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If they're the sort of person whose flaming they're not going to stop because the GM tells them. As far as I was aware the modern religions haven't been erased so much as we're just paying any attention to them (which was the reasoning behind using a smaller locale than the whole world). They're still there, just not in the limelight


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I can tell you that from the flaming I've seen on BZP, most people will shut up as soon as the threat of authority comes down on them, justified use thereof or not. If they don't listen you can have a FA or FL delete their posts. It's the same way to solve flaming anywhere in a forum.I don't see why we wouldn't pay attention to them--they're very influential, even if you take the minor gods running around into account. If you want to avoid religion, Russia or China might be better places to put the RPG. The aftereffects of the USSR and the current activities of the PRoC would effectively level the playing field, and the governments, to me, seem less likely to interfere than the US.EDIT: Let me clarify, I'm not throwing a fit here because certain religions aren't represented. What I do have an issue with, and what I'm trying to nicely work out, is the logical consistency of the RPG. :w:

Edited by Lloyd: the White Wolf
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I have to agree with Lloyd; if you want to completely ignore modern religions, do it in Russia. America is just too predominately Christian to ignore without some serious MS3K Mantras going on. Have it set in Western Russia and it'll work out fine.


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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MS3K?And what I'm going to do is push the time from the gods coming to now back to 20 years. That should be time enough for current religious influence to die out.And I haven't noticed religion come up in an RPG before this. I think the best plan here is to just hand wave it. We'll just say that after 20 years of proof of the old gods, the monotheistic religions have been abandoned by most.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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Eh, I still don't think people would be so quick to abandon their beliefs, but w/e. I'll just recite the MST3K (I forgot the t last time) mantra and get on with playing my Roman legionary.Where would magicians/sorcerers fit into this? Like, many of the mythos you have had magic wielders who didn't draw their power from the gods, so they'd be different from blessed mortals.


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"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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I have a hard time believing that a 2000-year-old religion can die out in one hundredth of that time. Again, I urge you to move the scene to Russia or China. Besides, it's so much more interesting than the deserts and scrubland of Texas. :P :w:

Edited by Lloyd: the White Wolf
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Boy, I live in a swamp surrounded by alligators. To the north we have some big old forests. The great plains cut down into the northwest. Only the western part is scrubland. Don't try and talk about Texas' geography to me. XDAnd why would there be Aztecs in Russia or China? They have their own gods.And dude, it's just really easier to go with it like this. I mean, if we bring actual religions into this, flaming is going to happen- plus, it's against the forum rules. I think it's just better to handwave it.

Well, would you just look at that?




I'm a piece of toast.

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Toast wanted something different from the usual city-scape far in RPGs. With grasslands and deserts and mountains and possibly a forest or two, Texas gives a good range of terrain to suit various gods. Russia is mostly steppe/tundra, and the only difference between that and the scrubland you have an issue with is temperature :DNot to mention theres less reason for other gods to exist in Russia or China. America is more culturally diverse, there's more reasons for outside gods to be there


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I'll cede the point on geography, but considering Russia goes from Germany all the way to China, there's gotta be some variety. I hear that the Crimea is nice in the spring.@ TPTI: Which is exactly the problem we're trying to deal with. I can easily imagine gods trying to import their religions now that the USSR has collapsed, and it's a lot easier to convince a bunch of atheists who don't believe in miracles to follow you (especially the people who lived in the USSR, who are used to being told what to do) than people who deal with religions on a regular basis and are much more familiar with the idea of "God acts in mysterious ways." :w:

Edited by Lloyd: the White Wolf
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Here's an option; since this is going be regionally locked to Texas, say that other new gods like Lloyd's messenger god managed to pull the local mainstream religious folks out of there, warning them of this great battle going down and getting them out of the turf. Gets all those guys out, and so long as we don't focus too much outside of Texas, it'll be fine.


1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89

"In short, my English Lit friend, living in a mental world of absolute rights and wrongs, may be imagining that because all theories are wrong, the earth may be thought spherical now, but cubical next century, and a hollow icosahedron the next, and a doughnut shape the one after." -Isaac Asimov, responding to a letter he had received saying that scientific certainty was false, The Relativity of Wrong

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Any change the Disney RPG could have Epic Mickey stuff in it? I believe that could be interesting.

:kaukau: No, not really. That's a game, not a movie. Although I think it's awesome that it has Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, who I learned about back in third grade. That's OLD SCHOOL! Although unfortunately, Oswald doesn't belong to any official continuity, and I would prefer to leave those characters, for the most part, out the RPG, or at least remain as NPCs. So that means no Donald, Daisey, or Minnie. Although I would accept Goofie, Pete, and Max, so long as they were taken from The Goofy Movie, in which there is a canon to compare them to.Although now that you mention it, I looked up the synopsis for Epic Mickey and am surprised at how similar the concepts are.

Love the Disney RPG idea. Am I right in thinking that the worlds of Pixar would be eligible for play, too?

Pixar? Definitely! And on that note, since it counts as a half-animation/half-live-action film, I should also include the classic Tron, just in case I haven't mentioned that already.Speaking of which, Lord Darkon may PM me with his outline if he wishes, and I'd gladly give advice where necessary, being a huge Tron fan myself.Anyway...

RPG: DisneyPrologueMickey, the Sorceror's Apprentice, was meddling around again, but this time he got himself into more trouble than enchanting overzealous broomsticks. Once more he ascended up to the stone where he overlooked the sees and the stars, but while feeling particularly adventurous, when the silhouette of The Conductor went on break Mickey curiously stood on his pedestal. He gave a wave of his hands, and suddenly the beautiful music of Bach began to play for him. Inspired by the graceful harmony, he continued to experiment in his magic. The mathematical notes of Toccata and Fugue in D Minor helped him to control his magic, and he cast a spell far greater and more comprehensive than before. It was a terrible thing to do, nor could he have chosen a worse place to do it, for he stood on The Conductor's pedestal, which overlook not just the seas and stars but all the realms of Fantasia!Without warning, the gateways to the many other great works of Disney opened before Mickey, and the worlds of all the animated classics were brought into the Fantasia realm. Mickey saw them begin to interact with each other and felt good about himself until he realized just how much trouble he would be in with his master. Yet, another, larger problem awaited him, for the clashing of all the worlds awakened Churnabog, the great Evil One on top of Bald Mountain. With a single reach of his arm, he grasped out to Mickey and picked him up, destroying the pedestal in the process. Without the pedestal the enchantment that brought all the worlds to Fantasia could not be undone.Even though the magical world of Disney was not in its proper order, there was a bigger problem. The great and evil Churnabog was planning to use the magic of the Sorceror's Hat to increase his power and unleash a spell of darkness that would engulf everything. However, one hope did remain, for a brightly colored butterfly made out of abstract geometrical art came to the mountain and snatched the Sorceror's Hat away from Churnabog. His evil spirits caught the butterfly, but it dropped the hat in one of the realms of Fantasia 2000. Enraged, Churnabog sent a message to all the Disney villains who had dabbled in the black magics of witchcraft and sorcery to join him and create a portal regardless. Soon, should he get all the allies he needs, they will cast an inevitable spell that will convert the whole world to darkness.Not all is lost. The Sorceror's Hat still rests somewhere in the realms of Fantasia 2000. Whoever finds it could change the fate of the universe.Gameplay:You will join this RPG and play as all the main cast from one of Disney's great works, and even some love-action classics with some animation in them, such as Marry Poppins and the classic Tron. If you want, you may work from the characters as they already exist or, for those who want to write with characters that are more of your own creation, you can come up with a twist to these characters. For example, what if Scar was actually Sarabi's puppet? What if Ursala had a crush on King Tritan? What if Bolt was really about the TV show? It's perfectly acceptable. After all, retelling fairytales is an ongoing process.I. Choosing Characters:1. It is important to note that you can only choose characters from one Disney movie. This prevents people from coming up with contradicting continuities. The bright side is, you may have as many characters from your particular movie as you like, so long as it is within reason.

  • [*]Define "within reason": This essentially means that you should still have NPCs within your universe. You can't make nameless extras your characters. This is not an RPG where you control entire nations.[*]Winnie the Pooh is exempt from the above point, considering the small cast and absence of background characters.

2. All the main characters should originate from the same places. You can say that John Smith came from a remarkable Steampunk England, which is certainly a different twist, but England nevertheless. It's just not nice to take away that sort of identity, because one of the wonderful things about Disney is that its stories traveled around the world. This rule doesn't apply to stories where the location or character backgrounds hardly have an affect on the narrative. And in case there's any question about the following settings:

  • [*]Some of the older Disney Princesses are a bit ambiguous as to their location, in which case you shouldn't be too concerned.[*]Alice of Wonderland: that she's from England is completely irrelevant.[*]Winnie the Pooh came from the Hundred Acre Woods. Where on Earth that is is up to you.[*]The Rescuers could actually be set any number of places. So long as you describe their world as Earth, you're fine.[*]Dinosaur's open to any interpretation, really.

3. The characters have to be from a film. TV shows and video games are not a basis for an application.

  • [*]This means that Minnie, Donald, and Daisey, among other classic personas, are not allowed to be used as playable characters. Sorry.[*]However, Goofy, Max, and Pete are featured in The Goofy Movie, so they're open.[*]
This is a good general list if you want to know your options. Here's also a list of Pixar films.[*]Song of the South, Marry Poppins, Bedknobs and Broomsticks, Pete's Dragon, Enchanted, and Tron are also acceptable, along with any other films that combine live action with animation.

4. Since no doubt many of you will be concerned with how your characters measure up to others, it's perfectly acceptable to do something to even the playing field against films like . Captain Hook might have gained control over the fairies or got himself a pirate army. Maybe Monsieur D'iarque was really an evil counterpart to the Beautiful Enchantress (Beauty and the Beast). Maybe the Steampunk example idea good enough to make the cast as a whole awesome enough to compete with the rest of the world. However, you don't have to power up your world if you don't want to.

  • [*]Powering up your cast in general and superpowering one character is overkill. For example, Captain Hook may gain power from harvesting fairies, but he shouldn't also be given an army. Giving that army superpowers is completely out of the question.[*]Also, stick to something within reason that makes sense. If it defies willing suspension of disbelief, it's off-limits. Therefore, Nemo can't shoot lasers, although Buzz Lightyear could potentially get such an upgrade (as for Mater, anything makes sense when applied to him).

5. The film version of young Hercules the archetype for the ultimate reasonably powered character, and he will set the standard for the limit within this RPG. If you can overpower Hercules, you're overpowered.- For that reason, these characters are off-limits as player characters unless you specifically alter their back story to bring them down to the level of of something acceptable:

  • [*]The Fairy God Mother[*]The Cheshire Cat[*]King Triton[*]Genie[*]The Bowler Hat[*]Dr. Facilier

- These following characters, however, are completely off-limits regardless of your reasons:

  • [*]Maleficent[*]The Greek Gods[*]Marry Poppins (She's practically perfect in every way!)

- The various enchanters not mentioned in this list, such as the Blue Fairy in Pinocchio, fairies in Sleeping Beauty, Eglantine Price from Bedknobs and Broomsticks, the witches in The Black Cauldron, Ursala from The Little Mermaid, and the Beautiful Enchantress from Beauty and the Beast are all allowed, but the scope of their magical abilities is generally limited to enchanting objects to physically change, do work, or otherwise alter their properties. I won't see enchanters treated as offensive combat characters, although they may assist others.

  • [*]The Fairy Godmother is considered a God moderator simply because her want had demonstrated the ability to transform people to stone and turn back time, the first of which is a directly offensive ability and the second of which is outright too powerful unless you specify otherwise.

II. Creating Worlds1. There are only as many worlds in this RPG as those started by players. A new world is introduced whenever a player joined the RPG. If a player hasn't joined under a given world yet, you may not journey to it. The in-universe explanation to this is that the various Disney worlds are leaking through one at a time in a chaotic order.2. Each world has one portal somewhere that leads to the rest of the Fantasia realms. You may define what they look like and where they are.3. It is possible for two worlds to literally fall within physical proximity of each other. For example, it is possible for the London within The Great Mouse Detective to fall within the proximity of the Pridelands (even though that makes no geographic sense).

  • [*]Before doing this, there must be a mutual agreement between you and the person who wrote in the other land.[*]You're allowed to mix them up in interesting ways, but one world may not destroy another.[*]It is possible also for one world to fall in between two and create a bridge between them. For example, London could fall in-between The Pridelands and the forest in the "Firebird" piece of Fantasia 2000, thus creating a web and an internal ecosystem within the RPG universe.

4. Wandering throughout fantasia are roaming bands of bands (pun intended), the silhouettes seen at the beginning of Fantasia. Their instruments have magic powers that allow them to teleport people to other parts of Fantasia, provided that they play a piece of music from that world. Their magic transportation is limited, however, to landing people wherever the music was played within that movie, specifically at the beginning of the composition.

  • [*]This disadvantages films with no memorable music, but so be it. There had to be a catch.[*]If you have adapted the story in such a way that the song would not have logically taken place, this transportation method wouldn't work.[*]Only the orchestra has this power. It is not a character ability that anyone can access, merely an alternative to the portals so that movement between realms can't necessarily be monopolized.[*]The bands cannot follow people along, and furthermore, they are NPCs.

5. As with the characters, the location is important. Pinocchio had better take place in Italy, and Brother Bear's universe had better be the Canadian region.

  • [*]If you want to say that Tarzan decided to go with Jane and live in England, that's understandable. It uses the elements of the preexisting storyverse to your advantage. Therefore, you can have London crash into Fantasia instead (or Liverpool, considering that a surprising number of Disney films take place in London). So if you have a good explanation that makes sense, you can bring in a world different than the primary setting of the movie.[*]The amount of the universe that you bring in is limited to the scope of the story. You may well bring in the entirety of the planet Earth if you're joining under The Rescuers, but if you're like one of the many films that takes place exclusively in London, you'll exclusively only bring London into the game.[*]With regards to the above point, consider that this is Disney and don't get all technical about what happens if London is isolated from the rest of the world, although that would obviously be a bad thing. Within the logic of Fantasia, it would still function as normal.

III. Rules:0. BZPower rocks, and so do its rules. It goes without saying, and therefore I will not say it (although it makes an awesome cameo appearance as Rule #0!).1. Have Fun!2. Don't God moderator. If someone else God Mods against you, the worst thing you can do is God moderator back, so swallow your pride and tell a staff member. And no glory hogging, either.3. Don't use another player's characters without their permission.4. Don't kill another PC without another person's permission. This also applies to named characters within a universe that aren't currently being played (although the other person ought to be fiarly lenient). However, you aren't allowed to do this excessively.5. PM me with character profiles first before posting them.42. It's the answer to life, the universe, and everything.43. And I really mean it; HAVE FUN!IV. Profiles(please put the headings in bold for reading convenience)Movie:Story: (leave blank if there are no differences between your version and the film version)Conversion Point: (this is the point within the story that the film was suddenly drawn into Fantasia)Portal:Character:Strengths & Weaknesses: (presuming they're different from the original or had to be changed to fit moderation standards.)Personality: (ditto)Background: (cover in more detail anything unexplained in the movie's "Story" section)Objectives: (update this if it ever changes)Misc:

Your Honor,Tyrannosaurus Kraggh

Edited by Tyrannosaurus Kraggh
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:kaukau: Edited to clarify. Only the orchestra has the power, and I clarified the reason why: the portals are defensible Gibraltars, and someone could potentially control a few and really restrict transportation within the RPG. The bands are merely an alternative, and they make less of a MacGuffin. Besides, I figured that if someone really wanted to get from one world to another they could write an IC describing how they looked for and found a wandering piece of the orchestra. Basically, I want this to help the logic of how the Fantasia world would fit together with just enough order so people could keep their heads strait without necessarily turning the transportation into a convenient combat ability that would allow someone to make a quick escape.Your Honor,Tyrannosaurus Kraggh
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Would anyone be interested in playing a God of Music?

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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Hey, now. Aeolus helped out Greek-Batman. If you don't like him, feel free to not play as him.

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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Well there've been all sorts of Gods of Music. The idea I get, though, is that a dedicated Minor Music God would be more powerful in the music department than a Major God of Music, the Sun, and all those other things about...Also: I demand someone play Batman as a Minor God of Justice

Edited by cardworkMagician
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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Well, Music can be sound, and soundwaves can be downright devastating. Fighting with Stories, though, that's going to be interesting.

That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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I doubt this will come to large campaigns of soldiers; Divine setting is just begging for a few mortal champion characters as the focus.

Edited by cardworkMagician
That being said, thag thag thaggity thag thagness.



"A memo was sent to Astaria asking if it would at all be possible to make a flying goat."

"The Astarians responded that making a goat fly would be trivial; making it land safely would be another matter entirely."

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