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Soundtrack To Omi's Life - Final Fantasy Inspired

* Opening Credits: Prelude - Risa Ohki (Final Fantasy Pray album) * Waking Up: Welcome to our Town! - Final Fantasy IV (FFIV album) * An Ordinary Day: Besaid Island - Final Fantasy X (FFX album) * The First Date: Oppressed People - Final Fantasy VII (FFVII album) * Falling in Love: Theme of Love - Final Fantasy IV (FFIV album) * The Rumble: Last Battle - Final Fantasy III; Black Mages variant (FFIII DS album) * The Break-up: Victory Fanfare - (Any FF album) * G

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Some Things I Noticed About Ma Residents

Massachusetts is full of quirks. Yes. Full of them. Today as I went to the mall, I noticed lots of things we do.   - MA drivers like to drive slow. Today there was this really slow driver going across the bridge. Bad part about that was there was also a huge truck right behind me. I would have changed lanes if it weren't busy. And then again on the way home, slow driver. Luckily I passed in anger.   - No common sense. This one dude in front of me, changed lanes right before a stop light (which

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

A Fantasy Reborn

Please listen to this while reading.   In an unnamed world that relies on four elemental crystals to survive suddenly turns to darkness. The waters sink a civilization. The wind stopes blowing and airships decline to the ground. The earth dies and agriculture fails to live. Raging fires cannot be controlled.   It won't be until a few hundred years later that 4 chosen Light Warriors come to the aid of the world. They traverse the lands to restore each of the crystals, and defeat the Elemental f

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

New Cosplay

Yes.   I am gathering materials for a custom pirate outfit. Basically, this is what I imagine myself to be as a pirate.   It is gonna be in all black, and will have the Gothic/Victorian feel, and will be formal-ish. So none of that Caribbean stuff.   And no swords. It is alllll guns for me. And throwing cards. Yes. He will be a gambling pirate, that uses guns and throwing knives in the shape of cards.   With Balthier hair.   Now I just need to find a black flintlock replica (plastic is ew

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

No More Itching

Yeah. No more.   That means the tattoo is close to being healed.   Well actually technically it is healed. Just the secondary layer of skin needs to finish peeling.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

The Fates Jest

So I went to the store like an hour ago to get some munchies.   And the cashier had a nice, strong resemblance to Colleen (girl who likes me), except her hair was brown and Colleen's is blonde. But she had her face.   And her name was Ellen. Same letters can be found in Colleen.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

The Omi Club

I feel like starting a club. Nothing special about it. You are just a member of a club highly exclusive to those who post here.   Wanna be a member? Then just post in this entry.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

The Person Who Likes Me

So eventually I recieved a call today from the person who likes me (Her name is Colleen). I know who it is and such.   She has a landphone (I told her to upgrade), but then out of the blue her nana grabs the phone and asks how old I was. I said 20, and she replies with "20 eh? Well I don't want you hanging out with my kid" or something stupid like that.   She is only 19 darnit, and I can't talk to her? I felt very put off by that, and I feel disrespected by that.   So yeah, I have a girl who

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Linkin Park's New Cd

So I got my hands on LP's new album Minutes to Midnight.   And I must say this album sucks. It is utter trash. Sound was horrible and the vocals was horrendous.   Now I am not flaming here. I have been a fan of LP since they were Hybrid Theory. I found their music to be inspirational. When they became Linkin Park and released Hybrid Theory (the cd), I enjoyed it much.   Reanimation wasn't too bad. I enjoyed a few remixes on there. I also loved their collaberation with X-Ecutioners.   Meteora

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Hey Nikki

Because I know you googled me and found this blog (and most likely reading it right now), I figured to be that "creepy guy", and wave from afar.   *waves*   Say hi to Mike for me, and make sure to have some good Final Fantasy stuff when I come to Tokyokid next time.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Father's Day

So today is Father's Day.   It has been awhile since I chilled with my old man. So today we did what we used to do: go see a movie.   So I took him to see Spidey 3. I hadn't seen it yet, and neither did he. So it was perfect a setup.   And to all the fathers and soon to be fathers of BZPower, happy father's day.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Sickly Weekend

So after I saw Fantastic Four and the Silver Dude with my friends, we went to the nearby Burgar King for a quick bite to eat. Now I don't regularly eat there (Mcdonalds FTW), in fact the last time I had eaten there previously was like a year ago. I had myself a chicken sandwich and some chicken tenders. Sandwich was good, but the tenders were kinda meh.   So since then I been sick to the stomach and been making the occasional "runs". Gross I know, but it happens.   So I no feel good.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Itchy Crisis

You know when you have an itch or two located around your left chest section, and can't do anything about it?   Yeah it is unbearable.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

An Interesting Turn Of Events

So a few entries back I wrote about my girlfriend (now ex), who left me for some dude, and didn't bother telling me until like 4 weeks laters.   Well it turns out the dude is no longer interested in her, putting her in the same boat I was in (I left the boat, cuz I rather be a drifter).   So as cold as it may sound, I find this to be very ironic, and a little funny. Nah scratch that, I find it to be hilarious.   This is what happens when you choose Door #2. You get crud for prizes.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Fantastic Four

So I saw FF: Rise of the SIlver Surfer today. Pretty decent film.   Galactus was intimidating.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Inked Ii - The Anticipation

So I am getting my tattoo tomorrow at 1:30 PM.     That is what has been chosen to be etched into my very skin. Its location is the left side of my chest, right below the collar bone onto the breast. The ring shall circle the nipple (since I don't want the needle going anywhere near it. Ouch. )   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard


So I plan on getting off my butt today and have James show me this cool tattoo parlor (which did an incredible job on his second tattoo) and schedule an appointment sometime this week/month.   Because I wanna get my second tattoo like now. And then my third, and perhaps the fourth.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

New Tv

Rejoice.   So I been without a TV for like a month-ish or 2. Which would mean I haven't been playing my PS2. I been procrastinating, and Black Six mentioned I should get a TV tuner thingy (I don't feel like explaining what it is).   So the TV tuner idea kinda flopped, because none were compatible with my PS2, and got a game adapter instead, which also was not compatible with my PS2. So as I return the adapter at Best Buy, I was like "screw this, I am getting a new TV".   So I did. Nothing fan

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

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