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This exists. WHY!?!

Scanty Demon


HarryxVoldemort! Is there a mental institution for people who ship this? Examples:



Summary: Harry is alone at Privet Drive, doing practically nothing until Voldemort pops up in his head. Being lonely, and Voldemort insisting in not leaving, they talk. Harry finds out a few facts he didn’t know, leaving him both confused and crying, and excited. What will the Gryffindor Golden Boy do when he’s coming to stay at Riddle Manor for the summer, and learn exactly how far Dumbledore’s manipulations go?


When Voldemort decides to visit Grimmauld Place, Harry willingly decides to accompany him. The summary is pointless so just read the story. LVxHP complete


HP/LV, HP/LM, HP/SS. Taken as a child, Harry grows up knowing Nagini as his caretaker and Voldemort as a person that he'd like nothing more than to impress.


I get some people ship enemies but this is ridiculous. It's like shipping Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler (and that probably is a real ship). My sanity has decreased.


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It felt like someone punched me in the soul just reading those descriptions.


I now have the urge to do a Teridax x Tanma fanfiction for no reason other than to whittle away at everyone else's sanity.

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There are also Lewis x Clark shippers out there. They have über kawaii anime fan arts.


There are also Obama x Romney shippers. Their celebrity couple name is "Obamney" and it might be the scariest thing I have seen all day.


I can't think of any other "wait what???" ones off the top of my head at the moment.

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Could be worse, I have heard of others like Professor Snape x The Teletubies, Band of Brothers x The Jonas Brothers, and Goku x Anne Frank (yes THAT Anne Frank, did I mention Hitler is a super saiyen too?).

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Professor Snape x The Teletubies


...I'm just sitting back in disbelief right now. It's like the writer just put names in a hat and drew them out at random.


Actually, that said I once saw an amv-esque thing shipping Heath Ledger's Joker and Aerith from Final Fantasy. I'm sad to say it absolutely ruined some of The Joker's best lines as I start attaching them to that video every time I watch The Dark Knight now.

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To be fair, I think there's a ship for every Harry Potter character combination out there. At this point, it's not so much that one combination exists, but that there's so much popularity for it. :P



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There are also Obama x Romney shippers. Their celebrity couple name is "Obamney" and it might be the scariest thing I have seen all day.

Those images are the best. Creepy, yes ... but hilarious.

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There are also Obama x Romney shippers. Their celebrity couple name is "Obamney" and it might be the scariest thing I have seen all day.

Goku x Anne Frank (yes THAT Anne Frank, did I mention Hitler is a super saiyen too?).


My response to these can be seen in the following gif. Please click this (*starts crying*)


I heard something about Neil Gaiman shipping George Bush x Saddam Hussein...


See above for reaction. Also I think that person has completely missed the point of the Invasion of Iraq, as in they know absolutely nothing about it in anyway possible.

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