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Aside from your MIGHTY ZAMOR LAUNCHER, what other weapons do you favor for hunting down the PIRAKA?


Excellent question, PIRAKA HAKANN. I tend to use a number of weapons with various ELEMENTAL ABILITIES granted to me by the MASKS of the TOA INIKA. As a last resort, I also use the IGNITER BLASTER, but it tends to run out of BATTERY POWER easily. The reason I do not use these WEAPONS often is because they tend to run out of AMMUNITION, whereas the ZAMOR SPHERE LAUNCHER seems to have unlimited ZAMORS.

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At this point, how many piraka have you seen in you journey to rescue the Inika?


Do not try to fool me, PIRAKA THOK! I know there are only six PIRAKA! Why they keep reappearing is anyone's guess...

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¿Por qué debe usted hacer que llora?


AHA! It's my evil arch-nemesis, GNUKLEAR! You think you can distract me with a QUESTION in a FOREIGN LANGUAGE I cannot understand? I am too smart for that TRICK, GNUKLEAR! Now hold still while I charge my ZAMOR SPHERE LAUNCHER.

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Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?



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Who is this "Gerlicky" that I keep hearing about but seems to have disappeared when you came?




Never heard of him, PIRAKA HAKANN! I have seen PIRAKA VEZOK from time to time, though...

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How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


I don't have time for such trivial QUESTIONS, PIRAKA ZAKTAN! Don't you realize the TOA INIKA have been kidnapped and stripped of their MASKS?

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Which of the TOA INIKA MASKS do you like to wear the most? Which do you find the most useful?


When fully upgraded, each of the MASKS prove themselves useful in different SITUATIONS. I haven't had much time to study them, since PIRAKA usually steal them from me. I must endure more TRAINING.

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How many MATORAN have you encountered in your quest to defeat the PIRAKA and MYSELF and rescue the MASKS of the TOA INIKA?


Zero. VOYA NUI has been strangely desolate of any MATORAN since it was invaded by PIRAKA...

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would you like some of this delicious cake? it tastes of PIRAKA


I don't trust anything a PIRAKA hands me, PIRAKA ZAKTAN! Now taste ZAMOR!

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How many Piraka have you defeated?


I believe I have defeated all six PIRAKA at least once, until they revive somehow and magically appear somewhere else on VOYA NUI.

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What do you think of the HERO FACTORY?


I think they could use a trusted CONSULTANT such as myself. That is, after I finally defeat the PIRAKA and save VOYA NUI.

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What if I told you I really AM PIRAKA ZAKTAN!


WHAT?! I thought the entire time you were PIRAKA VEZOK! Prepare for a ZAMOR to the face, PIRAKA ZAKTAN!

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Toa Igniter, have you ever encountered a Rahkshi (or at least a Rahkshi variant, like myself)? What would you do if you ever met one?




Of course I have! They are obvious PIRAKA minions that work for the PIRAKA. Usually I've seen red or green ones, all of which are easily defeated. I've only seen a blue one one time. Thanks for your question, PIRAKA AVAK. Now prepare to face ZAMOR.

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Ohno, I got zamored! Hey waitaminute, since when are Piraka yellow?


Real next question... sort of:

Do you realize that the cake is a lie and pie is a fib, and cookies are false?


Don't try to distract me! You are PIRAKA AVAK! You cannot fool TOA IGNITER! No one can fool TOA IGNITER! Not even lying cakes, fibbing pies and false cookies!


(Editor's note: Toa Igniter sees anyone yellow as being Avak.)




*... You do realize that I'm a female, right? Female Piraka, huh, wonder how that'd work out...


(It doesn't matter to Toa Igniter.)

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What do you think of Sarah Palin?


Never heard of her, PIRAKA THOK! My priorities are finding the TOA INIKA. I do not have time to focus on the rest of the world! It will be destroyed unless I save the TOA INIKA!

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The world's already been split in three... and reformed again...

Where've you been for the past three years? :P


No wait, don't tell me... fighting Piraka. Say 'lo to Vezok for me, eh?


Oh by the way... Do you like waffles?


I have mixed feelings toward waffles. I generally have no time for breakfast because I am out... hunting PIRAKA, of course.

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Hellos. Who made you? Why is it you're mainly seen without a mask on, yet you brag on using the toa inika's mask. Now I believe this statement to be false, for how exactly are you to obtain a Inika mask? Also, you do realize that the Inika turned into Mahri?


...what are your thoughts on Matoro? Do you believe he's still alive, or are you THAT deluded.


Oh and what do you think about purple orangatangular dinosaurs?




~Exon :hau:


I don't entirely know how I was created. I don't have a lot of memories prior to my arrival on VOYA NUI.


Because PIRAKA steal the MASKS from me and then I lose them and have to find them all over again. Also, I can use three different kinds of MASKS, but the MASKS of the TOA INIKA prove to be the most beneficial for me.


They are generally scrambled all over VOYA NUI. Occasionally I see a PIRAKA wear one. In cases such as that, I will not hesitate to rip the MASKS right off of their face!


The TOA INIKA will always be the TOA INIKA! Why don't you realize that?


TOA INIKA MATORO has been captured by the PIRAKA and stripped of his MASK. If they killed him, then I'd have a serious bone to pick with the PIRAKA...


They must be pretty harmless compared to the PIRAKA.


And yes, you are PIRAKA HAKANN! Stop trying to confuse me, PIRAKA! I've already had to teach the other PIRAKA that TOA IGNITER cannot be fooled... the hard way!

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i izn zak10 im a noob. WITH AN AXE THAT SHOOTS BURRITOS! YAAAAAHHHHHH!1@ZZ520`!!!!!``~




You seem to be trying too hard to be a NOOB. But I can see straight through that disguise, PIRAKA ZAKTAN!

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Why have you already called three different people Hakann in this Q and A?


They aren't all different people! They are all the same person: HAKANN! Obviously he has many unanswered questions, AVAK!

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