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Re: Funerals

Takuma Nuva


You know, I've always thought funerals were set up wrong. I mean, all these people come to bid goodbye, say things like "He was such a nice guy too!" or "HE WAS TOO HANDSOME AND INTELLIGENT TO DIE! *sobsobsob*".


Me? I don't want to miss all this stuff! That's lame. Ergo, I have decided to have an early funeral right here on BZPower in my blog. You may all come and pay your respects and throw me all the flowers at your leisure. This way, when I die for real, you can say, "Oh you mean he's actually dead this time? Ok. Well I went to his last funeral so I won't be at this one. Don't have the time."


Well there you have it folks.


I'm dead now.


RIP Takuma Nuva 1989-2009*

(*subject to change)


<End Track>


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Does this mean I have to fire you from my comics?


"Who? Oh, I can't PGS him. He died. How? I dunno. He just posted on his blog and said he did."

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No, no, no. You're doing it all wrong. You have to pull a Tom Sawyer and fake your death, then sneak into your own funeral during the eulogy and reveal that you're still alive once it's done. That, or you can con someone into whitewashing your fence, it's up to you.

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*Sobs.* He was such a good ex-boyfriend to me... the best ex-boyfriend I ever had. *Takes deep breath and sniffles.* We had such amazing memories together... chasing each other with chainsaws... tying him to a stake and attempting to burn him to death... sending our rabid zombie armies armed with machine guns to each other's houses... all while our friends looked on eating popcorn. *Presses handkerchief to eyes.* And yet, even as we were tearing each other's hair out, even as we shrieked how much we hated each other, even during the time he decapitated me, I knew deep inside that I would never have an ex-boyfriend just like him.


*Gently lays bouquet on top of the coffin and ties a balloon reading "Happy Deathday" to the handle.*


*Walks out slowly, sobbing into her handkerchief.*



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*Sobs.* He was such a good ex-boyfriend to me... the best ex-boyfriend I ever had. *Takes deep breath and sniffles.* We had such amazing memories together... chasing each other with chainsaws... tying him to a stake and attempting to burn him to death... sending our rabid zombie armies armed with machine guns to each other's houses... all while our friends looked on eating popcorn. *Presses handkerchief to eyes.* And yet, even as we were tearing each other's hair out, even as we shrieked how much we hated each other, even during the time he decapitated me, I knew deep inside that I would never have an ex-boyfriend just like him.


*Gently lays bouquet on top of the coffin and ties a balloon reading "Happy Deathday" to the handle.*


*Walks out slowly, sobbing into her handkerchief.*





What is it my turn? Ok, here goes:


Takuma Nuva was one of the first members I friended on BZPower, and this came about after me eagerly eating up his every word in comedies and his reading of my lonely, slow-to-be-updated Epic.


Takuma was a great guy to have around BZPower and we will all miss him forever more. He was funny, witty, and smart.

Goodbye, Takuma. We'll miss you.




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Here's mine, then




Hey Takuma.


I didn't really know you, but you're cool with Turakii, so you must be pretty cool in general. B)

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*Sits in his seat quietly, wondering if any noticed he didn't finish his last Caption contest*


Well, Takuma, I hardly knew ya...

*Anima dig up grave and loot the body*

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...Did I miss the lootin'? I'll just go take his Wii... (Even though we already bought one for de X-Mas)


Blade, you think too much like me. :P


(I really was going to just comment and say, "I call the Wii.")

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