The Brick Is A Lie
This was a triumphI’m making a note here: huge success
It’s hard to overstate my satisfaction
We do what we must because we can
For the good of all of us
Except the ones who are Skrall
But there’s no sense crying over every mis-click
You just keep on trying till you run out of brick
And the science is cool and you make a neat tool
For the people who are... still browsing
... still browsing...
... still browsing.
CONTEST Contest contest...
Do you think the cake is a lie? Can I haz yr cheezburgerz? Do all your base belong to us?
Make your own meme!
First of all, if you don't understand a word I've just written, click "back" before your eyeballs are scarred for life. This isn't for you. If you nodded knowingly and muttered, "Shake that baby app," you're the one I need.
What do I need, you ask?
I need random schtuff. I need you to put a nonsensical phrase together. I need the most random, off-the-wall, weird, "what the heck did he just say?", left-field gobbledegook that you can come up with. Then, unbeknownst to my colleagues within LEGO, I intend to plant it into some of the work we're doing for 2010 (probably later in the year). It should be short and sweet, something able to be spraypainted on a wall (not that I advocate that in any way, of course). You can have multiple suggestions - simply edit your comment. Questions will be ignored in the order in which they are submitted.
The prize? Um. Well, yeah. About that. How about my undying gratitude for as long as I remember (which, given my advanced senility, is about 45.6 seconds these days. What was I saying?). Srsly.* No prize except Binky saying, "You won!"
What you should do:
Post in this comment field, with one or more nonsense phrases. No crudity, no swearing, nothing like that. I'll be watching you with the little webcam built into my forehead, so I'll know when you're cheating, I'll know when you're awake, I'll know if you've been bad or good, so you better be good for goodness sake... wait, that's Santa Claus. I didn't know he had a webcam built into his forehead too.
As you can tell with the random nature of this blog post, I'm looking for wacky stuff. The less sense it makes, the better - and who better to ask than you guys? (Bam! Inyerface.)
I don't know where this will turn up, or if it will. But if it does, in a year or so, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you may have contributed in some small way. I'd love this to become viral and meme-worthy, and I feel confident in sliding this past my colleagues into a game, to bamboozle them.
Just remember - the brick is a lie.
Let the nonsense begin!
* Don't you just hate it when old folks try to be "hep"? Isn't it just... so embarrassing? Sheesh, have some dignity, you old fogey!
UPDATE: The nonsense doesn't have to be BIONICLE related. In fact, it shouldn't be related to BIONICLE characters or settings.
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