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Mega Movie Madness!

Chip Wiseman

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I just realised something - Tinseltown Toons made a deal with LEGO - a deal to make three movies - and when Bionicle ended the remainder of that contract was moved to Hero Factory. But now, there have been TLR, Rise of the Rookies and Savage Planet DVDs. And unless I'm worse at maths than I thought, that means the deal's up! Yay! Perhaps the story team will now give more time to more important things like BioStory.comThoughts, reactions, ideas?

-L- to the -K-

Sometimes, I look at my desk, and think, "What am I doing with my life?"


Then, I go back to my videogames.

I used to be known as 'Gresh's Thornax...Ouchy!!!', before I realised what a silly name it was.

Other previous names include Lihkan435 and Chip Biscuit.

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BIONICLE is no longer an active LEGO set line. Hero Factory is. Greg is the primary story writer, and he has said he wants to continue the story of BIONICLE via the web serials, but he has plenty of other things to do that are more important right now. He's working on both the LEGO magazine and the story of other LEGO themes, which naturally takes priority.That said, I want to see the current serials being continued, but at this point I'm more interested in what sort of fan-work we can do to amuse ourselves. :)

Edited by Katuko
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I would -hardly- say Bioniclestory.com is more important to Lego than the DVDs. They kept the story running because we liked it. They keep "more important things" like HF comics and DVDs gong because they have (quality) sets they want to sell.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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What does BIONICLEstory.com have to do with the Hero Factory films? It's not as though BIONICLE's "story team" carried over to Hero Factory. Perhaps some of the story team members went on to work on Hero Factory, but it's not as though they're all anxious to go back to working on a theme that ended over a year ago.Also, it's been confirmed by the scriptwriter for Savage Planet that there will be a one-hour TV special for Hero Factory in 2012. It's silly to think that Tinseltown was only making the Hero Factory movies because they were contractually obligated to do so, and there would be no interest in renewing the contract now that BIONICLE is over.Finally, I find it quite odd that you assume BIONICLEstory.com is more important than marketing for Hero Factory, since Hero Factory's story is continuing to sell products while BIONICLE's story is mostly just wrapping up loose ends after the main saga already came to a pretty definite conclusion.

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As avak3 said, they probably will renew the contract. And, although the story is continuing, it's only via BioStory.com, or by the serials or whatever. And I think they probably will be focusing on HF more than Bionicle, now that the line has ended (sets-wise, anyway).

On the day the wall came down / They threw the locks onto the ground

And with glasses high / We raised a cry / For freedom had arrived


On the day the wall came down / The ship of fools had finally run aground

Promises lit up the night / Like paper doves in flight


I dreamed you had left my side / No warmth, not even pride remained

And even though you needed me / It was clear that I could not do a thing for you


Now life devalues day by day / As friends and neighbors turn away

And there's a change that even with regret / Cannot be undone


Now frontiers shift like desert sands / While nations wash their bloodied hands

Of loyalty, of history / In shades of grey


I woke to the sound of drums / The music played, the morning sun streamed in

I turned and I looked at you / And all but the bitter residues slipped away


slipped away...



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Finally, I find it quite odd that you assume BIONICLEstory.com is more important than marketing for Hero Factory, since Hero Factory's story is continuing to sell products while BIONICLE's story is mostly just wrapping up loose ends after the main saga already came to a pretty definite conclusion.

True, but in my opinion, HF is unwelcome to me. I admit, the sets are cool, but the story is a bit... meh. Bioniclestory.com is up there in my books.As for contract renewal, I'll hope they don't. I can dream, can't I? (I'm that far-fetched kind of guy)

-L- to the -K-

Sometimes, I look at my desk, and think, "What am I doing with my life?"


Then, I go back to my videogames.

I used to be known as 'Gresh's Thornax...Ouchy!!!', before I realised what a silly name it was.

Other previous names include Lihkan435 and Chip Biscuit.

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I just realised something - Tinseltown Toons made a deal with LEGO - a deal to make three movies - and when Bionicle ended the remainder of that contract was moved to Hero Factory. But now, there have been TLR, Rise of the Rookies and Savage Planet DVDs. And unless I'm worse at maths than I thought, that means the deal's up! Yay! Perhaps the story team will now give more time to more important things like BioStory.comThoughts, reactions, ideas?

I'm not sure that the HF and Bionicle movies are interchangeable under that contract. For one thing, the HF movies are only TV episodes mashed together and sold on a single DVD, as opposed to TLR which was only released on DVD.It doesn't seem unlikely to me that the contract was mutually nulled when Bionicle sets ended.- 55555
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My impression is that TT cut a deal with Lego for three movies. Originally Lego intended those to be Bionicle movies, but when they ended Bionicle, they were going to use those movies on other lines instead. I'm not sure on the exact status of the contract at the moment, though.-don't touch my pocket protector

Three great comedies at one low, low price....NOTHING!


Three late-middle age matoran think of something they want to do before they kick the bucket.


Choose Your Own Bionicle Adventure (archived)

Navigate your way through a myriad of meaningless choices as you try to not make a fool of yourself in perhaps the only comedy ever written almost entirely in spoiler tags.


Useless BZP Junk that you Must Have!!!

Get to your phone, whip out your credit card, and prepare to buy some useless BZPower related junk that has no benefit on society except that you want it!!!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I'm pretty sure they've renewed the contract. After all, there is most likely going to keep being specials for each Hero Factory wave, so I think we're far from through with them. Which I feel is good, actually. Their style of animation is better than the first three Bionicle movies, IMO.

"Whether that is right or not...I also...as a Rider...have a wish that I want to fulfill."

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