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Would this fly?*TITLE*A few years ago, a man discovered how to upload someone into the internet, as an avatar, then pull them out. Soon this technology became wide used, and reached BZPower. The BZP Domain is in similer sections to the current site.- The RPG's: Huge domes mark the rpg section. Each rpg has one of the domes, which contain simulation spheres that allow you to experience life as your character.-Nexus: The first spot where you enter the site. The hub for every district.-Many other-less important areasHowever, this tech can also allow hackers to deal damage to the site from the inside. One of these hackers has attacked the site. Everyone knows there is a hacker, but no one knows who he/she is. The hackers attack was minor, but staff is still worried.All suspicionsnjnsjshouldnunelkgnukdnsjghdkjhjgaljghudshgjhdsguishgdusjighHA, Even this post isn't safe from me! I just edited the site majorly, so I would like you guys to meet these:Bug: Cannon fodder creatures, they have 3 power levels. At 1, they are simple data, at 2, a slug, at 3, a Bohrok.Glich: Powerful creatures, also have 3 power levels. At 1, a Rhakshi, at 2, a blob, at 3, they appear as dark, twisted virsons of members.Also, I would reccommend watching your proto bar. If your banned, you will stay banned. My creatures are proggramed to drain your proto when they attack. Toodles! klajfkljadsklgh;kldhsgdshgjkhaugraghuhduvljhadsuiau############### Ok, we have control back, but you guys have to stop this hacker before he wrecks the site. We have increased your proto bars to full, so you can take 10 hits before your banned. You will also be given a divice we call SYNC. It allows you to merge your avatar with an RPG's character that you own, getting a limited amount of there powers and weapons. For BZPRPG characters, less elemental power, and there weapons.Current useable RPG's: BZPRPG,More will be added by demand.RULES: This rpg uses a strike system.

1.a warning

2.lose a proto

3.lose 5 proto

4.lose 9 proto


"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



Exo-Force RPG Profiles

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Okay this is basically the RPG Sisen ran a few years back, "BZProvince" but with everything that made that RPG interesting taken out. BZProvince had excellent worldbuilding, a plot, and, well, things that are essential to an RPG.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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My rpg has you playing YOU. When this rpg gets approved, I will set a character cutoff time. After then, you cant use the character.And the hacker may or may not be a member of the site.

Edited by gdfgdfgdfice

"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



Exo-Force RPG Profiles

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... A character cut off time, where you can't use the character anymore? Do you mean the power up? And is the character unusable after that, or is it just 'wait so many posts'? I was toying with a similar idea but when the RPG itself got delayed from being posted... So did the idea. >>Mine was more similar to Persona's system, however. =PThat said though, that RPG won't be seeing daylight for a long time, if ever. I just can't run it. =P

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The only problem with that idea, however, if that if someone decides to join, who hasn't been in an RPG before(After joining another RPG, of course), they couldn't merge with another character, and would be more or less defenseless.

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The only problem with that idea, however, if that if someone decides to join, who hasn't been in an RPG before(After joining another RPG, of course), they couldn't merge with another character, and would be more or less defenseless.
A fix to this is to let players lend their character(s) if they have more then one to other players that don't have any.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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I'm extremely confused on what the cut off time means.
I think it's going to be some point in the story when the hacker ruins the domes, and new characters can't be add because the domes aren't working right. thats my guess.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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I'm extremely confused on what the cut off time means.
I think it's going to be some point in the story when the hacker ruins the domes, and new characters can't be add because the domes aren't working right. thats my guess.
yep. That happens sometime in the first few days of the rpg. Also, lending characters to others would work.Some important info on SYNC. When you merge with a character, it gives you some of there personality traits. The more alike you and there personalitys are, the easyer it will be to get 100%+ SYNC. When at 100%+, you are in complete control, at 100%-, the merged character is in control. Edited by gdfgdfgdfice

"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



Exo-Force RPG Profiles

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Yeah, add to that the problems that existed with it before you announced that little detail, and I'd say you might want to either scrap this concept or seriously rework it.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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No, people can join whenever. After a certain time characters who are made after then can't be used, while renting or "Borrowing" another players character is always allowed.I was reffering to RPG characters who can be SYNCed.

Edited by gdfgdfgdfice

"Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!"



Exo-Force RPG Profiles

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Yeah... if new members can't join an RPG with a new character, without borrowing someone elses... this RPG will never be approved. You're going to need to clear up the details on this a bit and explain clearly.

Pantheon seems to be slowing down. Does anyone have any advice on how I can get it moving again?
Spice things up somehow or talk to your members to figure out what can be done to enhance it? Edited by Sisen


If you win, you live. If you lose, you die. If you don’t fight, you can’t win!
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Alert scratch the last idea, I'd rater wait to perfect it. I've been working on this for a while, might be not so good idea since its another Nintendo game RPG, and that would be either he fourth or fifth I think.Anyway, Kirby. Yay.I've been planning this for a while, so here is what I got so far.Main Characters:Kirby:Everyone knows this little guy! The pink puff ball with the ability to suck up enemies and copy their powers! He might be small, but he has proven himself to be a powerful warrior, (Despite he acts like a little boy, which he probably is) and he has saved his planet, and the galaxy several times.Meta Knight: An enigmatic warrior, Meta Knight weilds the blade Galaxia, and one of the most powerful warriors on Planet Popstar. He is leader of this new army e has formed against the Nightmares, and also Kirby's mentor. Only one question everyone asks...what is with the mask?King Dedede:The prideful penguin king of Dream Land. Not necessarilly an ally to Kirby, in fact he hates the puffball, but he is willing to help against the nightmares. He weilds a giant hammer, and can fly and suck up enemies like Kirby, thank goodness he can't copy abilities. He leads his own army against the Nightmares.Daroach:Leader and founder of the Squeak Squad, Daroach is one sly, cunning and intelligent mouse. Despite releasing Dark Nebula in Kirby: Squeak Squad, he and his gang of thieves have helped Kirby before. Well more or less. Daroach cares for his Squad of Squeaks, and isn't such a bad guy when you get to know him.Kalogi:A powerful master of shadows, and the new leader of NME. He has kept himself secret from the galaxy, no one but his servants know what he looks like. He wear a black cloak with a hood, weilds a scythe and has a pair of red eyes.Minors:Knuckle Joe: Professional Monster hunter, and ally to the Star Warriors. Knuckle Joe is a powerful fighter, and his fighting moves like Roundhouse, Volkin punch give Kirby and the Puffs the Fighter Ability. He is very headstrong, cocky and hotheaded, but has proven himself to be of valor and to be a nice guy.Chef Kawasaki:The lovable (and bad at making food with flavor) chef of Cappy Town. He isn't a Cappy, and looks like a tall version of a Puff, though he hasn't proven to be one. His arsenal of pots and pans can be sucked up by Puffs and make them Chef Puffs. He is the cook for the Star Warriors.Playable Species:Cappies:You know them, the residents of Cappy town. They are manly a sandish tab color, with black eyes, no legs and small arms. They don't have any powers or abilities, but they can wield swords and weapons, though they prefer not to fight.Squeaks (Coming later on):These adorable little mice make up the Squeak Squad, and come in four different colors, with various abilities:Red: Can ride warp stars and vehicles.Blue: Can throw big bombs.Green: Can throw regular bombs.Yellow: Jump High.Note: If puffs suck up the bombs, Rey become puff bombs.'Puffs':What are puffs? Well fans have been discussing what Kirby's species is, so one of the names was Puff. However, the only other 'puffs' we seen are the Kirby clones, mass attack Kirby's, Keeby, and potientially meta knight and prince fluff. Anyway, they come in various colors, with one main color (body) and a different color for their feet. They can all inhale enemies and control their abilities. However, for the sake of things, if you get hit three times, you completely loose the copy ability, no exceptions.Humans:For those who remember Kirby 64, a human made an appearance, and said to have been from earth, meaning humans (not many) are joining the fight. Please not these guys won't e revealed till later on.Meta-Knights:The soldiers of Meta Knight's army. Their are seven types in the RPG, Sword knight, Blade knight, axe knight, javelin knight, mace knight, trident knife, and cutter knight. Their armor is distinct, along with their weapons. If NPC versions are sucked up by puffs, they become either Sword, Cutter, or Spear puffs.NM/DDD Monsters:Yup, these guys. DDD monsters are King Dedede's guards while NM monsters are the spawns of the nightmares. Waddle Dee: Theese guards make up the guard, carrying mainly spears and parasols. They are red, with tab faces and stomachs, orange feet, black eyes and no mouths, they aren't exactly bright...sucking up their parasols and spears make puffs either Spear or Parasol Puffs.Waddle Doo: More powerful, and more aggressive than their powerless counterparts, Waddle Doos. They can shoot beams of energy, have big blue ees, red, have orange feet, and two little black hairs. If Puffs suck up NPC versions or the beam attacks, they become Beam Puff.NM (Note: Must be approved by staff, or the GameMaster The list of NMs,http://kirby.wikia.com/wiki/Regular_enemyFactions:The Star Warriors/Meta-Knights:The main good guys, filled with Cappies, Puffs, Meta-Knights, and a few humans and good guy monsters here and there.DDD's Guard:This army is good, but also bad, mainly to the puffs...they are composed of Waddle Dees and Doos, their weapons are basic swords, spears and parasols. Squeak Squad:Composed of Squeaks, these guys are mercenaries and thieves, not caring a lot for whom they fight for. They do however like to help the puffs out, when they are in a good mood, but that's all up to Daroach.The Nightmares:Composed of whatever monsters were left over by Nightmare Enterprices, leaded by and new leader called Kalogi, who has yet to reveal himself to the Galaxy. They are the baddies of the game.More to be added, sorry for not revealing the enemy just yet but I'll do it in the morning EST.

Edited by Zacax

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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I've got somewhat of an original idea here.So basically, there's this planet with a giant supercontinent on it. Scattered across said supercontinent are many different "kingdoms", with each being very diverse.The two largest kingdoms are Ergas and Technos, both radically different. Ergas is a medival-fantasy sort of place. The army is huge, with everyone in it (especially the warriors) well-respected. The army consists of buff and heavily armored warriors, to mages and wizards who provide support, defense, and medical care to the warriors. Ergas is commonly invaded by monsters, and despite the army's efforts, casualties are high. Life is difficult over at Ergas, which makes them resent Technos.Technos has the most advanced technology out of all the kingdoms, and is isolated from the other kingdoms by a heavily fortified barrier. It is nearly impossible to get into Technos, and even if you made it past their barrier, many guard robots patrol Technos. The people living inside Technos are blissfully unaware of the outside world, and everything needed to survive is handed to them. The mysterious group of people who run Technos often boast of their accomplishments, but remain secret about many of the things about Technos (especially their technology).So basically, tension is building between Ergas and Technos, with Ergas on the verge of declaring war on Technos. But if they were to do so, they would drag all the other kingdoms in the war too.It's not a very refined idea, and it probably needs a lot of work.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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I like it, I would love to help with that idea, I'm defiantly choosing Technos as the kingdom my PC will resign in

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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it does sound like a really good idea, and maybe have one or two other kingdoms be named, and if someone didn't want to be from any of the named kingdoms, they could make up a name for the kingdom in which their PC(s) came from.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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From the sound of it - Ergas is a kingdom that can't even hold off monsters on its borders, Technos has no problems with these same monsters and instead has great technology and a well-off citizenry - Ergas declaring war on Technos would only not spell disaster for Ergas if the people (or okay, the rulers) of Technos decided to be merciful, and not simply wipe them off the map.If mages can't stop an ogre, there's no way they can stop a nuke. It's like the War of the Ring if Sauron was actually nice to the people he ruled over, and kept the Ring in his safe deposit box, and didn't make every stupid mistake he could think of.

Edited by Beardy Spoon

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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I like it, I would love to help with that idea, I'm defiantly choosing Technos as the kingdom my PC will resign in
Well, if you wanted some action, you're going to have to be a fighter robot. Sorry!
it does sound like a really good idea, and maybe have one or two other kingdoms be named, and if someone didn't want to be from any of the named kingdoms, they could make up a name for the kingdom in which their PC(s) came from.
Don't worry, I'm going to make more kingdoms for people to choose from. But if they want to make their own kingdom, they're going to get approval from me.
From the sound of it - Ergas is a kingdom that can't even hold off monsters on its borders, Technos has no problems with these same monsters and instead has great technology and a well-off citizenry - Ergas declaring war on Technos would only not spell disaster for Ergas if the people (or okay, the rulers) of Technos decided to be merciful, and not simply wipe them off the map.If mages can't stop an ogre, there's no way they can stop a nuke. It's like the War of the Ring if Sauron was actually nice to the people he ruled over, and kept the Ring in his safe deposit box, and didn't make every stupid mistake he could think of.
He didn't specifically say that Technos had nuclear energy at their disposal, but otherwise I just second the previous post.
OK, to clarify things, monsters are very common and act in large numbers. The army is good at stopping them, but usually, the monsters manage to kill one or two people before they're killed. Technos's barrier is well guarded, which is why they never have casualties due to monsters. And I'm thinking about Ergas having access to a rare metal that provides extra protection against things like explosives from Technos.And no, Technos does not have access to nuclear bombs. They're to risky to use to the people who run Technos. Besides, their technology is sufficient enough at defense.Okay, so I've got two new kingdom ideas. One is Sileras, a giant forest inhabited by different kinds of elves, and Terrakon, a volcanic region inhabited by rock/lava beings. Edited by Dark Pit: Servant to None

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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If this Technos has anything approaching a musket in terms of technology, it's going to be a slaughter. In their favor. General rule of thumb is: "If the other guy has robots and guns, it doesn't matter how well you swing a sword."I'd suggest you tone the technology down a bit. Maybe to the level of 1500's.

Edited by Basilisk

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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If this Technos has anything approaching a musket in terms of technology, it's going to be a slaughter. In their favor. General rule of thumb is: "If the other guy has robots and guns, it doesn't matter how well you swing a sword."I'd suggest you tone the technology down a bit. Maybe to the level of 1500's.
I don't know, Ergas does have magic?I'm new at this. I'm confused.

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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I don't know, Ergas does have magic?I'm new at this. I'm confused.
Let me put this into gaming terms: In Skyrim, there's a rather nasty type of Dwarf robot, called a Centurion. I normally play mage characters. In general, I have to spend most of the fight running away and getting in a potshot. I can hurl a fireball at them, but all that does is warm them up a bit. I stop moving for a second, I get smashed flat.Now add guns to those robots. You'll see the problem.

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You are wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.

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I don't know, Ergas does have magic?I'm new at this. I'm confused.
Let me put this into gaming terms: In Skyrim, there's a rather nasty type of Dwarf robot, called a Centurion. I normally play mage characters. In general, I have to spend most of the fight running away and getting in a potshot. I can hurl a fireball at them, but all that does is warm them up a bit. I stop moving for a second, I get smashed flat.Now add guns to those robots. You'll see the problem.
Eh, I don't think Technos goes that far on their robots. I sort of think them as being the same height as an average human being. OK, I am officially confused...

Haven't seen one of these in a long time...



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