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VIdeo Game characters (such as Wheatley, Sora, etc.) will be NPCs, and some can be playable (list coming soon), and some characters that are very powerful (Master Chief, Dovakin, etc.) are leaders and cannot be used in battle.Characters can be original characters (from earth) or original characters that can be altered(dovakin, spartan, world of warcraft)Characters that are bosses or guides (Gus (Epic Mickey), GlaDoS, etc.) shall be mission instructors or villains (GlaDoS being an anti-heroine)The game worls crossing over are either iconic, needed in the story, or both. They are: Appeture Science Labs (H.E.L.P. HQ), White Run, Golden Rod City, Sky World, Nether World (D.A.M.A.G.E. HQ). And since this is taking place on earth, appeture will be locateted in Minnasota, White Run will be in New Zealand, Golden Rod City will be located in New York, SKy World shall take place above the clouds in Greece, and nether world will be near a volcanic land that is currently unknown.

Edited by Zacax

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Farid Al-Qahtani jerked spasmodically, his mind filling with white-hot pain, numbing his thoughts and removing him from all notions of reality. Al-Qahtani normally would have struggled to stay awake, but the pain was to great and he had no other option other than to succumb. Al-Qahtani stayed unconscious until he realized, still half-conscious, that he was drowning. He never registered the impossibility of this, seeing as he was in a brick building on dry land in downtown Riyadh. When he fully woke, he noticed a gargantuan cleft in the midday sky, through which Al-Qahtani could see clouds being sucked into space. It was then that his mind registered that he was sinking slowly into a mound of liquid brick. He stood up and looked at the slag, which hardened as soon as he stood up. Then he noticed that he was melting indentations into the ground when he stepped. Al-Qahtani was telling himself repeatedly that this wasn't real, that this was a dream, but no amount of denial changes the truth. Earth had been hit by a Gamma Ray.



-STORY DESCRIPTIONWhen a gamma ray emitted from a supernova struck earth, it tore a hole in the stratosphere, causing many chain reactions on the surface and below. The magnetic field of Earth ruptured as a result of the gamma ray, making it an easy target for any malicious outsiders.However, nature had a built-in defense for this. This defense came to be known as a Glitch. The Glitch is a being that distorts reality itself, some in more impactful ways than others. Some Glitches distort space, liquefying anything they touch. Some distort time, slowing or even stopping time at will. Some minor Glitches have power over more minor factors, such as force, heat, and knowledge. Glitches were people born with a latent mental deformity that is brought out by extreme radiation (Gamma ray anyone?). This deformity allows the Glitches to manipulate the world around them with their minds. However many of these Glitches were killed off by the regular humans, as they feared the gray-skinned Glitches.After many of the Glitches were killed off through various means, an alien race mysteriously appeared in Southeast Asia. While neutral at first, the aliens soon launched attacks branching out of that region. These aliens would take over cities, feed on their resources, then, stronger from it, move on to another city. This tactic earned them the name "The Plague." This name is a misnomer, however, as they are not nor do they spread any kind of disease.-GAMEPLAYGlitches can distort reality, although they are still limited. They have a certain amount of time they can stay in transcendence (The state in which they have the ability to distort reality), after which they must let themselves recover.After level 2, Glitches can toggle transcendence and Space Glitches gain the ability to use weapons outside of transcendence. All other Glitches can use transcendence and weapons at the same time. The Glitches must defend the planet against an interstellar race called the Plague. The Plague tracks gamma ray patterns as they explode out of supernovae, following the signature of the radiation until it hits a populated planet, when they use the downed magnetic field to teleport a colony establishment unit there (the magnetic field blocks teleportation). Once the unit makes it to the planet, they proceed to spread from city to city, killing any inhabitants and taking resources back to their homeland. What is left of the world is then left to die from the solar wind entering the atmosphere.--STATSDifferent Glitches will have more health, level up quicker, be more skilled with weapons, etc. Here are the stats for the different types of Glitch. All stats are starting stats, and one stat point is added each time you level up. Stat points increase a chosen stat by one each time they are used.Space

  • [*]Health: 8[*]Unarmed: 8[*]Weapons: 4[*]XP to level: 50[*]Power: Distorts space around it and melts through solid objects. Also it can shoot projectiles with the same effect.[*]Color: Ranges from cyan to blue-gray[*]Notes: Cannot use weapons while transcendent.


  • [*]Health: 10[*]Unarmed: 4[*]Weapons: 6[*]XP to level: 50[*]Power: Slow and even stop time. It can shoot projectiles with the same effect, but it effects only the point of impact.[*]Color: Gold


  • [*]Health: 7[*]Unarmed: 9[*]Weapons: 4[*]XP to level: 50[*]Powers: Heats up the air around him and shoots fireballs[*]Color: Red


  • [*]Health: 12[*]Unarmed: 3[*]Weapons: 5[*]XP to level: 50[*]Powers: Powerful telekinesis. Can also switch effects of gravity and other forces for a very short time.[*]Color: Purple


  • [*]Health: 12[*]Unarmed: 8[*]Weapons: 10[*]XP to level: 50[*]Powers: See through walls, has telepathy, and learns things MUCH faster[*]Color: Green[*]Notes: All stats start higher to balance the paltry special powers Knowledge Glitches have

--LEVELINGEach Glitch levels at a different rate, the more difficult Glitches taking less EXP to level up. Each level, 10% more required EXP is added to the original requirement to level up. For example, a Force Glitch will start out requiring 40 EXP to level up. After reaching level 2, it would require 44. After level 3, it would require 48, etc. Every level-up awards you one stat point, which you can apply to any stat you choose.-RULES

  • [*]Keep it real; don't godmode. You may be able to distort reality, but you are by no means a deity. (Class 2)[*]All BZP rules apply; I have no jurisdiction to change them. (Class 1)[*]No auto hitting. This goes together with godmode, except it is less severe. (Class 3)[*]Respect your fellow RPGers, everyone here only wants to have fun. don't ruin it for others. (Class 2)


  • [*]Class 1 offenses will get you punished as the BZP staff sees fit. Only violating BZP's inherent rule system will warrant this.[*]Class 2 offenses will result in character death. Repeat offenders will be banned from this RPG.[*]Class 3 offenses will result in bad luck for your character, for example they might become stuck in a landslide or something of the like. This serves as a warning.

Let me know what you like about this idea and what should be changed :)

Edited by Mendicant Bias
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Video Game Chaos

The Main Story:

An experement gone wrong. I was in the lab, working with my coworkers, a device that allows humans to go to another dimension. Several attempts have failed. But then, we finished it! The first working dimensional system! However....things did not quite work so well as we thought....my son, who visited the facility, mistook the device for a computer, he was after all 7. He punched in video games, and soon...it happened. Several beings poured from the worm hole, apperently my son summoned many a being from video game history! We shut the thing down as fast as we could, but we were too late...several beings escaped...the machine was destroyed due to the surge of power....my colleague found something rather interesting on our satellites. Several new locations appeared on the globe...we decided too makeeee a team to recover the video game beings, known as L.P. (Location Program). However, the villains from video games intended to wreck the world, with their own group called D.A.M.A.G.E (Devious Anonymous Malicious Angry Gamer Elites), they were hackers who caused chaos in the gaming community. So we changed L.P. to H.E.L.P. (Hacker Elite Location Program). Both sides have powerful weapons from the world of Video Games, and now the war to return the video game characters begins.


Sky World:

High above the skies of Greece, Sky World is homage to Paulentina's Army, and the world of a video game hero called Pit. This greek temple like kingdom is heavily guarded by angels, as it is the Kingdom of Light from its original world. The weapons there are very powerful, and can aid you on your quest.

Appeture Science Labs (HELP HQ):

This ruined down, giant laboratory once was used for testing dangerous, and lethal expirements. A giant robot named GLaDos lives there, who is not really a big fan of humans, however she is allowing us to use this place as an HQ, as long as we don't provoke her, we are safe. This is where H.E.L.P. agents start out.

Golden Rod City:

A city now in New York, its filled with people and interesting creatures...Pokemon I believe? Its a communication hot spot, and this is where H.E.L.P. and sadly D.A.M.A.G.E. get their missions.

White Run:

A medieval like village set on a hill top. Its located, for some reason, in Russia. On the top is the Dragon Search, where warriors known as Dovakiins, (Dragonborns) train to fight and kill dragons. The weapons there are quite medieval, mainly swords, axes and staffs. However, there are magical weapons as well, and quite a few powerful tools as well.

Nether World:

We are currently unaware of its current location. All we know is that its located in a volcanic like island. This fiery pit is the base of the D.A.M.A.G.E agents. D.A.M.A.G.E. Agents start here.

Allies to H.E.L.P.:



Master Chief



Lady Paulentana


The Mario Bros.


Ratchet and Clank'Leaders and Allies of D.A.M.A.G.E.:BowserGanondorfMr. DarkRidelyWarioDededeNefariousK. RoolThe remains of the Covenant Freelancers:Donkey KongMeta KnightThe DovakiinsSamus AronCloud Pokemon/ Cores (These function as allies to the player in battle, with their own abilities)Cores (Portal) (Hacking)Pokemon (No legends, same abilities from the game series)

More info soon.

Edited by Zacax

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Problem with crossover RPGs is that nine times out of ten the only reason people want to play them is because 'lol master chief is awesome' or 'heck yes i want to be kratos!' instead of 'wow that's a really interesting set up' which means that the set up is ultimately, disregarded, and it just comes across as a cheap attempt at letting people be really, really lazy.

3DS: 3711-9364-3152

PSN:          AidecVoros

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:kaukau: I basically agree with JC, even though that's essentially the setup with my Disney RPG, but the thing I have going there is that I give people plenty of room to alter the characters and hopefully come up with their own stories in a universe that sets up a wonderful template for stories. This was, after all, Walt Disney's great skill. Why this would work for Disney and not for video games, I'm not quite sure, but they are fairly different mediums. All I can say is that I have quite a bit of doubt on this whole Video Game Chaos idea to the point where I really cannot vouch for you, even though I'm usually a very positive and supportive person when it comes to these things.Now the Glitch RPG, I see some potential there. The opening is a little slow, but I'll look it over tomorrow and see what suggestions I can give, if any.Your Honor,Emperor Kraggh
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Now the Glitch RPG, I see some potential there. The opening is a little slow, but I'll look it over tomorrow and see what suggestions I can give, if any.Your Honor,Emperor Kraggh

Thanks! I might work on the opening a bit, but for now I think it's not too bad.Also, I'd like to offer some feedback on the VGC idea. I think that, while it is a novel concept, there seems to be little motive for the characters to team up. There are just too many differences. What motive would Halo's Gravemind have to join Alduín from Skyrim? Or Link and GLADoS? None at all, unfortunately. They are just far too different to ever join forces, in my opinion. Edited by Mendicant Bias
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:kaukau: Plus, there's the problem that these video games aren't universally recognized by everyone. I mean, my in-depth knowledge extends to Q*bert and that's about it.* The Soul Reaver games were pretty cool, and though I would love to play as them, somehow I doubt that anyone here is going to recognize Raziel.The one thing that this RPG has going for it is that video game characters are literally made to be played and be interpreted in a wide range of ways so that anyone could step in their shoes. They're basically templates, and I could take Raziel and imagine him however I wanted him to be without worrying too much about how faithful I was being to the character.Your Honor,Emperor Kraggh
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The problem with VGC is right there in the name: chaos. It's a crossover, so it's already unstable from the word "go", and with a threadbare plot thrown in, it just gets worse.Add into that the fact that players are apparently expected to follow missions set for them, and it's unlikely to go well.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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By creative, Mendicent, I meant do we only get to pick one of those set templates, and use those powers. Even with the templates, I think it'd be better if you gave a general guideline and allowed people to design their own Glitch ability.Just an opinion- I'll play either way. :P

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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By creative, Mendicent, I meant do we only get to pick one of those set templates, and use those powers. Even with the templates, I think it'd be better if you gave a general guideline and allowed people to design their own Glitch ability.Just an opinion- I'll play either way. :P

I did think about that, but I was worried I would end up inundated with random overpowered glitches. It would be cool if I could do that, but I think the godmoding would be hard to avoid in this situation.
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On the crossover, I'm neutral to the idea; on one hand, you do have to have an explanation of why everyone's teamed up and such, and how to prevent chaos from overrunning the RPG itself as well as the storyline... On the other hand; I really like crossovers, though to an extent. For example, those that do it well, and have an interesting plot(Even if there's inherently no dialogue), can be very good. Even some that are more or less just 'go fight' can be fun, if that's it's actual goal, and is a tournament-like set-up.... Basically, a Smash Bros.-like RPG would probably be best. =P And given that the Smash Bros. dimension has been shown to be able to include characters from non-Nintendo series, though not as many as the Nintendo characters... That might just be a better way of handling a crossover, especially with the Subspace Emissary from Brawl... It showed that, despite everyone being Nintendo characters, they might not actually want to team up, and I don't just mean the villains.

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I just wonder what kind of effect merging those game worlds would have. What if I were to get a pokeball and travel to Skyrim, could I capture a dragon? Or if I were to grab a gun and just venture to...well, any of those worlds by the sound of it.

Hmm..never thought for the capturing a dragon with a pokeball before, but as for the pokemon thing, all pokemon (excluding the legendaries due to them being like the gods of pokemon) can be used like a summon. Guns can be used in areas such as Sky World (Like the flintlock staff and bullet blade) and White Run, they would just be considered as a magic force to the people in White Run.

On the crossover, I'm neutral to the idea; on one hand, you do have to have an explanation of why everyone's teamed up and such, and how to prevent chaos from overrunning the RPG itself as well as the storyline... On the other hand; I really like crossovers, though to an extent. For example, those that do it well, and have an interesting plot(Even if there's inherently no dialogue), can be very good. Even some that are more or less just 'go fight' can be fun, if that's it's actual goal, and is a tournament-like set-up.

You are right, a crossover is a very hard thing to pull off, but if i recall, failure is better than succeeding the first time. Ad yes, not everyone is quite well okay with the team ups (like GLaDos) in order to cause some conflict to the groups. The villains will diffenatly not want to be teamed up (unless its for the common cause, in which case, not everyone there has the same agenda).

The problem with VGC is right there in the name: chaos. It's a crossover, so it's already unstable from the word "go", and with a threadbare plot thrown in, it just gets worse.Add into that the fact that players are apparently expected to follow missions set for them, and it's unlikely to go well.

Im trying to create something that anyone can enjoy. The missions (like in Rise of the Rockets) are optional, however a team shall be given a specific mission that is tied to the story.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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I like it, it is a glitch, and team D.A.M.A.G.E. can use it to their advantage, thanks Lloyd!

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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UPDATE:Weapon Classes: These are the different classes of weapons that will aid the groups in this war, Solider, Mystic and Swordsman.Solider weapons are guns, or any weapon that can shoot projectiles, such as:-Assault Riffle-Shotgun-Grenade LauncherMystic weapons are weapons that can be used for magical expertise or shoot any magical or non bullet projectiles, such as:-Dual Portal Gun-Jabberwocky-Star RodANd Swordsman weapons are swords, maces, clubs, anything medieval or morden that can be used for melee purposes, such as:-Keyblade-Imperial Sword-Diamond PickaxeThere are also weapons that go into two categories, such as:-Bullet Blade-Musket-Star Rod

Edited by Zacax

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Gunsmith is someone who MAKES guns, not uses them.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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I never stated the powers of each class, only what weapons they have and what kind of weapons and what places them in that specific class. If i did, i would have placed a specific ability to each weapon listed.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Whoop sorry

Gunsmith is someone who MAKES guns, not uses them.

As for that, yes i understand that, ill shall change that.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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I'm just going to point something out: The Elder Scrolls RPG was a failure because it just gave us a fantasy land with nothing to do in it. If this RPG doesn't have real structure, it'll flounder in the same way.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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I'm just going to point something out: The Elder Scrolls RPG was a failure because it just gave us a fantasy land with nothing to do in it. If this RPG doesn't have real structure, it'll flounder in the same way.

Very true. In a TBRPG, you need more structure than a regular video game. In a regular game you are bound to the map, so you are inherently limited. In a TBRPG, you don't have inherent structure and therefore end up with chaos. Every game needs limitations to be able to do things. It may seem counterintuitive, but it's true.
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I'm just going to point something out: The Elder Scrolls RPG was a failure because it just gave us a fantasy land with nothing to do in it. If this RPG doesn't have real structure, it'll flounder in the same way.

Very true. In a TBRPG, you need more structure than a regular video game. In a regular game you are bound to the map, so you are inherently limited. In a TBRPG, you don't have inherent structure and therefore end up with chaos. Every game needs limitations to be able to do things. It may seem counterintuitive, but it's true.
True, but I have said that the worlds are connected, there will be rules, even though this is a very sandboxy kind of TBRPG, however, if this won't work out, it is still an idea. Remember that this is a prototype, meaning things are still being added. Think of it like a basic car, this is the main structure, and new parts can be added later on, until it's fin.I do still understand that making a video like RPG is hard to structure, but failure is better than succeeding the first time, you learn from previous mistakes.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Thanks broseph! If anyone has any ideas bout the RPG, don't hold back.

Edited by Zacax

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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what about the chararters coming from the games? in some cases, the game they come out of will effect their mood or actions.van example is Samus from Metriod. if she comes from any of the prime games, she wouldn't talk much, but if she come out of Other M, then she'll be speaking a lot more.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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Hmmm...that is an important detail...thanks for mentioning that!

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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no problem. it wont matter as much for Master Chief, and the Mario bros., because they haven't changed much over the course of their games. i also recommend removing Sheperd, because some people will want him to be like the one they played as in their go-round of Mass Effect.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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Good point, starting to aid adjustments.

"Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become,"-C.S. Lewis




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Would anyone be willing to play a RPG set up very much like the book series Gone by Micheal Grant?

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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Here's an updated version of Glitch, with more fleshed out enemies. Now with motives! :biggrin:Farid Al-Qahtani jerked spasmodically, his mind filling with white-hot pain, numbing his thoughts and removing him from all notions of reality. Al-Qahtani normally would have struggled to stay awake, but the pain was to great and he had no other option other than to succumb. Al-Qahtani stayed unconscious until he realized, still half-conscious, that he was drowning. He never registered the impossibility of this, seeing as he was in a brick building on dry land in downtown Riyadh. When he fully woke, he noticed a gargantuan cleft in the midday sky, through which Al-Qahtani could see clouds being sucked into space. It was then that his mind registered that he was sinking slowly into a mound of liquid brick. He stood up and looked at the slag, which hardened as soon as he stood up. Then he noticed that he was melting indentations into the ground when he stepped. Al-Qahtani was telling himself repeatedly that this wasn't real, that this was a dream, but no amount of denial changes the truth. Earth had been hit by a Gamma Ray.



-STORY DESCRIPTIONWhen a gamma ray emitted from a supernova struck earth, it tore a hole in the stratosphere, causing many chain reactions on the surface and below. The magnetic field of Earth ruptured as a result of the gamma ray, making it an easy target for any malicious outsiders.However, nature had a built-in defense for this. This defense came to be known as a Glitch. The Glitch is a being that distorts reality itself, some in more impactful ways than others. Some Glitches distort space, liquefying anything they touch. Some distort time, slowing or even stopping time at will. Some minor Glitches have power over more minor factors, such as force, heat, and knowledge. Glitches were people born with a latent mental deformity that is brought out by extreme radiation (Gamma ray anyone?). This deformity allows the Glitches to manipulate the world around them with their minds. However, many of these Glitches were killed off by the regular humans, as they feared the gray-skinned Glitches.After many of the Glitches were killed off through various means, an alien race mysteriously appeared in Southeast Asia. While neutral at first, the aliens soon launched attacks branching out of that region. These aliens would take over cities, feed on their resources, then, stronger from it, move on to another city. This tactic earned them the name "The Plague." This name is a misnomer, however, as they are not nor do they spread any kind of disease.--THE PLAGUEThe Plague is a compound culture of aliens in which evolution has been stagnant and discoveries nonexistent due to inbreeding. In order to break this stagnation, The Plague attacks weakened planets in search for a resource which is more valued to them than any other: knowledge. They kill off much of the population, but keep the smartest among them alive so that The Plague may absorb their knowledge into their central database, called Scientia, on The Plague's home planet. The Plague is one step away from discovering the key to the creation of a superweapon with the capability of eradicating entire systems. The humans must keep this knowledge from The Plague at all costs, but there is no way to tell what this knowledge is.The Plague possesses no concept of morals. They are purely objective thinkers who will stop at nothing until they complete the Sisyphean task of satiating their lust for knowledge, and though the information sent to the Scientia is extensive, certain thoughts in an entity's head are targeted for absorption, allowing The Plague to objectively attain the knowledge they want and waste no extra time. Included in the untargeted thoughts is a moral code.The Earth started out as a routine target, from which The Plague might be able to spread some new information on their planet. As soon as they discovered that we knew how to create what they sought, they went all-out on Earth.Plague species: Combat: An impressive creature, 8 feet tall with a thick carapace and a spiked crab-like head. Myope: A stubby little creature resembling a very short, somewhat fat human. Used for menial tasks and for swarming enemies. This is the most common class. Pilot: Controls Plague starships. Has extremely high ability to multitask, but are kept under mind lock (a form of mind control) by the Plague Sovereigns. Resembles a tan floating banana. Pilots are unwilling participants in The Plague's campaign, even though they hold more power than any other class other than Sovereigns, as they command all of The Plague's fleet. Intense hatred for the rest of The Plague is built up among Pilots. Sovereign: Technically of the same species as the Combat class, but all the natural armor is removed and replaced with steel ornamental armor. There are only six of these at any given time, and they jointly rule over all of The Plague. All Sovereigns have equal power.-GAMEPLAYGlitches can distort reality, although they are still limited. They have a certain amount of time they can stay in transcendence (The state in which they have the ability to distort reality), after which they must let themselves recover.After level 2, Glitches can toggle transcendence and Space Glitches gain the ability to use weapons outside of transcendence. All other Glitches can use transcendence and weapons at the same time. The Glitches must defend the planet against an interstellar race called the Plague. The Plague tracks gamma ray patterns as they explode out of supernovae, following the signature of the radiation until it hits a populated planet, when they use the downed magnetic field to teleport a colony establishment unit there (the magnetic field blocks teleportation). Once the unit makes it to the planet, they proceed to spread from city to city, killing any inhabitants and taking resources back to their homeland. What is left of the world is then left to die from the solar wind entering the atmosphere.--STATSDifferent Glitches will have more health, level up quicker, be more skilled with weapons, etc. Here are the stats for the different types of Glitch. All stats are starting stats, and one stat point is added each time you level up. Stat points increase a chosen stat by one each time they are used. The colors mentioned are the color of the smoke coming from the Glitch's eyes, not the skin color.Space

  • [*]Health: 8[*]Unarmed: 8[*]Weapons: 4[*]XP to level: 50[*]Power: Distorts space around it and melts through solid objects. Also it can shoot projectiles with the same effect.[*]Color: Ranges from cyan to blue-gray.[*]Notes: Cannot use weapons while transcendent.


  • [*]Health: 10[*]Unarmed: 4[*]Weapons: 6[*]XP to level: 50[*]Power: Slow and even stop time. It can shoot projectiles with the same effect, but it effects only the point of impact.[*]Color: Gold


  • [*]Health: 7[*]Unarmed: 9[*]Weapons: 4[*]XP to level: 50[*]Powers: Heats up the air around him and shoots fireballs.[*]Color: Red


  • [*]Health: 12[*]Unarmed: 3[*]Weapons: 5[*]XP to level: 50[*]Powers: Powerful telekinesis. Can also switch effects of gravity and other forces for a very short time.[*]Color: Purple


  • [*]Health: 12[*]Unarmed: 8[*]Weapons: 10[*]XP to level: 50[*]Powers: See through walls, has telepathy, and learns things much faster.[*]Color: Green[*]Notes: All stats start higher to balance the paltry special powers Knowledge Glitches have.

--LEVELINGEach Glitch levels at a different rate, the more difficult Glitches taking less EXP to level up. Each level, 10% more required EXP is added to the original requirement to level up. For example, a Force Glitch will start out requiring 40 EXP to level up. After reaching level 2, it would require 44. After level 3, it would require 48, etc. Every level-up awards you one stat point, which you can apply to any stat you choose.--NPCsName: PsycheGender: NeuterSpecies: Plague SovereignBio: Psyche is the Sovereign in charge of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way. He commands the fleet attacking earth. Note: Being a non-Glitch species, this is an Admin character.-RULES

  • [*]Keep it real; don't godmode. You may be able to distort reality, but you are by no means a deity. (Class 2)[*]All BZP rules apply; I have no jurisdiction to change them. (Class 1)[*]No auto hitting. This goes together with godmode, except it is less severe. (Class 3)[*]Respect your fellow RPGers, everyone here only wants to have fun. don't ruin it for others. (Class 2)[*]Use IC and OOC for in character and out of character. (Class 3)


  • [*]Class 1 offenses will get you punished as the BZP staff sees fit. Only violating BZP's inherent rule system will warrant this.[*]Class 2 offenses will result in character death. Repeat offenders will be banned from this RPG.[*]Class 3 offenses will result in bad luck for your character, for example they might become stuck in a landslide or something of the like. This serves as a warning.

-JOININGTo join, simply fill out this form and PM it to me. I will either accept it or ask you to revise it.Character name:Gender:Power:Bio:

Edited by Mendicant Bias
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