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New Rush Navigation

Yes as you can see, I pimped out my Nav bar with my faves. I would list them, but I feel a game is in order.   If anyone can list what each image represents in order, you shall win something. If you fail to get one right, well then you suck. Enough said.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard


I park with beauty. Most of the time, it is perfectly parallel with the lines.   And then when I get out of my car, I spend a minute or two just admiring the parking job.   Because my ego must be fed.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

My Custom Ff Class

Because I love Final Fantasy so much, I have made my own class.   The Pirate class.   The Pirate class will contain characteristics and abilities known to Gamblers and Gunners (somewhat similar to the Corsair of FFXI, but much better and not using dice.. In fact, Corsairs suck).   Pirates can equip Guns, Rapiers, and Sabers. They cannot equip heavy armor. They can wield magic with Guns (Magic in the form of Bullets) and Slots.   Attributes (with Rapier or Saber):   High Physical Damage Hi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

So I Hate My Brother

Yes. I certainly do.   See a year ago I lent him $800 (with $150 interest), so he will pay me $950. He made a promise to me that he will have it all paid back before the end of last year. In October, he left the country and moved to Germany (still without paying me a cent). He left a few things behind in my care, mainly as collateral. He tried paying me with them, but they do not add up to $950. In fact, they add up to at least $200.   So somewhere around a month ago, he moved back to the stat

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

No More Bionicle For Me

Thats right. Bionicle is done for me.   Because right now I am working on a lego project that isn't Bionicle.   I shall be building Setzer's Blackjack, the airship from Final Fantasy VI. This shall be an ongoing project, so it may never be finished, but will certainly be built at least.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

By One's Request

So the amazing Bionicle Rex had a little chat with me (nothing bad of course). Basically about my unexpected resignation and leaving of BZPower and my reasons for both.   Now what he wants me to do, is basically be a regular member of BZP until July 4th. I shall not help out in the Q&A or help other members. In fact, my role will just be another guy. That way, he will allow me to think and have time to see if my decision was clear or not, as in whether or not BZP still needs me and if I wan

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

About My Name

Ok I lied, and because daydreamer pinched me. This will be my last entry of sorts, I guess.   Everyone seems to be confused about the name Volar, and why I have it.   Well it is Spanish for "to fly", and generally used to note someone of being "fly" (as in cool).   I first came upon the word when I went to Hong Kong. There was a VIP Members Only 21+ nightclub called Volar (originally called Fly). I know the bartender who works there, so I made frequent visits during my stay in the city. I was

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

I Am Leaving Bzpower

Consider this my last entry of anything. BZP has become a lost cause and I am leaving (at least leaving my position here).   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard


As you guys can see, I was pranked, along with Kohaku, Shine, and KIE.   See, I really don't like Macs. In all honesty, I hate them and I think they suck.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Dented Trashcans

Greetings from Joe's computer (ironically, a MAC). I spent the entire weekend with friends (Joe, Lara, Paige, Jenn, and Jackie) who live in Quincy, MA, which is south of Boston. Came up Saturday and chilled out in the city, mainly by Quincy Market (good food). Then we went up to Tokyokid in Cambridge. I got my hands on a few FF soundtracks I been meaning to get a hold of, like FF6, plus a wallscroll and a Tonberry plush.   Then we went back to Lara's place and relaxed for the night. As you can

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

What Love Really Is

Figured to make an entry to give my insight on the overly used term: "Love".   But first, lets look at the current situation I am in. I have been with Ashley since October 2005. Seperated some time in the winter, and got back together shortly afterwards in the Spring-ish. We're quite the couple I admit. I held her close to my heart, and she did the same.   Now to pause for a moment. You would be thinking I am in love with this girl. But alas, I am not. You see my outlook on love is very thin,

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Something Members Need To Do

Now I know this has been brought up before by the staffers, but I'd like to bring it up because I feel very strongly about it.   When you see a topic that is pointless, spam, or anything else that violates the rules, please for the love of God report it and do not post.   You have no idea how many members drive me crazy when they disregard the report button and decide to make a post.   And what really irks me, is that most of the members who post, are ones who been told not do this quite a fe

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Zidane Cosplay

So I decided to take on Zidane from Final Fantasy IX. I shall try to tackle both his regular version and his Amano style before Otakon. If not, then I will have it ready for AnimeBoston of next year.   And if I am bored, I might attempt his Dissidia version.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Congrats To Phil... Again

Last Sunday, my best buddy and former roomie Phil graduated from the New England Institute of Art with a degree in Radio & TV Broadcasting. I was not able to attend the ceremony, sadly, however I was able to kick it like old times with him last night because it washis graduation party. I haven't seen him in like a year, and we just chilled and talked about ole times and caught up on new stuff. His girlfriend Meghan was also there. She attends NEIA and will be finishing up this fall. I got hi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Otakon Stuff

So I am all set for Otakon. Hotel is reserved. Plane tickets are booked.   I shall be rooming with two lovely ladies (and also flying down with them) and a dude.   FF cosplayers we are, and together we unite!   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Happy Mothers Day

This is for all the mothers and soon-to-be mothers of BZPower.   This day is for you. Happy Mothers Day.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Extremely Sad And Depressed

Well a few weeks ago my TV blew. Bit the dust. Died. The oppsosite of working successfully.   So with that, I haven't been playing my PS2.   And right now I wanna play Final Fantasy IX.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Things That Drive Me Off The Wall

Figured to share you my list of peeves that just drive me insane, to the point where I would sometimes punch a pillow, and the pillow goes to punch a wall.   Not in any particular order:   1. People who don't use their turn signals. I don't care if your speeding a million miles down the road and just cut me off for the heck of it, just as long as you use your turn signal to signify that your cutting me off.   2. People who don't yield. Either go when you can slip in or wait until I pass by.

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Congrats To Phil

I would like to dedicate this blog entry to my former roomie Phil. He is now working at 107.3 WAAF in Boston, which has been the #1 rock station in New England. I am really proud of him because it is the station that i idolized and also the station that my radio inspiration, Mistress Carrie, works at.   So congrats to Phil aka Big Red, my fave DJ of all Boston.   -Omi

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

Final Fantasy Character Of The Week #10

Been awhile since I done this.   Name: Setzer Gabbiani Game: Final Fantasy VI Class: Gambler Ability/Attack: Slot Birthplace: ? Hometown: ?   Setzer Gabbiani is as the game describes, "A blackjack-playing, world-traveling, casino dwelling free spirit". He is the owner of the only airship of the world, the Blackjack (which is also a casino, go figure).   Setzer has a past he would like to forget. Several years previous to the game Setzer was involved with another airship owner, Dari

Spoony Bard

Spoony Bard

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