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What About... A D&D RPG



So in Portalfig's blog, a few of us noted how many of us had so many profiles made. After thinking of what to do, a few of us (myself included) wondered if we could have an RPG. So I ask, why not? Of course, I won't be the one to do it, because I don't have the skill necessary. But who knows?


Also, I retook the test again. I only got better stats. Here they are.


Ability Scores:

Strength- 12

Dexterity- 11

Constitution- 11

Intelligence- 14

Wisdom- 14

Charisma- 13


EDIT: Bumped so this doesn't drop off the face of the blogs too soon.

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Roll20 seems to be what - no alternatives have been suggested.


Ninja is either Executioner Assassin or Rogue.


Also, I forgot two classes: Seeker and Runepriest. I'll add them to my post.


Now, another majort factor to classes other than role is power source. This determines where you draw your power from. There are six power sources: Martial (Physical abilities), Divine (Godly), Arcane (Magic), Primal (Nature), Psionic (The Mind), and Shadow (A plane of darkness). Here are classes by power source:







































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The only issue I see is scheduling, I have a limited amount of time to dedicate to this, and I don't know if we can 'pause' the game and return to it later or something.

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The only issue I see is scheduling, I have a limited amount of time to dedicate to this, and I don't know if we can 'pause' the game and return to it later or something.

...and now I might chime in and point out that I probably live in an entirely different time zone than the rest of you and thus wouldn't be able to attend/participate in real-time events. Which is a pity. :(

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You can always pause a game - D&D adventurers can take multiple sessions. Probably, we would have to do real time, and try to accomodate for all.


Well, I hope that in case of real time there'll be a time window available where all of us can join... *hopeful*

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Or at least most of us. It doesn't hurt if one or two people miss a session, right?

Not at all - as long as we aren't missing all of one role. (no Leaders = no healing, etc) In addition, it seems like the group will be pretty big. If we have 10 people at a max, then five people can miss the meeting and we'll get along just fine.

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Okay, I'll try to get in, though I do need training like Blade. So I think I'll either end up a Wizard or Fighter then, unless Valkyrie has an equivalent.

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I'm in! I played a game once before, though I was playing as a caveman...which is quite different from a wizard.


Dual classes are allowed, right? If so...i'd end up using a primary Monk, secondary wizard class setup. to minimize squishyness.

because facepunching and slinging magic missiles at the same time sounds fun.

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As much as I like the idea of PUNCHING THINGS WITH MY FISTS, I'll probably end up a Fighter/Wizard. Which one is primary? Dunno. =P

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I'm in! I played a game once before, though I was playing as a caveman...which is quite different from a wizard.


Dual classes are allowed, right? If so...i'd end up using a primary Monk, secondary wizard class setup. to minimize squishyness.

because facepunching and slinging magic missiles at the same time sounds fun.

There are two ways in which you might "dual-class" in 4e: hybridization and multiclassing. Basically, hybridization is chosen during character creation, cannot be undone, and dilutes your class features/mechanics but allows you access to the powers of either class. Multiclassing, meanwhile, is chosen as a feat generally requiring a decent number in one or two stats and giving a small benefit keyed to your second class, plus proficiency with any of its implements (wands, etc. that enhance arcane/divine/etc. powers). Note that you can only have one multiclass at a time (with the exception of Bards) but can undo your multiclass by retraining the feat. Both options count you as members of your second class for the purpose of feats, etc. and can be improved with more feat investment; feats allow you to swap powers of your primary class for your multiclass, while the Hybrid Talent feat can be taken once to give you another or an upgraded version of your hybrid features from one of your classes.

Speaking from experience, hybridization is not advisable for newer players. While it allows for the best of both classes' powers and doesn't cost a feat, it minimizes the basic benefits of each class in exchange and cannot be discarded if found wanting. Even knowledgeable players often find creating and playing a hybrid to be treacherous. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing inherently wrong with playing a hybrid and they can be just as epic or well-done as any other character. They just tend to demand a lot of thought and a ton of TLC. So I would recommend any wishing to be a member of two classes to take a multiclass feat for that.

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I updated my first post on the last page with links.


But I agree completely with Geralt - single class is your best bet. Also, JiMing - try out the swordmage, in the Forgotten Realms Handbook. It is basically a guy who uses forcefields to defend himself, and then wields a sword.

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I don't know why. But those are the simplest three, so you can google them. The last two are easy to find, but the first is titled "Untitled"


Voltex, if you want to have an animal companion, go with the Beastmaster Ranger option found in Martial Power 1.

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