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Starbucks Or Caribou?!

Takuma Nuva


So, a friend and I are having a little disagreement as to which is better: Starbucks or Caribou Coffee.


I've decided to run a little poll to see what you guys think and prove which one is better (which I shall not state yet in order to maintain unbiased-ness)!






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At first I thought you were deciding between going to Starbucks and eating a caribou, since I didn't know that was the name of a coffee place.
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Am I the first person here besides Takuma who knows about Caribou Coffee? O_o


Anyways, tricky choice for me, seeing as I've not been to both enough times to be a connoisseur... I like coffee from either, but can't decide which I like it more from.


I say Caribou because it has free WiFi access, UNLIKE STARBUCKS >8(


~ :a: :t:

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Never been to any of the two, but i don't trust a coffee shop with the name of a creature like a moose. :P

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There are more Caribou Coffees near where I live then there are Starbucks. I've never had a problem with Caribou Coffees hot chocolate.


Caribou Coffee is my vote.

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takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:


Yes, but I don't know if we have a smoothie place here. Unless Jamba Juice counts.


I change my mind. I agree with Nukaya. JAMBA JUICE.

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I think I've had Starbuck's smoothies before, and I've had their hot chocolate before, so I vote Starbucks.


...and Ynot, with all due respect, EDIT YOUR SIG! It still cuts off your post a bit!

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...and Ynot, with all due respect, EDIT YOUR SIG! It still cuts off your post a bit!

What is this all about Ynot's sig? I've yet to see it ever interfering with his posts.


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

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...and Ynot, with all due respect, EDIT YOUR SIG! It still cuts off your post a bit!

What is this all about Ynot's sig? I've yet to see it ever interfering with his posts.


takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva:infected:

Yeah, I keep my sig nice and slim

I dont want it erased(Again)

Which is why I Always keep a backup of the code...Just in case



Ok, I have just weant and purchased a smoothie of the same flavor from booth stores

I must say Caribous is better

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Just a quick example. Ynot's edited his sig, right? Well, it still looks too big for my liking. For example, all I see at the end of the bottom line is "SOMEBODY EDIT". Somebody edit what?! Also, I can't quote you, Ynot. YOUR SIG PULLS THE QUOTE TAB FAR OFF ON THE END. I don't know how to take a screenshot... Anyone here know? I'd like to prove to Ynot that his sig is still waaaaaaaaay too big.
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