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I've always wanted to drop down from a ten story building and then fly before I hit the ground. I've also had many fantasies of flying over the surface of a lake while looking at my reflection in the ripples, reaching out a hand and skimming it on the surface of the waves. Also, I do have a bit of anablephobia, and I think flying would be the best medicine for it. Not to mention I could get awesome air shots if I bring along a camera. ^^


Oh, and I could use this power to save cats from trees and whatnot... XP (I get the chance to pick a superpower and all of the reasons are for my own self benefit. It's no wonder I'm not a super hero. XD)

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I have thought so hard about this question and just can't figure out what I want. Telekinesis would be so cool, but there's also gravity control and astral projection.


I'd also be okay with time manipulation. Or the ability to generate infinite amounts of money by cloning quarters.

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Either telekinesis or being able to shoot lightning bolts out of my hands. The former would be more useful, but really ... who hasn't wanted to go all Emperor Palpatine on somebody?

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My soul having complete control over my body.


That of course gives quite a few super powers inadvertently. But overall it would make life much easier.

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The ability to control time - I could freeze time, write an entire comedy/epic/whatever, and then have it all ready to post in what would seem like a split second!

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:kaukau: Complete and unconditional indestructibility. Let's just assume that super-strength comes with that. I definitely prefer basic innate abilities. I can only think of the rush of doing things that normally would have been insane or suicidal. There would be so many things I would not have to worry about. Granted, there are other powers where you can do much bigger things, but this takes care of all the small things. I'm content with that. There are still some thrills. Plus, consider that this isn't an offensive ability. I don't want something that could too easily be used as a weapon. Invulnerability is much more inviting and safe.


Second to that, I'm definitely a fan of flying. Sure, it's not as applicable as teleporting, but the more I think about it, the more exhilarating it seems it should be. Just the power you'd feel coursing through yourself, that you can defy the simple rules of physics.



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I love this question.


Anyway, I have a couple of top ones. For sheer awesomeness and "omg look what I can do" factor, definitely telekinesis and teleportation.


Otherwise, having healing abilities (i.e. self-healing factor and the ability to heal others) would be by far the best in terms of practicality and general usefulness. This wouldn't even have to violate conservation of mass/energy, necessarily.


As for why it would be useful? Well, other than simply never having to deal with injuries or illness again, I technically also have biological immortality, as I can repair all damage to my body that aging would bring, including unwinding of telomeres that leads to bodily deterioration, and thus never have my body break down to die. Also, if the healing factor is strong enough, I can only be killed by complete destruction of portions of my body, as if I'm shot/stabbed/something like that, I can just instantly heal the wound as it happens. Of course, all of these can be applied to others as well if I'm in close proximity or contact with them.


In addition, with a healing factor that extends to healing others, I'm instantly one of the best doctors in the world, and can heal tons of people at once, and also command a high salary for healing the rich. Fame is assured, and I can survive assassination attempts from crazies due to my powers.


Also, since healing from things such as viruses and bacteria would be accomplished using realistic means, such as forming antibodies and antibiotics via the healing powers, I'm also going to likely be the father of new vaccines and antibiotics to be reproduced after the relevant molecules/compounds are identified in people and synthesized. Ergo, more fame and more chances to help people.


Oh, yeah, and I also can't go drunk on the dark side and use it as a weapon, either. That's good too.



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:kaukau: I've considered the healing one. What really tempts me about that one is that it could also ensure that I didn't outlive loved ones by many lifetimes. The major downside, though, is how exactly to become a doctor using such unexplained skills that people would want to know more about, and the medical community would still want me to be qualified through education. I think I would personally want to keep a low profile. Actually, I would probably just join the marines or something like that and contribute to the lives of others anonymously. I see that Ballom thinks in the same way as I do, though, in that neither of us want powers that could be used or interpreted as threats to others.


By the way, I just have to reply to this:




Chuck Norris. I win.



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About the part of the medical community wanting you to be qualified: well, if you're going to live forever (or just a very long time), you can spend a few years in medical school early on to get people off your back. :P



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By the way, I just have to reply to this:






Chuck Norris. I win.

Using unfunny memes that should have died with Michael Jackson isn't a convincing counterargument.

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