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Those Sneaky Dentists

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


So you walk into the dentist's office, merry and happy and unsuspecting, ready for another day of teeth cleansing. You settle into the comfy chair and smile at him without a care in the world.


And he says, "I'm going to brush some gel on your mouth to make it numb, okay?"


Still blissfully ignorant, you nod and open wide obediently.


And he says, "I'm going to give you some shots, okay? This won't hurt a bit!"


...Shots? You open your mouth cautiously, eyeing him with suspicion.


"Now," ---he flashes that smile you've learned to dread from anyone who makes a living in the medical profession-- "if this hurts, just grip the arms of the chair, okay?"


Then, before you have a chance to analyze his statement, he waves those creepy pliers, grabs one of your teeth, and proceeds to yank it out of your skull, as though he were eradicating an alien parasite and not something very much embedded into your jaw where it ought to stay.


Thus unknowingly declaring war betwixt his descendants and yours for generations to come.





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They did that to me once as well, except it was them cementing a wire retainer to the back of my teeth and failed to inform me of this fact until they were partially done with it.


I can't wait til I get my wisdom teeth pulled out.

Not fun. EVER.


Especially when your dad thinks it's a great idea to schedule the whole ordeal the day after your 16th birthday, which means your brother eats all of the leftover cake that is supposed to be yours, but you can't eat it even if you wanted to, because you're still all woozy from the painkillers and can't move or eat anything without the strong desire to vomit.


Then again, I had a really bleh reaction to the painkillers they gave me, so it's probably not really common to have that bad of a experience.

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I'm getting my wisdom teeth surgically removed next week! :D

'cause tehy don't have room to come in... lol

Other than that...never had any teeth removed...'cause I gots perfect teefs the Doc says. :3 lol

*Jordboy1 has never made the previous smily face ever, you will not remember this post of his again*



-Jordboy1 :miru:

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*Imagines an apocolyptic battle between throngs of Turkiis and dentists.*




takumasmilie.gifTakuma Nuva :infected:

...Turkeys have teeth? :blink:

Turkiis, not Turkeys. Get it straight. :P

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It's awful. D= One time they had to numb my mouth about 9 times. Then I realized that "slight pinch" they were talking about was actually "pain of a thousand wasps stinging you," and I told them no, I didn't feel it now, and surrendered to the wasps.

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I've had a part of my jaw numbed, to get a peice of a baby tooth that was reluctant to come out. the Doc said it wouldn't hurt, but it did.


and i'm going to the Dentist next week... :fear:

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I think my teeth have super powers or something. I haven't had one pulled or had a cavity. And I don't even brush them all that thoroughly, too! :P
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I had to have fillings two weeks ago.

The injection didn't hurt... the gum i was given was obviously fresher than the one you were given...? :blink:

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Last time I went into the dentist to get a tooth drilled, the pain meds didn't work at all.


I felt everything. D:



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I saw a Dentist horror movie and now I don't want to ever go back. The last time I was there... I was waiting in the waiting room for FOUR hours ><


I got those pesky bands off my teeth though, which is AWESOME.

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