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Too Sexy For My Shirt

................... yeah   Anyways I love my white turtleneck. So snug and warm. Plus I look absolutely snazzy in it, along with my leather jacket.   I'm so GQ. B)   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Good Mood

I'm such in a good mood right now. I just wanna say you guys rule. Such a good mood I am. I'm feeling loose and free.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Corrected Flaws

It seems our friend Balthier has been released in a clearer pic (than the other one I posted last time).   In the other pic, his pouches and belt were a tannish brown, so I figured to use the belts and pouches in the FF12 version of the cosplay.   However, in this pic they appear to be white or a really light beige.   So now I have to correct those flaws.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Once You Meet Her - Elia

This blog entry is dedicated to Lyn. May your heart be forever at peace.   Considering the appropriate holiday, I figured to share a somewhat love song from the FF universe. Originally titled "Elia, Maiden of Water" for FF3, it was later revamped with lyrics for the Final Fantasy Pray under the title "Once You Meet Her".   And no one knows it - where she came from, where she is going And once you meet her, you will find that something inside is changing.   She's like a rainbow. When she

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Brickfest Bionicle Awards

These shall be the awards given for Brickfest MOCs in the categories:   Best Large Bionicle MOC Best Medium Bionicle MOC Best Small Bionicle MOC   I'm throwin out the X-Large category, cuz to be honest, MOCs can't get that huge unless you bring it.   But I'll make a trophy for that in case something happens.   They will have their custom engraved bricks to go along as well.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Happy Valentines Day, I Got You Some Poison

Article   Morbid, but yeah.   And to add to the lovely article, I shall include a little nugget of wisdom from one of my favorite books You Are Worthless by Dr. Oswald Pratt:   "Love is simply a chemical response in the brain to physical stimuli indicating that a potential mate has been found. It is not special or magical."   Morbid, but yeah.   Enjoy.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Star Wars Fad?

I notice members are sporting Star Wars themed avatars and banners. Was there some sort of fad going on?   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Valentines Day

Yeah that horrid day is almost near. I usually don't care for it, whether I have a valentine or not. My plans are at the moment dull, since my valentine is like miles away from me. Our schedules are kinda meeeeh, so it is hard to set something up. So what I plan to do is just have flowers sent to her. She likes lilies.   And of course, if any guy needs help on what to do on that day, just go ahead and ask me.   -Omi, BZP's Resident "Hitch"

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Omicron Q&a

Well since I know a few members already did this before, I figured I should too. Basically you ask me a question about myself or some random question that you wanna hear my input on.   So ask away.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Old People + Driving = Noooo

Ok first off, I respect my elders. I have nothing against old people as well.   However, when you start getting old, and your sense are not what they used to be, there is no reason for you to be on the road.   Which is what I experianced today on the way home. This dude was all over the road, swaying back and forth from left to right, going wicked slow, like 20 mph on a 45 mph road, using turn signslas for turns that didn't exist. His swaying could have seriously got himself into an accident.

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Stupifying Sickness: The Sequel

So I am getting a bit better. However I am passed the sore throat and runny nose phase. Now I am in the clogged head and losing my voice phase. So yay.   *is blogging from school*   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Stupifying Sickness

No I am not talking about Disturbed.   For the past week I have been sick. Yeah sick, like everyone else is during this time. However it is different this year for me.   My family has a great immune system, a family trait I take with great pride in. So with that in mind, I have no allergies whatsoever. I can get a bee sting, and wipe it off with a poison ivy leaf. I also rarely get majorly sick. I never had the flu, nor a flu shot. I have extremely low cholesterol, one that my doctor says that

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Mystery Gift

So I recieved a package today, contained a stainless steel bracelet for guys. Although it is nice and all, I have no idea who it came from.   I did not purchase it. My mom did not get it from me. No one that I know got it for me.   Only leaves one person left - my stalker in Boston.   Yes you heard right. For awhile now, there has been this chick in Boston who has a total obsession with me. This has been going on for pretty much a year now. When we met, she seemed like a normal person, and b

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Dirty Rotten Thievery

So today was my first day back at HCC, the college I attend. Had math and philosophy. I also took this day to buy my books.   So anyways, philosophy was my last clast of the day, and my books were directly under my seat. For whatever reason, I accidently forgot them there for a minute. When I realized that I forgot my books and went to go get them within that minute, they were already gone. Snatched away by some kid who didn't wanna do the honest thing and chase me down.   So now I am peeved,

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

New Balthier Cosplay?

So Balthier is gonna have a role in the upcoming remake of Final Fantasy Tactics on the PSP.   So this means I gotta work on a cosplay for this Balthier variation as well.   Balthier's role in the game is helping Ramza find his sister. He is also in search of the Cache at Glabados (for those who have beaten FF12, will get this reference).   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Balthier Cosplay - 80%

Yeah. All I need is the vest, which is being made as we speak.   The rest I have, ready for AnimeBoston 07 in April.   And since we are on the subject of cosplay, my special friend/accomplice/escort/girlfriend will be going as Aerith. I gave her a cute idea which she liked. She will be wielding my Buster Sword, since I won't be Cloud.   However it won't be the Buster Sword I used. It will be my other Buster Sword replica, which can be seen here, being compared with my other one. It is walnut

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Brickfest Pdx 2007

Well I didn't plan this (or did I?), but I am going to Brickfest PDX. Yes, the one in Portland. Yes, the one that is like in March. Yes, I know I am good looking.   And as fates would have it, I also happen to be the Bionicle Coordinator for this event. But things have changed. This time around though, Bionicle will have 2 coordinators, so that means there is gonna be another guy.   Of course I shouldn't spoil the details. I'm sure he will crawl out of the cave and expose himself to the world

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Final Fantasy Character Of The Week #9

This week's character is the well known villian Chaos, who has made a few appearances in FF.   Name: Chaos Game: Final Fantasy (and Dawn of Souls), Final Fantasy VII, Dirge of Cerberus, Final Fantasy XII Other Appearances in FF Series: Final Fantasy Unlimited Class: Ultimate Evil (FF1) Other Classifications: Limit Break (FF7), Omega's Squire (DoC), Esper (FF12) Attack: Hurricane (FF12)   Chaos first appeared as the main boss of Final Fantasy. He was originally known as Garland

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Final Fantasy: Unlimited

So I got myself the Final Fantasy: Unlimited DVD collection, which has all 25 episodes. Started watching it, not to shabby, kinda corny.   For those who don't know, FF: Unlimited was an anime show in late 2001 that was based in a fantasy world. Though not strongly connected to the games, it had FF elements, such as summons, Chocobo, and Chaos.   Summons look weird.   First episode had Leviathan and Bahamut duke it out. They knocked each other out.   Cuz the King of Summons ais no match fo

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Final Fantasy Character Of The Week #8

This week's FF character of the week is Gilgamesh, who makes appearences in quite a few Final Fantasies.   Name: Gilgamesh Game: Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls, Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VI Advance, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy XI, Final Fantasy XII Class: Lieutenant to Ex-Death (V) Other Classifications: Esper (VI), Guardian Force (VIII), Thief (IX), Pirate (XI), Mark (XII) Attack: Zantetsuken (VIII), Masamune (VIII), Excalibur (VIII), Excalipur (VIII), Ultimat

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

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