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RPG Draft 1Its a quiet street, with everyone inside and quiet. Then a huge hole appears in midair. At first the people are confused, what is that? Then something comes out. It is a huge Dragon, with heavy armor covering it. Two armored gauntlets are on its hands, and two huge guns are on its back. The beast attacks and everyone panics. A biulding explodes in flames, and the dragon attacks the nearby civilians with its guns. Suddenly a voice rings out above the screams."Bolshack Dragon! Stand Down!". A teenager in a red hoodie walks up to the dragon, unafraid. The civilians think he's insane. Some say "Kid, get away from that thing" and similar lines, but the kid just smiles and pulls out a playing card with a strange creature on it. It is a reptilian creature, with huminoid features. It has light armor on its body and has sharp claws. "Pyrofighter Magnus!" The creature on the card appears in a similar manner to the dragon, and a batttle begins. The Dragon fires his cannon, but the Pyrofighter runs at super speeds to dodge all the shots, and then jumps towards the dragons face. The Pyrofighter's claws light on fire, and he slashes down, a blow that would cut the creature in half. Instead, it vanishes in a burst of red light, and the kid takes out one of his hands from his pocket. A strange gauntlet is on it, decorated with a red symbol. The symbol glows, and the kid jumps up. The Pyrofighter catches him, and runs him to the portal. The kid reaches in with his gauntlet, and the portal shrinks down into the size and shape of a playing card. Then it turns into a card, with a familier figure on it. The kid is dropped to the ground by the Pyrofighter, and dissipears in a burst of red light. As the kid pockets his newly created card, a padestrian asks"Who are you?" the kid replies"A Duel Master".


Duel Masters was a widly popular TCG, and is now having a revival. This RPG is uses an adapted virson of the games rules, that works in the TBRPG format. Here is a giude to how to play.Every Duelist gets 3 creatures, 5 spells, and 2 Cross Gears at most. You start a new character with 1 monster, 2 spells and zero Cross Gears. More can be recieved by sealing Rifts.Creatures are your main combatents. They do the fighting, and you need to command them, less they run wild.Spells allow the Duelist to fight the monsters themself, and support there allies in other waysCross Gears are pieces of Tech made by The Civilizations to increase there combat potentialYou may create your own cards and get them approved by staff. All cards from real life expansions DM-1 through DM-12 are allowed, with edits to work in a TBRPG. Which is why all chars must be approved by me through PM. Approved Cards will be posted here.-to fill inWorld: Duel Masters RPG takes place in Boston and the surrounding areas. The Veil-a invisible barrier keeping creatures out of our world-is breaking, and creatures are escaping into the city, most causing devestation, others hide in sewers and dark places of the city. The Duel Masters are an orginization dedicated to keeping the creatures in there own world. With the recent Rifts(portals through the Veil), that job is getting harder. Much harder. So the Masters began training more people to close the increasing number of Rifts. That is where you come in, a trainee of the Masters, you must close the rifts, or follow your own path.The Creature World: Creatures and Spells are part of one of five civilizations.FIRE-The Fire Civilization is located in a volcanic and battle-torn land ruled by those with the most firepower. Dragonoid warriors fight for honor and glory. Armored dragons roam the skies. A race of intelligent robots called Armorloids roll, crawl and blast about seeking strategic advantage. Noble human soldiers suit up in massive weapons systems and take on all comers. The Fire creatures are expert craftsmen and engineers, and combine firepower with heavy machinery. The Fire civilization craves for power.---Creature Races: Dragonoid,Armored Dragon, Armored Wyvern, Armorloid,Human,Machine EaterWATER-The Water Civilization is a half-land, half-sea location that hails from a network of sunken cyber-cities. Massive leviathans patrol the depths engaging enemies at the flip of a fin. Chip-jacked liquid soldiers stand ready to pounce while their overlords use techno-guile and cunning to trap and manipulate their opponents. Cunning and wise sea creatures wait for the enemy to fall into their lure. The Water world carries an ambience of stealth and cutting-edge technology. The Water civilization is paradise for the maverick.----Creature Races:Cyber Lords, Cyber Viruses, Leviathans,Liquid People,Sea Hackers,FishNATURE-The Nature Civilization is covered in a dense jungle. It is inhabited by all sorts of creatures based on plants and animals of the human world. Large beasts, super strong primates, obnoxious flora and deadly plants rule the land. The forests are mesmerizingly beautiful, but also treacherous for the careless. Here, 'Might makes Right'. It carries a huge home advantage as a battlefield because of its high gravity, which makes manuevouring difficult for creatures of other civilizations, while Nature creatures are adapted to it. The Nature civilization bases itself on survival.----Creature Races: Beast Folk, Giants, Giant insects, Coloney BeatlesLIGHT- The Light Civilization floats amongst the clouds in celestial citadels, right above the nature civilization. The highly evolved and peace-loving citizens deploy an array of ultra-tech guardians. Some of these look like spacecraft, while others appear to be angels of technology. All are enigmatic and powerful. The citadels are protected by intense and impenetrable force fields, and Light creatures also specialize in defensive tactics. There is a strict order of hierarchy and control amongst them. The light civilization prides itself on righteousness.----Creature Races: Angel Command, Lightbringer,Mecha Thunder, Starlight TreesDARKNESS-The Darkness Civilization sprawls across a dangerous, foul and poisoned landscape. Most consider it to be the most powerful, intimidating and unpredictable civilization of all. The Darkness Civilization is the refuge of the outcasted, the feared, the demonic and the sadistic. Magic-wielding demons command creepy, masked, undead minions. Nightmare creatures steal about with malicious designs and monstrous worms and slimes pursue unsuspecting quarry. For the darkness world, no end is final, no death is definite, no alliance permanent and no obstacle insurmountable. It can also re-summon powerful creatures of other civilizations (ex: Fire, Nature) when once they die.---Creature Races: Brain Jacker, Chimera, Demon Command, Parisite Worms, Living DeadSo thats Draft 1. Bits Copy/Pasted from Wikipedia. Any suggestions?

Edited by gdfgdfgdfice

"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



Exo-Force RPG Profiles

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Well here is a new idea I have that I have been working on.

The Dream World:

It’s the year 2045, and scientists have invented a machine called the Dream Portal, were people could enter into the Dream World. The machine is located in Seattle, WA. Whoever is connected to the device, will be placed into a deep sleep and can enter the Dream World in their Dream form. However...the original purpose of the Dream Portal was to destroy nightmares from the inside, which ended up causing more when different people entered the Dream World. It caused various kinds of monsters called Dream Eaters to consume dreams and monsters called Dusks that would corrupt one's dream. So, they decided to select participants to go inside the Dream World to finish off the nightmares.

As long as you sleep, you can enter the Dream World, but...you are in more danger than before.


Dusk City: Where the Dusks and Dream Eaters live, this place is filled with shadows and darkness and is located near the southern part of the Dream World. The architecture is Gothic, and the buildings are jagged, and look like they could come to life. If you get harmed here or take any wound here, it can cause serious damage to your original body in the real world, and if you die here, you die in the real world...stay alive here.Dawn City: The city you appear in when you first enter the Dream World, and is in the exact center of it. You can do whatever you want here, you can't get harmed, wounded or whatever. It's like New York, however, more vibrant and peaceful. The skies are pure blue, and the buildings are so high they pierce through the skies. This is a great place for parcore, in fact you can jump really high here.Memory Forest: Just to the east of Dawn City, is Memory Forest. This seemingly endless, green forest contains a tree for each human on earth that contains their memories. If either a leaf or branch is pulled off, the owner looses a portion of their memories, but if the tree is chopped down, the owner looses their memories.Seas of the Lost: The bottom of these seas holds the things we have lost, or forgotten. The Seas of the Lost are clear and clean, and you can see what lies at the bottom. No one knows exactly how deep this ocean is but it seems to be wide enough and big enough to hold all of these lost items. It surrounds the cities and the forest.


Nightmares are the main enemies of the RPG, and often appear outside of Dawn City, and some might appear in Dawn City. Here are the two classes:

-Dusks: These creatures are made of shadows and darkness. They can morph into anything, anything, at anytime and anywhere. They are attracted to the cold Darkness and fear the light, but since everyone here has darkness in their hearts, they make an exception.-Dream Eaters: These things will eat anything in the Dream World that they want. They will even consume humans, which will kill you in the Dream World and the Real World. They are ape-like beings, however they have no hair and all of their teeth are razor sharp, and they have huge claws. Their eyes are blood red and their skin can be different colors which vary on their abilities:

  • Red: Strong
  • Green: High Jumps
  • Blue: Water Breathing
  • Yellow: invisibility
  • Pink: Impervious to physical attacks
  • Grey: Impervious to special attacks
  • Black: Impervious to weapons

Character Submission:

The format in which you must submit your character for the RPG:

BZPower Username

RPG Name:



Species: (In Dream World)








After some time, several factions were made in the Dream World. These are the factions:

Dream Defenders: Those who protect the Dream World from the Nightmares. Their main base is located at the Sol Beam Building, which is in Dawn City.Darkness Warriors: This faction is composed of malicious people in the dream world and the Nightmares. They possess the powers of Darkness and want Nightmares to consume the Dream World.

Seekers: This faction searches for old relics and forgotten memories and objects. They will fight for either side, however they are a neutral group. Their fortress lies in the western parts of the Seas of the Lost.

Powers and Abilities:

The Dream World allows people to have numerous amount of powers and abilities which vary on these classes:

Magic: Very self-explanatory. The Magic class allows warriors of this class to perform a number of spells.

-Fire: Fire spells can be used in multiple ways in the field, and its one of the most destructive.

-Stone: Stone spells can be used to manipulate any rocky structure, terrain, object, etc. and use them as a weapon.

-Electric: Electric Spells can be used to activate machinery, shock and/or paralyze foes.

-Nature: Nature can be used for healing and/or manipulating any plant substance to the user's will.

-Air: Air spells can be used to manipulate the wind and create tornadoes and blow away and foe.

-Water: Water spells can be used to manipulate and/or create water to user's desire.

-Darkness: Darkness can be used for fabricating warriors and weapons, and hypnotism.

Technology: The Technology class allows users to use and create all kinds of machines, along with being able to hack into systems and highjack other kinds of machines.

Swordsman: The Swordsman class allows users to use armor and shields and being able to dispell any Dark Magic that the Dusks' use.

Limitations of the Mind:

There are certain things you can't do in the RPG:

  • You cannot instantly kill someone, infact you can't kill anyone, only the Dream Eaters can.
  • You cannot use over powered moves or control anyone in the Dream World, they have their own minds, and can control only their powers and themselves in the Dream World
  • There is an ability beings in the Dream World can use called 'Quick Traverse' were they can teleport to different locations in the Dream World, only if they have been there before.


Rules of the RPG:

-No flamming

-No trolling

-No spam

-Don't constantly use OOC posts (if it's not relevant to the game, or your think it might go on too long, please pm that person)

-No God Modding

-No overpowered weapons or moves

-No instakills

-No insulting or ticking off players

-Have fun!

More to come...

Edited by Zacax

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Yea I'll edit the grammar and stuff, ironically I type better on my phone than a keyboard,

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Like I have said, they are recruiting people to head into the Dream World to destroy the nightmares, after all the original purpose of the project was to prevent nightmares from happening in the human brain.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Well I have stated the only way to leave is to wake up, but the participants were put into a deep sleep and it's also hard to wake up during a nightmare, so yes, technically they have.(But seriously, it's hard to wake up from a nightmare, I tried once and it took me forever, or at least it felt like it)

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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I would help, but I don't know a thing about Duel Monsters.But I need some help writing a few sub stories for Dream World. I can write the main plot, but I need some help with some sub stories, like with the Ancient Darkrai sub story in Rise of the Rockets.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Just PM me on that

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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OK, so here's what I've been doing and so go easy on me as this is still under progress.

What am I, invisible?SKULDUGGERY PLEASANTERA OF CHAOS Introduction/Story Somewhere on Earth, Present Time

Listen to the story of the Ancients and Faceless Ones.

A long time ago... ( I don't know how long but let's say the time where humans became humans)

The Ancients were the first people to discover magic. They had all the time in the world to learn the extent of their skills and therefore were very powerful. But far more powerful than them were the Faceless Ones.

The Faceless Ones were gods. Not real gods actually, but they were god like beings. They were far stronger than the Ancients and could do many horrific things (tearing someone inside out, killing the world's strongest man with just a glance). They needed a host body to actually do all of those things, but if you happened to catch them without one, you would go insane, immediately. It wasn't fun for the host either. Their sense of self and personality was erased, along with their faces.

Now, the Ancients had enough and fought the Faceless Ones, who won every battle, be it land, sea or air, until the Ancients constructed their secret weapon-The Scepter of The Ancients. Its power source was an enemy-detecting crystal, created by The Faceless Ones, which oddly did not detect the Ancients when they stole it from the Faceless Ones.

Using the Sceptre, the Ancients succeeded in banishing the Faceless Ones from this reality. They were invincible.

But all power came with a price.

The Ancients squabbled with one another, and turned the Scepter on each other. When the last one realized the truth of his actions, he flung the Scepter deep into the ground. It is unknown what happened to him after that.

Mevolent was a fanatical Faceless One worshipper, who wanted to let in the Faceless Ones into this reality again. Now let’s go forward in time, to the end of The War between The Sanctuary and Mevolent.

Location Classified, 1800s

Mevolent clicked his fingers and fire sprang into his grip. He looked at the shadows his fingers cast on the wall. He wasn’t one for philosophy, but he suddenly remembered the words of a philosopher, something about gods looking at the actions of humanity as we watch a shadow puppet show. If things tonight went the way they were planned, he would be one of the puppet show’s audience.

He dismissed the flame and stood. He turned around and looked at Serpine, who was standing there looking impassive.

“Serpine…” Mevolent hissed, an impressive feat for one with a nasal voice. “I suppose you are wondering why you are here?”

“Yes, my lord.” stated Serpine simply. He clenched his red right hand. Soon. He told himself. Soon.

Maybe his face betrayed a bit too much of his intentions, for Mevolent suddenly made a violent gesture and Serpine felt a vise-like grip enclose his throat. He fell to his knees, clawing helplessly at his neck.

“Baron Vengous is dead.” The world, to Serpine, was going greyer and blurry…..

“Why is that, Serpine?” the vise-like grip loosened and Serpine eagerly gasped for breath. It was barely enough for him to choke out the words: “I…..*gak*…don’t……*gasp*…..know…..”

“Oh, but of course you know.” Mevolent paced closer. How Serpine despised him. Mevolent had no right to be with the Faceless Ones. It was Serpine himself who was more suitable to serve them, the Dark Gods.

“You sent the Baron on a mission, a suicide mission, to kill Grand Mage China Sorrows, who was-is- surrounded by many high-power mages.” Mevolent spat those words into Serpine’s face. “You knew he wouldn’t come back. He could have refused the mission, but you sent him in my name.”

“He had no choice but to go and get himself killed.” Mevolent made a lifting movement and Serpine floated into the air, suspended by the air itself. He struggled to break free, although he probably knew it was useless. For the first time in his whole life, he knew the meaning of fear.

Mevolent laughed a ….well…malevolent….laugh, worthy of an entry into the Hall Of Evil Laughs (if there was even one) He made a tearing gesture and blood splattered across the floor and walls as Serpine right arm was torn off. Serpine wanted to scream, but all he managed was a whimper.

“You wanted him out of the way for your ascension to power, don’t you? If Sorrows was killed, it was an added bonus as no one would be powerful enough to defeat me, won’t they?” He paused and pretended to think. “Oh, wait. There’s still me and Lord Vile, isn’t there?”

Mevolent made another pulling gesture and the vise-like grip on Serpine’s neck loosened, enough to allow a tortured scream to escape from his vocal cords as his left arm was torn off.

“Look at you now, Serpine. A spineless coward, filled with all sorts of tricks that will never be used again.”

Mevolent leaned in and whispered in Serpine’s ear. “You know what’s your weakness, Serpine? Ambition. You are filled with it, but you lack the drive to fulfill it. Well,” Mevolent added, “You don’t need it any more.”

The vise –like grip increased on Serpine’s neck and as Serpine blacked out, he felt his soul winging its way to the Faceless Ones. His last thought was, May an era of chaos follow my death. His wish would soon be granted.

Months later, Mevolent was found decapitated. Lord Vile took over and started to rule the world with an iron fist.

Somewhere on Earth, Present Time

Now, I have no idea how this story will end, for the end is up to you to decide. Will you fight for the survival of humanity or will you bring about its destruction?

It is up to you all now, my friend.

Summary of the Story

Before time, there were these mages/sorcerers called the Ancients, who had these horrible gods called the Faceless Ones. They were so horrible that they were kicked out of this reality by the Ancients.

And in the 1800s, there was this bunch of insane people who worshipped the Faceless Ones (a.k.a Dark Gods) led by this especially insane person called Mevolent who had Three Generals working under him (Serpine, Baron Vengous and Lord Vile). They wanted, for some reason to bring back the Dark Gods onto this reality.

And these mage government, The Sanctuary, was like “NO WAY!” so they went and had this War with the Faceless One worshippers, and they got defeated and pushed underground.

Mevolent thought he had won, but was mysteriously assassinated and Lord Vile took over and started to rule the world with an iron fist.

So now it’s your turn to finish this story.

The Three Names

The Three Names are the names every person has. They are the Given Name, True Name and Taken Name.

A Given Name is the name someone is given when they are born from your parents. If someone finds out your Given Name, they can control you. This can be prevented by making a Taken Name.

A Taken Name is the name a person makes up for themselves. The name you choose also protects the person from being controlled because of their Given Name. A person can only choose a Taken Name once. Once taken, the Taken Name immediately seals the Given Name.

A True Name is the source of the person's magic. If the person knows their True Name, they can become very powerful. However, if someone finds out your True Name before you, they can control you. A way to stop this is to seal your True Name before anyone else knows it. However, most of us go about without knowing what our True Name is, but we can still tap into a small amount of power it provides.


Magic comes in a variety of types although they are classed into four types: Reaper (magic that affects physical body), Symbolism (magic that deals with symbols, the language of magic), Elementals (magic that involves the use of Air, Water, Earth and Fire) and Adept (a variety of different magics, such as Necromancy and Teleportation).

The constant use of magic is said to rejuvenate the body, and extend a sorcerer's lifetime. The rate of age slowdown is not accurately known, but as Madness is over two hundred years old and appears as if he's in his thirties, so the effects are quite noticeable.

As said earlier, True Names are the source of Magic. Every sorcerer has a True Name, and that enables them to use magic. However most of us go about without knowing what our True Name is, but we can still tap into a small amount of power it provides.


Elementals are magicians that use the four classical elements (earth, air, fire and water) in combat and in leisure.

· Air: Can be utilised to propel an object or oneself through the air by visualising the air as a series of objects and pushing at it, creating a gust of wind. It is also able to create solid walls of air and levitate objects.

· Earth: Used as a last defence in extreme situations. Covers the user in rock and when coated the user will be trapped in this form for periods ranging from weeks to years.

· Fire: Using friction to create a spark and ultimately a flame, fire is used as an effective projectile. The fire that is made can be manipulated as well as fire that was not made by the sorcerer.

· Water: Can be utilised to perform feats such as walking on water to forming water from vapour.

The uses of these elements can vary depending on the skills and creativity of the user.


Adept mages have dedicated their life and magical potential to a single set of powers, although the scope of these powers might vary. Powers can range from burrowing underground to having an immunity to fire. Many Adepts have weaknesses that may cause trouble for them. An example is George Madness, whose Necromancy power is so volatile that he has to store and channel it through his pistols. Not all Adept magic is combat-related, such as Nye and Kenspeckle, who are doctors.


Symbol Magic is a special branch of magic that deals with symbols, the language of magic. One notable user of Symbol Magic is Grand Mage China Sorrows. Symbols can be placed either on the body as a tattoo, or drawn on to other objects. The signs are activated by a series of taps on them, and serve many different purposes. They can be used as offensive energy attacks, defensive walls, escape methods, and other miscellaneous things, such as making tea.


Reapers are solely melee fighters because they view magic as a corrupting influence. They do possess some magic ability, but it is used in augmenting their already outstanding physical powers.

Factions The Sanctuary

Sanctuaries are the worldwide organizations that enforce the magical laws. All Sanctuaries have a Council of Elders that lead the Sanctuary, and are led by a Grand Mage.

At first the Sanctuaries were unofficial. The sorcerers would go to the Sanctuaries to escape the mortal world. Over time, the sorcerers came up with rules, leaders and a code of conduct.

Although the Sanctuaries have worked together before, there has been a lot of rivalry, particularly against Ireland, as it is seen as the main Cradle of Magic.

After the War, all of the Sanctuaries were driven underground and are now fighting against Lord Vile.

The main Sanctuaries are:

· The Irish Sanctuary

· The Japanese Sanctuary

· The Egyptian Sanctuary

· The American Sanctuary

· The Haitian Sanctuary


Names: True:





Mage or Mortal:

Discipline of Magic:





Bio (Short history of your character, explaining their motivations and reasons for adventuring, etc.):


Rules of the RPG

· Obviously all BZP rules apply.

· No "Leet". Really. It gives other people headaches. And you’ll look stupid.

· No godmodding. Even a Faceless One has a weakness. I cannot stress the importance of this enough.

· No teleportation, unless of course, you are a Teleporter or Necromancer. But then you have to know and have been at your intended destination. If not, walk or drive.

· No bunnying (using other people’s characters as your own without permission). You are not a Remnant.

· PM me on your character requests.

· Be nice. No one likes a bully.

· The Adept discipline is rather flexible, so you may create your own if you do not wish to follow canon. But I reserve the right to deny it if I find it too powerful.


I don’t like punishing people, but these are the punishments for breaking rules.

1. A simple PM warning. A minor appeal.

2. A public warning. Shame on you.

3. A visit to Dr. Nye or Kenspeckle. Character out for a few days. (i.e. three )

4. If your character is a mage, he becomes de-powered. If a mortal, a longer visit to Nye or Kenspeckle.

5. OK. All your characters will somehow die (I’ll think up of a way) and you are permanently banned.

Edited by Trad of Law and Order

"Wer Traumt?"


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:kaukau: I should have been more proactive and given someone Kumata permission to co-host the Disney RPG to solve the problem I now find myself facing. As it happens, I was yanked away from the internet for the last month and have only been able to get online twice since then for brief moments. Unfortunately, the Disney RPG lagged to a complete halt instantly after I left and I have no idea how to bring it back. Given what happened to Spink's RPG when the same thing happened to him even with a co-host, I'm very nervous. For anyone who's been in this predicament, is there any advice on how to best revive a dying RPG?Your Honor,Emperor Kraggh
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Reboots always seem to fail. I rebooted, rerebooted, and rebooted a reboot and there was no successful revival because everything was lackluster compared to the original.Spice up the story? Do something drastic to get people more involved? Look for some new members?


If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don’t fight, you can’t win!
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Alright everyone, I have an interesting idea for an RPG. Let's take a look at the world of competitive sports, the kind people do for money. If you made an RPG about it, you'd have basically every sport movie situation available; the Underdog Hero, Getting The Girl, intense rivalries, and all sorts of interesting situations like that.Now, it seems kind of boring for an RPG, and hard to do anything really original.Now what if you make the competitive sport JOUSTING?That's right people, it is SIXTEENTH CENTURY EUROPE, AND YOU ARE IN FOR AN AWESOME TIME.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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You do realize that some people's go to reactions back then for rivals was assassination mixed with poisoning?

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Sixteenth century duels?Hrm. I must now suppress the urge to play as a woman disguising her gender. Or the janitor. The janitor has many great RPing possibilities! Someone's gotta clean up the blood after all, and everyone trusts their secrets to him/her.As such, I call dibs on the janitor. Someone could be the cook though and we could be ingame friends.

Edited by Game Master Alex Humva


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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As such, I call dibs on the janitor. Someone could be the cook though and we could be ingame friends.
If this gets off the ground, I call dibs on the cook then. Overlooked? Trusted?I can have fun with this. Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Elaborating, Sixteenth Century, where you're all playing as Knights at tourney and their hangar-ons(cooks and servants and squires), with all the politics that come with this.Although since absolutely no one seems interested in actually playing a Knight and you're all going for more Intrigue posts, well, we may as well do an intrigue-centric RPG.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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JC, Knight School was individual people being sent off to Squire for a Knight your family knew. There were never massed schools.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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JC, Knight School was individual people being sent off to Squire for a Knight your family knew. There were never massed schools.
And they say that the lessons were tough. I want to be squire. Some people used them for ambushes once.

"Wer Traumt?"


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Okay there seems to be a surprising lack of knowledge about medieval Europe here. I guess since my family is kind of in the medieval Europe business I take it for granted.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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Okay there seems to be a surprising lack of knowledge about medieval Europe here. I guess since my family is kind of in the medieval Europe business I take it for granted.
*Points towards his rather extensive collection of history books*Granted, I'm centered more around the Middle East and Mongolia.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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Personally I'd prefer an intrigue RPG set in Augustus-era Caesar.I had an idea a while back for an RPG where the players are members of the Praetorian Guard, taking place in slight alt-reality where the Senate attempted to kill Augustus to avoid another dedicator. This failed in a horribly obvious way, but Augustus, knowing he still needed the Senate to cement his power, chose to instead take a small portion of the Praetorian Guard and make them his own private taskforce, to be assassins and watchers he could trust.It'd need ironing out, but playing as the elite bodyguard to a would-be Emperor or the assassins to a frightened Senate, set in the days as Imperial Rome was beginning? I think it has potential.


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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Okay there seems to be a surprising lack of knowledge about medieval Europe here. I guess since my family is kind of in the medieval Europe business I take it for granted.
I didn't fail History I just think a knight-school would be interesting.

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And completely spitting in the face of anything remotely related to history.Alex, I like the idea, but I don't know Rome well enough to do that.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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Wasn't suggesting you do it, just throwing it out there for people to comment on.


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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okay.How aboutSixteenth-century jousting tournament.Except in space.Except everyone's a fish. (Got that school you wanted, JC)Hah no but seriously, limiting it to a jousting tournament might not be such a good idea. Believe me when I tell you that your players aren't going to get enough mileage out of the intrigue and stuff between the jousting. What they're going to want - what about 60% of the COT-RPG crowd wants is the actual combative action.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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