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Mataru Nui, an Interactive Adventure Comic

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Like any good story, ours starts with a maskmaker.


How This Works
Basically, you guys comment on what should happen in the story, what the character should do, etcetera, I then update the comic, making certain that it is evident what you guys are to decide next.


This part here at the beginning is literally just for character building. By that, I mean I'm letting you guys choose who the main character is and how they look.

For this first update, you simply state what Kanohi you'd like to see our protagonist wear. I should be able to update this comic fairly constantly over the next few days, seeing as I have some time off of school.

  • Upvote 2

Hm... I usually like to know a bit about the personality in order to give them a fitting mask. Like how Tahu was defensive and felt invincible, he was endowed with a Mask of Shielding. Matau was a jokester and a show-off, hence the Mask of Illusion.


But, if you're letting us decide on what kind of character we want to see, I guess we can just decide on a mask and develop a matching personality as we go. I say we go for a Mask of Charisma or a Sanok.

~Your friendly, neighborhood Shadow



~Credit for Avatar and Banner goes to


Posted (edited)
Due to the lack of consensus, I used a list randomizer to determine which of the masks would be made.


This will actually affect the plot. Yay.

If you want, in addition, you can say what colour(s?) you'd like the mask to be painted, as well as what type of Matoran our protagonist should be.
Edited by Petewa

The new Le-Matoran's name is Vento, Esperanto/Italian for wind. or Luft, German for air. Pick one.

His or her question: "Where am !?"


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:



This looks fun! Hmm... What to ask...


Loganto asks with a bright smile on, giddy about the world-building exercise. "Do you enjoy madu fruit? Do you even have it on your island? I tell you, it's good. Sweet, tangy... I grow them on Mata Nui, if you've ever heard of the place."

  • Upvote 1



Vento/Luft asks, "And who exactly are you?"


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:



Loganto scratches his head. "Wait, wha- Ohhhh... Oh yes. That's why I have a dent... Is there a medical matoran you know anywhere? Preferably a Ga-Matoran?"


Ga-Matoran? Dalika? Miru maybe? I love a girl in a Miru.


Posted (edited)

"Hmmm... being that I am a new being, I think it's important that I learn the basics of this world. Are there any combat-related methods of gaining more political power?"

Edited by Oko the Matoran

May I ask for an aesthetic change? Could you please change the color of Vento's eyes to something less cyan? It's hard to see them. I'm thinking a reddish orange to contrast the blue and complement the green.


Vento: "So can we see some sights of... Le-Mataru, I'm assuming?"


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:



Vento: "Well, how do they harvest them, then? May I see one up-close?"


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:



Vento: "I'm sorry, 'island'? I guess there's more to this place than greenery. So... you guys have anything fun to do around here?"


:i:   :n:  :a:   :r:   :y:



"It's simple logic really. Now, onto more important matters: Who's the big bad terrorizing the island and necessitating the intervention of a dynamic team of toa heroes, each with distinct personality?"

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