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I think we can all appreciate that something as Internet-y as Homestuck fanart made it into a syndicated comic strip. And it ain't bad fanart either.


I keep considering getting back into Homestuck but I'm still at the beginning of act 6 so screw it.

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Somewhere between the first and second book/chapter/act/whatever.


Yeah, I know it picks up later on because somebody actually gave me a synopsis of how things went, but that still wasn't enough to justify continuing IMO.


Takuma Nuva

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I personally don't see the point in sitting through four or five acts just to get to what everyone says is the "good stuff". I got just about as far into it as Tak did.


I don't hate it, but I'm not really a fan.

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Basically what Sumiki said. I can do with "slow starts" to an extent (read: KOTOR, MLP, ATLA), but that's just a bit excessive.


Me, I only got a little bit sick of seeing the stuff everywhere, but I just kept my thoughts to myself on that since there wasn't anything actually wrong with it. Besides, we more than got back at that with all the bronies running around. :P


Takuma Nuva

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Yeah, Homestuck actually requires commitment to get into. I mean, I've been at it for, like, almost four years, and we're still going. Now, if you ask me, it's all good. The first acts are just a good bit more personal and detail oriented.


Honestly though, Tak, I really doubt you'd like it, because the dialogue can get really crass. Vulgar beyond belief.

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Yeah, call me impatient, but at this point there's so much backlog to work through I'm not really interested. And I get the impression it gets really, really convoluted later on.


So, same boat as Sumiki, I guess.

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The funny part is, the first act of Homestuck is only a little more than 4% of the entire comic, which hasn't ended and won't for at least a sizeable while yet.


I can definitely understand people being put off by some 5,600+ thousand pages, but it's a bit unfortunate. It's a great experiment of internet-based storytelling, and some of the things it pulls of are really quite awesome and interesting.


Personally, I feel that labeling certain parts of the comic as "the good parts" and "the boring parts" is a pretty counterproductive thing to do. It labels the the first three acts as something you have to drag through as opposed to something you should try to enjoy. I love the fist few acts, and really, I feel they're necessary (well, maybe not all the sylladex shenanigans, but other than that) since they build a fundation that the remainder of the story builds upon. Homestuck was always meant to start of very mundane and increase in scope and complexity exponentially as it went on.


Really though, the "boring parts" (acts 1-3) are only around a fifth of the comic, so if you find those boring and manage to get through them, the "payoff" of "actually enjoyable story" is much greater.


Though I maintain, that saying the first few acts are not entertaining is pretty dumb.


And also, Problem Sleuth is cooler.

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Act 1 is hard to get really into (until you re-read after having caught up, and then Act 1 is fantastic and amazing). I tried twice before giving up and thinking that the comic was boring and thinking everyone here was crazy for being into it.


I finally read deeper and further, and by halfway through Act 2 was pretty hooked. People say Act 4 is the one where it gets really good, but that's not true at all. By Act 2 and 3 I couldn't stop reading. In fact, I think Act 5 is the worst of the bunch, even though it has the best animations. The trolls really slow things down for me.

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