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IC: (Spark of Genius): KyrahkHe didn't reply, he just took a few steps away from Zaphos, wondering how so many people were all sitting in six chairs at two tables. The logic wasn't quite adding up right. He shrugged, walking over to the four newcomers to the restaurant."Hello, welcome to the Spark of Genius, can I take your orders?"IC: (Info-corp): Dreenan"Let's go bring this -unpleasant- to the ground, then send him six feet under it."She commented, heading through the front door with a snarl of death.

Edited by Zoma

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IC:Archon:As he mentally scanned the area he found one with a mental shield. And by deduction it had to be the Toa with that bird. The others did not seem to have mental shields or notice him. Thus everyone but that Toa would 'hear him speak' as he rarely talked, always relying on telepathy. By what was said he also learned the Toa could recognize mental scanning and so he would leave the Toa with the bird alone. Beings like that usually had things locked away that were best to never learn.A Rahkshi, that was friendly no less, approached him and asked what he would like. "I would like some chips and a glass of orange flavored soda please." He responded telepathically and only to the Rahkshi waiter.

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IC: (Spark of Genius): Kyrahk"Right, water, orange Soda, and chips... we don't serve chips, but we serve fries... oh, wait."He hissed a chuckle, writing down the orders on the notepad."I'll get our chef on that in just a moment."He turned toward Zaphos."Hey Chef, we need a cup of water, an Orange soda, and some fries!"

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IC: (Spark of Genius): KyrahkHe didn't reply, he just took a few steps away from Zaphos, wondering how so many people were all sitting in six chairs at two tables. The logic wasn't quite adding up right. He shrugged, walking over to the four newcomers to the restaurant."Hello, welcome to the Spark of Genius, can I take your orders?"

IC (Spark of Genius):Evryx, a slim Skrall, waved away the waiter. "Nothing for me.""Or me," piped up Marol, an S-toran of Data.Tmor, a thick, tall warrior of indeterminate species beneath his many layers of armor, simply shook his head.The table across the room, Raknar's, was only a few meters away. The Rahkshi server (Rahkshi? wondered Raknar) turned toward it questioningly. "I'll have some dermis soup," said Raknar. "Easy on the onion powder. Heavy on the parsley."

IC: Incommodo (Prison)"Fine. But I better get it back, without a scratch." Incommodo said, taking off his Kualsi and throwing it towards the guards.

GM IC:With his night vision, the guard easily caught the Kualsi. "Turn on the lights," he said into his radio.The room was illuminated once more.Without his Kualsi, Incommodo's magnetism of the two guards weakened, and the guards were able, with an effort, to pull apart and break the remaining traces of power that had been holding them together. The speaking guard hefted his rifle; a laser attachment was on its side. "Now let's go, you two. Torch will come eventually. I promise." Edited by Legolover-361
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IC: (Spark of Genius): Kyrahk"No price on the water, don't worry about it."He looked at the Skakdi with a weak grin."Sorry, this place has a seriously limited menu. We have hamburgers, Veggieburgers, fries, and drinks..."He shrugged slightly, showing that he wasn't exactly sure why."The owner of this place seems a bit limited in their food orders."

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IC(Jade eyeing Evryx in the Spark of Genuis)

Jade nods her in acknowledgement before turning to see a Skrall entering. Skrall. The early enemies of the Glatorian before Mata-Nui stepped in and saved the day. The Glatorian, Jade, hated Skrall and this one being no exception. She eyes Evryx suspiciously before glaring at him. But, she eventually turns her attention back to the Toa Techna.-Mef Man

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Alan/Hubertus Toys and GamesIC:

"I hope you paid yourself good money for that card," said Alan as he laughed, "Nevertheless, the combined might of my cards is still greater. That, I assume, is where a special ability makes itself present? Needs to say, I attack the Elemental Entity and you in either case."

Noir/Pro Coding Corp.IC:

Torch's head was filled with the purest, most evil laughter imaginable - perfectly created and tuned by the AI. The laughter alone would drive the weak to their knees in despair. Yet to Torch, it would simply be like a strong kick in his posterior region.Under the deskIs where I might be.But no matter whatYou will not stop me.In other words:I've won,Despite the three and one-half hours between now and final victory.Do you not love the taste of defeat,Torch?

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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IC (Spark of Genius):The Rahkshi waiter couldn't tell if Raknar had blinked or not; the Skakdi's eyes were hidden behind his visor."Some 'spark of genius'," said Raknar, seemingly unfazed. "I'll take fries, then. And half a cup of soda."OOC: EDIT:Amnchey's laptop is in a hidden drawer, right? If not, I'll edit my post.IC (Pro Coding Corp., Amnchey's office):Torch promptly crossed the room to Amnchey's desk and began pulling out drawers. But not a single drawer yielded the computer he was searching for. He cursed, looking around the room, but where else could he search?Then he turned back to the desk. Glanced to the plasma jet on his arm. Grimaced.I can always pay Amnchey back.He fired a burst of plasma at the desk, plasma so hot it could melt metal within minutes. It took all of Torch's concentration to keep the beam steady; all else was locked outside, unable to interfere.

Edited by Legolover-361
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IC: (Spark of Genius): Kyrahk"Yeah, you'd think the owner would have put more focus on the restaurant, but that's because this is a pawn shop first, the restaurant seems more of an afterthought..."He turned to Zaphos, shouting."We need another hal cup of soda and another order of fries!"

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IC - Spark of GeniusMatrapolix sat back in his seat, crossing his arms. He hoped the food would come soon. It was delaying them. Every lost second was a second Takadox could use to undermine Techna. The Toa thought of Forcyte, and Fulok. He thought of those few seconds when he realized that his friends were gone. He was shaken by the moment he had been completely alone, and stranded."Are you seriously eating?" he said, quietly, to no one in particular.Standing, the Techna stood near the door. He was tired off this. "We're dealing with one of the few true villains that could cripple us, and you're eating?"

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC:Gust sighed with unhidden impatience."You might as well let them get it over with," said the Toa of Air quietly. "If they're hungry later, and we're on the hunt for Takadox, they won't do us much good if they're focusing on cheeseburgers."He motioned to the now-empty seat."Sit down."A request, not an order. For now.-Teezy



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IC: Arkrak - Prison"So can I call my lawyer?"IC: Zaphos - Spark of GeniusZaphos nodded, quickly heading into the kitchen to get the meals the others had ordered done. Several minutes later, he exited it, handing Kyrahk several trays, before heading back in.IC: Hrunja - Hubertus Toys and GamesHrunja smiled. "The Entity cannot be destroyed. It cannot attack either. However, if it IS attacked, I can play this card: 'Mutation', which normally is one-use, but with the Entity, it can be used many times. Now I use it on all your characters. They will mutate, or in the case of the Makuta, die, in two turns.""Oh yeah, Turn 6."

Edited by Hubert
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IC: (Spark of Genius): Kyrahkhe walked over, grabbing the food trays, and the glass of water, walking over to jade and handing her the glass of water, then next to Archon, delivering his order. And last was Raknar, delivering the last plate of food."And Zaphos... try not to eat too many burgers yourself, you still have to pay for them."He nodded his agreement with gust."Yeah, no sense in taking on a evil mastermind with an empty stomach."

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OOC: To be more specific in a somewhat-easily-accessible, but almost perfectly blended compartment under the ride side of the desk.

Noir/Pro Coding Corp.IC:

To the right,Little toa.Right side of the desk,Now.Below it,To be precise.But it won't help...Your brain looks excellent.Perfect to carry me.Hmm?

Alan/Hubertus Toys and GamesIC:

"Well then, you''l kill me indirectly after you go. Glorious strategy. That will leave Quada and Kal. Great! I attack you, intending to kill."

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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IC:Gust laughed a bit, shaking his head. There was no humor in the sound."Sit down," he said. "Now. You're not going to make things any faster by standing up."I don't know how Torch deals with these goons...-Teezy



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IC: Levacius / Spark of GeniusLevacius looked at the group across the room oddly. They weren't here to eat, he could tell, but they weren't asking about the mission.He tapped his armband a few times, typing up a message and transmitting it via radio signals to Matrapolix. "Watch the group that just entered."Standing up, he said, "Eating is unimportant at the moment; this needs to be dealt with quickly. This situation needs to be dealt with before half the city is fighting the other half in all out war. Hackers, Technan, nothing else matters right now. You say you're in a hurry, Matrapolix, but even then you stand in the corner silent. Give the briefing so we can get to work.""Fools! All of them! Bah."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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OOC: He's already given the briefing, guys. Check a few pages back...IC - Spark of GeniusMatra rolled his eyes. How did Torch choose this guy?"You may be a Techna, but I can't say I trust you much." he said sharply.His gaze dropped to Levacious, then to his helmet digital display."I'll keep a close eye." he typed.He was tempted to drop the rest and go himself, but that was pure, utter stupidity. He would have to wait it out.OOC: Keep in mind everything said is IC. I think y'all are great. :P

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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OOC: That was not a briefing. That was saying the reward and what we're doing. You didn't give any intel at all. That's what Levacius is waiting on.IC: Levacius / Spark of Genius"I don't like blindly rushing in." Levacius continued in his speaking to Matrapolix. "Any intel you have needs to be given now. I don't suppose you have those little hand out packets, so we're going to have to rely on the jaw flapper."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC:Cool, because I don't trust you either.He sighed to himself as the group went on arguing for a few minutes.My God, shut up.It was only when the group descended into shocked silence that he realized he had screamed the words out loud.-Teezy



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IC: (Spark of Genius): KyrahkThe startled Rahkshi turned towards gust with a face of sheer surprise. He hadn't been expecting that, not in the slightest."Well said, well said... it was getting noisy in here."He himself had only been taking orders for food, not really saying all that much, so he didn't think it could possibly be aimed at him too.

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OOC: For the record, Raknar is apart from Tmor, Evryx, and Marol. He's also eating. There isn't much reason for him to seem suspicious.IC (Spark of Genius):Raknar stiffened in his seat, his hand shooting down to his blaster.Easy now. No trouble yet. Just a little shouting match.On an impulse, he set his visor to Record mode. And munched on another fry.GM IC:"Yes, Arkak," said the guard with a sigh as he led the two prisoners back upstairs and into the elevator. "You'll be able to call your lawyer."IC (Pro Coding Corp., Amnchey's office):Torch gritted his teeth and aimed his plasma jet at the right side of the desk, the left side when looking from the door. The metallic parts began melting almost immediately. If I destroy the laptop, that should cancel the upload...

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OOC: lol Accidentally typed "IC: Burnmad" last post.IC: Ludar: NW Information District: "Talking" with Ersis:"Oh well." Ludar said, disappointed. "Perhaps we'll meet again when the internet is back up."Ludar then turned around and started walking in the direction of the Housing District.

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IC: Arkrak - Prison ~ IC: Zaphos - Spark of Genius"Hey Zaphos," said Arkrak. "I'm in prison. I need your services as a lawyer."Zaphos sighed as he looked over to the table where everyone was planning how to kill Takadox."Sorry Ark. I'm doing other jobs. Go get a different lawyer.""Come on, I don't have any other lawyers.""Call my nephew then."There was silence."Fine."The call ended, and Zaphos turned back to the rest of the beings in the restaurant."Sorry, just lawyer duties."

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