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Week 34 Winner / Week 35 Picture

Takuma Nuva


First off, this week's winner is (almost non-surprisngly given how often he is) Tor Skirata!


Secondly, this week's contest is two-fold. As a 35th week special, I'm going to give you all a chance to submit a picture to be used in a caption contest! :o It can be anything, just as long as it's in accordance with BZP's rules and such 'cetera. Also, I'd rather these were PM'ed to me to keep this entry cleaner.


Thirdly, don't know how the idea for this week's pic popped in my head. Don't ask.




With Mata Nui banished and Teridax in control, the Order of Mata Nui had no other choice but to use their secret weapon...




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I won again!? I honestly hadn't noticed I won so often. =P And I didn't think I was going to win this time, either.


Anyway, I can't think of a caption for this one. I might throw somethin' together for what you mentioned, though...



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Chuck Norris Fact: Chuck Norris doesn't rule the world. Chuck Norris is the world.


Based off the fact that Mata Nui is the Matoran world.


Extremely lame, I know.

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Man, I've gotta come up with a non-Chuck Norris joke related caption! (I personally think they're annoying, but whatever.)




Presenting Robo-Chuck, the best way to prevent your house from intruders!

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When the Great Beings said "Let there be light, Chuck Norris said "Say please."


Yeah, it's just an edited version of a Chuck Norris joke. :P

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This explains so much...


Caption: Chuck Norris's roundhouse kick is the reason why the southern islands in the Matoran Universe are uninhabited.

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Caption: Log: Day 7: Attempts at restraining Chuck Norris in a human body have failed. He has resumed his full power and...Oh no, HERE HE COMES!

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Chuck Norris wanted to have Mata-Nui's body. Mata-Nui refused. Mata-Nui was lucky Chuck only shot him into space in a mask.


It sucks, I know. =P

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So that's the infamous Chuck Norris.

I'm not even gonna bother with a caption. I can't think up anything, and I always lose anyways.


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