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Sleeping Woes

Lady Kopaka


Well if some of you guys were uniformed, I got my license yesterday. The driving test wasn’t that bad at all. :)


But to the point of the entry…bah. Over the past month, I don’t think I’ve ever slept past 10am so much in my lifetime. Awhile back, I couldn’t conceive myself sleeping later till 9, but now, well, blah.


As a homeschooler, I’ll be truthful and say I’m not totally concerned about getting up at 6 or something every morning. 7 or 8 are perfectly fine. But recently, I inexplicably messed up my sleeping habits. My mom and I theorized that it’s taking a long time for me to actually fall asleep (which is true :/), and when I do its very light. And then close to morning is somehow when my body actually decides to really sleep, hence I snooze late. I assume my body is trying to compensate for the loss of sleep. I'm not sure about that though, it's only a guess.


I’ve tried forcing myself to get up, but when that alarm goes off, I am really asleep; I don’t want to even move.


Do you guys have any advice, or have been in the same situation? I’ve experimented a bit on going to bed at certain times and such, but nothing is really working out. I’m getting a bit concerned about it and I don’t want it to continue either, it’s not a good habit.


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Guest kopakanuva13


Ugh, I hate insomnia >___<

I still haven't really found a solution to compensating for missed sleep; trying to sleep earlier doesn't help, and taking pills and supplements only makes you drowsier in the morning D=

I would love to say that you'll get used to it, but it causes acne and mood swings so no... x3

So I really have no advice O=

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Usually it takes me...two hours I'd say, to really fall asleep. I only really get tired after 11pm, and then I can go on until 2am without really yawning. Usually that's when I really go to bed, because I never seem to be really tired.


My advice is to listen to some music. For example I have LotR as an audio play, or Gregs Biocasts help too.

I also have getting up windows. If I wake up before 7 I am tired all day. Around 8 is perfect. If I sleep much longer then 10 I know I easily get headaches.


I can't give any real advice, seeing as I am messed up there as well ;^^

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Listen to your iPod or music player with headphones? I used to do this and there was a really cool app for the Touch, White Noise, and it just played sounds like rain, the beach, washer machines, etc. It even had a timer to stop playing after a while to save battery life. I always had it on 20 minutes and I never heard it stop. I deleted it because I got used to it and can fall asleep faster, but sometimes I listen to music and it works. =\


I have been trying things out though. Try to imagine a dream and just go with it. I've tried to imagine I'm looking at my sleeping body and then walk away and go do something. Something adventurous or something. Then just let it develop and eventually it will be a real dream....


Or get sick as you get tired at like 10 PM. >>

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Hooray for getting you license! Congrats! =)


Ugh, sometimes it'll take me ages to fall asleep as well. Music can help quite a lot. It sometimes works for me, but I tend to try to stay awake to hear the end of the songs even though I don't want to.


I noticed that it can take me an even longer time to fall asleep if I'm using my computer a lot right before I go to bed, especially if I'm talking to people online or watching videos. Not going on a computer about ten to twenty minutes before you go to bed might help as well.


Of course, being completely dead-exhausted from a track meet or being super busy all day will put you to sleep very quickly but it's not very fun at all.

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I don't have any advice to offer; I have to get up at a certain time because I have to get to school by 7:45 and it takes a long time for me and both of my siblings to get ready.


I really started getting up earlier after I went to camp and we had a wake-up call (and of course a limited amount of time available for breakfast). But unless you can somehow convince your parents to force you up earlier and make you breakfast at a certain time (which is not a really reasonable expectation of adults, from what I've seen), I don't think I have anything to suggest.


Maybe find a TV show that comes on early in the morning that you have to get up for? That used to work for me back when I watched saturday morning cartoons (although, obviously, it only worked on saturdays :P).


Hope you come up with some solution soon. :)

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I have a similar problem in that I almost can never properly get to sleep and it takes absolute ages to get to sleep infact this usually leads up tome sleeping in past breakfast and about several hours late for lunch on the weekends which is annoying(More specifically lunch seeing as I haven't had a proper breakfast in a year).

Infact the only way I can actually guarrantee a good nights sleep for one night is if I starve myself of sleep the previous day.

This has had a really adverse effect on my personality where I once was well a lot less grumpy but after Insomia starded I became more sarcastic and cynic frequently,however sometimes I go through a few moments of happy go lucky-ness then pack to the sarcastic.

Although my Insomnia may be partly because my bed is incredibly uncomfortable I can feel the springs poking into my back for crying out loud!and also it's directly next to the always on radiator and accidentaly poking your foot at a red hot radiator in your sleep isn't fun let me tell you.



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Well, I too have troubles sleeping. I generally fall asleep wait later than I should, so idk... Go to bed earlier? A flashbang as an alarm clock might work...

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I know what you mean by the sleep thing. I'd sleep lightly until just before morning making it really hard to just get up out of that bed at 9 or 10. I finally had to totally rearrange my sleeping schedule. Instead of staying up so late, I go to bed at ten and get up around 5. That seems to work much better for me.


Hopefully that's helpful in some way.


Oh, and I've decided to start watching your blog simply 'cuz my good friend Turakii tells me you're awesome. I figure I'd try getting to know you. d=


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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Thanks for the advice or just suggestions guys. Last night was somewhat of an improvement.


I relaxed, did some stretches (yoga ftw) to relax my muscles and was able to jump in bed by 10:30. Sometimes going to bed early really doesn't help, but I think in most cases it beats it when you original habit may be 12:00+. I had trouble getting to sleep at first, but I probably fell asleep by 11:00 at the most.

I believe I slept pretty well actually, and I got up at 8:00am without a alarm clock. I probably could had done 7 or 7:30, but I think my body is still trying to catch up on sleep so I didn't push it.


And to sum things up, I am promoting and suggesting these ideas that others have pointed out:


-Music does help, but not rock stuff. Usually classical, or something very dreamy or soothing. Ever listened to Enya? That's perfect stuff right before bed.

-For us, our minds are really active. School, life issues, creative ideas, etc. That's why you should turn off the computer or TV about 30 mins before bed, just to let your mind relax and not worry about anything.

-Doing some stretching helps. Not some long ritual, but some simple stuff to help your muscles relax. Yoga is a good way to do that.

-Reading a book can sometimes not be a good idea, but if you choose the right one it can help you get drowsy and bored (homework?). Drinking some tea (non-caffeinated) also get you drowsy.

-I think one of the biggest problems for us is that when we lay down, we're so intent on actually sleeping that we don't really get to sleep. I don't think it's a good idea to pressure yourself to sleep. Just don't think about it, and if you really can't fall asleep within an hour, I hear it's a good idea just to get up and read a book or something, until you get tired.

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You're, what, 16 and it's taken you this long to have this happen? I'm surprised that hasn't happened already. Apparently when you're a teenager your sleep cycle shifts by a couple hours, so you go to sleep later and get up later. Don't worry about it too much, unless you're regularly staying up past 12 (Like me. Judging by everyone else's comments, I guess we're all in the same boat)... Now, sleeping lightly isn't so good though. I'm afraid I don't really have any advice here, as I've been told I sleep in a similar fashion to a rock. I've slept through thunderstorms before.


I just realized: Ha ha, a rock. How fitting.

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......as I've been told I sleep in a similar fashion to a rock. I've slept through thunderstorms before.


I just realized: Ha ha, a rock. How fitting.

I do that as well. Like, an earthquake hit the city I live in one night a couple years back, and everyone in the house woke up except me. The next morning was so confusing when everyone at school was going on about some earthquake that I slept through.


You know what is like, impossible to sleep through? Fire alarms going off a metre away from your head at three in the morning when the alarm decides to do a "random battery test". So not cool.

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*To Takuma Nuva*: Turakii's right. She's always right.


*To Lady K*:I have two theroys.


1) Lady Kopakas need a whole lot more sleep than other people. This results in thier sleeping 10+ hours a day.


2) You have inbibed a very large quantity of Caffine/Sugar, and it has drastically messed up your internal clock, making you sleep more than normal sometimes. This is also the case if you have certain nights where you sleep for very little time.




1) You're going to have to deal with either being tired, or sleeping in.


2) Perform strenuous exercises until you are "dog-tired", and then sleep. If the problem is not resolved, ask you doctor.


current side-effects are mild to deep insomnia, jerkiness, nose pain, overdue bills, bad credit, house impoundment, and attorneys. :P

Yeah, I started rambling. But who doesn't these days?



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-Music does help, but not rock stuff. Usually classical, or something very dreamy or soothing. Ever listened to Enya? That's perfect stuff right before bed.

-For us, our minds are really active. School, life issues, creative ideas, etc. That's why you should turn off the computer or TV about 30 mins before bed, just to let your mind relax and not worry about anything.

-Doing some stretching helps. Not some long ritual, but some simple stuff to help your muscles relax. Yoga is a good way to do that.

-Reading a book can sometimes not be a good idea, but if you choose the right one it can help you get drowsy and bored (homework?). Drinking some tea (non-caffeinated) also get you drowsy.

-I think one of the biggest problems for us is that when we lay down, we're so intent on actually sleeping that we don't really get to sleep. I don't think it's a good idea to pressure yourself to sleep. Just don't think about it, and if you really can't fall asleep within an hour, I hear it's a good idea just to get up and read a book or something, until you get tired.

I usually sleep with my Claude Debussy disk playing softly. It's a wonderful mix of piano and orchestral pieces by the greatest mood-inducing composer ever. =D I also use trance music and just slip away. Another trick I use is I 'dream' up my own place, like a fantasy world, and just immerse my mind in that, which will put me to sleep rather effectively. I usually get dreams on that subject later on, too. Also, my bed's near the tin roof, so when it's raining, the constant drum on the roof makes me sleep.


I should shut my computer off earlier than I do. Yeah... >_>


I'm like Zen. I never can get the hang of yoga and stuff and usually end up getting more frustrated than ever. xD


Chamomile tea sweetened with honey is always a good bet for a slepytime tea.


Tis' hard not to pressure myself when I have to sleep quickly, though. :P



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OMG the same thing has been happening to me for the past couple days....Then again, staying up past 3 in the morning watch Red vs. Blue probably has something to do with it. :P

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My mom said that she had this when she was in high-school, and when see looks back at it she can tell it was caused by all the cafine(sp?) she was having, So she suggsets cuting out all cafinated beverages at three P.M and se if that helps.

Just a thought.

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