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Of course, Kyra isn't exactly the kind of person who will go quietly, with good reason (even if she's only being charged with the shooting outside the droid shop, that doesn't rule out the possibility of someone identifying her rebel connections while she's being detained). So far she's likely to either try to talk or shoot her way out of being arrested (and at the moment it looks like the latter). This would be my first action scene in the RPG with any other players (not counting that skirmish from earlier) and I'm hoping it will provide an opportunity to establish Kyra properly.

Edited by Atton Rand
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i assure you Odiina is very professional and would never resort to brutality unless it was explicitly necessary.


the other troopers i can't speak for.

I don't think you've got much to worry about there.

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From what you mentioned in the profile, it sounds like Isariah could logically be at the spaceport at the same time as Odiina is trying to arrest Kyra, although I guess even then she could be in a different part of the space port, so I'm not sure if she would even be affected by the presence of stormtroopers...

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Could definitely be in the spaceport, or frequenting one of the peripheral establishments that tends to crop up around spaceports - say, a mechanic's shop - but yeah, no, wouldn't poke her nose into an arrest-in-progress without knowing what it's about.

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Okay, I'm not staff, but I'm just going to go ahead and register my opinion that it's a little fishy that Kyra (and an ambulatory trashcan of her acquaintance) recovered from electrocution, got clear of physical contact with a stormtrooper she had tackled, commandeered a ship, got that ship over to where the fight was going on,got the ship into position for loading a passenger on, got said (electrocuted) passenger on-board, and got the ship clear of the fight, all without any input from the (player-controlled) Stormtrooper Kyra had tackled.




Maybe Odiina wasn't going to let a suspect leave grappling range that easily, actually?


Maybe one of the other troopers would have tried to stop the ambulatory trashcan that tried to saw through the armor of the trooper taking point?


Maybe spaceport control, ostensibly aligned with the Imperial soldiers trying to arrest Kyra, would have landlocked the ship her trashcan tried to steal?


Maybe the troopers, noted as being more competent than jokes would make them out to be, would have tried something to stop her from getting into the ship?


Maybe all of those things?

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"Trashcan" is pretty much just how I refer to any astromech droid, because that's what they look like to me. I haven't seen enough of R9 in particular to form much of an impression one way or another.

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when I said Odiina wasn't letting go unless forcibly removed, I was being serious. And she hasn't turned off her stun shock gauntlets either.


Oh, okay. I didn't meant to imply that she had turned off her stun gauntlets. I was under the impression that she and Odiina had both fallen on the ground and that gave Kyra the opportunity to roll out of her arms.


I guess I got to go back and edit again. I guess the good thing about an action sequence like this is it provides an opportunity for these issues to be pointed out and for me to practice avoiding them. If nothing else, this feedback should be useful in the main plot as well.

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That is a worryingly powerful trashcan.


Like... let's start with the fact that the speed of one of these things, on the ground, isn't exactly cheetah-like. Trashcans are slow.


And yet it outran stormtroopers, spaceport security, and the plot to get to a conveniently-placed ship with security measures that are apparently barely worth a mention, flew that ship to the location of the fight without any trouble from spaceport security or stormtroopers, and is now acting as remote air support for some lady who decided to tackle a stormtrooper?


That's the kind of support most players aren't getting without the active cooperation of another player, and here we've got an entity that didn't even go through the character-approval process pulling these kinds of stunts.

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We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

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Hey, quick question about 'basic' Force abilities. Would something like Suggestion/Mind Trick be covered in Inquisitor training, even on an incredibly basic level? It doesn't seem like a Light exclusive ability, and I imagine it would be very useful for gathering information.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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That's the kind of support most players aren't getting without the active cooperation of another player, and here we've got an entity that didn't even go through the character-approval process pulling these kinds of stunts.


I should probably clarify that R9 actually was approved by M31, although it was done over PM instead of on the discussion board, and then I later posted the profile for reference.


And yet it outran stormtroopers, spaceport security



Well, at that point, the troopers were searching different parts of the docking bay. Odiina would have been the only one to actually see R9, and her attention was focused more on Kyra at that moment. She also never reported the droid so the other troopers and spaceport security probably wouldn't have known to look for her, even if they could distinguish her from the probably numerous other astromech droids that also work at the spaceport.


As for the skyhopper, I feel it's worth pointing out that R9 did serve with the rebellion, so she probably knows a few things about bypassing security. Additionally, I noted the owner of the skyhopper probably wasn't counting on an astromech droid trying to steal it. The security protocols were likely designed with the intent of stopping petty crooks, and R9 was smart enough to know how to get past that type of defense.

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Hey, quick question about 'basic' Force abilities. Would something like Suggestion/Mind Trick be covered in Inquisitor training, even on an incredibly basic level? It doesn't seem like a Light exclusive ability, and I imagine it would be very useful for gathering information.


They would have training in this, though the newer generation less so, seeing as they moved from being a Jedi hunting intelligence organization to more of Force-wielding enforcers for Vader and Palps.



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Okay, there seems to be some tension between me and Strider! with regards to Kyra's current state, and I was wondering if it would be a good idea to get a second opinion. My original timeline went like this:


  • Kyra arrives at the dock and begins working
  • Odiina approaches and tells Kyra she's under arrest. R9 attempts to distract her with a buzzsaw (which wouldn't do  much damage to her armor, although it probably would still be very annoying)
  • Failing that, R9 charges at Odiina, giving Kyra the opportunity to tackle her.
  • As both fall, Odiina uses her stun gauntlets in an effort to subdue Kyra. Meanwhile, R9 sneaks off to steal a skyhopper
  • After both people fall over, Kyra manages to roll out of Odiina's grasp. She is still conscious, though she is obviously shaken


That was what I originally had, except Strider! then told me that Kyra wouldn't have been able to break free of Odiina's grasp after they both fell over, which would seem to imply that in the few minutes it presumably took for R9 to reach the docking bay in the skyhopper and for the other two stormtroopers to arrive, she would still be holding Kyra and shocking her with the stun gauntlets. I'm also not sure that Kyra would allow herself to be taken that easily, seeing as she is a former rebel with years of experience and has probably escaped from worse situations before. She'd have one or two methods of breaking free from a stormtrooper's grip.

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Thank you for the clarification re: approval. In the future, it might be best to include a note explicitly stating that in the post, so as to avoid these little misunderstandings.


Regarding the spaceport situation... First, with R9, all of the things that worked in your favor there are, as you said, things that you noted. They work for you because you put them in there, up to the point of you inserting an essentially (For the purposes of this scenario) unsecured ship for R9 to hijack. A little fortuitous coincidence here or there isn't much of a big deal, but this isn't little.


As for the grappling, the assumption that your character wouldn't "allow herself to be taken that easily" doesn't get you far. If she knows CQC techniques that would allow her to break a hold like that while being electrocuted, do some roleplaying and describe her using them. If you don't know any such techniques, but are positive that she would, Google is your friend. If you find that there aren't any CQC techniques she is likely to know that would allow her to break the grip of an armored opponent who is also hitting her with a not inconsiderable amount of electricity, then it may be best to capitulate gracefully and consider the interesting RPing opportunities that being captured allows.


As an aside, the warping of time is also a little weird here. You seem to have inserted several minutes into the scenario in one post by having R9 reach the skyhopper unimpeded, which, in that it does not allow Strider! the chance to react or, perhaps, move to impede R9's progress (as I read the situation, multiple troopers seem to have had line-of-sight on Kyra, meaning they probably could have noticed R9 making a run for it), seems a little unfair.


EDIT: Hey, totally unrelated, but while I'm here, I'd like to ask for some clarification regarding the situation with the shuttle sent up to Insight. It's pretty much agreed-upon that the shuttle reached the ship, but am I waiting for Kaz before I take it dirtside, or can we assume he got on even if Let's Henshin! doesn't post?

Edited by Rache
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Regarding the spaceport situation... First, with R9, all of the things that worked in your favor there are, as you said, things that you noted. They work for you because you put them in there, up to the point of you inserting an essentially (For the purposes of this scenario) unsecured ship for R9 to hijack. A little fortuitous coincidence here or there isn't much of a big deal, but this isn't little.


It's a space port. Of course there are going to be lots of ships, and it seemed to stand to reason that there would be plenty of speeders as well. It's the same reason you see a lot of cars at the airport, lots people are coming and going. The T-16 Skyhopper was supposed to be a fairly common model so it didn't seem too far-fetched that someone parked one at the space port. Furthermore, an astromech droid who served in the rebel alliance and who served in their fleet would obviously know a lot about machines (you kind of have to know how a y-wing works to be able to make repairs), so operating an airspeeder wouldn't be anything new for her, not to mention that she would know a few things about getting past security programs, especially on a world like Taris where they wouldn't be very good to start with anyway. 


As for the grappling, the assumption that your character wouldn't "allow herself to be taken that easily" doesn't get you far. If she knows CQC techniques that would allow her to break a hold like that while being electrocuted, do some roleplaying and describe her using them. If you don't know any such techniques, but are positive that she would, Google is your friend. If you find that there aren't any CQC techniques she is likely to know that would allow her to break the grip of an armored opponent who is also hitting her with a not inconsiderable amount of electricity, then it may be best to capitulate gracefully and consider the interesting RPing opportunities that being captured allows.



I can try to offer more detail in that regard. I haven't found much in the way of detailed guides to any specific CQC techniques, though I can probably figure something out. I'm not sure what "interesting opportunities" you expect would come from her being captured. All I see happening is a repeat of Mia Arkada, something I've been trying to avoid.


As an aside, the warping of time is also a little weird here. You seem to have inserted several minutes into the scenario in one post by having R9 reach the skyhopper unimpeded, which, in that it does not allow Strider! the chance to react or, perhaps, move to impede R9's progress (as I read the situation, multiple troopers seem to have had line-of-sight on Kyra, meaning they probably could have noticed R9 making a run for it), seems a little unfair.



As far as I could tell, there were only four troopers in total (Odiina, a sergeant, and two others). Most of them split up in order to search the docking bay, and Odiina was the one who found Kyra while the other troopers were searching different areas. She also remained the only one directly confronted by R9, and even then seemed to largely ignore her, and never actually informed the other troopers. On top of that, it's a space port; there's probably dozens of astromech droids running around, so even if the other stormtroopers were ordered to take the droid, she would easily blend in with the crowd.

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I'm just going to go through these point-by-point.


-Taris is a place where theft is a known risk, so maybe anyone who wanted to keep their Skyhopper would have secured it properly - including taking into account that droids exist - and so maybe you should have left the status of its security to staff, rather than fabricating a situation favorable to your character from whole cloth.


-Considering that Strider!'s trooper went, right off the bat, for a non-lethal arrest, and remained committed to that despite your character resisting arrest, I would assign a fairly low probability to summary execution. Even if it was probable, though, the possibility of an unfavorable outcome does not justify playing that is anything other than fair and balanced.


-That does not justify jumping straight ahead to victory. You should have left it at R9 initiating the action in question, and then give Strider! (and in the case of the skyhopper, staff) a chance to react.

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-Taris is a place where theft is a known risk, so maybe anyone who wanted to keep their Skyhopper would have secured it properly - including taking into account that droids exist 


I'm not sure. While it's true that theft would be a known risk, how many droid criminals are there? As far as I'm aware, there's perhaps one in the entire galaxy (if you count IG-88 as a criminal). It seemed to me like something that could easily have been overlooked, mainly because not many people would expect an astromech droid to go Grand Theft Auto, especially on a planet like Taris where most of the criminals are organic life forms. 


You should have left it at R9 initiating the action in question, and then give Strider! (and in the case of the skyhopper, staff) a chance to react.



Except as I've pointed out repeatedly, R9's escape was entirely possible seeing as Odiina had been focused entirely on Kyra and the other stormtroopers (presumably searching other areas) were not informed of the droid. Therefore, there really wasn't anything Strider! could have done to stop R9. You keep bringing this up like Odiina should have turned around and arrested the droid right there (which would have left her vulnerable to actually being tackled by Kyra, for the record) or that the stormtroopers who didn't know to identify the droid should have arrested her when there was no way they would have known. How many times do I have to explain this?



Considering that Strider!'s trooper went, right off the bat, for a non-lethal arrest, and remained committed to that despite your character resisting arrest, I would assign a fairly low probability to summary execution.



Well, there is the question of what happens once Kyra is arrested. The Empire isn't exactly known to let people they believe to be criminals walk free, or to offer people fair trials. And that's only in relation to the one act of vigilante justice (apparently shooting racists is considered a crime), to say nothing of how the Empire would react to finding out that she's a former member of the rebel alliance.



Okay, you know what? This has gone too far, and it seems no matter what I do we end up arguing, and I've got a new idea. How about we go back to about the point where Odiina was first informed about the shooting and start the whole sequence over? That way, we can start from scratch while using what we learned from these discussions to make things go more smoothly. 

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Of course shooting racists is a crime, she shot people


You're entirely missing the point on droids, too. Rache isn't just getting at 'droid criminals', for one thing. And even if he was there is plenty of evidence of criminal droids over the years. Absence of proof for ones dealing specifically with speeder theft is not proof of absence. Second any criminal worth their salt is obviously going to make use of droids. Droids that can bypass just about any mechanical lock, droids that can hack security systems, droids that can infiltrate where organics can't; their entire role is to do the mechanical things that organic beings can't as easily. That extends to the wrong side of the law, too. Anyone that isn't making use of anti-droid protocols, and I say this as someone for whom security is a field of study, is an idiot.


Second, R9's escape is entirely possible from your perspective. I emphasize the use of the word "presumably" in your reply, because R9's escape relies on presumptions that, from your perspective, are valid. We don't need it explained more, we understand what you're saying just fine. We just don't agree.


And lastly, the Empire's treatment of prisoners (as Rache pointed out) has absolutely no bearing on what constitutes fair play.

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-Peele nailed the droid criminal thing just fine. Not only are there plenty, but droids being used as tools by criminals is patently obvious, and something that anyone who wants to keep their speeder would take into account.


-I'm going to be honest, it's a little insulting that you think we're just not getting what you're saying. You've stated your position very clearly; I just happen to think that you're wrong on several points. Like that Odiina, while dealing with a suspect attempting to resist arrest, couldn't access her presumably in-helmet comlink and give her fellow troopers a heads-up not only as to the suspect's location, but as to the specifics of the droid accompanying the suspect. Or that the several minutes you skipped were okay, because you presumed that your opposite number could not or would not do anything to counter R9's actions in that time.


-If your character really didn't want to get arrested, maybe she shouldn't have murdered people dealt out some "vigilante justice."



-I'm not really in a position to say anything definitive about your last suggestion there, but I'm just gonna toss out that it seems dodgy to me.

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Of course shooting racists is a crime, she shot people


Yes, except they were racists and she was saving the person they were mistreating. That makes it okay.




I'm not really in a position to say anything definitive about your last suggestion there, but I'm just gonna toss out that it seems dodgy to me.



I'm still waiting to hear anything back from Strider!. However, I think this whole sequence has become one big mess and there doesn't seem to be any way to fix it. I figure that by starting over, it will be easier to use the feedback I've gotten and to play out the scene more smoothly.


If your character really didn't want to get arrested, maybe she shouldn't have murdered people dealt out some "vigilante justice."



Okay, in my defense, that one can be blamed on strider!. I didn't actually expect anyone to respond to that particular moment. It was only supposed to establish Kyra's personality. Besides, I would have thought the empire has more important things to worry about than to track down someone who shot a couple of jerks.


Like that Odiina, while dealing with a suspect attempting to resist arrest, couldn't access her presumably in-helmet comlink and give her fellow troopers a heads-up not only as to the suspect's location, but as to the specifics of the droid accompanying the suspect.



Theoretically, yes, she could do that. However, I don't recall strider! at any point mentioning that such an action happened. Unless you expect me to arbitrarily decide that she did it off-screen, that would imply she never actually made such a transmission. 


I actually went back through the posts, and I found a problem that funnily enough, wasn't actually my fault. This was the post that drove me and strider! into this mess:


The reports from eyewitnisses had been fairly brief, and pointed to a confrontation that ended in two deaths outside a droid shop owned by a Twi'lek. One of the troopers made a fairly crude comment on the species and was promptly reprimended by the Sergeant, though Odiina had a feeling it was more for vocalising rather than the opinion itself. 






The Twi'lek in question was polite and helpful, though Odiina could tell she was still pretty shaken up. The story was an old one. Discrimination ending in violence. her description of her rescuer was glowing, as was to be expected, but was well noted by the Sergeant .


"She saved my life from those thugs, so I gave her some parts and last I saw her, she was headed to the shipping offices."


"Your assistance is appreciated ma'am, stay safe."






The Secretary at the shipping office was exceptionally long-winded and not particularly helpful. A casual mention of criminal obstruction did get her to be less of an annoyance, though not much. He pointed the troops to a nearby dock. 







aproxximately an hour after first arriving on the scene of the shooting, the troops entered Docking Bay 28-D.


"Spread out, find the suspect."


A trio of " Yes, sir."s filled the comm.


Odiina had spotted her quickly. The woman was a mess, sticking out severely from the other, more well kept(comparitively) dock workers.


Speaking of the workers, they looked nervous, likely due to the team of Stormtroopers entering. It seemed even after the war, the Empire still held fear over the heads of the Galaxy.


Brando stepped over to the woman, currently unloading cargo from a freighter. Raised her E-11. Her voice, harsh and mildly grating through the helmet sounded through the space between the two women.


"In the name of the Empire, you are under arrest for the suspected murder of two civilians."



With hindsight, I should have said something sooner. I know I've been guilty of "magicking" my characters from one place to the next and I've been trying to fix that so it should stand to reason that I take note when someone else does the same thing. In the aforementioned post, Odiina manages to arrive in the Upper City, visit a crime scene, talk to witnesses, get a rough idea of Kyra's present location, go to the spaceport, get the exact dock where Kyra is working, and then arrest her. Looking back now, this one could (and probably should) have been broken into several posts.


I know if I wrote the same thing you'd immediately tell me to edit it. Had Kyra not abruptly had a gun pointed at her straight out of nowhere, we probably could have made the confrontation a lot more interesting. After all, an ex-rebel would probably notice if stormtroopers were suddenly searching the docking bay for a possible fugitive. 




Okay, I guess I should come clean. It probably would do some good to get this off my chest anyway. The truth is, I guess I sometimes get too worked up about things. After the incident in which Mia Arkada was shot by Key and and declared dead, all without any input from me, I've been trying to keep it from happening again. The truth is, while I've tried to move on (both through talking about my feelings and by channeling them into a new character) I still have moments where I feel angry. Sometimes I find myself imagining scenarios in which Layna and Costa finally meet, all of which end with the latter being murdered in cold blood. I don't know if this information is any use. I'm probably rambling, though it may give some context to my actions.


I think I may be projecting those feelings on some of my other PCs, and obviously the arrest triggered some of those feelings and I naturally made the connection to the last time one of my PCs got captured by Imperial(-ish) characters. I guess technically it's not definitive that Kyra's going to die (if nothing else, she could conceivably escape from prison). I remember my efforts to establish Mia Arkada only resulted in people hating her and then her getting killed. It was almost starting to look, at least to me, like Kyra was going down the same path. I had hoped that this would be a good moment to establish her as a strong character, except every time I try to get her to do something that shows her skill I keep getting a message saying to edit my post. That makes it hard to establish her as a competent action heroine.




Okay, now I'm rambling and you probably don't care about that anyway. I'm not sure if any of that was useful to share. I guess it's moments like these that make me feel like I can't do anything right. The fact that all but one of my efforts to find something I've done that people actually like have gone unanswered, and that I seem to be the only one who has actually had to deal with these problems, doesn't do much to make those feelings any easier.

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I'm pretty much done responding to specific points here.


The little ramble about Mia Arkada's fate does provide some useful information, in that you're still angry that it happened rather than thinking about why it happened. I can't really help you with that, but i can say that, with regard to this need you feel to prove, IC, that your characters are skilled, or don't like racists, or... whatever you were trying to prove with a bowl of warm water, I don't have a single earthly clue why that was ever included, just... Don't. Just don't.


If you focus on creating scenarios that let you show off who you want your characters to be, rather than letting RPing opportunities come by naturally, this is going to keep happening. You're going to keep finding your characters in situations that don't make much sense, with characters most of us are supposed to find rather than just "find", and, eventually, you're going to keep finding them dead.


They're going to die, not because of anyone else, but because of you. Just like Mia Arkada didn't die because Tyler doesn't like you, or because Raltz "The Man" Nightwing conspired against a superior, or Costa Vespula gets her jollies drilling holes in the faces of loyal Imperial officers, or anything like that. `She's dead because you pushed her forward, you tried to make her the MVP in an operation she only barely had anything to do with, and because of your assumptions and hasty actions, you put the Inquisitors in a position where they had no choice but to execute someone who had gone to such astonishing lengths to compromise the mission.


After that happened, everyone pretty much fell over themselves to give you advice, and to help you avoid it happening again. You seemed to listen to their advice, made a couple of speeches about how people in other RPGs had also despised characters you played, and then set about doing it all again.


That set of posts you made about a character playing a series of "pranks" on another one of your characters? One of the most surreal bits of RPing I've ever seen, capped off by the coup de disgrâce, an OOC comment, made by you, apparently expressing that you knew how bizarre, nonsensical, and overall just irritating that series of posts was.


But okay, fine. We all make bad posts. We do not, however, all go on to encounter freaking Heimskr of Whiterun ("What then? What do the Twi'leks take next? Your businesses? Your children? Your very l i v e s ?"), and then murder the poor old priest of Talos to prove that our characters are good people. In fact, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you're the only person in OTC who has done that.


At first, I honestly wanted to help you get along in this game. I really did. I wouldn't have typed out actual advice on fixing what was going wrong if I didn't, and I definitely wouldn't have spent as long as I have on this scenario, trying, time and again, to make you understand why what you are doing wouldn't work, if I hadn't honestly wanted to help you fix it.


But that's gone now. You've chipped away at my patience, you've insulted my intelligence, and you've demonstrated, as clearly as possible, that you've learned nothing from what anyone has said to you, and taken no hints whatsoever from the treatment your characters have received.


And you know what? You try to push the blame off to Strider!, but at least his character had a reason for following that path. At least it was one path, rather than trying to do five things at once. Because that's the problem, even more than how far your characters move in single posts. You plop a character into a random situation, announce that they're ready for interaction, and when nobody responds within five minutes, when the rest of the RPG doesn't exist to cater to your whims, you yank the chain and toss them somewhere else, give them another scenario, and desperately hope that a new situation - look, they're rescuing an NPC they invented from another NPC they invented! - will make people more interested in a dull flesh-puppet.


Well, congratulations! One of your mad leaps drew a player to interact with your character, warm body, keyboard, the whole shebang! And what did you do with that? First you tried to run away from it as fast as your little legs would carry you, and then you dropped airborne fire support on them because instead of congratulating your character for snuffing out a civilian, they came to arrest you. They did so as civilly as they could, because that's the way their character went about things - they were, in fact, trying to avoid killing Kyra, because Strider's not as vindictive as you or I, and you responded by making the situation as difficult as possible, and then blaming a character tasked with enforcing the law for trying to bring a murderer to justice. 



In summation, if you really want to avoid the deaths of your characters, stop making everybody want to kill them.

Edited by Rache
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Well, I'm not quite sure if I can follow up on Rache's last post.  However, since I've yet to get involved in this issue, I still have some patience left.  I'll try to use this patience to explain to you what exactly is wrong with Kyra's behavior.

Okay, in my defense, that one can be blamed on strider!. I didn't actually expect anyone to respond to that particular moment. It was only supposed to establish Kyra's personality. Besides, I would have thought the empire has more important things to worry about than to track down someone who shot a couple of jerks.


Funny, because the personality section of her profile says she "tries to avoid drawing attention to herself."  I wouldn't considering shooting two visibly wealthy individuals in broad daylight to be establishing that very well.  Even supposing the local law enforcement didn't care, do you think they don't have friends, or at least business contacts?  Or that normal residents of the upper levels of the city might not want to have to fear blaster fire in their daily lives?  If this would have been treated at all realistically, that twi'lek would be dead in a gutter due to Unfortunate Circumstances within the next week.


Of course, this doesn't really matter because it's clear you're seeing this as the wrong kind of game.  This is not KOTOR.  Your characters are not protagonists.  NPCs are not throwaways to give exposition or prove how great your characters is.  They exist in a complicated world and so should your characters--they should not just wonder around looking for the next quest.


With hindsight, I should have said something sooner. I know I've been guilty of "magicking" my characters from one place to the next and I've been trying to fix that so it should stand to reason that I take note when someone else does the same thing. In the aforementioned post, Odiina manages to arrive in the Upper City, visit a crime scene, talk to witnesses, get a rough idea of Kyra's present location, go to the spaceport, get the exact dock where Kyra is working, and then arrest her. Looking back now, this one could (and probably should) have been broken into several posts.

I know if I wrote the same thing you'd immediately tell me to edit it. Had Kyra not abruptly had a gun pointed at her straight out of nowhere, we probably could have made the confrontation a lot more interesting. After all, an ex-rebel would probably notice if stormtroopers were suddenly searching the docking bay for a possible fugitive.

This is hardly the same situation. Odina wasn't suddenly fleeing from a battle zone, she was following up on a lead--and strider! gave ample justification for how she came to the situation.  She didn't just run randomly into someone plot relevant, nor did pull a guess out of thin air.  I suppose you could argue that last point, but that's something you should have taken up with strider! earlier.

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There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Of course, this doesn't really matter because it's clear you're seeing this as the wrong kind of game.  This is not KOTOR.  Your characters are not protagonists.  NPCs are not throwaways to give exposition or prove how great your characters is.  They exist in a complicated world and so should your characters--they should not just wonder around looking for the next quest.


Actually, that one does make some sense, thinking about it now. I do seem to have been thinking a lot of this game like I've been playing KOTOR.

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New character!


Name: Viido

Gender/Species: Male Toydarian

Appearance: Viido is an exemplary Toydarian specimen. Red skin, round, a little more than a meter in height. He keeps himself well-groomed, though, and has his tusks pierced. He wears clothing that even the most fashion-blind might consider gaudy, along with a few pieces of jewelry.

Skills: Viido has many skills! His sleazy exterior belies a keen mind for business acumen, even if he is a little short-sighted. He is wickedly good at Sabaac, whether he's cheating or not, and claims to have never been cheated in a deal. He knows his way around a starport, and many smugglers swear by him as their partner. He knows how to pilot a ship but has had little practice, though his piloting skills in a speeder are debatable (Viido says he is an amazing speeder pilot, everyone else argues otherwise). As a toydarian, he can fly, though his top speed has never been very impressive, and his brain chemistry renders him resistant to the Force.


Equipment: Viido's clothing belies how much stuff he carries with him. On his person, he carries a small holdout blaster for protection, an expensive civilian-grade encrypted commlink, numerous credit chits (some of which cannot be traced back to him), and at least two datapads. He also owns a personal airspeeder capable of atmospheric flight, bright red, of the 'mid-life crisis' variety.

Personality: Viido's presence is larger than his relatively small size would suggest, the same with his ego, but jovial in general. Still, he can read a situation very well, and knows when to play himself up or down. He knows he himself poses little threat, physically or in the wider scheme of things, but he knows he has connections.

History: A Taris native, Viido was born into indentured servitude to a local Hutt. He does not talk of his early life, except to boast that he 'pulled himself up by his own wings;' what is known is that he made himself a impressive network of contacts. Currently, he makes his living as a combination information broker, loan shark, and fixer, whether by doing it himself or getting one of his contacts to do so. He can often be found playing Sabaac at The Stray Tach, which is often where he meets people that require his services. However, as of late his network has started to dry up, whether by dying, leaving for greener waters, or just disappearing. He's having to reach farther and farther to get jobs done.

Affiliation: Viido is mostly in it for himself, but that doesn't mean he's heartless. He has a soft spot for the downtrodden and misfortunate. He doesn't think much of either the Empire or the New Republic, other than the fact that he knows the former and not the latter.

Edited by Keeper of Kraata

The times, they are a-changing...



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Oh, we finally have a Toydarian. That will add some diversity, and I think I know a few people who could use his services. I guess now I'll have to update the list I made on the last page...


1 Zeltron (female)

2 Zabraks (one male, one female)

2 Twi'leks (one male, one female)

1 Chistori (male)

1 Wookie (female)

1 Umbaran (female)

2 Arkanians (1 male, 1 female)

1 Togruta (female)

1 Echani (male)

1 Battle Droid (Male)

1 R2-unit Astromech Droid (female)

15 humans (11 male, 4 female)

1 Toydarian (male)


Of course, that still leaves a fairly long list of species that haven't appeared, at least not as PCs. For one thing we still haven't seen hutts. That may be something I should consider trying in the future. Some other species include Rodians, Bith, Ithorians, Trandoshans, Mon Calamari, Gungans, Sullustans, Nautolan, Selkath, Cathar, Lasat, Dug, Bothans, Mirialans, Quarrans, Xexto, Aqualish, Quermians, Kaminoans, Gran, Toong, Jawas, Ewoks, Duloks, Phlogs, Jindas, Tammuz-an, Anoo-dat Blue, Yoda's species, Rakatans, Yuuzhan Vong, Klingons, Romulans, Bajorans, Borg, Vulcans, Betazoids, Krogan, Asari, Turians, Quorrians, Daleks, Thals, Sontarans, Time Lords, Luxan, Nebari, Blancmanges, and Nemoidians.


I'm not sure if any of that information is useful, although it seems like a nice change in topic.


Anyway, I guess I'm interested in the fact that we may have a Toydarian now, which is cool.

Edited by Atton Rand
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Oh, we finally have a Toydarian. That will add some diversity, and I think I know a few people who could use his services. I guess now I'll have to update the list I made on the last page...


1 Zeltron (female)

2 Zabraks (one male, one female)

2 Twi'leks (one male, one female)

1 Chistori (male)

1 Wookie (female)

1 Umbaran (female)

2 Arkanians (1 male, 1 female)

1 Togruta (female)

1 Echani (male)

1 Battle Droid (Male)

1 R2-unit Astromech Droid (female)

15 humans (11 male, 4 female)

1 Toydarian (male)


Two male droids. Though the other is technically either a Protocol Droid or an Assassin Droid depending on your classification.


And technically 1.25 female Zeltrons, and 0.25 female Calians.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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Oh, okay. I found it. I assume you're referring to R3-V0LVAR7. It doesn't look like you've used him in a while. Also found another human among those profiles. Let me fix that...


1 Zeltron (female)

2 Zabraks (one male, one female)
2 Twi'leks (one male, one female)
1 Chistori (male)
1 Wookie (female)
1 Umbaran (female)
2 Arkanians (1 male, 1 female)
1 Togruta (female)
1 Echani (male)
1 Battle Droid (Male)
1 R2-unit Astromech Droid (female)
16 humans (12 male, 4 female)
1 Toydarian (male)

1 Protocol Droid (male)

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And technically one of those human ladies is only halfway there - half-Morellian, too.


We've just got bits and pieces of everybody lying around. What a mess.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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