of them have instructions out there if people want to actually construct them. A lot of the models seen in video games and other media are actually physically impossible to build. ;)




Well like Dorek said, there are still ones that are possible to build (like at the very least, 01-04 Matoran) physically. And I wouldn't really call 5 or 6 or so instructions as many for fan models.


One issue with Matoran like that: the very reason they're possible to build is that they are simple enough not to need separate instructions from the actual Matoran sets from those years. You build them the same way as any of those Matoran sets, only changing the masks and colors. Besides that, some of them WOULD require parts that don't exist. For instance, the 2001 "Matoran" version of Makuta is covered in the same patterns as infected masks from head to toe — but only the mask was ever released with those patterns. And all the 2003 Le-Matoran included parts in colors that they were never actually released in, since the torso elements were never released in any shade of green.


There are a select few 2003 Matoran not released in sets who are actually buildable in the correct colors: Agni*, Brander, Kapura*, Kalama**, Maglya*, Nuri, Shasa**, Dosne, Mamoru, Taipu, Lumi, Jaa, Pakastaa, and possibly Kantai depending on what color he's supposed to be (the Ko-Matoran tend to show up in places with weird lighting, so even characters like Matoro and Kopeke who DO show up in sets appear discolored).


*These Matoran actually just became possible last year with the release of the upper leg piece in a Mindstorms education set.

**These Matoran require "misprint" masks from the European mask packs.

  • Upvote 2

Progress Update:


- I took a look at the parts available in Lego Digital Design, and it doesn't look like there are enough Bionicle parts to recreate any of the combiner models that don't have instructions, so that option's out.  Looks like any instructions we make will have to be photos of actual models.


- The 2007 and 2008 sections of the database are filled in now.  That means half the years are done!  Of course, that includes the four easiest... 2002 and 2005 are going to be a pain.  If anyone can start splicing together instruction PDFs of the combiners from 2005 whose instructions came split between two instruction books (Gate Guardian, etc.), that would be a huge help.


- Dorek, I took your advice and am saving backups of all instructions as PDFs on a drive on my computer.  The 2007/08 instruction links in the database all redirect to PDF uploads on Google Docs, which is my plan going forward.  I'll probably fix the 2001/09/10 links to be that way too, eventually.  By the way, I found some images of Spiriah's instructions on Brickshelf  and converted them into a PDF.  You can use that on Spiriah's page on BS01, if you want.  I can email the file to you or something if you need the file saved somewhere on your end.  Also, FYI, the instructions link on Trinuma's page seems to be broken.


- I started a new section all the way at the bottom of the doc for fan-created canonized models, things with official set-like images (MNOG Matoran, etc.) and the like after seeing the discussion here.  Personally, I'll be focusing my efforts elsewhere for the time being, but if anyone else wants to lead the charge in filling in that section, go right ahead.  The Google Doc is open for public editing.


On a bit of a random note, I never realized how cool Zyglak looked.  It makes me wish I owned the sets to build it.


 ^               Often lurking, occasionally writing about sets on BS01.                     

L     This link is a bit old, but there's still some good info about combiners there.



- Dorek, I took your advice and am saving backups of all instructions as PDFs on a drive on my computer.  The 2007/08 instruction links in the database all redirect to PDF uploads on Google Docs, which is my plan going forward.  I'll probably fix the 2001/09/10 links to be that way too, eventually.  By the way, I found some images of Spiriah's instructions on Brickshelf  and converted them into a PDF.  You can use that on Spiriah's page on BS01, if you want.  I can email the file to you or something if you need the file saved somewhere on your end.  Also, FYI, the instructions link on Trinuma's page seems to be broken.

Since I'm on vacation, I'll get my top people on it. I don't know who those people are, but I'll get them anyway.


Glad to hear things are progressing, it seems like a handy and worthwhile endeavor.

  • 2 weeks later...

If we're going with models that have "set-like images", then all I can think of are the Tohunga ("McToran") that had CGI images, but weren't released as sets. I'm not sure if this includes Hafu and Nuparu, but maybe if they were seen here first.


Kapura (Possible, but only with a misprinted Red Ruru)

Hahli (Possible)

Kotu (Impossible, as the Rau wasn't printed that colour in real life to my knowledge)

Tamaru (Impossible, as the Rau, torso and arms weren't printed those colours in real life to my knowledge)

Taipu (Possible)

Kopeke (Not sure about the colours...)

Takua (Possible)


Other than that, what other "set-like images" are there of characters not released as sets, combiners, etc. ?

Pre-forums purge sig kept for historical purposes:

Some cool Bionicles are the combiners. Example: Toa Jovan

I've built a Krahka with 5 Toa Metru & Toa Norik, adding parts I needed to Norik. It needs 11 blue pieces (the ones that have +&O ends) but there's only 10 in all the Toa Metru sets. Do I have to attach her launcher to her arm? Please PM me if you can help me.



If we're going with models that have "set-like images", then all I can think of are the Tohunga ("McToran") that had CGI images, but weren't released as sets. I'm not sure if this includes Hafu and Nuparu, but maybe if they were seen here first.


Kapura (Possible, but only with a misprinted Red Ruru)

Hahli (Possible)

Kotu (Impossible, as the Rau wasn't printed that colour in real life to my knowledge)

Tamaru (Impossible, as the Rau, torso and arms weren't printed those colours in real life to my knowledge)

Taipu (Possible)

Kopeke (Not sure about the colours...)

Takua (Possible)


Other than that, what other "set-like images" are there of characters not released as sets, combiners, etc. ?


Like Aanchir mentioned, there are some Matoran from the Mata Nui Online Games that don't have CGI images but can still be built from existing parts.  I also had things like the Mahi in mind, at first, that have images that make them appear to be physically buildable.  However, when looking back at BS01, those images were more stylized than I'd remembered, so actually buiding the Mahi and similar things isn't really feasible.  That just leaves the Matoran, then, who are really quite simple to build if you have the parts.  They certainly wouldn't need instructions... Maybe a footnote or something similar could just list what Matoran are buildable, or maybe that information could just be left out, because it isn't all that useful.  What do you all think?


On another note, Black Six's Kopaka review showed that Lego will be publishing instructions online for 2015 combiners.  So far, they look pretty underwhelming, because they look like the Protectors' weapons are just given to the Toa, but they're certainly better than nothing.  I hope we get some Kaita or other more complex combiner models next year.


 ^               Often lurking, occasionally writing about sets on BS01.                     

L     This link is a bit old, but there's still some good info about combiners there.



The person behind the replica Tahtorak instructions seems to have done ones for other contest-model Rahi too. Let's hope he continues!


  • Upvote 1

Pre-forums purge sig kept for historical purposes:

Some cool Bionicles are the combiners. Example: Toa Jovan

I've built a Krahka with 5 Toa Metru & Toa Norik, adding parts I needed to Norik. It needs 11 blue pieces (the ones that have +&O ends) but there's only 10 in all the Toa Metru sets. Do I have to attach her launcher to her arm? Please PM me if you can help me.



All right, previously-existing instructions and images are up for 2003!  This is really starting to come together.  Only three years left! (Although I'm not looking forward to getting all the 2005 instruction PDFs merged together...)


A few other miscellaneous points:


- I updated the first post; I plan to keep a continuous status update there, along with a link to the editable database.  If anyone wants to volunteer and contribute in some way, I can track it there, too, so we don't repeat any jobs.  


- I found out that there were, in fact, alternate models for the 2007 playsets.  They were depicted near the end of the instruction manuals and not on the backs of boxes.  BS01 actually has some nice high-quality images of them, so if we get to the point of trying to reverse-engineer playset alternate model instructions, the 2007 ones might actually be easier than the 2005/2006 ones.


- Nice find, TomRoid!  Those will definitely come in handy later down the line.


If anyone wants to read, comment, or edit the database, please do so.  Any feedback is good feedback.  I hope to finish 2004 before too long!

  • Upvote 1


 ^               Often lurking, occasionally writing about sets on BS01.                     

L     This link is a bit old, but there's still some good info about combiners there.


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