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2012 Candidates



I'm going to vote for Obama, because I believe he is, as of right now, the best choice for the country of all the major contenders.


Any comments that I suspect may lead to arguments and flaming will be deleted with extreme prejudice. This is a blog, not a bar fight.


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I'm going to vote for Santorum, because I believe he is, as of right now, the best choice for the country of all the major contenders.


- 55555

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I'm going to vote for Santorum, because I believe he is, as of right now, the best choice for the country of all the major contenders.


- 55555


I would second this statement, but I don't know enough about Santorum's economic plans.


I don't like any of the candidates on either side.




I feel your pain. I don't like any of the candidates much, either. :P

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*resists urge to take about a fire-related subject and then claim to be flaming* :P


Shame we can't get into mature and in-depth political discussions as to why so-and-so would be better than who-is-who, but the "mature" part is unlikely to happen so I guess we can respect the rules.


Also for Obama, BTW. :)



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It's hard to follow it where I'm living; the only time most Canadians open their mouths about it is to laugh at the whole thing. So I asked my dad, like I usually do when I can't decide (he's pretty awesome about voting for the "best guy", not just one party) and he said that it was all scaring him and he was just going to hide. So I guess I'm going to vote Obama because I like most of the stuff he's done thus far. XD


Also yes I tried using the internet as a source for selection, but it resembles a room full of preschoolers hyped up on sugar and beating each other senseless with their sneakers.

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(vermin supreme 2012 woohoo)


I too am in the Obama camp, for I believe he's more of a moderate than anything else. (Among some other things, but I'll stay out o' that here.)

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Terrified is a better description for how I feel towards a number of these candidates rather than depressed. It's not like I have any say in this though, or if it actually makes an ounce of difference to me (though I guess indirectly it does???).


My vote would be for a 2nd term if I could. I'm not filled with great confidence though.



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I support Santorum, but if Romney is the nominee, I'll probably vote for him only because he will still be accountable to the voters. I don't trust either Obama or Romney, but Romney would still have to worry about being reelected in 2016. An Obama win wouldn't be so bad, I think, as long as the Senate is handed over, any of the ideas Obama had when he was talking to Medvedev will have to be get through Congress too, so there's a nice even balance of power.


And if Romney is lying, I'm more inclined to believe he will be more conservative than to think Obama will compromise with Congress. These last two years have basically been both parties waiting to get full control of Congress. If the one big thing that came out of the Democrat Congress years has its mandate overturned by the Supreme Court, then the only major accomplishments really would be two years of writing a bill that will probably have to be repealed without a mandate, and two more years of deadlock thanks to both sides thinking they will win Congress and the Presidency.


The more Romney gains, the less interested I am in the first election I will vote in.

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Everyone, I interrupt your simple commenting to say I honestly appreciate your civility. I haven't had to destroy a single comment so far.

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If I could vote, it wouldn't be Obama. Can't say I'm incredibly knowledgeable on the other candidates, but I have heard the pros and cons of the others and would prefer them to Obama.

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Honestly? I'm not going to vote at all, because I can't and everyone just seems to be trying to kill each other right now. I'd probably vote Romney though if I was forced to. At gun point.

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