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Turffles Breakup, Turffles Reunite

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Laughin’Man: Aha, found it

Turakii: What?

Laughin’Man: Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? [Two-Face tries to raise his arms] I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it! You know…I just do things. The mob has plans. The cops have plans. Gordon's got plans. You know…they're schemers. Schemers trying to control their little worlds. I'm not a schemer.

Laughin’Man: That's why there's nothing on my To-Do list =D

Turakii: You chase cars?

Laughin’Man: No

Laughin’Man: The Joker has an odd way with metaphores

Turakii: That's the Joker? =O

Laughin’Man: Yep =P

Turakii: You're the Joker? =O

Laughin’Man: No

Turakii: Ooh

Turakii: Good

Turakii: Suddenly finding out you're engaged to the Joker would be the shock of a lifetime


Laughin’Man: =P

Turakii: :fear:

Turakii: *Dives behind nearest furniture.*

Turakii: *Ring flies from behind furniture and bounces off your head.*

Laughin’Man: ...I was just kidding... =,(

Laughin’Man: ;.;

Turakii: *Is hiding.*

Laughin’Man: *Crawls into a corner and sobs.*

Turakii: *Sniffle.*

Laughin’Man: *Sob.*

Turakii: =(

Laughin’Man: *Sobsobsob.*

Turakii: *Curls into sad ball behind couch.*

Laughin’Man: *Sobsobsob.*

Laughin’Man: *Reaches out, picks up the ring, and hugs it.*

Turakii: *Sniffle.*

Laughin’Man: *Sob.*

Turakii: *Crawls out from behind couch.*

Laughin’Man: *Sob.*

Turakii: *Crawls over.*

Turakii: *Hugs.*

Laughin’Man: *Hugs back.*

Laughin’Man: *Sob.*

Laughin’Man: *Stares at the ring.*

Laughin’Man: *Sob.*

Turakii: *Dries your face with tissue.*

Laughin’Man: *Hug.*

Laughin’Man: I'm s-sorry... I was joking...

Laughin’Man: *Sob.*

Turakii: It's okay...

Laughin’Man: *Sniffle.*

Turakii: *Offers comforting Larry plushie.*

Laughin’Man: *Hugs it.*

Laughin’Man: *Looks at the ring again and cries.*

Turakii: Is it a sad ring? =O

Laughin’Man: You gave it b-back...

Turakii: To the Joker!

Laughin’Man: I'm not the Joker..

Turakii: You're not?

Laughin’Man: No...

Turakii: Oh, good

Laughin’Man: *Sniffle.*

Turakii: What?

Laughin’Man: You still gave it back... D-does that mean we're not getting married?

Turakii: Um

Turakii: Um

Turakii: You seem disinclined towards giving it back...

Laughin’Man: *Holds it out.*

Turakii: *Holds out hand.*

Laughin’Man: *Puts it on your finger.*

Turakii: *Hugs.*

Laughin’Man: *Hugs back.*

Turakii: Friends again!

Turakii: "Today we almost broke up and called off the wedding because I said I was the Joker, but then it turned out I wasn't so everything's going as planned."

Laughin’Man: *Hug.*

Turakii: You sure love that Larry plushie

Laughin’Man: *Hugs you.*

Turakii: Oh

Turakii: *Ruffles your hair.*

Laughin’Man: <3

Laughin’Man: *Pokes your nose.*

Turakii: My nose!

Turakii: *Leans against you.*

Turakii: *Stares at wall.*

Turakii: Isn't that the most beautiful plaster wall you ever saw?

Laughin’Man: It is!

Turakii: Sure could use a sunset...

Laughin’Man: Hmm

Laughin’Man: *Reaches up and pulls a screen down.*

Laughin’Man: *Starts projector.*

Turakii: =O

Laughin’Man: It's a projection of a sunset =D

Turakii: ^^

Turakii: I have to get off for dinner now =(

Laughin'Man: =(

Laughin'Man: I'll have to very soon, too...

Laughin'Man: I'll miss you =(

Turakii: I'll miss you too, beloved ;.;

Laughin'Man: I won't stop thinking about you, my darling ;.;

Turakii: Nor I about you!

Turakii: Farewell, dearest!

Laughin'Man: Goodbye, sweetheart!

Turakii: *Waves ringed hand.*

Laughin'Man: *Waves back.*

Laughin'Man: *Sniffles.*

Turakii: :(

Turakii: *Runs away.*

Laughin'Man: :crying:




Recommended Comments

You go through relationships fast, Turakii.

First Carapar, Now this?


Careful, Turakii. Don't let ~Waffle~ go hunting big, red, slimy freaks with tentacles any time soon.

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0.o ...Um...Turakii, you're scaring me. I think I need a hug...*Curls up in fetal position in the corner and waits for someone (hopefully Wind-Rider of Le-Koro) to hug me*...<.< >.> What? You aren't the only one with a crush on someone you met online. :guilty:

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0.o ...Um...Turakii, you're scaring me. I think I need a hug...*Curls up in fetal position in the corner and waits for someone (hopefully Wind-Rider of Le-Koro) to hug me*...<.< >.> What? You aren't the only one with a crush on someone you met online. :guilty:

Who says I have a crush on him? I'm just married to him. :P





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0.o ...Um...Turakii, you're scaring me. I think I need a hug...*Curls up in fetal position in the corner and waits for someone (hopefully Wind-Rider of Le-Koro) to hug me*...<.< >.> What? You aren't the only one with a crush on someone you met online. :guilty:

Who says I have a crush on him? I'm just married to him. :P







Now it all makes sense.



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0.o ...Um...Turakii, you're scaring me. I think I need a hug...*Curls up in fetal position in the corner and waits for someone (hopefully Wind-Rider of Le-Koro) to hug me*...<.< >.> What? You aren't the only one with a crush on someone you met online. :guilty:

Who says I have a crush on him? I'm just married to him. :P





Well, something tells me marrige between people who don't even have a crush on each other end well. :P Besides, weren't you married to Larryboy, then Carapar, and then that Elric dude? Remember, you're married to all of them in that one story from my blog. :P

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0.o ...Um...Turakii, you're scaring me. I think I need a hug...*Curls up in fetal position in the corner and waits for someone (hopefully Wind-Rider of Le-Koro) to hug me*...<.< >.> What? You aren't the only one with a crush on someone you met online. :guilty:

Who says I have a crush on him? I'm just married to him. :P




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