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#1 way to start a fight in the BIONICLE community

believe victims


hold a strong positive or negative opinion on the Toa Phantoka/Mistika




(mine is negative by the way. they suck. discuss.)


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I don't think that's the #1 way to start a fight. And I don't think "arguing about what the #1 way to start a fight in the Bionicle community is" gets the top slot either, although I'm willing to bet it's in the top ten.


I always thought the general consensis was the Phantoka / Mistika were disliked. I'm of the opinion that some were better than bad, but others truely failed to capture their character... at all.



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I've started some truly rowdy fights by holding a strong opinion on them, and I've never found a way quite as effective, besides maybe saying I hated Bionicle getting dark and gritty.


Oh, and discussing gender issues in Bionicle. Now there's a good way to start a fight.

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Oh, and discussing gender issues in Bionicle. Now there's a good way to start a fight.


To be fair, most of the gender discussions have not ended up fights at all as of recent.



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I love them and I hate you obviously because reasons


but yeah tahu and gali were decent sets, just terrible for their characters. Love all the rest though.

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I understand the reasons why people disliked the Mistika and Phantoka, what with the not-looking-like-the original versions thing, but honestly, considering how much I despise the original Nuva masks, the fact that the 2008 masks look nothing like them made me pretty happy. I also liked the masks themselves, since I never minded that the masks got "complicated" or what not. Honestly, I pretty much liked all of Bionicle pre-2010, even the parts that people now criticize endlessly such as the messy "complexity" and the dark grittyness, Teridax's everything, the serials, how things got explained, and etcetera. 2009 was like my favorite year.


I mean, it's not like I don't see what's wrong with them or anything. (generally speaking) I can recognize all the flaws in everything that was going on, just, I still liked it. But that's just...it. It's not like it's anything worth getting worked up about, really. Some people just like to argue.

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I can generally see why people disliked the Phantoka/Mistika, so I don't get into a fuss when people dis them. Except when they dis Pohatu in particular, because he was better than every single one of the others. :P

(Is dis when used in that manner spelled with one S or two?)

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What discussions end up ending up in fights probably depends on what part of the community you're in.


Personally, I have mixed feelings about the 2008 Toa. They weren't the worst sets ever, they weren't the best sets ever.


Pro: Most of them had pretty diverse and creative weapons and gear. Some of their had masks had considerable similarities to the characters' previous masks. Their equipment and color schemes gave them a sense of visual unity and helped set them apart from previous and later sets.


Con: Their designs weren't very new on a structural level, or very much like the earlier characters they were based on. The similarities to the characters' previous masks were generally very subtle, and the differences sometimes inexplicable. Their color schemes weren't terribly diverse.

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No, the best way to start an argument is obviously going to be "Is New Bionicle better than Old Bionicle"

Oh boy I can see it coming from miles away and it makes me sad why people would do that.

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I think I'm neutral towards them. Yeah, they weren't great and all but sometimes I get weirdly nostalgic for them


I also kind of like Onua but that has less to do with actual set quality and more about the fact that he's (supposed to be) Onua


his launcher was horrendous though

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besides maybe saying I hated Bionicle getting dark and gritty

Really didn't mind the darker and grittier years of Bionicle to be completely honest. Might they have gone overboard a bit, sure but I still liked it.

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besides maybe saying I hated Bionicle getting dark and gritty

Really didn't mind the darker and grittier years of Bionicle to be completely honest. Might they have gone overboard a bit, sure but I still liked it.



The thing that most emphasizes my opinion on Bionicle's dark and gritty period has to be Pridak's markings. Bionicle got so deep into dark grittiness that they designed a character with clear bloodstains on his mouth and blades.... and then had to retcon it as "patterns" when somewhere along the line someone told them bloodstains were inappropriate for a children's toyline.

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The thing that most emphasizes my opinion on Bionicle's dark and gritty period has to be Pridak's markings. Bionicle got so deep into dark grittiness that they designed a character with clear bloodstains on his mouth and blades.... and then had to retcon it as "patterns" when somewhere along the line someone told them bloodstains were inappropriate for a children's toyline.



holy moly those were bloodstains weren't they?



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No, that is not #1. 


Release new Bionicle sets. That will start a war faster than a pin drop.

That may be true, but as ordinary fans it's far easier to post opinions on past sets, don't you think? :P

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The thing that most emphasizes my opinion on Bionicle's dark and gritty period has to be Pridak's markings. Bionicle got so deep into dark grittiness that they designed a character with clear bloodstains on his mouth and blades.... and then had to retcon it as "patterns" when somewhere along the line someone told them bloodstains were inappropriate for a children's toyline.

I never once thought it looked like blood. I'm also not convinced that Krika got all they way into production before somebody said, "whoa, no blood". There's also the fact that there are plenty of bugs that have red-on-white color motifs.


So, yeah, I, personally, don't buy it.

Takuma Nuva

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The thing that most emphasizes my opinion on Bionicle's dark and gritty period has to be Pridak's markings. Bionicle got so deep into dark grittiness that they designed a character with clear bloodstains on his mouth and blades.... and then had to retcon it as "patterns" when somewhere along the line someone told them bloodstains were inappropriate for a children's toyline.

I never once thought it looked like blood. I'm also not convinced that Krika got all they way into production before somebody said, "whoa, no blood". There's also the fact that there are plenty of bugs that have red-on-white color motifs.


So, yeah, I, personally, don't buy it.

Takuma Nuva



Right..... the SHARK Barraki with the BRIGHT RED splotch around his mouth and on the tips of his blades totally wasn't meant to be bloodstained.


I'm not buying that that wasn't the intent.


Krika is a different case, as his red and white pieces aren't colored in such a way as to suggest bloodstains. Pridak obviously is.

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