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The Island Of Pain

Wyrd Bid Ful Araed

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IC - Nostala - WoL Base: The Artanian sighed. "I've seen the effects it has on people," she said. "after both voluntarily and involuntarily having it put into their bodies. Nothing good has ever come of it; I've seen friends ripped apart by the beast that the venom releases -- some mentally due to the injection, some of them literally killed by the others. The Wolves are never going to use it, you can count on that; and if it gets into the hands of someone who is willing to use it on either themselves or one of their own allies, then we're going to have even bigger problems on our hands than usual."So perhaps it's not evil. That doesn't make it any less threatening. What if we use it on someone in the group who thinks they can handle it, and it turns out they can't?"

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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OOC: Wait, what? Sorry if this sounds rude, but Danave is in a dome of very, very, very, loud noise. possibliy deafingly loud. How did she manage to focus on him, let alone focus on his mind's list of his powers?IC: Ajax / Dragon's roostAjax nodded at what the Matoran said he had done. "Smart." He muttured as he continued to look at the observer. When Kinika moved over to the vortixx, he grunted. "Have fun. I just saw up close her skills in hand-to-hand. I'm not touching her." He said. When the Vortixx grabbed his hand, he unintentionally flinched, almost drawing his Yari as an instinct. He hated seeing friends being touched, even though it was another friend touching him.

Edited by Lord Darkon


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OOC: Whoops, kinda skim-read that post. Well, if she's doing it to you, who says she can't do it to herself?IC: Saylt, Danave - Southern ShadowtangleShe obviously couldn't hear him. But she could still hear his thoughts. Stop attacking this guy, he might be friendly. Oh, and he's gonna kill me if you don't.Hesitant to do so, she lifted the mental block from the stranger, but put one onto Saylt, so that he was immune to the being's Sonic attacks. She then thought spoke to the new guy Ok, number one, we can't hear anything, except each other's thoughts, and number two, what in Karzahni is your name?

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
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IC: Levacius / WoL Base"Then they die a fool. One should not be willing to accept something - a blessing, or a curse - if they cannot stand it.""Me? I am contest as I am. I don't need anything to strengthen me. Though I have many times wondered the effects of Energized Protodermis, and what such a substance might do to one with such a grand destiny as my own.""In any event, we should not throw it away. Even if we never use it, perhaps we can find a cure for it. Find a way to remove its impurities. Something to make us stronger, but allow us to keep our minds. Imagine the possibilities! Do you know how hard it would be to get this stuff directly from Visorak? And here it is - a full vial!"-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Zyrata==-Zyrata sighed."I've heard tales myself; there was once a Toa who could speak in the language of the mind. Apparently he was supposed to help fix the relations between us. Just made them worse." Zyrata said, and narrowed his eyes."I hate the Makuta and all their members just as much as you do, if not more. However, do you think anyone cares? And we aren't the antithesis; in a way, you could call us... 'Antiheroes'. Nice ring to it, that. We might not be heroes; but not all of us are villains." Zyrata said, and narrowed his eyes."As for why I attacked you, as I said. You all look the same. I'm stuck here on this island, and the goal basically is to kill everyone before they kill you. Do you expect me to just talk things out? That gets you killed, especially as a Zyglak." Zyrata explained, as he looked to the side, with a growl.

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IC: Destian / ShadowtangleLittle did Saylt know, nobody was behind him when he thought that. Destian had slipped into the shadows of the jungle a few feet away, listening to the two. "Enemies... I hope not." He thought. He also thought. "Little Psionics user, I know your listening to me. I do not wish to fight."


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IC: Elynirus / WoL BaseElynirus stared at Zyrata for a moment, and dropped both of her hands, letting the pure toa energy subside. "Perhaps you are right - if you had simply walked upon us, I would still have attacked you. But that does not alleviate the killing of innocents.""Proclaiming yourself the enemy of the evil Brotherhood does not forgive the sins you have committed."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Zyrata==-"Then a truce." Zyrata said, still unable to move for the moment, due to the aftereffects."A temporary one... We find some way off this island; and we help each other. After that, then we can figure it out then. Maybe things have all been a misunderstanding. I don't really know; but I do know for certain that my temper definitely does get the better of me at times." Zyrata said with a sigh."But once again, I myself haven't attacked a Toa that hasn't attacked me first. I mostly fed off Rahi or so before arriving here." Zyrata admitted with a shrug.

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IC: DanaveYes, that totally explains why you were just holding a shuriken to my friend's throat. You showed me what happened to you before, refering to the dying girl. Let me show you what happened to me. Danave then proceeded to flood the stranger's head with visions of the cruel experiments they conducted on Xia, her agonising screams, the apathy of the scientists, all the various devices they painfully attached to her, everything wrong about her past. Does it make your blood boil, stranger?

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
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IC: Grotir had picked up on the praise. But more importantly, she'd picked up on the hand to the yari. Something to think about as she napped.Once more, something was thrust into Bonnae's hands. By now, however, he knew the drill."Number Four accept."The Observer beeped one final time. Kinika grinned.Pulling out his knife, the matoran finished the Observer. Now it looked just like any other."Observer Prime-Command One: Observe Shimmering Maze from ten bio away at all times; report back to Dragon's Roost in six hours."The newly-named Observer Prime's propellers began to whirl. The scientist grinned once more as the metal egg took off and flew towards the maze.Now they could see who was coming in and out of the maze regularly. The discreet Observer couldn't even be distinguished from another of its make to the eye, so it was totally safe from discrimination.The team had gained a new member. And Kinika could guess it would be a useful one.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Elynirus / WoL Base"I have dropped my energies for the moment, Orssa, so you would do best to silence your yammering. Though mark my words, if this Zyglak tries to attack us - if, for even a moment, he assists our enemies - I will destroy him, and nothing will prevent me from doing it.""Though at least out of all of this, I've seen your true colors." she spat at the shadow toa, turning and walking back towards the encampment in the ruins.OOC: Night, night, night...-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Zyrata//Outside Oasis Ruins==-Zyrata shrugged again, as he slowly stood up, and did some quick 'exercises' to get his body back usable again."She has a slight point." Zyrata said, as he shrugged once more."If I do turn against you, I would realize why you'd attack me." Zyrata said, and collapsed to the ground again, still slightly sore from the Toa Energy attack.-==IC: Kairan//Outside Oasis Ruins==-Kairan blinked, as he frowned and sighed, not really knowing what to do about this situation.

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Rastaque/Shimmering Maze, Fighting UmarothIC:

He was pulled forward. But Umaroth still had the assassin's knee coming into contact with some point on his body. Now, running forward with his momentum, Rastaque leaped, kicked off a wall, and flipped over his opponent. Said opponent was the target of two needles aimed to pierce through his skull. It seemed that while his consciousness was gone, the ice on the toa's bag had melted. Good - his needles would make this so much faster.

Trian and Felix/Yawning Sunder, Traveling into the Parched WastesIC:

Trian and Felix had gathered some fruit and meat, were well-rested, and generally were doing very well. Now they were at the Yawing Sunder, about to journey back into the expanse of sand and ruins. After a short time of being carried by nui-rama and nui-kopen, they were on the other side of the chasm. With a nod from Trian, Felix sauntered towards a nearby ruin. Allies... They needed allies.

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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OOC: *Checks profile*Antidermis, huh?And she thinks you're a toa. When the blue ray doesn't work, she'll flip over to the red one, and, well... Heh.Also just realized I would never have received Amalias message - limited mental shielding was forgotten. :IC: Elynirus / WoL Base"I was never a pacifist." she said. "Not after what the Brotherhood did."With that, she left into the base, annoyed at the others."Let that Zyglak have them! I'll have no part in this."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Saylt, Danave - Southern ShadowtangleAnd I completely apologise for pointing a crossbow at your head. But now that we're at an understanding, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Saylt.The Psychic Toa lept to the jungle floor, and stood with the other two. And I'm Danave. You're Destian, are you not?

Edited by Toa Zealokan

The Writer Formerly Known as Zeal
BZPRPG Profiles
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-==IC: Kairan//Outside Oasis Ruins==-"Hey, wait...!" Kairan said, as he sighed, and ran off after Elynirus quickly.Why did this have to happen...? Kairan thought, as Sarkan merely watched from the shadows, and smirked.

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IC: Elynirus / WoL Base"What?" demanded Elynirus, turning to Kairan. "Am I supposed to be happy about this? It's bad enough we have a ruthless warlord here, but now we've got a crime against nature sitting on our front porch!"She sighed. "I don't know. I want to beat the Shepherds, but not by allying with beings who deserve the fate of this island. Beings who should be allowed to kill each other off."OOC: This is, of course, out of hearing range for the group outside.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: The warm glow of the day abruptly vanished as the Island switched into a night cycle. The images projected onto the dome glinted like an array of stars. Only considerably more violent. Most intriguing was the mapdefault.jpgThere were...no caches?A block of white appeared just under the map, a screen of text just like the riddle.

Now its time for...Scavenger Hunt!There are four caches hidden on the island.You will have to find them.Search quickly mind.'Cause when the night ends, so do the caches.Poke around in every crevice.Winners take all.Well, if they survive!And remember, enjoy yourselves


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OOC: Ohboyohboyohboy!IC - Nostala - WoL Base: Nostala was about to answer when the time changed. She looked up at the sky, a look of concern crossing her face as she read the message."I don't like this," she said, a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. She sighed, packing the vial and syringe back into the cache box. Picking it up, she turned to Levacius. "You win; I'll leave it be, at least for the moment." She headed back into the base. "Come on; we should organize a search for these caches."IC - Okena - Parched Wastes: Looking up from the fruit he had summoned to eat, Okena's expression remained blank as he read the message. He kept on walking, looking back in front of him as he chewed. This would be interesting...

Edited by Parugi

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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IC: "Guys, we got caches!," Kinika called. He had just been scanning the screen. "We have to look for them this time."Grotir got up and stretched. "Alright. Everyone, we're going into west Ashring. I'm in front. Kinika, you take back. Bonnae and Ajax, flank me slightly behind."Bonnae and Kinika moved into position. The skakdi's vision power activated. It would be very useful for hunting down caches and seeing what was in them.The group moved out. Now was the time to hunt.Stokunde stopped reclining. There was obtaining to be done.The toa of Gravity began to stalk through southwestern Shadowtangle. It already had a veritable amount of weapons and kanohi...What would it find next?Jukar, too, began to search the northeastern forest in a stalk. He could explore while looking for caches.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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-==IC: Kairan//Outside Oasis Ruins==-Kairan didn't say anything at first, but sighed."I won't try to defend the Zyglak. I'm not asking you to be happy that the Zyglak is still alive. Heck, I'm not even saying that it should be allowed inside the base. However, I don't think that it should be worth leaving over." Kairan said with a frown."This probably isn't a team like anyone would want. But, I think that they should be able to prove themselves to people." Kairan said, and froze, as the light suddenly vanished. Kairan looked up at the map, but saw nothing, nothing but the cryptic riddle that helped give no clue."Let's head back to camp for now... See if anyone has any ideas..." Kairan said, not liking this at all. It was bad enough the team was fragmenting at the seams at the moment... This scavenger hunt didn't seem like it would have a good ending for some reason, however.OOC: And so it begins.

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IC: Levacius / WoL BaseLevacius looked up at the dome. "Well, that's different." he muttered, following Nostala into the base.IC: Elynirus / WoL BaseAs the quarrel went flying passed, Elynirus growled (OOC: Even though Myr hadn't heard anything she had said) and stormed out."Oh, so you are going to attack the rest of the team! Lovely!"Her hands glowed blue. If she were to release it, a single hit and Myr would be disoriented on the ground.IC: Suicavel / Ashring"It is time."Suicavel left his volcano. For once, he was not wearing his Avsa, but the Crast formerly on his shoulder, propelling himself rapidly until he found prey, in which event he would switch to his Avsa.IC: Arillan / Parched Wastes"Blast!" thought Arillan. "There's no way a single being can do this! Perhaps."He turned towards the entrance of the metal dome, seeing two beings. "Well, who are you?" he asked. "Enemies... or perhaps, at least until night ends, potential allies?"His guard never dropped - a flick of his wrist, and gravity would have the two crushed into the ground.-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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IC: Amalia: WoL:Amalia flipped away from Yerizov, into the base. She looked around for Nostala and Levacius. "Nostala! Levacius! The Sheperds have done something miraculous! A treasure hint has been initiated for everyday. At night, the caches will disappear. Wait, what is that?" Amalia said pointing to the vial.

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IC: ShadowtangleSuddenly, what light there had been vanished from the shadowtangle, and a messge appeared on the dome, stating that there were caches to be found. Once he had read the message, Krokk wasted no time. He stepped out into the clearing where the three beings were, raised his hands above his head and said"Ok. Very touching story you've got there, but there are caches to find. Now, it strikes me that a team of six will be better able to find and defend a cache that three, yes? So now, would you be willing to work with us on this?"He had seen that these beings could be talked to nicely and would likely not attack on sight, so he took the risk of revealing himself.


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IC: Levacius / WoL Base"Not something that needs public knowledge." he responded. "Hordika Venom, Amalia. If you need to talk, talk to me about it.""And it's not all day - it's until the night ends. We have, at best, 12 hours. We need to start searching.""A perfect chance, I think, to get everyone to know each other."-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

"I disapprove of what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (often attributed to Voltaire)

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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins==-Kairan sighed, as he held his arm out to motion for no-one to move."Everyone calm down." Kairan said, as he tried to let that actually sink in."We have more pressing things to worry about for this very moment, like, the fact that it just became night-time." Kairan said, still not having a good feeling. Meanwhile, Desiana sighed, as she tried to repair all the damage that had been done whether it be natural damage, or from attacks.

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IC - Nostala - WoL Base: Nostala smiled slightly at Levacius in thanks for taking care of Amalia's question, placing the cache in a corner of the room. Moving back to the stage-like area from earlier, she yelled over the chatter and arguments, "Everyone, listen up!"IC - Okena - Parched Wastes: Okena scanned the desert as he walked, his expression still as always with each step. Every once in a while he would come upon a small rock formation or a plant; when he did, he used his powers to shift both about, vines moving the rocks so that he could more effectively look among them. He had yet to find anything, however.Where would a hidden cache be... he thought, looking up at the map. A thought occurred to him, prompting a smile to cross his face. Without a word, the Sniper, while keeping an eye on the surrounding area, began to move toward Stony Leap.

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~ Rise of the Rockets (I II)/Discussion Topic/Side Stories ~


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-==IC: Kairan//Oasis Ruins==-Kairan sighed."Did no-one hear me...?" Kairan wondered out loud, but sighed, as he walked toward the centre of the room, guessing from everyone else starting to walk in, that there would actually be a meeting about what would happen with this hunt.

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IC: Gud nodded. "Oll clear."Bonnae scanned the area with his telescopic x-ray sight even as the whole group moved into the western Ashring. Unless the cache had been hidden deep below several layers of volcanic rock, Grotir doubted he would miss anything.



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