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A Special Brickfest Coverage

James Bond facing off on Bink's Tower (that building Bink was making in his blog), with some military guy. The figs and weapons were created by BrickArms.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Brickfest Exclusive

I have been shown something extremely cool this year. It is a TRU exclusive only see so far at Brickfest. It is the promo 07 set.   But I won't be telling you now, oh no.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

My Mocs Are On Tv

Or will be, dunno when they are airing it.   As Roa mentioned in her blog, Bionicle was part of a TV spot for the news up around here in Portland, Oregon. Since we didn't get much "coverage", we were given a teaser. What is even awesome, is that the reporter doing the teaser held 2 of my MOCs, Omicron and Eden Nu, and used props for the teaser. So in other words, but my MOCs had full attention.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Final Fantasy Xii Challenge

I was discussing this with Kohaku the other day, and I thought it was a genius crazy idea.   I will attempt to beat FFXII without using the License Board, which is a prime factor in the gameplay. Without it, it means I will not learn Quickenings, magic, abilities, and not be able to upgrade weapons and armor. I will have to rely on items and the starting equipment.   So yeah. Who else besides me is up for it?   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Places To Hangout

Since Brickfest is next week, I am looking at local joints to hangout at during the evening hours on Saturday, and maybe Friday. Pretty much what I am looking at (a site that Bink gave me), is clubs, pool halls, and comedy clubs. However my search is kinda limited since I am under 21, and finding 18+ places is sometimes hard to find, especially during the weekend too.   And so far the places I am looking at are pretty fun, but I need like one or two (I hop from place to place).   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

A Teacher's Dream

My sociology teacher told me that I am what teachers would dream of in a student. Most students sit in a class and are too shy to participate in discussion. However I am not like that because I pretty much get discussion rolling, and I say my intelligent views and such, not minding if I get called out on them by another student.   Which is the sad thing about students. They are scared to share their views because someone else will shoot them down. It is usually like that, and I have no problem

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

My Sexy, Lush, Silky Hair

One factor about me that I am extremely proud of is my hair. My hair is just divine. What makes it so unique that is has its own natural oils, making it silky and shine (no grease). It is also dark. My natural color is dark brown, but appears black. My dad and uncle used to share the same color, but since it has been exposed to the sun alot, their hair is lighter. Because I wear I hat all the time, I am able to keep my dark hair color. Alot of the girls I have been with say they really love my h

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Final Fantasy Team

I figured to make an FF entry about what I mainly use for FF games. Big thing is what and who is in your party.   FF3:   Knight (Luneth), Dark Knight (Arc), Sage (Refia), Dragoon (Ingus)   Basically I had Luneth (started as Warrior) and Ingus (started as Monk) as my main tanks of the game, and Refia (started as White Mage) as my healer. Arc would be in the median of magic and physical. I had him mainly as my Red Mage and Geomancer and also a Viking.   FF4:   Edge (Ninja), Rosa, (White Mage)

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Flowers, Again

Ashley got the flowers today. She gave me a call and was all flustered and happy. Told me I rocked her world hardcore.   Yeah.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Snake In A Box

So I recently been satisfying my Metal Gear Solid cravings by playing MGS3, of which is an awesome game. Although I played it so many times, I usually now run around and find new ways to kill people, and practice my aiming with guns, mainly with small automatic machine guns and pistols, since it is hard to get a bullseye when using them from afar. So I practice sniping with a pistol. I pretty much can hit the head of a solider who is camoflauged in the distance.   So yeah.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

The Shrill Of Death

You know that shrieking sound that girls make when they are like "oh my god, oh my god" excited and etc, like if Justin Timberlake walked in or something.   Yeah a girl just did that, and it was VERY loud. ><   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lord Of The Dance: The Sequel

Ok so I got the clarification for Balthier being formal or not. I won't be using the exact costume for the ball. What I will do is have changes made to make him more formal.   Changes are:   - nice pants to replace the leather - remove pouches - no guns - make sure the rabbit women are fully dressed   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

For Ashe, My Lily

This blog entry is dedicated to someone very special that I hold very close to my heart. She is going through some very rough times, and I want everyone to pray for her to get better.   We all hit that little bump in the road that sends us off course. You must gather all courage and hope you have to get yourself back on track and continue the road ahead.   You're always in my heart Ashley.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Lord Of The Dance

So AnimeBoston will be having a formal event, a Cherry Blossom Ball. I already have an escort for the event, and I plan on wearing my suit (which I looooook really GQ in). However it appears I have some requests to not wear the suit, but make an entrance as Balthier instead. Now I don't know if Balthier is formal or not. I'm getting that checked as we speak. What intrigued me was that I also have several "i wannnnnna dance with you" requests by girls already on a different forum. My escort/date

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

The Infernal Departed

Before there was The Departed (which came out last year), there was a Hong Kong film called Infernal Affairs, which came out in 2002, and made its way into the US in 2004. It is probably one of the greatest films IMO. The Chinese seemed to think so.   Movie spawned a prequel and a sequel in 2003, which thus made the Infernal Affairs a trilogy. And in such a case, probably a great trilogy as well, since most trilogies nowadays suck major, as usually one film is better, or the other films don't

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Balthier Cosplay - Complete

Well at least one version is complete anyways:     Version is from Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War.   Don't say anything about the hair. I am not gonna dye it too early.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Easiest Test Question Ever

Today I had a Math test. No biggie. We had a bonus question. No biggie as well.   Bonus question was:   "Suggest a song for me (as in the teacher) to download off of itunes"   And there we have it.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Pimp My Blog... Literally

Yes, as you can see, my blog is empty. Why is it empty? Well I decided to hold a contest of some sorts. I am giving you guys the chance to pimp out my very own blog.   So how will you pimp it? Well I will need a navigational sidebar (like I did with Balthier and Cloud), profile pic (like I did with Dane Cook), and something poetic to go along with my Factio Anima block. The only themes you can use are Final Fantasy, Dane Cook, lovely ladies, billiards, poker, anything Omi likes.   However if I

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

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