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OOC: Alrighty then.IC: (Loadstone)"What the h*** are you talking about?" Loadstone asked, certainly not as angry as the others but as desperately confused."Well, what did you expect?" Doctor Om asked Skyra with a hint of exasperation in his voice. "Was I supposed to go to the League and say 'Not to alarm you, but the Coalition is about to break in and rescue Aquarius. Don't bother fighting, he's destined to be rescued, so just let the Coalition waltz on in and take him?' There was going to be fighting either way."IC: (NPCs - Coalition)Exemplar's Coalition communicator emitted a low beeping sound, indicative of a call being sent to that specific communicator's serial number. Someone in the Coalition was looking for him...~Lord Rahl~

Edited by Lord Rahl
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NPC: A few seconds passed in stunned silence. Then, "That is not an explanation." Donovan Locke could be fairly talkative, but Ultionis was a man of few words. And an intimidating voice. And that perpetual glare on his mask...(H-D)

Good to conquer evil
Lies to fight the truth
Are any of us only saints or sinners

Or is it always Red versus Blue?

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IC: (Loadstone)Doctor Om fixed Ultionis with a flat stare. "A very astute observation," he said, hardly any more emotion in his voice than his gaze. "You want an explanation? Fine, here you are."I knew, as of days ago, that the League was going to capture Aquarius in a battle. No, don't ask me about Ms. Thomas, I know very little about that, only that Aquarius would be abandoned by his teammates. Now, I was well aware of the rescue attempt, but I chose not to warn the League about it. Had I, he would have died, you would have died, he would be suffering from far more than a concussion right now, and Aquarius still would have escaped." Doctor Om punctuated this by pointing at Mr. No-One, Ultionis, and Skyra, respectively."As I said before, Aquarius was destined to be rescued, because he has a vital role to play in the events unfolding in Kazakhstan at this very moment. Without him, that situation will become very tense very quickly, if you understand my meaning. The League was not about to let him go merely on my word, and the only other way for him to go there was for him to be rescued."And also, as a tradeoff of sorts, you now have the Coalition members Dirge and Meltdown in League custody. One Coalition member for two is hardly something to scoff at, but if it makes you appreciate the trade more, Dirge would have been responsible for the death of two League members within the span of two days from now had you not incapacitated him."I, at least, am content with the knowledge that what has happened here has certainly been for the best. If you have trouble believing or agreeing with me, than that is your problem, not mine."~Lord Rahl~

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IC: "Well we've got a few things going on in the Granada Arboretum, and a cople of images from the Lovett Telescope that you could go over, but thats really it," the scientists shrugged, "I mean, since the MERLIN Suite had to get shut down for the day we can't let you access the array there."Ah, the MERLIN Suite...where the big radio satellite dish was kept...

Edited by The Dreadful Flying Glove


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NPC: If Ultionis was fazed by this, it didn't show. Then again, with the mask and all, it probably wouldn't. "And you won't tell us what's going on in Kazakhstan because destiny says not to," he guessed. Destiny or none, he didn't think he would be dead if this was all the force the Coalition sent. He fought superpowered thugs like this for a living, only some of them had military training. He didn't die easily. (H-D)

Good to conquer evil
Lies to fight the truth
Are any of us only saints or sinners

Or is it always Red versus Blue?

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OOC: Alright, since I currently have a character who's in a frozen plot, I'd like to get her out of it. I /think/ the plot was HD's, it was the investigation into the police station break in. The way I see it, it could be continued without KJ, leaving only myself to play it (:(), Or I could just get Magneta out of it and have her meet up with someone else. Possibly Siren, if Tyler's okay with that. Since it's HD's plot, I ask this: What's your opinion on that?IC: Negafire watched the exchange with little interest, his eyes flicking about to take in the whole facility. It seemed like a pretty boring place, unless you were a legit scientist, but he pretended to show interest in what was going on around him.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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Dieter Geist, Grau/Coalition HeadquartersIC:

Grau turned around and raised a fist into the air. However, rethinking the action, he slowly put it down, eye twitching. "Vine. I could retrieve it myzelf, though."

This is a signature that describes me as a person. Lazy, dry, and overall just a procra...

*insert placeholder signature here*

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OOC: Eh, to be honest, that one's dead already. Even if KJ came back now, I don't think we could really pick it up. Probably best to just forget it happened. Besides, as first attempts at a storyline go, it wasn't very good. Too focused on what was going to happen, not enough on the characters. Go ahead.XH-DX

Good to conquer evil
Lies to fight the truth
Are any of us only saints or sinners

Or is it always Red versus Blue?

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IC: (Loadstone)"There's a rogue army of Lupines encamped in the Kazakh Forest Steppe," Doctor Om said without hesitation. "They have no love of the Coalition, but I'm afraid that they have just as little regard for the League. It's already being broadcast across the ISNN, though they're only reporting sightings of mutant wolves. What Aquarius has to do with it, I cannot say, because I do not know, not that I refuse to tell you. I only know that he is vital to that situation."IC: (Coalition)"There's no need to waste the time," Impact replied. "Apparition will have them back to you in minutes."~Lord Rahl~

Edited by Lord Rahl
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IC(Mr. No-One): After setting the safety on his gun back to "on" and dusting some plaster off of his suit, the CIA agent cleared his throat."So, to sum things up, the bad news is... everything. The good news is also everything, just interpreted differently. Now, as I already know the routine regarding what happens when I make inquiries as to the feasibility of creative interrogation the unpleasant way, I'm going to skip that part and get to the part where I ask about the other sort of creative interrogation."IC(Whistler): "Now, now, it would be unwise to tease a potential source of funding, would it not? If the necessary preparations for, at least, a cursory examination of that last item you mentioned are not made within the next ten minutes, my associates and I will take our money elsewhere. And, let me tell you, I've worked with scientists before - I know how hard it is to get a grant for this sort of work."

We will remember - Skies may fade and stars may wane; we won't forget

And your light shines bright - yes so much brighter shine on

We will remember - Until the skies will fall we won't forget

We will remember

We all shall follow doom

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IC: Saosin (Jodrell Bank, Manchester, England)Tilian's eyebrow raised microscopically. If Airey was this tough when he was acting, he had to be a holy terror in the business world...-Teezy



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NPC: Werewolves now? We don't have time for this. "Forget I asked. For now: Where are we going to find the Coalition base?" He figured it couldn't stay hidden forever. It would eventually be found, and this guy might just know where, thus hastening the point at which they would find it. Slightly paradoxical in that he would thus lead to its unveiling, but Ultionis was prepared to accept a warp in the fabric of time itself if it got the job done.(H-D)

Good to conquer evil
Lies to fight the truth
Are any of us only saints or sinners

Or is it always Red versus Blue?

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Real Name: Alec HarrisonAlias: The Shadow GuardianAppearance: While under the alias of The Shadow Guardian, he is dressed in complete black, from his gloves to the trench coat he wears. He has brown hair, and wears black goggles with red lenses. While in 'Citizen Mode' Alec is a handsome, well-dressed man in his mid twenties. He wears a dark grey suit, a white shirt underneath.Power: The Shadow Guardian can manipulate most types of energy, from electric to nuclear. He can fire it in precise bolts, or create explosions of it. The downside to his power is that he is often overheated and sickly, and as such takes daily medication. If separated from the medication for three days or more, he could literally spontaneously combust. During the separation, he becomes searingly hot.Allegiance: Coalition of CorruptionArea: Nova Scotia, Canada (originally) New York City, NYBio: Alec is a tycoon. He controls a major market of trade with Asia, and therefore is very rich. He owns a skyscraper in New York. It is basically an office building stacked on a resort hotel.

BZPRPG Profiles


"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Leah Nahal stormed out of the ISNN station, heading straight for the nearest Starbucks. Her broadcast had been interrupted by that shark, she'd been called back to the studio for no reason, none of her sources could get her anything other than something about Jodrell Bank, the League had nothing for her at the moment, and Ken wouldn't get back to her! She ordered her tea and looked around the half empty shop. Her eyes settled on a familiar face, another reporter at the station. Maybe she had more information on this whole thing that they could share. She walked over and forced a smile at the other girl. "Mind if I sit here?"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: Siren (Starbucks, New York City)"Oh, no, of course not," said Paige, smiling and pulling another seat over for the other girl. "You're Leah, right? You, uh, you work at the station."-Teezy



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IC: Leah nodded, smiling a little. "And you're Paige, right? You cover the 5:00 show?" She took a sip of her tea and grimaced. She poured a little sugar into it, and looked around for a spoon. Finding none on the table, she glanced up to the counter, where one caught her eye. Waved her hand slightly, the spoon flew across the store straight into her waiting hand. "Hope you don't mind. Ever since I went public and joined the League, it's been much easier to use my powers in civilian clothes."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: Saosin (Jodrell Bank, Manchester, England)Tilian turned and took a quick second look at N-Ber. He looked oddly familiar: almost like...He blinked once, then twice, and shook his head. Whatever. Must have been seeing things.IC: Siren (Starbucks, New York City)"It's okay," said Paige with a smile. Her iPhone, which was resting on the table, began to vibrate, and she sighed and picked it up, reading the text before setting it back down."My phone's been blowing up for hours," she said to her colleague.-Teezy



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IC: Negafire, who was still looking around the facility, noticed Tilian looking at him. He cocked his head slightly and caught the hero's eye, raising one eyebrow. "Oh god oh god oh god, he's met Plasmafire, hasn't he?" The villain thought to himself. Play it cool... Just play it cool...IC: "Anything about the Hexas situation?" Magneta asked hopefully. "All I got was a tip that the signal came from Jodrell Bank. The League was sending a team there o check it out, but they didn't need me to go along. Which explains why I'm here. Which normally wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the fact that my boyfriend disappeared today, won't answer his phone or his League communicator, and nobody I've talked to has seen a trace of him or the two other heroes he was with at the time."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: Saosin (Jodrell Bank, Manchester, England)As much as Tilian tried to forget N-Ber's look, he couldn't: something wasn't adding up. He had only met Plasmafire once or twice, but he was pretty sure Plasmafire didn't have a brother, especially with his same powers. And why did he look so worried...?Resolving to look it up later, he turned his attention back to Bruce Airey.IC: Siren (Starbucks, New York City)"Same stuff you did, apparently," said Paige with a sigh. "I heard there was a team sent to England about two hours ago, but otherwise, nothing. Just a bunch of rumors."Reaching for her phone, she pulled up 8 on her speed dial and listened to the dial tone, accidentally hitting the speakerphone button as she did so. After about five rings, a voicemail box came through."Hi, you've reached Tilian Pearson," said the sunny voice on the other end of the line. "I promise I'm not screening my calls, I just probably lost my phone again or something. Leave your name and I'll get back to you when I get back to you."She sighed and began to speak into the phone."Hey, Til, it's Paige," she said, an undercurrent of worry in her voice. "I heard some stuff about Lady Hexas and I wanted to see if you knew anything. Wherever you are...be safe, okay? You still owe me dinner."She hung up the phone and sighed again.-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: Negafire let out a near-inaudible sigh of relief. Tilian's attention was elsewhere, hopefully that meant he stopped thinking about Negafire...IC: Leah cocked her head as she heard Tilian's voice on the phone. "I swear I've heard that voice recently... Is he a hero? With the League maybe?"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: Siren (Starbucks, New York City)"Yeah," said Paige, blushing a little as she spoke. "Tilian's League. Saosin. He drops me little snippets of info when I need a story: nothing important, but little stuff that we can get an hour or two before all the other guys. Sweet guy."-Teezy



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IC: Lone was keeping his eyes open, and noticed N-ber had a worried look, and was looking at tilian as well. then it passed and it was all back to normal. it put Lone on alert regrading N-ber, who he didn't trust already.

War...war never changes.

We crawl, on our knees for you,
under, a sky no longer blue,
we sweat, all day long for you.

But we sow, seeds to see us though,
cause sometimes dreams just don't come true,
we wait, to reap what we are due.

-Rise Against, Re-Education (through Labor)




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IC: Great. Negafire caught Lone looking at him for a moment. Maybe he was being paranoid, but it seemed that they were all getting suspicious of him. This was going downhill fast...IC: "Saosin... Wait, I know him! I just met him not long ago. Seemed like a nice guy." Leah chuckled, shaking her head. "It's amazing how many heroes have ties to ISNN, isn't it?"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: Siren (Starbucks, New York City)"Yeah, it is," replied Paige, taking a sip of her frappuchino thoughtfully as she stared at her phone, as if waiting for Tilian's reply. "I guess we all have to have our sources, though, right?"She sighed."I hope he's alright..."-Teezy



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IC: Leah smiled a little at her coworker. "Hey, he's League. He knows what he's doing, I'm sure he's fine." She took a sip of her tea, sighing as she thought about Plasmafire. "Okay, this is pathetic. We need to do something to get our minds out of this rut. Any ideas?"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: Siren (Starbucks, New York City)Paige laughed a bit and was about to reply when her phone vibrated and she checked her phone."Apparently, the League's London branch just received a landing code from a League Jet about ten minutes ago. Jet was registered in Tilian's name."-Teezy



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IC: Leah raised her eyebrows and rubbed her chin. "He's probably part of the team investigating the Hexas situation... Want to head over there and check it out?" She asked, grinning. She was half joking, but... Only half.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: Siren (Starbucks, New York City)Paige grinned back."Pretty sure that we wouldn't do very much to help out with the op," she said. "If they're already at Jodrell, then they'll have Hexas apprehended by the time we get over there, anyway."-Teezy



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IC: Leah shrugged and nodded. "I guess you're right. Still, anything is better than sitting here with no information waiting for a call back either from the studio, or our sources."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: Siren (Starbucks, New York City)Paige shrugged."Yeah..." she said, before receiving another text. She looked down at it and sighed. "It's TMZ. They're running a story on Jodrell at 6:00."-Teezy

Edited by Tyler Durden



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IC: Leah groaned, burying her head in her hands. "They could blow the cover of the team working there!This is just /fantastic/! What do we do, go to their studio and keep that broadcast from happening?"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: Siren (Starbucks, New York City)"We have to," she said, standing up. "We can't let the team get stopped this close to apprehending Hexas. You have access to a League Jet, right?"-Teezy



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OOC: If I recall, Paige is a solo hero. If not, ignore the card thing.IC: Leah nodded, and dug in her pocket, pulling out a card and scribbling Paige's name on it before signing her own at the bottom. "This'll give you temporary access so you can enter the hanger and jet with me." ​She said, handing the card to Paige. She stood up and pulled the barrette out of her hair, letting the frizzy red hair loose. She twitched her fingers slightly, activating the metal mesh woven into her clothes, pulling it to the surface and transforming her plain clothes into her purple supersuit. "You got transportation?" Magneta asked, starting for the door.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: Siren (Starbucks, New York City)"Yeah," she said, pulling out her car keys. "Gimme a sec..."She pressed a button on her key, and a Chevy Camaro revved to life in the parking lot. She began to walk towards the car."League HQ, right?"-Teezy



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IC: Magneta nodded and headed for the Camaro. "Sweet car. I'd love to have one of these, but nice things don't usually last long for a hero... Especially when you can manipulate metal. I'd much rather toss my own car at whatever generic threat that comes my way than an innocent bystanders car, y'know?"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: Siren (Starbucks, New York City)Paige nodded."Makes sense to me," she said, getting inside the car and waiting until Leah was inside before driving out of the Starbucks parking lot and headed to League HQ."What time is it now?"-Teezy



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IC: Magneta glanced at her watch and shook her head. "4:45. We have a little over an hour before they air the story. Most of our time will be spent actually getting the jet, we should make the trip to TMZ quickly after that. Do we take a diplomatic approach or go in guns blazing?"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace."

"I know that one. 'Who watches the Watchmen?' Me, Mr. Pessimal."

"Ah, but who watches you, your grace?"

"I do that too. All the time."


If anyone would be interested in co-hosting a Discworld-themed RPG for OTC, please PM me!

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IC: Siren (En Route, League HQ, New York City)She sighed again."Alright," she said, taking a right turn abruptly. "We don't have time for this ********."She pressed a button hidden behind the steering wheel, and immediately, nitrous began to flow through the car. She gunned it and continued driving to League HQ.-Teezy



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