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Garreg Mach

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why why why why why why why (Smash Files 61) [spoilers]




Jigglypuff Profile


Species: Jigglypuff

Series: Pokemon

First Appearance: Pokemon Red and Blue (Gameboy, 1998)

Favourite Appearance: None. I hate Jigglypuff in all ways, shapes, and forms.

Party: 1st

Known For: Being stupid

Excitement Factor: 0/10 - Please remove Jigglypuff now


Dr. Jigglypuff will be the next clone character ugh

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I'm pretty ambivalent about Jigglypuff. Not my favorite fighter to use, but her moves are unique enough, and she serves as a good counterpart to Pikachu (for instance, wearing the female protagonists' hats like Pikachu wears the male protagonists'). Plus her final smash is AMAZING.

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If he is removed in a patch I will love Nintendo forever. It sadly won't happen, though :/

/calls Jigglypuff a he


/alts include hats from the female Pokemon protagonists


There are a multitude of reasons why Jigglypuff made it in and has stayed a mainstay of the series. She got in for being the second most popular Pokemon in Japan during the anime's beginning AND being Sakurai's favorite Pokemon overall. She has stayed in by being one of the Original Twelve. Xaeraz is correct, remove ANY character from the Original Twelve and you have committed a cardinal sin.


Jigglypuff's at least fun to mess around with and makes for a trollish character to use, so I don't mind. =P

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Not THE best, but SSBWiki says she was fifth on the tier list. She also benefited by having the best recovery in top tier BY FAR, and a finishing move that can KO at 25% easily. 


Needless to say, Jigglypuff will always have some fans running around.

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I'm not great, but I do enjoy playing as Jigglypuff, particularly in 4-player matches with friends where you can just mess around in the sky and not lose any stock.

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@Evo: In the future, I'd prefer not to be insulted for my taste in characters. I'm fine with you disagreeing with me - for example, Xaeraz and Arc have voiced their disagreement in a manner that I'm totally fine with - but I will not be insulted. 

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I've never gotten the "I don't like this, remove it now" mentality some people have agains fighters in Smash. Just...don't use them? No one is forcing you to use them. And there's always someone out there who enjoys and mains a character, no matter what that character is. That's kind of the point of having such a large selection of characters! There's just no real reason to be so angry about it, I guess is what I'm saying. Someone out there is happy with their Jigglypuff. They would not be happy if it was taken out. Let them have their fun. 

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If you're waiting for the day Jigglypuff gets removed from Smash, you're going to be waiting for a loooooooong time. You should know that nothing will remove the original cast of Smash.

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If you're waiting for the day Jigglypuff gets removed from Smash, you're going to be waiting for a loooooooong time. You should know that nothing will remove the original cast of Smash.


Indeed. I have resigned myself to being eternally disappointed in this regard

But I can still be disappointed

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@Evo: In the future, I'd prefer not to be insulted for my taste in characters. I'm fine with you disagreeing with me - for example, Xaeraz and Arc have voiced their disagreement in a manner that I'm totally fine with - but I will not be insulted.


Fine. Truth be told, I was kinda being sarcastic- had I been serious in terms of insults I likely would not have used the word "trash" three times and also use punctuation- but I can see how that would fall through and be misinterpreted as something serious. Next time I'll slap a few burnmad emotes on for good measure.


You want my honest opinion? I started maining Jigglypuff out of spite for people who despised it (such as yourself) and actually got pretty decent with it. Very handy for Smash Runs due to its high mobility.

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