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Garreg Mach

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how to feed eleven people



I am buying lunch for myself and ten others today


This was the worst idea of my life


With my luck the reservation will somehow be cancelled or forgotten too and then it'll just all fall apart




E: Update: Everything literally went just about as perfectly as possible. I can now say that I have actually successfully organized a social event hooray

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I don't think I even know ten people I'd buy lunch for.

Well, Tex's friends probably own firearms


He's way too evil to ever feed hungry people on his own free will

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Hey, if you really want it to go sour you could always invite me




I don't think I even know ten people I'd buy lunch for.





I don't think I even know ten people I'd buy lunch for.

Well, Tex's friends probably own firearms


He's way too evil to ever feed hungry people on his own free will



On the contrary, I am actually far less evil than I appear to be


I just need to care enough to not be evil


Which of course, does not occur very often


But it does occur


Kill the fattest person and use their body to feed the remaining ten.


None of them are terribly fat, actually. Some are larger than others, but I'd say they are all of what one might refer to as a "healthy size", whatever that is.


Plus most of them are in theater or dance, and are so wonderful that they must be allowed to survive

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Provide them all with horses and the basics of archery (bow, quiver full of arrows, guard & glove... Robin Hood cap)


Then, notify them that their meal roams the nearest wilderness


- :burnmad:

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have you tried five loaves of bread and two fish?


actually, wait.. only eleven? did Judas not show?

The correct number's 13, if you're adding them.

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didn't realize the eleven was counting OP, I only read the title tbh and that's what it reminded me of.


I guess Peter was a no-show too, probably off somewhere pretending not to know Lucina.

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You could get a pizza.


I dunno what the other folks would eat, but then you'd have a pizza for yourself.



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E: Update: Everything literally went just about as perfectly as possible. I can now say that I have actually successfully organized a social event hooray

Now to become President.

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In the event it does go to heck, could you bottle your tears for me?


I'm working on a potion.


No tears for you


Provide them all with horses and the basics of archery (bow, quiver full of arrows, guard & glove... Robin Hood cap)


Then, notify them that their meal roams the nearest wilderness


- :burnmad:


I will keep this in mind for my next social gathering


didn't realize the eleven was counting OP, I only read the title tbh and that's what it reminded me of.


I guess Peter was a no-show too, probably off somewhere pretending not to know Lucina.


That gosh darn Peter

He's probably making friends with Petyr Baelish too


You could get a pizza.


I dunno what the other folks would eat, but then you'd have a pizza for yourself.




We have all gotten pizza multiple times before, actually

I consider one of them my good luck charms, because I have never successfully had a pizza actually reach me unless she was present


So how many boxes of Shreddies did it take.


Not as many as you would think



E: Update: Everything literally went just about as perfectly as possible. I can now say that I have actually successfully organized a social event hooray

Now to become President.



This is the only reasonable course of action

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E: Update: Everything literally went just about as perfectly as possible. I can now say that I have actually successfully organized a social event hooray

Now to become President.



This is the only reasonable course of action


I would vote for you. 

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