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Weekly Update - 1/16

Black Six



Late again. Perhaps this Sunday thing was not such a good idea.



ChocolateFrogs posted a review of Splitface, slowly whittling down our 2012 first wave set list. There's not too many more to go, and we're working on them.


BrickFair Alabama went on this weekend (hence the lateness of this update) and while there Jim Foulds revealed some 2014 set info. That's right, he skipped 2013 and went to next next year. Nothing earth shattering, but it might get you thinking.


Speaking of BrickFair, I got to hang out with Watashi Wa and Emzee, who were awesome as always. I unfortunately didn't find any other BZPower members in the crowds, but it was a great time nonetheless.


We also got a new Lord of the Rings poster featuring Aragorn. I think we can expect more of those to keep popping up as we get closer to release.


Let's see if anyone actually reads this far. I'm thinking this should be my last Weekly Update. I feel like I haven't been doing as much as I could with the format by basically regurgitating the news and not adding much else new. Obviously you guys don't seem to be big fans based on the low number of comments and small number of mailbag entries.


So if I choose to stop them, I will endeavor to still post at least an entry a week about something BZPower or LEGO related, since that was kind of my purpose for starting this thing in the first place.



1. If there was a fad on BZPower that had people changing their Avatars and Signatures to images of Macadamia nuts, how would you feel about it?


2. What do you think the best prank that you staffies pulled on BZPower was?


3. Do you ever get sad when you go for weeks and weeks on end without getting any mailbag questions?


4. Tea, coffee, or hot cocoa?


5. Would you rather get 50 mailbag PMs, each containing only one question, or 1 mailbag PM, containing 50 questions?


Thanks! :)

1. I'd feel like the world was out to get me.

2. The one you guys haven't even realized yet. ;)

3. Yes! So sad. :(

4. Hot cocoa.

5. Somewhere in between, like ten PMs with five questions each.


1) Who is the best pony?

1. Sorry, not the area of my expertise.


Hey Black Six,


I was wondering if you ever accidentally a train? Thanks!


- Toa_hahli-marhi-huskie984037_3

Hmmm, definitely not on purpose.


Hello Mr. Black Six I have a few question I'd like to ask.


1. Where did you get your avatar?

2. What's the best thing about being BZP's Admin?

3. What's the worse thing?

4. Do you have any thoughts on BZP's future?

5. What is your favorite Bionicle Story Serial?

6. Do you have a favorite Bionicle character? If so, who?


Thank you for your time.

1. Schizo Kaita did the original sketch and I colored it in.

2. Getting to interact with all the members and with LEGO and other fan groups.

3. Banning/punishing people.

4. I have lots. I've posted a few in the topic Gatanui started.

5. The Toa Nuva Blog? That's the only one I can remember reading beginning to end.

6. Let's go with Tahu for nostalgia's sake.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Alright, I have to get ready and then catch a plane. Have a good week everyone!


Recommended Comments

I check this blog whenever a Weekly Update is posted; I just don't always comment because there's not always much discussion that can be held on the blog itself.


If I may make a suggestion, perhaps you could change your Weekly Updates into a more column-esque format, offering your opinions on recent news, events, etc. (Notice how your opinion was that you should end the Weekly Updates and you now have an extra comment providing feedback. :P)

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I, for one, read your entries. However, I rarely comment due to not having much to say and rarely send mailbag questions because I can't think of anything good to ask.


I don't know how many other members are like that - for all I know, I could be the sole outlier in that regard.

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If I'm not spurring discussions, it seems like there's little point in posting an entry. You can get pretty much the same info by reading the front page for the most part.

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