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My Cat Takua's Dead



The vet called us an hour ago, and told me and my family, our cat, Takua, died.




~ Bioran


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Let this Pakari Nuva give you strength to carry on, Bioran :(


I'm sorry Takua died. Believe me, you're not the only one to be robbed of a furry companion. -Swert

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It makes me sad when things like that happen, even when I don't even know the animal.

Anyways, my personal condolences to you and your family. cheerup_drkmun3636.gif

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...sorry to hear that, Bioran. I know how it feels to lose a cat (Three cats, actually), so I get how sad you must be right now. Again, I'm sorry it had to happen. :(
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:( Sorry to hear about it Bioran... I was saddened when I saw the notice on BS01 this morning, having read about it last night on here... Man, I'm not at all good at these type of things...
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Let this Pakari Nuva give you strength to carry on, Bioran :(


I'm sorry Takua died. Believe me, you're not the only one to be robbed of a furry companion. -Swert


Ditto :( I have had exactly 12 cats either run away or die. :cry: What's wierd is that they were all female cats...



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I`m really sorry.Wish there was something I could do to help you.I know! :tohu: Let Hapori Tohu guide you through these rough times my friend.

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If it makes you feel any better, my cat died too. Ironically, I named him as well. (Not the same name, but it's obvious your parents didn't name him that) So, yeah, I feel your pain.

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I'm so sorry for you. May you carry on in your time of need. Always remember your kitty and all the fun times you had. I remember my hamster Thunder after she passed away, and I know how hard it is to deal with such a loss, but carry on and be strong.

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I am a cat lover and my family once lost a cat because of cancer. I am really sorry that Takua died, the feline is a sweet and loving animal. My personal condolences to you and your family.

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