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Shakespeare in general is kind of iconic. Romeo & Juliet's only one of the best known because it's supposedly this great love story.If Ophelia had waited 'till the very end of Hamlet to off herself, it would be more popular.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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So I've been tossing this idea around in my head for a while and I think it's about time I put it out there and get some feedback. A Transformers TBRPG that takes place in the universe of the Transformers: Prime cartoon, but on a different planet that is similar to Earth, where different groups of Autobots, Decepticons, and Star Seekers (the pirates introduced at the end of Exiles) fight over the Energon there. Of course, the story of the planet and the Transformers that inhabit it would be fleshed out before the RPG actually started. Let me know what you guys think.


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That sounds like something I'd join. If it can be made to work properly, which shouldn't be that difficult.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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I've come up with a name and storyline for the RPG, let me know what you guys think:Transformers: AlignmentCivil war has destroyed Cybertron, corrupting its core with Dark Energon, the blood of Unicron the Anti-Life. Fleeing the now lifeless planet, Optimus Prime and his crew of Autobots are pursued across the cosmos by Megatron and his Decepticons in their search for the Allspark, the artifact that gives all Cybertronians life.However, for some Cybertronians, there is still hope. A planet known as Nibiru has been discovered in a star system not far from Cybertron. Through the use of telescopic imagery and radiation analysis, it has been concluded that this planet contains Energon in great abundance. In response to this discovery, Autobot scientists have secretly begun the construction of a new Space Bridge made of components recovered from the defunct, broken Bridges. Upon the completion of this new bridge, an Autobot ship known as the Titan is constructed and promptly sent through the bridge with a crew of Autobots led by General Grindcore, but they are pursued by a troop of Decepticons under the command of Magmatron in the Shadow Striker. Both ships sustain heavy damage in the ensuing battle and crash land on Nibiru.Both crews salvage the equipment from their ships, the Autobots constructing their headquarters along the East coast of the planet's main continent, while the Decepticons construct theirs in the West. They discover that Nibiru has an ocean composed of fresh water and atmosphere composed mostly of oxygen, which allows the planet to sustain various primitive life-forms. Mining operations begin almost instantaneously, and battles occur across the entire continent and beyond.Meanwhile, on Cybertron, the Decepticons construct their own spacebridge. More ships are sent to Nibiru by both factions, expanding the armies on both edges of the continent.The battle for Nibiru has begun, which side will you choose?Also, PM me if you would like to help.

Edited by Zyke the destroyer


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The story would be basically this:Mevolent defeated the Sanctuary. However, when he was about to open the portal between realities,he was assassinated by Lord Vile, who took over and conquered the whole world. He ruled with an iron fist. The Sanctuary has been driven underground, but there are sympathisers within the ranks of those with Lord Vile. It is rumored that Lord Vile is a sympathiser, for some weird reason.The PC can be a "mortal" who found out about magic, an Adept, Cleaver or an Elemental. Mortals have no magic at all and must rely on their wits to survive.Cleavers are the army, security and police force of the Sanctuary rolled into one. They use scythes and have enough magic to boost their skills in physical combat. There are some mercenaries who have received Cleaver Training, but they utilize Sickles and are known as Rippers.Elementals are the most basic of magic users and are considered starter mages, but they can be very dangerous. Mevolent was an Elemental. This discipline of magic let's the user to control the four elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air). Some people who have trained for a rather long time can "fly".Adepts come into power more quickly than elementals, but are not neccesarily the strongest. They can include Necromancy, Teleporter( only 4 of those), Tunneler, Symbol Magic etc. Lord Vile is a Necromancer.Warlocks are a possibly different class of magics entirely, dealing with light, soul stealing and power stealing. No one knows much about them. Mevolent once sent a deputation of mages to forge an alliance with them. The deputation never came back, save for one blind Mage with a box of bones.IF you choose to have magical abilities, you MUST have three names for your character. Each.The Given Name is the name your parents gave you,The Taken Name is a safeguard against people using your Given Name to control you,(you can make it up, such as Valkyrie Cain or China Sorroes)The True Name is the source of your magic. Most people do not know their True Names, but if they did, they'll be able to take on The Faceless Ones without a weapon. You may seal the True Name, but only if you and no one else find out what your True Name is.You cannot switch between magic disciplines.Magic will also slow the aging of Your body, so you will need to say how old you actually are. Or your birth date. And also your appearance.Moar coming soon.

Edited by Trad of Law and Order

"Wer Traumt?"


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I would suggest three Adept disciplines for a player. Like you said, they gain power faster. This evens them out with elementals, because elementals will have a fourth. Perhaps even give them one, like in the books. Elementals have variety, but Adepts have more power in a single skill.Also, you'll need to devise rules for symbol magic. Someone could just say that they're covered in symbols and pull out all kinds of crazy powers. It needs better structure and limits.

Edited by Toast of Awesomeness

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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OK. So, Tunneling, Necromancy, Healing, Teleportation and Hypnosis are my favorites for this RPG. For symbols however, China Sorrows can pull out all sorts of crazy powers, but she would need to tap where the symbols are and therefore if you put her in an armlock or chokehold, you'll effectively disable her., so Symbol users would have to use scrips or tattoos, and MUST be weak in melee combat. Better? Oh, and if a symbol isn't carved to its exact specs, then it would go haywire and do things it wasn't intended, such as implosion.Oh, and as for healers, they are sworn NOT to fight. Except for this guy called Nye, who does horrible experiments on live/dead people.Moar stuff!Zombies can be created by Necromancers, but only one at a time.Necromancers can shadow-walk (limited teleportation) and their weakness is that once their item that contains most of their power is destroyed, they will be powerless and all the power will flow back to them. They are mostly neutral.Vampires can be created, but only by an untreated Vampire bite. Once bitten, anyone will become an Infected and will have to serve the Vamp for two nights until they are full Vampires. They change into beasts at nightfall and will kill anyone who stands in their way. Their weakness is saltwater.

Edited by Trad of Law and Order

"Wer Traumt?"


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Hey what happened to that halo RPG?

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Hey what happened to that halo RPG?

the host left without a word, and then it died

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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XD mayeb we could start a new one....and cues rants on why we shouldn't.....

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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That works.Also, there's really no reason to not let people create their own Adept abilities. From what I've read on the wiki, the books are pretty open when it comes to them.

Yes, that could do.

If you're going to tell us we could take on Faceless Ones if we knew our True Name you might want to tell us people who haven't read the books what a Faceless One is. I mean, obviously it hasn't got a face but that doesn't give us much to go on

*In a dramatic storyteller voice*Listen to the story of the Ancients and Faceless Ones.A long time ago...( I don't know how long but let's say the time where humans became humans) The Ancients were the first people to discover magic. They had all the time in the world to learn the extent of their skills and therefore were very powerful. But not more powerful than the Faceless Ones.The Faceless Ones were gods. Not really gods actually, but they were god like. They were far stronger than the Ancients and could do many horrific things (tearing someone inside out, killing the world's strongest man). They needed a host body to actually do all of those things, but if you happened to catch them without one, you would go insane, immediately. It wasn't fun for the host either. Their sense of self and personality was erased, along with their faces.Now, the Ancients had enough and fought the Faceless Ones, who won every battle, be it land, sea or air. Until the Ancients constructed their secret weapon-The Sceptre of The Ancients. It's power source was an enemy-detecting crystal, which oddly did not detect the Ancients when they stole it from the Faceless Ones. Using the Sceptre, the Ancients succeeded in banishing the Faceless Ones from this reality. They were invincible.But all power came with a price.The Ancients squabbled with one another, and turned the Sceptre on each other. When the last one realized the truth of his actions, he flung the Sceptre deep into the ground. It is unknown what happened to him later.Time skip!Mevolent was a fanatical Faceless One worshipper, who wanted to let in the Faceless Ones into this reality again. So that was why The War started.

Or what a True Name is, for that matter.But I get it's the early stages of the RPG and you haven't gotten any resources compiled for the players, so I'll cut you some slack.

Each of us is born with two names, the True Name (created form the oldest of magic languages eg.Laudigan,Darquesse etc.) and a Given Name. A Taken Name is created by the person taking it.NOTE: I'm not allowing anyone's character to actually know their True Name.

The Given Name is the name your parents gave you,The Taken Name is a safeguard against people using your Given Name to control you,(you can make it up, such as Valkyrie Cain or China Sorroes)The True Name is the source of your magic. Most people do not know their True Names, but if they did, they'll be able to take on The Faceless Ones without a weapon. You may seal the True Name, but only if you and no one else find out what your True Name is..

"Wer Traumt?"


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On terms of a Halo TBRP, I'd be in it totally. I remember the Metroid RP's Vahk had. Those were fun (Until the third got closed due to severe inactivity) However, another RP idea crossed my mind a few minutes ago. Here's the general background.The year is 2035, the same year that was prophesized for Dracula's new inheritor to arrive to his castle. Two canidates arrived at the castle: Soma Cruz and that one other guy I forgot the name of. Soma Cruz, with the powers of souls that represent Dracula, utterly defeats Graham, and goes into the Chaos Realm to combat whatever was feeding the powers. However, he loses, and becomes Evil Incarnate. Basically, Julius shows up, but gets beaten. Again. Then Alucard shows up and gets beaten too. So where does that leave the world? In a crazy state where Dracula is, as of the moment, a feared power.


"Boss! Da needle is pointin' in da red! Dat ain't good!"
"Course it's good ya squealin' runt! Red goes fastah!"

Orks... Such wonderfully simple creatures.
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Well, I've written most of the backstory, but I'm still in the dark on the mechanics, the endgame and such.If you find what I said is strange, this is because I'm treating this like an unlookable idea which would disappear if I face it directly.

"Wer Traumt?"


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Only it's it's a Wizards vs Muggles game. Otherwise, meh. :w:
Seconding this. Muggles need to do some butt-kicking.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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The actual school wouldn't be Hogwarts based, and near muggle population... so I could foresee that happening. Where I have everything located... there really wouldn't be a Ministry of Magic like Britain has. Theoretically there would be enforcement of some sorts, but not like the Ministry exactly.


If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don’t fight, you can’t win!
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Oh they do, but you have to consider... The Britain Ministry of Magic had Britain to cover? There would very well be a Ministry for the United States, but it would have a broader area to cover. Things would more than likely work differently because of the difference in culture. I hadn't gotten to far into the details as of yet, but it is something to consider.


If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don’t fight, you can’t win!
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Oh I'm not getting snippy, I was honestly sort of lost and confused about what you meant. I hadn't really thought of a time-frame. I figured current times sort of timeline wise.


If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don’t fight, you can’t win!
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Well, the US ministry would actually be the Department of Magic, since we don't have ministries.I figure the US would have three schools; one in New England, one in The South, and one on or near the West Coast, possibly hidden in the Nevada Desert.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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Twenty minutes into the future would be way to close, maybe a week or two from now. ;)As for location, I was thinking Massachusetts.


If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don’t fight, you can’t win!
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Massachusetts seems likely.So the Masquerade is broken and everyone knows about Magic, now, right?

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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